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Everything posted by rereader2

  1. I got FJ from an Elizabeth Peters novel I read ages ago (Legend in Green Velvet). But we missed a lot of chunks in the middle so that the local weather could give us storm warnings for the storm that had started half an hour earlier. *sigh*
  2. From Female First: Benedict is among the celebrities lending their names/support to Bowel Cancer UK. (Apparently it's a slow Benedict-news day...)
  3. This talk about the two styles of tap makes me think of Fred Astaire (who danced high and elegant) and Gene Kelly (who danced low and athletic)--but on the one occasion they filmed a number together (unless you count That's Entertainment 2) they made it work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DZ3i7m-hMI Not that it's a fair comparison, since they were two seasoned professionals with adequate rehearsal time. Interestingly, it's Gene Kelly that had the ballet training, but Fred Astaire who is most often cited by ballet dancers and choreographers as an important influence.
  4. I took the press release to mean that we will be getting season 4 PLUS a special. I can live with that!
  5. From RteTen: Sherlock's Graves joins Last Tango in Halifax
  6. Here's a video with Martin (and other) talking about Richard III:
  7. I don't see any reason people shouldn't wear professional uniforms of any type--it's not like the audience gets to vote on who gets to stay, after all.
  8. Yeah, EVERYONE else connected with the series has been very firm that there will be more full seasons--with "full" meaning three eps. I don't know what Freeman is up to, but I'm sure we'll be hearing from Mofftiss as soon as reporters have a chance to talk to them. (If I were Freeman, I wouldn't be so quick to take myself off the table, if indeed he every did, because now that Watson isn't living at 221B, they could do a few episodes without him, or with very little of him. There were, after all, at least two stories in the ACD canon narrated by Holmes that did not have Watson in them.) ETA: Come to think of it, it wouldn't be the first Sherlock Holmes series to switch the actor playing Watson mid-series.
  9. There are a bunch of articles this weekend, all quoting Martin Freeman as saying there will be a Christmas Special...but we've already heard Gatiss deny this absolutely, so take it as you will. (Examples: The Daily Mail; The Telegraph.)
  10. From The Guardian: Another review of Fargo.
  11. From Now Daily: Benedict Cumberbatch: Clothes are a joy (No, really?) And here's a clip of Benedict singing--in character--in August: Osage County (from BBCAmerica.com):
  12. Kudos to both tigershark and theajw (however belatedly)! It's been very exciting, having a stake in the game outcomes. :)
  13. From RadioTimes: Louise Brealey: “I got 7,000 new Twitter followers within five minutes of kissing Sherlock”
  14. From the Boston Herald: At last, a Benedict Cumberbatch sighting! From RadioTimes: Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch to film The Lost City of Z in Belfast
  15. Actually, that album (Only a Mountain) came out Jan. 2013, and he cut his hair back in April. (The article isn't very accurate on timelines or other details.)
  16. This may be a bit overly tangential, but for those who like a little crossover, Daniel Radcliffe sorts celebrities, including Benedict:
  17. From RadioTimes, an interesting interview with Martin about Fargo: Martin Freeman on joining Fargo: "It could have all gone very, very bad”
  18. For those of us who need a little help getting into the soccer thing, Benedict Cumberbatch Explains Soccer and Cristiano Ronaldo to Americans. (Or in other words, he's narrating a documentary on the subject, renting now on Vimeo.)
  19. From BBC America: ‘Sherlock’s Louise Brealey Joins ‘Ripper Street'
  20. From RadioTimes: Glowing reviews for Benedict Cumberbatch at Imitation Game test screening in New York.
  21. There's an interview with Steven Moffat at Cannes Lions, in which he talks about Britishness and Sherlock; unfortunately I can't see a way to embed it, but you can find it behind this link.
  22. But it would be so cruel to the three of them, to be thinking that Sherlock killed himself for them, and Sherlock does protect his friends, no matter what he says.
  23. Now, I was thinking that the reason Sherlock did this was to give John and anyone he'd tell an acceptable reason for his "suicide". Remember, he was about to go after Moriarty's organization (he may not have foreseen Moriarty killing himself, but he'd have to assume he'd need to take out Moriarty's organization before it was safe to come back). He wouldn't want to give that network a reason to think he was alive, or they'd be after him at the very least, and very possibly go after his three targeted friends, too--especially if John or Lestrade found him! That he thought they'd believe that reads to me as a comment on Sherlock's lack of understanding how much his friends cared about him, himself, as opposed to his genius and results.
  24. I got Canberra immediately too, but I couldn't come up with Ankara as I got stuck on Russia, and Moscow didn't fit.
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