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  1. Yes! I was thinking the same thing. I had joined my gym's accountability program for a while and it was a bunch of us partnered up in groups with trainers and we would have set classes that you would go to and people who you could buddy up with for workouts, etc. It was actually a lot of fun as we all became friends and it was nice to always have a gym buddy around. The trainers would also check in if they saw you hadn't been there for a week or so, and if you had a busy schedule or were traveling they would help you look at your schedule and figure out when to fit the gym in, etc. I figured that was Teddi's business doing something like that on a larger scale. But it was much less money and a much (at least from the outside as I have not done All In) healthier environment. You didn't get yelled at or berated, it was more like "hey it's Thursday, haven't seen you all week everything ok?". Not "what happened overnight to cause you to gain weight" and "don't drop your responsibilities for a man" and "you are not a victim you are a survivor...remember to pack your scale!". I don't know, but I find myself feeling awful for Teddi that she thinks that's how you have to talk to someone to get results. But then I also think it's horrible that she is selling this to a bunch of other people as well.
  2. So Edwin got involved in all of this. According Emily Gellis who started looking into all of this on instagram after people were comparing it to the F Factor Diet (which she was also looking into), Edwin is texting people her phone number to call her to tell her to "stop looking into this". Apparently Edwin's business is a bit shady too. But I will say, if you can get on instagram and read through some of Emily's stories that she has saved (I think there are 3 or 4 for All in so far)...it's crazy! The way Teddi talks to people is just like "you shouldn't give up your responsibilities for a man" when someone decided to go on a date and not text their lunch meal in time and eat a non-pre approved lunch. She also travels with a scale (did we know that?) and was shaming people telling her that they felt faint and couldn't do their cardio that day with "you owe me more tomorrow". It's more like a cult leader then an "accountability" coach.
  3. She said in comments it was a pina colada. Now I'm wondering if the sleeping in and leftovers for brunch means she had more then one.....
  4. So....mine are actually in my phone as Mom LastName and Dad LastName due to connecting one contact into two (ie I connected their phone number contact that was in apple to their GMail contact information) and it just did that...and I've been too lazy to change it. So I'll just go do that.....
  5. So at one point last week the wikipedia page stated that Jed, Jer, Jason, James and Justin were all "courting Lauren Caldwell". I was very amused by that.
  6. From GQ Today: Tom Sandoval is the Number One Guy in this Group Yes that's the real title....and I wish there was a camera on Jax when he saw that....because you know he has google alerts on all of them.
  7. kalystia1983


    It's from a few years ago, but it always makes me laugh: When Wolf Turns Go Bad
  8. You joke @FairyDusted but one of my friends actually did years ago, during like season 1 or 2...and she just told me this last month.
  9. They've made skaters pick up pieces of other's costumes that have fallen off before. Adam Rippon at Skate America 2017 for example:
  10. I have to wonder if this talk bothers the athletes. I competed in a judged sport for a few years, and I know I would be bothered to find out that I didn't really earn a medal but it was because of behind the scenes deals and trading. Although on the flip side it seems like people expect it at a certain level in certain sports (ie ice dance).
  11. Agreed....but he's come a long way from this......
  12. The first one would be 8, the second and third (cause apparently they are now hiding three children) I have no idea...nor do I really want to know. Apparently the crazy baby blog also says that Hubbell and Donohue have a secret baby. I now know way to much about the crazy baby blog....sigh.
  13. I was wondering this to as I thought it was 250, looked it up and it's 244 per team USA here: https://www.teamusa.org/pyeongchang-2018-olympic-winter-games/team-usa/athletes
  14. Here's the video of Ashley:
  15. Are they?!?!?! I haven't checked up on their secret family in 4 years. Even better, they are on secret baby number three while Hubbell and Donahue are on secret baby number one. https://lovepopcorn17.tumblr.com/post/150060455045/secret-baby-update
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