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Everything posted by meatball77

  1. I can't figure out why everyone doesn't quit. There is no prize (although I'm guessing they're getting some daily rate for pay) it seems so they're allowing themselves to be mistreated for what? But then who knows, the passage of time is unclear. It seems like a lot of the show is set up. They're not making all those beautiful artistic shots without shooting them specifically for the moment.
  2. Well, that was the best thing I've watched all summer. Kristen Chinoweth is perfectly over the top. Murder Board! Murder Board!
  3. The FLDS is not unlike a lot of these cults in that when it started it was off but not as crazy but then got more and more controlling as the years went on. Norma apparently had a pretty normal life, obviously her grandkids aren't. . . .
  4. I was worried that there would be nothing that I hadn't seen before in the FLDS episode but Norma was something else. The blind devotion just floors me
  5. I loved the entire season (except for the grifters plot, that was stupid). I think they've done a good job with Avonlea beyond what we have in the books even if it is a little too Degrassi in the Victorian era at times. . . .
  6. Dale the Lobster!!! The pantomime was so bad and so good.
  7. It reminded me of when people don't believe that a woman was raped because she doesn't cry enough or she goes on with her life or acts happy or gets a few details wrong that she must have made the entire thing up. The crime was weird, it reminds me of the Jon Benet murder in that it's just a weird crime that just makes no sense. It's got elements that are just strange.
  8. The beatings. OMG Then CPS stepped in but didn't do things right so they got all their kids back. The cafes on college campuses for recruiting is creepy.
  9. So there's this. . . . . https://www.buzzfeed.com/michaelblackmon/abc-proposal-cancel-pull-sexual-assault-michael-friday?utm_term=.caD9YRYg3P#.obrV1y1p9Y Background check company fails again. . . . .
  10. We didn't hear much about what this group believes did we? Just that they're descendants of the Moonies. Super crazy about the machine guns. Those photos of everyone looking all fancy and posing with their weapons.
  11. What is with these people (cult members) just sending their kids away. Sending their kids away at 8 and 10 and then basically having nothing to do with them after that. Not even knowing (or caring) where they are? We saw it in Scientology, in this cult, and in the one last week. This is the first group without a major sexual abuse problem. Now I'm sure it's there (kids being sent away from home as tweens is just asking for problems) but not the big problem with this group. Instead we've got labor trafficking and starvation. . . .
  12. Probably, they didn't go on much about the faith, although the weirdness there was mentioned. The outrage was over the ignoring the sexual abuse. Which seemed bad until this week. The could have done an entire season on the horrors of this group encouraging child sex. The scarf dance. So horrible.
  13. I was just floored by the Children of God. The guy saying that he was told to have sex with a child to put her in line. . . how is this twisted group not well know.
  14. The branding didn't seem as crazy as the slave stuff. Branding is not that much different from a tattoo. The slave stuff, that's insane.
  15. The first episode had me hooked. Nxivm, with it's celebrity members, claiming to just be a self help group, so insane. When they got to the slavery stuff I was just floored. It was a pyramid scheme of torture. For much of the second episode about the Jehovah Witnesses episode I found myself thinking, how is this different than the Catholic Church. Then they started talking about the prison ministry and how they'd basically take sex offenders that they converted in prison and then let them into their congregation like nothing happened.
  16. I think it would be more likely they'd just use her for what she knows if she wanted to stay. But she's the daughter of spies, that's enough to think of her as Russian and she's low level enough that they probably would trade her without a second thought.
  17. Spies typically either end up dead or end up being shipped back to their country in trade for spies caught there. So if Paige (or even Elizabeth and Phillip) was caught she'd either be used by the Americans and put into custody or she'd be held by the Americans until they had someone who was locked in Russia that they wanted back and they'd be traded. That's what happened when they caught all those spies ten years ago or so. They were traded and are now celebrities.
  18. I would imagine it like the FLDS, she would be assigned to another man along with everyone in her household. So basically a new Commander would move into the house and she would be expected to take the new man as her husband.
  19. Eden grew up on a farm. It makes total sense that she is super sheltered and a true believer. She's like the quiverful or FDLS hardline believers (which is much easier at 14 or 15). I think this season has a bit of Emmy seeking madness. Instead of trying to create a great show, they're trying to create episodes that can win awards with their acting or directing or writing, episodes that can stand on their own and that's been a drag on the story. We've seen enough of Moss' acting chops and we need the story to move along.
  20. I think Beatrice was killed because she had sex with the whiny brother. He's got killer sperm. In the first episodes they shot the girl after she fell in the pond and they freaked out when whiny brother stepped in a puddle. But walking in the foggy woods, that's ok. . . .
  21. Religious cannibals. EEW! You are the chosen one to feed us all. Lea's backstory :( Not only the rape but then her mother telling her she couldn't come home and then when she called again and she said she would get her and died in the rain. :(
  22. The girl had no survival skills. After the parents were that freaked out about everything they not only opened the door after their mother told them not too but they couldn't wait 24 hours before they started looking for answers?
  23. It's not even moving out of the US. There's plenty of people in the country now who are living lives that would be much easier if they lived in other US states. Teachers living in Oklahoma, people of color living in the rural south, anyone who isn't wealthy living in San Fransisco or NYC, people who are unemployed and living in small towns where all industry is fled. It's easy to say just move but realistically it's not that easy. I loved blessed be the fruit loops I wasn't confused as to why the women were on the trains, I was wondering how they were allowed to travel alone. Even the Aunts didn't travel alone. The apartment building reminded me of Soviet Russia. Keep everyone living close to each other and encourage them to tattle.
  24. I found myself hating everyone. At first I thought the townspeople were racist and there was no way that they would have reacted the same way had a Christian group (say the FLDS) come in. But then the Rajneeshpurams started poisoning people and arming themselves. Sheela is something else. I would not want to be on her bad side. . . .
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