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  1. Why were they awful?
  2. I think Kentaro is going to win this. It's super-easy to change the styling and I really think that what I saw of his collection had the best "architecture" and design to it. He'll figure it out. I have no doubt. I loved the effect that the color remover had on Brandon's flamingo print. I thought it gave it depth and complexity which are not the first things you think of when you think about pink flamingos. I totally agreed with him that the pattern was interesting in that it's flamingos but kind of not because it had some abstraction. Would I wear that pattern in any way, shape or form? No f-ing way! But I try to judge beyond my personal taste. The one one thing I thought would have helped Brandon's collection immensely is less cohesion. Like maybe just do a flamingo lining on a jacket in one outfit or something. There wasn't much else besides flamingos. * I believe in my 43 years this is the most I've ever typed "flamingo" in one day ?!
  3. I think it's disingenuous to say someone (a black, Muslim woman) was destined to be in the finale due to the show wanting to be "PC". Especially when you mention that she is skilled enough to be there on merit. It's just unnecessary and also apropos of nothing. Fashion is a diverse industry and frankly, Project Runway does not need to strive to be "PC" to show that. I have never felt that PR elevated anyone in order to be politically correct.
  4. Do you ever just have a visceral reaction to someone that you can't explain? I feel this irrational revulsion toward Cortney. She's definitely a huge pain in the ass, but it's something more than that. I shudder and look away when she's on. I'd rather watch what's-his-head and Karine than Cortney and Antonio and we all know how icky he is. I also observed that Darcy looks soooo much better leaving Amsterdam than when she arrived. Definitely less makeup is good but I also think her lip fillers have calmed down a bit since she's been away from her regular esthetician and maybe the not drinking looks better on her too...? Anyhoo, Jesse is gross and she seems kind of fucked up but basicallly nice, so I hope she finds someone better.
  5. Aika has something called circle lenses. They are large (non corrective) contacts that are supposed make the wearer look more "doll-like". Check them out. I went in quite the internet rabbit hole looking at pictures of them a few months ago. They are oddly fascinating. http://lunatu.com/o-lens-fire-cat-greybrown-circle-lenses-dia-148bc88-pre-order-555
  6. Yes! I was too self-conscious to say it first. I'd be all over him!
  7. I think Michael was saying that Claire took some existing pants (either what she was currently wearing or something she'd packed) into a bathroom and measured them to pattern the pants she made for her client. If that's true, then that would be cheating. I am unclear how Michael came to know this. I'm not sure if he was an eyewitness or if someone staying the women's apartment told him. I'm a huge Project Runway apologist, but I'm going to need to call shenanigans on two things: 1- I've never missed an episode of this show and so I'm pretty good at picking the top and bottom based not only on my own tastes but also what the judges will like. I was more certain than I've ever been that Kentaro would win this one. I think Claire was picked as the winner to deliberately stir up this shit storm. Kentaro would have been SO CLEARLY the winner on any other episode that didn't have this drama going on in the background. 2- If Marguerita and Michael were speaking about this to each other in the workroom, ON CAMERA, the day before, why didn't a producer say or do anything to investigate this before the runway? They wanted the drama for the runway and manufactured Claire's win to get it.
  8. I'm going on the record right now: Kristina as the next Bachelorette. Dean shows up halfway through the season to the consternation of every other guy. He makes it to F2 and redeems himself to the point where he is at least in the conversation to be the Bachelor because "Kristina opened his heart to the possibility of love". Mark my words.
  9. I was amusing myself thinking that Mo should just marry Wal-Mart Tom on another K1 visa and thinking about how ridiculous that was when it occurred to me that this is very reasonable programming for TLC and I should totally pitch that to them $$$!
  10. I am all in on Eric. I don't think he's going to win and he might not be right for her, but I find him to be a delight and a breath of fresh air and a tall drink of water and everything else! I found his family (past issues notwithstanding) to be one of the most normal groups we've seen on this show which is a good sign of his "good-personess" in my mind. Team Eric!
  11. I think that Bryan is definitely making it to the Fantasy Suite and I know there's NO WAY he's going to choke in the Fantasy Suite so... Rachel is way into him.
  12. Um. I'm experiencing this weird and unfamiliar feeling. Could it be that I'm actually watching for the RIGHT REASONS?! I was charmed last night by Rachel and a few of the guys (Kenny is #1 for me. Don't disappoint us, Kenny!). I found myself not even missing the usual delicious train wreck!
  13. Double post
  14. I said to my husband "I soooooo need Corinne and Chad to be the It Couple in paradise this summer" and he said "Yes! That is the thing America needs and deserves right now." You can take that any way you like ;)
  15. Ghoulina, I agree with everything you've been saying on this topic, but I just had to mention that the idea of Kody wearing "tight blouses" just cracked me up. It's such an apt description though! Meri was so cringeworthy during this episode. I get that her expectations have been altered by this revelation, but she really wasn't listening to the advice (from Robyn and Kody of all people) to work this out in her head on her own time and with her own support system and not to burden Mariah with her process. I think she has an idea (and some people on this board seem to agree) that her struggles or feelings about this are valid and need to be heard by Mariah. I think that while she can't help but feel how she feels, it's extremely tone-deaf and self indulgent to think that Mariah is a an appropriate sounding board for her feelings about who Mariah NATURALLY and INHERENTLY is. I get having to shift expectations and how scary it is, but Mariah is not the person for Meri to go to for a discussion about her disappointment that she will never have a son-in-law. I think that's what her sister wives and husband and friends are (supposed to be) for. Also, I totally agree with many of you who can't believe that Meri is so dense that she can't wrap her head around the logistics of how gay people get married and have kids (all the time!) in 2017!
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