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bubble sparkly

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Everything posted by bubble sparkly

  1. So how do we think they will drop the Jon parentage bomb in s8? Will Bran and Sam tell Jon privately, or will they go for maximum drama and have Bran spill it in front of everyone in a great hall meeting? Although it would be terrible for Jon to find out in front of everyone, from an entertainment perspective I kind of hope they go for the group reveal. There surely has to be a disastrous group meeting where Glover call Dany a foreign whore and Tyrion Lannister scum etc., Dany is blamed for the NK having a dragon, and Royce bangs on about Targs being untrustworthy. Seems like the perfect opportunity to Bran to interject with a "speaking of Targs...". Someone could even provide Bran with his moment on a silver platter by saying something about Rhaegar raping and kidnapping Lyanna, leading him to a "well, actually...." revelation
  2. If Sansa’s book ending has to do with the Vale rather than the North (which has to be a possibility since she’s still there in the books with LF planning to marry her to the heir), then I don’t think it will take much to pivot her show ending there. The nights of the Vale have loyalty to her on the show and follow her instructions for no real reason at all. So I could definitely see her ruling the Vale either through marriage (Robin, or they introduce a Harry the Heir equivalent in the last episode after Robin dies offscreen). Or D&D will do something stupid like have Royce just tell Sansa they took a vote and picked her as the new Lady / Warden.
  3. For me, Jorah's logical ending is dying for Daenerys, his last word an emotional "Khaleesi........" lol. Sir Friendzone until the end.
  4. Might it be possible that the Lannister soldiers are there to help Team DanyJon? I.e maybe Jaimie managed to convince a contingent of soldiers to follow him North? Then perhaps the battle is with the NK army and Team DanyJon could purposely decide to evacuate WF and burn it down to kill a chunk of the army? IDK, just throwing it out there because I agree it would not make sense for Cersei to 1) risk her army going north for a battle instead of waiting until after the NK battle like she outlined last season, and 2) that the Lannister army could just rock up outside the WF gates without anyone noticing. The only way I could see her deciding this is a good plan is if she completely loses her marbles when she inevitably suffers a miscarriage and learns that Dany is pregnant and / or Jon is a Targ.
  5. If Sansa’s endgame does involve marriage, then I think it could be any guy (apart from Jon or Bran etc.) even some random we haven’t met yet. I agree that SanSan on the tv show has been pretty nonexistent, so they can easily chuck someone at her. On the other hand, they could always have Sandor declare his undying love the moment he sees Sansa again, so who knows. Known character marriage prospects I guess you would have: Tyrion, Hound, Pod, Theon, Robin A, Gendry. I assume Davos and that Royce guy etc are disqualified due to age. Honestly, they could also pull some random dude in the last episode (a Tyrell cousin, a Royce son, a Northern lad etc) who is the as yet unseen heir to a decent house. Say it’s a political match with a dude who isn’t a creepy rapist, that Sansa has chosen herself.
  6. Yeah I agree, especially because they have to be vague to avoid any kinds of spoilers. Both MW and IHW have said something noncommittal about some people will love the ending and others won’t like it. Also, actors always hype things as the best episode ever and so shocking no one will believe it. And like 75% of the time fandom is not at all shocked about so-called shocking developments. I feel really sorry for the cast as they are going to have to keep giving the same vague non-answers to every reporter they come into contact with for the next year or so lol.
  7. If Jon and Dany both survive, then I like the theory they destroy the iron throne (following a big speech about breaking the wheel). Afterwards they build two new more comfortable chairs to celebrate their joint rule of intended peace and prosperity etc. This wouldn’t exactly be shocking from a fandom perspective, but your general public viewer might be shocked that the thing everyone has been fighting over for 8 years is destroyed (and that there’s not just one person who “wins”). Hell, it could even be the last holy shit moment GRRM told D&D.
  8. Don't forget though, we will need to allocate at least half an hour for Dany and Jon to go into excruciating detail about their tax policy ;p
  9. The main thing about those leaks that I could see happening is Jon fighting the NK while Dany gives birth. That would be a major throwback to Rhaegar and Lyanna, only hopefully with a different outcome for DJ! Like, RJ start a war and are “punished” by dying and DJ end a war and are “rewarded” by living.
  10. Yeah, D&D saying Dany has no compassion or mercy doesn't really match up to Jon saying she has a good heart and deciding to bend the knee because she deserves it, and the North will come to see her for what she is.
  11. Maybe the Night King and some of his army go to KL to grow numbers while the remaining army fights in the North? If KL has an enormous number of people living there maybe the NK wants to give his army a massive numbers boost. If that happens then burning KL makes sense if they are all wights. Or perhaps it will be framed as a big moral dilemma ie should the good guys pre-emptively kill everyone in KL to stop the NK from being able to turn them into wights.
  12. After watching season 7 I would definitely agree that Dany and Jon are the main 2. I don’t know how everyone compares in screen time for the season, but to me it felt like DJ were A grade, Arya, Tyrion, Sansa, Jaime and Cersei were B grade, then Bronn, Brienne, Davos etc were C grade in terms of storyline importance. Maybe the books will keep things more even between the main 5 or so, but I won’t be shocked if DJ are the main focus of the last season. With Jon’s paternity reveal, DJ fallout of the Targ-bomb, Dany’s inevitable pregnancy, Night King battle etc., most of the major stuff will involve them.
  13. If Varys does decide Jon should be on the throne “for the good of the realm” or whatever, so you think he will try to have Dany assasinated? Because spearheading a movement to rally supporters for Jon is pretty pointless if Jon himself maintains his position that Dany deserves to be queen. And I can’t see Jon changing his mind on that anytime soon.
  14. Maybe the final episode of the series will be a sold hour (or 1.5 hours) of tax policy discussions lol? Just Dany, Jon & co sitting around and debating boring issues and writing policies. Should Westeros try to implement trickle down economics or is it indeed a myth? Will someone try to champion communist policies? The audience will be on the edge of its seat lol.
  15. It’s also possible that the remaining 2 dragons die during the fight with the WW, so they won’t be around to cause any problems in Westeros after JD kick Cersei to curb. Or else maybe they leave Dany behind and fly off to live somewhere else when they become the dragon equivalent of young adults.
  16. There has been way too much foreshadowing for Dany not to end up pregnant in s8 imo. D&D were about as subtle as a hammer to the head, especially in the last two episodes. There were multiple conversations about Dany's allegedly barren womb, then Jon pretty much told Dany he thought the witch lied and intimated he would be more than happy to put this curse to the test. I suppose this doesn't necessarily mean the baby will be born, but I think the unborn child of the two main characters dying is far too 'bitter' and not enough 'sweet'. Besides, as others have said, GRRM is all about that Targaryen restoration. Also, given how quickly events happened in s7 I don't see why a pregnancy would sideline Dany. She probably wouldn't even be showing by the finale if s8 follows the same timeline. Cersei certainly didn't have a pregnancy bump after 2/3 episodes.
  17. I agree Jon's parentage and his claim to the throne will be outed to everyone at some point, whether by Sam or other means. I can't see it being that huge a problem for Dany's quest for the throne though. Jon has already pledged to her because he thinks she deserves to be queen and has a good heart etc., and he thinks the rest of the North will come to see her how he does. Based on that if any faction of people start a "Jon Snow for King" petition it seems like he would be pretty quick to shut it down and abdicate his claim in favour of Dany. Assuming they both survive the WW, I can't see him deciding Dany shouldn't be queen. Besides, it seems like the people of Westeros aren't currently too worried about the technicalities of who is the heir to the throne, exhibit A being Cersei. It wouldn't shock me if Dany's struggle re her demotion down the line of succession is more internal rather than an external stumbling block.
  18. I want to see Dany and Jon trying to pretend to be all formal with each other in public, then sneaking away for secret smooching. All the while Tyrion, Davos and the gang are just rolling their eyes because it's painfully obvious D+J are in love and having boatsex every night.
  19. I wouldn't be shocked if they have Sansa or Sam specifically remInd Jon that there have been other Stark matches between similar relatives (I think someone said there were a few uncle / niece). Try to hammer it home to the audience that D+J is not supposed to be bro/sis gross, because if Starks do it then it's okay etc.
  20. Too bad they killed the wight. Otherwise I would enjoy Jon setting it on Lord Glover if he had the nerve to complain about him bending the knee. There's still hope Glover can get a face full of "dracarys" I suppose. I would cheer if Dany made an example of that whiny git. Considering that whoever sits on the Iron Throne historically leaves the North to its own devices, I don't really see much difference between them being independent or part of the 7 kingdoms. It only went poorly for the North after the Ned debacle.
  21. I feel like, especially in the last 2 episodes of s7, they really hammered home the "together" stuff with D+J (we will defeat the night king and his army together, we should arrive together, okay we sail together). Plus they seemed to make it a point that before and after Jon bent the knee, he and Dany interacted like equals. Asking and giving each other advice, discussing leadership, planning etc. If they both survive the series, I think it has definitely been set up that they will be co-rulers. You even had Davos and Missandei both speechifying about how D+J are leaders who have been chosen by the people and are not in their positions because of birthright, but because the people believe in them etc. If they do continue with the (kind of gross and misogynistic) thread about Dany being impulsive and hot-tempered (*cough* fire *cough*) and needing someone to temper her darker urges, then I also think they have set it up for Jon to be that person (*cough* ice *cough*). When Dany talked about flying her dragons to the red keep in 7x04, Jon was the one who got her to change her mind (Tyrion's words did not sway her). She didn't like the thought of Jon not being pleased with her actions when she returned in 7x05. Jon was also the one who got her to give consent for the wight hunt in 7x05. In 7x06 she dashes off to help after receiving Jon's raven (well technically Gendry sent it but I'm assuming the gist of the message was "Jon asked if you could come and save our asses"). She then pledges to fight the WW with Jon and tells him she should have trusted him from the beginning. Finally, she disregards worries of her personal safety and agrees to Jon's plan for them to sail together to the North (complete with hilarious facial expressions from Jorah and Tyrion as they seem to realise that Jon has effectively now risen to the role of Dany's #1 advisor).
  22. Do you think they will show another Rhaegar flashback in s7 now that he has officially been revealed as Jon's bio-dad? I could maybe see Bran going into another one where Rhaegar talks with Lyanna about TPWWP stuff, since TPWWP/AA is bound to be mentioned again in s8 with the WW army on the move. I also wonder if they will do something "magic" so Jon can see R+L and have a conversation with them. Perhaps through a vision like Dany had in s2, or a near-death dream type thing? NGL even though R+L appear to be selfish asshats, I would probably be here for Jon getting one vision/dream scene with them so they can tell him they love him etc.
  23. With regard to the Dany/arrow talk, maybe she will get a non-fatal injury that will resolve any D/J angst? Like things will be tense and a bit up in the air / "we can never be together now" but then either the WW battle or a Cersei attack will happen. Then they do a reverse wight hunt and Dany can be the injured one who nearly dies, and it makes them realise they love each other and should be together blah blah blah. Bonus points if the winterfell maester (or Sam) examines Dany after the injury and discovers she has a man-bun in the oven.
  24. The fact that D&D are trying to hype it up as a big thing just makes it more likely to be over pretty quickly lol. Dany is not going to care they are related, and I bet someone will remind Jon about the other avuncular marriages in the Stark tree to make the audience see it's acceptable. Hell, Sansa might even take note of Littlefinger's comment and be the one to suggest they marry to quell any Northern Lord bitching (because those idiots will always find a reason to bitch even if Dany is bringing her dragons to save their asses). I'm sure someone (Varys? Tyrion? Jorah?) will stir the pot by telling Dany that Jon might try and take the throne and/or that people might support him over her, but I can't see that really be an issue for more than a second considering Jon has no interest in that and is head over heels for Dany I'm going to predict we get a Dany pregnancy reveal and Cersei miscarriage double whamy maybe halfway through the season. That will be the thing that tips Cersei completely over the edge. This might be the SansayArya plot of season 8. We are supposed to spend all season wondering if Tyrion is going to betray Dany/hurt Jon and then there will be a "gotcha" where he saves them / has been playing someone else all along.
  25. So going by D&D's comment on the Inside the Episode feature about how Dany/Jon are going to experience some extreme turbulence when the truth come out, are we thinking one episode of angst before they marry lol? Two max? At the end of last season they were trying to sell extreme drama between Jon and Sansa and it fizzled pretty quickly. I'm curious how they will play out the reveal to Jon though. Will Bran announce it in front of all the Starks plus Northern lords, as well as all Dany's crew? Or will it be Bran only, or just all the Stark sibs? Also, who is going to be happiest about Dany's inevitable pregnancy - Dany, Jon or Grandpa Davos?
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