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Everything posted by maddie965

  1. Exactly. And not even a good medical show. Too many absurd plots and resolutions, too much drama between doctors and patients, too little character development. I'm hoping against hope they will go back to the original premise. Otherwise, I'll just go back to old ER/Grey's episodes. Much better than anything going on here. Just a side note: what the hell are they doing with the Melendez-Lim relarionship? I mean, is there a relationship? All we see is them talking about their romance, but not really living it. Where is the love? Where is the passion? Why are those people together? We had one assexual scene in the bed, some quarentine-induced suffering, one kiss, and some quick conversations about how they shouldn't be dating. Well, maybe they shouldn't, since they don't seem to care one bit about each other. I've seen robots emote more. Seriously.
  2. They turned Madani into a cartoon-like villain, complete with the crazy eyes and the dumb obsession for vengeance. SMH. And yes, it seems like Marvel tends to screw things up in the second season. It's like they are so in love with their success, they feel like their work is done. They just need to rinse and repeat. Then they put together two or three half-assed storylines, create a new villain and/or sidekick, and yay, here's the new season! It was the same with Jessica Jones. We had Trish going bad, Jessica's mother as a monster and Carrie-Anne Moss in a completely separated story. It didn't work. Here we had blackmail, a new sidekick, the return of a villain and Josh Stewart in an (almost) completely separated story. And again it didn'twork. There was no sense of purpose, no urgency, no engaging relationships. Plus some bad casting decisions and lame dialogue. We deserved better.
  3. They can always give her a brain tumor...
  4. ITA. I'm still in shock. Like Cthulhudrew said, it feels feel like they had two stories to tell, and ended up telling none. Maybe, if they had focused on the bond between Frank and Amy, it might have worked for me. They could use that relationship to bring something new and deep and transformative about the character. I mean, the whole first season was based on Frank's relationship with David Lieberman - and it worked like a charm. Here, not so much. The biggest mistake, for me, was the casting of Amy. Georgia Whigham might be a good actress, but she's too old and breezy for the part. They kept referring to her as "kid", but she didn't look like a teenager at all. She looked 22-25 to me. If they wanted a teenager, they should have cast one, and make her a little more intense - then maybe we could believe she was devastated for losing everyone she loved. Also, their relationship was too superficial. So much to explore there: can Castle justify turning a girl into a killer like himself, just to numb down some of the pain he has for losing his biological kids? Can someone without Castle's background and trauma learn to murder people in the same effective way he does? Is that a valid choice? Anyway, not satisfied at all with this season. Watched episodes 1-6, fast forwarded through 7-10, and then watched the three final episodes, just to see how it ended. What a disappointment. I still love Jon Bernthal, still love the character, still invested in the series. Maybe we can meet again in another life/streaming channel?
  5. And this is where I officially drop the show. Not feeling this season at all. It makes me sad.
  6. They could turn Koracick in one of Meredith's sisters. That way, he would always be around. Is there an award for "Most Hated Character Ever"? Maybe that's what the writers are trying to achieve with Maggie. Good job there.
  7. Lane and Grace should have a band together! And then the two surrogate and well-behaved daughters of Mrs. Kim could hang out too... So Shaun doesn't know yet that he might be suspended? Shouldn't he be freaking out about that??? Shut up , Morgan!!!! I liked her better when she was CTB, and not Claire 2.
  8. There are lots of great soap operas in Brazil. I don't need another one. Not when even our worst soap is better than this mess. Worst episode ever. The writing was so ridiculous, I was shaking my head in disbelief. Honestly, I don't know how long I can keep hate watching. I'm with everyone who said Shaun needs to be the focus of the show again. Otherwise I'm done. Morgan having a gun and willing to use it to threaten someone was bad enough. But the racial implications were even worse. It seems to me the writers and digging themselves into a very deep hole, and they may never come out of it. Claire singing was a nice surprise. Only tolerable part of the episode. And I don't even like Claire that much.
  9. Not teen at all. 25, 27 for me. Punisher is back! Life is good.
  10. I need a full Kevin episode. Like yesterday.
  11. The whole secret thing makes no sense at all. That's not the Jack we know. I bet the writers came up with this horrible idea this season, because... TWIST! Slaves of their own tropes.
  12. I miss This is Us. Can someone bring my show back? I don't know what I've just watched, but it's not the series I fell in love with two years ago. That show is gone. Sadly.
  13. The lack of ethics of the doctors in this series has always bothered me. But what upsets me most is that the show embraces it. The writers seem to believe being unethical and unprofessional is not only forgivable, but commendable. We're supposed to think Mer did a good thing telling Maggie! And Maggie was right to tell Jackson! And Jackson was right to tell Richard! And it was ok for Owen to discuss the baby situation with Teddy right in front of Amelia! And it was Ok for Alex to beat Andrew to a pulp! And for Izzie to cut that line. The list could go on forever... It seems like a minor detail, but the elevators in this episode didn't look like elevators at all. It took me completely out of the scenes.
  14. ITA. I'm done with this show. That was just awful. I didn't even know what I was watching. Not only the plot (was there one?) was ridiculous, there was no sense of purpose, no urgency, no motivation to anything happening on screen. What is the point of Discovery? Why should I care about this stupid mission? Why do we need a new captain? What's up with all that fancy technology? Why should I care about this new and preposterous version of Spock? Who is this Michael Burnham and what does she want? It's like the first season never happened. There are no logical or emotional repercussions to what we saw last season (except for dear Stamets). They just pressed the reset button and now expect us to do it too. Well, not me. I will miss Stamets, Hugh and Tilly. But that's it. Bye, Discovery. It was (not so) good while it lasted.
  15. Seriously, who comes up with those stories? And who decides that the second part of a special espisode must deny everything that happened in the first part? Of course the virus was transmitted by fluids, and not airborne, though that wasn't even a consideration before; of course Lim recovers, although none of the others did; of course Glass's cancer is not back, it's (just!) meningitis; of course Andrews agreed with the transplant (and even came up with a plan himself), even though he was completely against it before. And wasn't there a patient with insulin problems, or did I halucinate that? Oh, and don't get me started on the mother of the baby. One minute she's bleeding out, her abdomen opened up, two doctors desperate about her condition; the next she's completely awaken and well, a broad smile on her face, ready to hold the baby - I had to blink a few times, it felt like I was watching some Star Trek episode and that was a different dimension. Lea and Glassman. It seemed to me the authors had read these boards and were talking the dialogue straight off the posts here. Lea treated Shaun like a toy and is going to hurt him again? Check. Glassman treats Shaun like a child and is a shitty mentor? Check. I did like what he said to Lea, but hated that he apologized later. Hope there is some repercussion to his words to her, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm glad Shaun recovered from two meltdowns in this episode, but I don't know how they will justify not firing, or at least suspending him. I mean, a doctor that reacts like that that under pressure is not what an hospital director is looking for. Andrews was right when he said Shaun couldn't handle it... Of course, Shaun needs to stay, or the series is over. Let's see how (and if) they handle it... In short, I still like this show (I was missing Shaun like hell), but wish the writing was ten times better. Right now, I think it's lazy, sloppy, derivative and downright annoying. You can do better, show!
  16. I would. Hey, better be safe thsn sorry...
  17. Yes. I need to see the way his relationship with Glassman evolved, and how he was in college. I think the whole "Glassman is sick" plot has been a huge waste, in what it didn't help us understand better the relationship between those two. The arc should have been about Shaun and his feelings for his mentor, first and foremost. Instead, we got Glassman mostly isolated, in a whole separate story, lonely and grumpy. While Schiff is always a pleasure to watch, I thik this story has been handled poorly.
  18. Sadly, this show is losing me. This episode might have been the last straw. I was very attracted by the initial idea: a show about an autistic doctor, who must prove he can be a competent surgeon and, at the same time, learn how to navigate the world, with the help of his dedicated mentor. I loved most of the first season, because it followed that path, with some minor deviations. But then the second season came and it seems the writers changed their minds. Instead of a show about one very special doctor, it became a show about a bunch of doctors, with Shaun being just another member of the team. His scenes were reduced. Other doctors gained a lot of space, some of them totally undeserving. There were whole episodes where Shaun barely said a thing, or participated in any surgeries. But still, I might be able to live with it - if the stories were really good. Instead, TGD is repeating all the tropes of other medical shows: the disasters, the unprofessional or unethical behavior, the competition between residents, the bad medicine, the insistence in mixing personal issues and professional issues. The last one is the worse. I mean, at least in Grey's Anatomy the doctors are inappropriate because they discuss their problems in front of the patients. But here it is much worse, because the doctors discuss the patient's personal problems in front of the patients, all the f****** time! There are no boundaries, no sense of privacy, no respect for the opinions or the decision of the patients. Like I said on another thread, it's totally wrong for the doctors to give unsolicited advice to the patients. They should present the facts, and let the patients decide, in private. Instead, they force their opinions on the patients, practically forcing them to take a certain decision, or even going against their wishes. Everyone has been doing that (Lin with the circumcised girl, Park with the mother in distress, Shaun with the betrayed husband etc), but, for me, Claire is the worst, meddling into the patient's lives and always assuming that arrogant look of someone who thinks they know everything. I can't stand that arrogance. Doctors are not Gods, and Claire doesn't know everything. Instead of going behind Melendez's back, she should be learning from him. Park shouldn't be judging every person that he treats. Reznik shouldn't be admonishing parents who don't want vaccination (I'm all for vaccination, but that was the wrong way to do it). Lin shouldn't be doing surgeries against the wishes expressed by a patient. Seems to me the authors love the idea that doctors should dictate the patient's lives, and also that there should be a moral lesson in every episode. It's getting old really quickly. Not sure I can stand it any longer. I might give it a try, because I love Shaun and Freddie Highmore. I just hope the writers realize their mistake. Make him the center of the show again. Stop with the moral dilemmas at every single episode. And, for God's sake, let the patients decide their lives, away from the judgemental look of their all-powerful doctors.
  19. I know I'm very late, but this episode made me crazy. I used to love Claire, but now I kind of hate her. What's with all the doctors in this show giving unsolicited advice to the patients at all times? What makes them think they are entitled to decide how the patients should live their lives? Why do they think they should decide the best course of action for the patients at any given time? Everyone has been doing that in the last episodes (Lin with the circumcised girl, Park with the mother in distress, Shaun with the brothers etc), but Claire is the absolute worst, because apparently she has "empathy" for other people. Having empathy is understanding how the other person feels; doesn't mean you get to decide for the other person. Let's see: she decides a young girl can't climb anymore; she decides anorexic girl has to have brain surgery; she decides her dying friend has to have a very risky cancer surgery; and THEN she decides to blurt out all her resentments against said friend minutes before she's doing said surgery. Did I miss anything? And the absolute worst for me: she goes behind her boss and offers an experimental treatment to a patient, after her boss has said no. Sorry, that's not being assertive, that's being disrespectful. If she really believed her option was the best, she should have convinced her boss, not ignored him. If I ever did that in my job, I would be fired right away. Melendez was very nice to just leave her out of his team. The fact that she hasn't apologized yet makes me so mad. Who does she think she is? That said, I wouldn't be against a romance. I want to see Melendez in a romantic relationship, and maybe they might be good to each other... I love Richard Schiff to pieces, so he can have all the time in the series he wants. I just want Glassman to have some help. Hope Debbie realizes he's just humiiated (and scared of becoming a burden to her) and comes back to be by his side. I hate how the authors are writing Lea this season, but I still love watching Shaun when he's around her. He seems so happy and content when they're together. It's completely worth the messy plotlines, IMO.
  20. The first time I heard about Sex Reveal Parties was on this board. Not a thing in Brazil, thank God. Has the world gone completely crazy???
  21. Thank you. She is 10, for God's sake. She is just finding out about her sexuality. She might be gay, or bi, or fluid, or even hetero. There's no way of knowing at this point. If she feels like she wants a girlfriend right now, that's amazing! Her parents just need to be there to support her and tell her that there's nothing wrong with that, and that she can love anyone she wants. Sorry, but I absolutely hate the sentence "We love you no matter what." It implies that they love her, even if she's gay. Because, clearly, that's not what they expected of her. How about "We love you", and that's it? Also, what's up with the sad faces? If my daughter told me she was into girls, I would say "Great! That sounds like fun!" The fact that she's finding out about her sexuality is important and the parents should be there for her. But the fact that she might be gay doesn't change anything. It's just part of her discovery. Yeah, Beth is right about Randall, but this is coming too late in the season. I wish this fight had been developing for the last two or three episodes, at least. Or that they would at least discuss the issue now for what it really is: how Randall is completely lost, has been for a while, and how that search for meaning has turned him into the most selfish, delusional, entitled, unsufferable bastard in existence. I love Kevin so much. Why oh why can't we have a Kevin-centric episode? Instead, we get five minutes of Justin now and then. We deserve best.
  22. Maybe she'll go out with Delucca and Link and both dates will suck. And then she'll realize the only man she really wants is Koracick. Hey, a girl can dream... Very unpopular opinion. I liked what Glasses said about feeling confident and whole after Nico kissed him. And I thought the sex in the ambulance was hot. *ducks*
  23. So I guess it's a win for Frank. Heh. Never thought I would cheer for a murderer... I was also underwhelmed by this episode. Best part was Oliver singing. I had no idea the actor had such a great voice!!! There are many things that bother me, but this is making me mad. In that conversation between Bonnie, Frankie an Laurel, why did they all assume that killing Gabriel was a good idea? Laurel even suggested killing him at the party! Why are they so sure he's a threat? I mean, it's possible that he's investigating Sam's death, but to go from there to "Let's kill him!" seems a little too much, even for these people. Yes for the Annalise/Connor/Tegan show. Bring it on!
  24. I'm totally invested in the Kevin/Zoey relationship. I see many people saying they don't have chemistry, but I don't think that's the issue here. For some reason, it seems to me that the writers are really underusing Kevin this season. I don't feel the chemistry in their relationship because we haven't really seen their relationship. How many scenes did they have together? How many conversations? Two, three, tops? WE haven't seen them reacting to one another. We haven't seen their passion evolve. Maybe Justin doesn't have heart eyes because he hasn't had the opportunity to really express Kevin's love for Zoey. Their scenes have always been so rushed. I'm sure that, if the writers really give time for the relationship to grow, the chemistry will be there, and Justin will be as wonderful as ever. Speaking of which I was so hoping this would be a Kevin-centric episode. Why did they have to pile up two flashbacks here? If it were just Kevin and Jack in Vietnam, it would have been so much better. We would have time for Kevin and Zoey, and we could wrap it all up in one single episode. Instead, we'll have to put up with Vietnam all over again next week (I suppose). No need for that. Oh, I think Mandy Moore is absolutely stunning. One of the most beautiful actresses out there. Just perfect.
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