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Stardancer Supreme

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Everything posted by Stardancer Supreme

  1. Episode 4: See you later, Madame Madness! You'll be a fierce bitch by the time this show is over. I feel that she was over it even after shaving her beard. Is Abby the youngest? The others sure love to pick with her. Sederginne talking about she was scared of Abby... Girl whet? Let's not perpetrate the "brown person more dangerous" stereotype. Looks like Envy is the frontrunner. I don't feel that Mama, Janey, Abby, or Sederginne is quite on her level. Chelsea Boy, probably. Chelsea Boy has yet to wow me since the promo look, though.
  2. Then that must be some heavily pigmented lipstick to make such a mess when wiping off the message of the eliminated Queen. It's the ocd in me because all I could focus on when it happens is, "That is SUCH A MESS!" Heh.
  3. Episode 6: I still don't like Derrick Barry. How ironic that his last performance in the show was "Toxic". Asia is far better than me because I would never have talked to Derrick again. Naomi in the corner of the Zoom looking stupid after Asia buried the hatchet with Derrick for the sake of peace. I agreed with Silky telling Vanjie not to kai kai with Ru Girls anymore. I cackled when their landlord made them move in together to keep the noise down. That date with Kameron looked really painful. I also think that the show won't be back in January 2021.
  4. Episode 2: Oooh gurl! The claws have come out. I'll have to add Sederginne to my favorites list along with Abby OMG and Envy Peru. She was adorable tonight! Fred was beautiful and delightfully bitchy, as usual. So some of the other queens (Janey) are jealous of Abby and her beauty? I loved Madame's face, and yes, that dress is trash. I did chuckle when she said she would throw it away immediately.
  5. Episode 7: That certainly was scary. All 4 adults had COVID-19, and only Dawsyn caught it out of the 14 children. I can only imagine what would have happened had Karen gone down with symptoms like Deon. As for Darian going to camp, GG lives in Detroit. She would have stayed with GG and gotten a breather from being one of many children. It's a shame that she didn't get to go. Damn pandemic. At the end of episode 5, the Derricos were going to look for a bigger house. I can imagine how tight things were with GG and Eric being forced to stay at the outbreak, then to give up a room to quarantine the sick. The children are so beautiful. I can give Deon the side eye, but he and Karen do a wonderful job raising their children. I'm in for season 2 when it happens. I'll keep following them on the 'gram.
  6. Episode 5: I love Vanjie and his mother! She's awesome. Asia, hon. You first need to hire a wedding planner, stat! That way you won't have the pressure and stress of the wedding on your shoulders. I'm so sick of Derrick. He just met Vanjie's mother and felt compelled to spill tea about that disastrous night at Charley's! This mofo can't hold water. He talks too damn much. Naomi still seems to be bothered by Asia not being around them. I would like for Naomi to shut her piehole. My dislike of her is rising. She says that she doesn't care that Asia is not in the dressing room, yet also says that Asia needs to be a grown man about the situation. Shut up. Asia handled the situation by removing herself from your presence. What more can Naomi possibly want? She needs to apologize to Asia for real. So Kameron and Vanjie decided to try things out. Cute! I wonder what the disqualifier from Silky is next week.
  7. Episode 1: My current faves are Miss Abby OMG and Envy Peru. Fred van Leer is awesome. All these queens get is a designer dress and a photo shoot? No money? I hope the winning Queen can alter that dress... I'm in!
  8. Point taken. However, we see with our own eyes that the other 13 Derrico children has no medical issues or delays. That's lucky. If Karen was to get pregnant again, I don't think her luck will hold.
  9. Here's the thing; it didn't have to come out, Derrick. You were looking for an excuse to get back at Asia for cussing Nebraska at the casino. That tiff between Naomi and Asia had nothing to do with him at all. I hate that Kameron apologized for telling the truth.
  10. Episode 5: I'm glad Deon came to his senses and sat with Karen for Dawsyn's surgery. I fully acknowledge how terrible I'm about to sound; Deon is full of crap. He's admitted that he refused to bond with Dawsyn because she might not live through the surgery and the loss of Carter was just too much for him. There is a difference between losing a child at birth and not bonding with your child who lived past her birth. Dawsyn was 7 months old at the time of her surgery! What a jerk to willfully not bond with her. GG is awesome. I wonder if we are going to see Karen's family? I'm glad they allowed Darian to go to the camp. Too bad COVID potentially torpedoed those plans. I also liked that they allowed Darian to express her feelings without guilt tripping her. Karen, girl. While I am loath to tell any grown person what to do with their body, I want Karen to not have any more children. (Terrible Stardancer Opinion coming) Fourteen children is enough! She got off light with only losing one child and having one special needs child. Childbirth is a harsh mistress and she may not be lucky enough to get through another pregnancy and birth unscathed. Watching Karen rub her belly and seeing the dark circles under her eyes made me tired. Hon, did your c-section scars heal properly this time? You shouldn't put yourself through that stress and breaking down of your body. I want you to sit down and take a nap. I know Karen said that she wants to learn how to cook, but I feel that she does enough. She carried those children, birthed those children, went through so much trauma through the childbirth of multiples, and is the sole caretaker of the special needs baby. Let Deon cook. He has the chef's hat, apron, and everything! With that many people to feed, they only go out to celebrate special occasions. Eric even brings them food. Karen does enough.
  11. Episode 4: Naomi started the whole dust up and has the nerve to criticize how Asia deals with her hurt feelings. Then Derrick thinks that Asia should get over being ambushed with a personal conversation with people he thought were friends. I love how the 2 messy queens act like they are above such dramatical behavior after causing all the drama. Aw damn. So Andre came to Vegas to break up with Kameron? That's awful. Then to go to Naomi's apartment to hear the messy queens try to justify their messy behavior? Kameron was right; Derrick is at the root of all the bullswanky going on behind the scenes of the show. I am over Naomi and her attitude. Why bitch about Asia getting her own dressing room when you wanted her out of yours? Asia isn't "playing the victim", you caused all of this by running to Derrick. I can't wait for Asia to cut Derrick's head off next week.
  12. Children touch everything and everybody and have to be taught not to do that. It's quite different to have an adult who should know better touching children.
  13. I hope that he just didn't want to change the diapers as opposed to not having any diapers on him for the 2 children who are not yet potty trained. I don't know which scenario is worse. What was the point of going through nanny auditions if you're not going to use a nanny?
  14. Totally. They were going on about how Darian is "such a great helper" with her siblings... That poor girl doesn't have a choice in the matter! I wonder if Deon would be so restrictive if Derrick was the teenager? I also feel a bit of misogyny in how Deon reacts to certain situations; he is still grieving hard for the son that was lost, he is always holding Dyver in almost every scene I see him in. I have only seen him hold Dawsyn and De'Aren once in this show. He refused to put Dyver down to help Karen with Dawsyn. He feels that his mother is attacking him when she simply spoke on Darian's needs and concerns.
  15. As terrible as this will sound, I would not encourage all 14 of the children to go to college. Unless we get free college tuition for them, the cost would be too much. Episode 5: The triplets are 7 months old! Dawsyn is adorable. I'm amazed that no one told Karen about the effects that resulted from Dawsyn being in the NICU for 6 months. I'm also glad that she was able to get it together with GG to care for her special needs. Deon annoys me a little. He goes on about how he and Karen have to split up childcare duties and how they don't have time to themselves. Sir. You created a small army that you have to care for! Robin is only a part time nanny(?), and Eric is there to help corral the children a lot. I wonder how Eric feels about being a seemingly unpaid nanny? Now he doesn't want to sit with Karen during the last of Dawsyn's surgeries? Ugh. I am triggered because I was sitting alone when my youngest went through surgery. Karen's all, "How can I help Derrico cope?" and I am almost yelling at the television that Derrico needs therapy! They all need therapy, to be honest. This dynamic showed up when all Karen asked Deon to do was put Dyver down and simply hold Dawsyn while she was using the nebulizer. He then sputtered about whether his wife was calling his manhood into question because he didn't want to truly bond with the damaged baby. It's unfair that he is dumping the majority of Dawsyn's care on Karen. It was nice for Karen's friend Becky to come see her while she was in town. She even offered to sit with Karen for Dawsyn's surgery! That's a friend. Darian is in that unenviable position of not having any siblings close to her in age. As a teenager, no less. She's at that point where she would rather hang around people her age. I'm glad Deon didn't make her go to LOL with the other children, but his refusal to loosen the reins even for her to see her friends is a bit bothersome.
  16. Episode 3: The weakest link discussion... Naomi, dear, you shouldn't ask questions if you don't like the answers you get. Kameron was certainly gagged and quiet on that one. Then for Naomi to run to Derrick to complain about what Asia said to you about a question YOU asked her... Girl. Wasn't Derrick your enemy a few days ago? You pretty much invited major shit stirring and potentially tanked your relationship with your closest Drag Sister because Asia bruised your ego and you felt that you had to get her back. Derrick trying to find love for Vanjie? I'm sure Jose had no trouble pulling willing partners for fun, but he really wants a relationship. Nebraska really has no boundaries, does he? They could have asked Jose if he wanted lap dances. Then to set Jose up with Drew for lunch the next day? Derrick and Nebraska just can't help inserting themselves into everything, can't they? I do love that Yvie wants to be a rapper. These queens do a lot of drinking.
  17. Diez and Dior originally had a brother who passed away at birth. They were triplets, then twins, so the Derricos call them the Triplins. The other children are older and can fend for themselves; the Triplins were 2 years old as of the recording of the show. Karen couldn't keep watch over active toddlers when she has 3 infants. The editing of the show is also bothering me. Most of this was apparently reenacted as I imagine you can't film sick children in a NICU. I could tell the choppy editing because GG and the Quint girls hair would change completely from scene to scene. Then there was footage of Deon at the hospital with Karen to pick up De'Aren and then the next scene was him sitting on the couch in different clothes as Karen brought De'Aren in the house. He didn't just teleport to the couch from the van!
  18. I think that nanny's main responsibility is to watch over the Triplins (Diez and Dior). GG, Deon, and Eric take care of Dyver (so adorable!) and De'Aren so Karen can focus on Dawsyn.
  19. I just rewatched the Vegas video and that was not Eric and his wife in it. Deon said that "This is my son, the oldest of them all and my wonderful daughter-in-law." He would have said Eric's name. The woman in the video looks nothing like Eric's wife. Episode 4: Call me petty, but I would not have gone with the non-Black nanny. (I know this was filmed before the current pandemic and racial upheaval.) The children seemed to really like Robin, and children usually are good with their gut feelings about a person. I don't know why Karen expected her to know all the children's names immediately. Hell, I need a written list! GG is back in town! Awesome Dawsyn got to come home. I had experience with a child having surgery and a feeding and medications tube put in. However, I only had one older child and was able to navigate the feeding schedules and medications without an army milling around me. But it sucked for Deon to be useless when there was an issue with Dawsyn's feeding tube. I felt bad for Karen there. I hope that she and the family is able to heal from the setback of sending Dawsyn back to the hospital. It's sad that even Karen notices that Deon is detached from Dawsyn because he is afraid to bond with a child that he isn't sure is going to make it past her surgeries.
  20. Priyanka seriously flubbed the Ice Queen Eleganza outfit; the judges liked the other 2 outfits. She would have won if she had made a gown for the third outfit or at the very least made her skirt out of fabric instead of paper. Jimbo might have had a fighting chance if he had taken the crown off his head. I wonder if this was Jimbo's first ever lip sync?
  21. They really didn't, because Derrick pretty much made himself the antagonist among the group of queens. He has issues with Naomi and put himself on Asia's bad side as well. An outsider isn't needed for drama on this show.
  22. Episode 2: I wish I knew why it is so important to Derrick that Nebraska is accepted into the fold. Unfortunately, she is just unlikable and forcing her to fit in with your Drag Race sisters is just going to make them (and us) dislike Nebraska more. Derrick ruined the casino night by presenting her girlfriend on a trash can lid, Dabnes Brickey style. Rehearsals are the place where you are supposed to mess up. I didn't think that these particular queens could have messed up the show since the majority of them have already done "Werk the World". Actually, was this show taped around the tour? Hell, the residency should have been easier since you do a number of shows in the same place instead of hopping on a bus from place to place.
  23. Let me assure you that this is a conversation in Black households with little girls and their hair. Adding to the fact that they are multiples, it would not surprise me that non-POC treat them like a personal petting zoo. Hell, I am a grown woman with short 4C hair and I have to keep old ladies hands out of it! We have to have our guard up because we don't want strangers touching us. Unfortunately, we are Black people living in a world where Anti-Blackness rules the roost. We would like to assume the best in people, but sometimes there is no "best" in them.
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