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Everything posted by GSMHvisitor

  1. I wish they would just tell us, though. They made such a huge deal out of it.
  2. My mind is blown, but I'm very happy for them.
  3. Would you mind telling what those criteria are? I barely know anything about that topic, but I found the inpatient treatment solution way too excessive for Jo. I'd love to get a little more insight.
  4. Maybe to obscure the fact that Alex didn't have much going on? He got to resuscitate the kid and got to say like two words to Jo. This whole season was a failure for him. He didn't have one substantial storyline. Everything they started for him they let go to waste. And when Jo got a story he was sidelined in that too. I must be in the minority, but I absolutely hated Jo admitting herself to the psych ward. She definitely needs professional help, but inpatient care? Seriously? That seems like overkill. It's not like she tried to kill herself or is a danger to others. And she's had depression only for a few weeks. Why not just go with regular therapy? This looks like it was just done to drive home a point and I hate it when the show puts story/issue over character. I agree that they should just end Jaggie. This camping trip made me dislike both of them (Maggie more though), when I'm usually indifferent towards them. I also agree that Owen and Teddy are both horrible and deserve each other. I feel sorry for Korasick, but even more sorry for us viewers, because we'll continue to have to endure them next season and probably not in small doses, judging by the writers' favourism. Everything about Meredith's story right now is stupid. DeLuca saying ILY after a few months, the insurance fraud itself, DeLuca going to jail for it, Meredith saying ILY back. I hope this gets wrapped up quickly next season. And I don't mean the insurance nonsense alone, but MerLuca as such too, though I know that won't happen.
  5. They were all promoted? I'm not even really surprised, but the very last thing this show needs is 3 additions to this already bloated cast. Then again all three of them had more story going on as recurring characters than some regulars, so maybe it doesn't even matter. I still hate it, though.
  6. I find it disgusting they made DeLuca risk his career and actually his life - he could go to jail for this like someone pointed out - for a woman he's been dating for a few months. First the ILY and now this. Could they make this any more OTT? It's not romantic at all. They're pushing the MerLuca pairing waay too hard and I've had enough. I agree that both Maggie and Jackson were annoying. Jackson shouldn't have pushed Maggie and she shouldn't have let him just to complain the entire time. I hope to see the end of HAOG soon. I wish the same for Glasses, but I know that's not gonna happen. If anything they're gonna make him a series regular next season. Teddy loves Owen? Really? Why? But whatever. They deserve each other. I just wish they would leave together. So there was some progress with Jo's story after all. But of course she needed magic Meredith for that and didn't talk to her husband. If this were an isolated case I could accept Jo's lack of communication. Sometimes it's the hardest thing to talk to the people who are closest to us. But Jo never tells Alex anything and it's getting on my nerves. She's excluded him from every step on her way to find out more about herself. She didn't want to open the envelope with him, she didn't want him to go to Pittsburgh with her, then she didn't want to tell him what happened. Not to mention all the other things she's kept from Alex like a gun, a marriage, an identity change and an abortion. She's always had good reasons, but enough already. Whenever Alex starts to close himself off she demands him to stop and talk to her and he always does. Why does she never do it? Is there a reason other than lazy writing? I doubt it, but I really would like an explanation. Whenever Alex has any kind of story, Jo is by his side. But when Jo has something going on, Alex is merely a side character. It's great that the writers want to expand Jo's circle and give her scenes with Jackson and Teddy, but why does it have to be at the expense of Alex?
  7. This was not good. Too much stuff that doesn't interest me at all. I skipped all the scenes with the firefighter patient. Same with Contacts and HAOG. So DeLuca told Meredith he loves her? Does that mean they can break up now? Or does Meredith need time to process and figure out her feelings and then she's gonna say it back? Ugh God I hope not. I want both of those characters to be free of this stupid story. I don't know what's going on but Justin's acting in that scene in Bailey's office was really bad. Is it maybe the lame material he's given that makes Justin not care? I love Alex/Justin, but this was not good. I'm getting tired of this Jo story. It's been going on for weeks and we still have zero insight in her thoughts and feelings. If this were a book it could work, but since this is a TV show we need words and dialogues to understand a character. But Jo doesn't talk and the whole thing is just getting old. Camilla's acting isn't always the greatest, so that doesn't help. I liked Koracik until they paired him up with Teddy. Now I just want both of them to leave. Last but not least, the biggest WTF moment to me was about Owen. Did they seriously build a cliffhanger around the question who Owen will confess his love to? Amelia or Teddy? Are they seriously acting like he isn't the worst and does actually deserve either of these women? You gotta be freaking kidding me. I don't care about his weak half-assed redemption story about instant therapy success and a stupid sob story about how he doesn't let joy into his life, because his dad died. Give me a break! Amelia and Teddy are way too good for him. And I say that as someone who only gives half a crap about the former and none at all about the latter.
  8. That last part is hilarious and true at the same time. I pretty much hated s11-13. S14 was a breath of fresh air. But s15 is doing nothing for me. It's not that it's terrible, but most stories just seem so random and meaningless. Except for Owen and Amelia (separately and before as a couple) I don't feel like we got much insight into the characters. They are just there. So much feels like filler. Raising awareness about social issues has somehow become more important than telling character-driven stories.
  9. Maybe the finale is actually gonna be boring. What Caterina said doesn't sound like there's gonna be some huge tragedy or catastrophe. Anything Amelia related doesn't interest me. She's always the character who gets the most screentime and I've had enough of it.
  10. This will never happen for the exact reason you said. It's too grey for Krista. Plus she's all about female empowerment and thus would most likely never make a woman do something that problematic.
  11. Yup. Just like we predicted 2 episodes ago therapy is used to excuse Owen's horrible behaviour. This is totally like Amelia's brain tumour. So now he has some long hidden trauma about the death of his father. And now that seems fixed and he will be a better man for it. Except I don't buy it and it's done nothing to endear Owen to me. She treats Alex terribly, but people who go through a bad time sometimes do that to people who least deserve it. Maybe it's kind of self-sabotage? Didn't she say 2 weeks ago that she used to feel like she didn't deserve for someone to love her? So maybe that's why she's subconsciously trying to destroy it now. What matters to me is that Alex's POV and his feelings in all this were acknowledged and that he's not just taking it. I really liked his talk with Meredith. He's worried about Jo, but he's also worried about himself. And he is allowed to be both. As for the last scene, I gotta say, I'd rather see them fight than Alex continuing to coddle Jo and Jo giving him silence. I liked that last scene. It brought movement into this story and I hope that continues to happen. So far I am interested. Can HOAG just leave now? Him acting like an ass does not make the character any more interesting and the actor is not exactly the best, to put it mildly. The whole story about Meredith, DeLuca and the kids fell flat to me, but then again I just don't like that pairing at all.
  12. I kept thinking, they brought Amy Acker in for THIS? She only got a few scenes and was nothing but a mean bitch. The writers still managed to write Owen into this episode and devote a minute of screentime to him, even though the scene was completely useless and unnecessary. The writers must really love him, huh? And I just can't understand it and never will. Link is awesome. He's the best addition in years. I used to be fond of Koracick too, but then they had to pair him with Teddy who is so bland and boring to me, so now I've kinda had enough of him. Link can stay, though. But I still don't need him to become a regular. Amelia used to be annoying, but now she is fine as a character. But I'm petty and dislike her solely on the fact that she's always been on the forefront of the narrative, pretty much from the moment she joined the show. And this season is practically Amelia's Anatomy. Except for the centrics that didn't include her, she's had a story in practically every episode. Meanwhile Alex couldn't score one real storyline the entire season. The writers' lack of interest in his character is also something I will never ever understand.
  13. That case from s1 is actually a good example of how the storytelling used to be so much more subtle - and better IMO - when it comes to the pressing issues of our time. There was also a rape case in s1 that was so much more poignant to me than what they did 2 weeks ago. Grey's has always addressed social justice issues, the difference is they didn't hit us over the head with them like they do now. That approach and also the fact that they always make the doctors appear like superheroes/saviors just makes me not care.
  14. Another social justice issue front and center. At this point they're just bashing us over the head with them and don't even try to be subtle anymore. And what have they done with Meredith? She's Supersurgeon, Superwoman and supposedly also Supermom, even though we never see the children. I miss when Meredith used to be flawed and relatable. It's great that she's such a good surgeon now, but why does she have to be a flawless and perfect one? She's winning awards, breaking records and apparently is beyond screwing up or even just making mistakes at this point. She's become overly confident in everything she does. The only thing that jeopardizes her career these days is being a good person who cares about asylum seekers. Sure. Great. But maybe this is still better compared to what they did with her in s11-13. She was pretty unlikable duting those seasons, but it was never properly addressed and she got away with it.
  15. That was my first thought as well. I'm sure Owen doing therapy is how his terrible behaviour will be excused, just like Amelia (whose behaviour was more annoying than terrible, though). You can clearly tell who the writers' favs are. This entire season Owen and Amelia are freaking EVERYWHERE. Where was Alex's therapy after beating a guy to the hospital? It wasn't even brought up. Instead the story was just dropped and went nowhere. Alex would have certainly benefitted from counseling. He clearly has some things to work through. But who cares about that if you can use Alex's violent tendencies for shock value every now and then? I don't know what to make of Jo's story so far. The scenes this episode were okay, but I just hope all this leads to something. I hope Jo's words about being a runner are an indicator that it will be addressed how she's running from Alex too, even if it's more in a metaphorical way. But she's kept so many secrets from Alex and keeps shutting him out about important things in her life and it's honestly too much at this point. And I don't like that Alex just has to accept it.
  16. I wonder how that will be handled going forward. It's understandable that she's too shaken up for now to deal with it or even talk about it, but Jo has a history of not telling Alex big important things and it's starting to bother me. Elsewhere someone pointed out that Jo doesn't owe Alex her story and I agree, but only to a degree. Because at this point it's a gun, an abusive husband, an identity change, an abortion. Plus she apparently had a best friend all along she's never mentioned to Alex before either. Now she's blowing him off about her mother. These are all big and formative things she hid from Alex and I don't think he should be supposed just accept it. I want it to be addressed as hurtful behaviour she needs to grow out of. I want Alex's feelings about all her secrets to be acknowledged. Not necessarily in a big way, certainly not in a way that paints Jo in a bad light, but I want it to be clear that this is a pretty hurtful thing for a partner. Only that won't happen, because Jo always has good reasons for her secrets and they are always linked to pain she had to suffer through. So Alex doesn't say anything, to the Paul reveal he barely even got to react, and his only role is that of supportive boyfriend. As he should be, don't get me wrong. But somewhere in the middle I would like to have it acknowledged that Jo's actions are not entirely okay and that they do affect Alex too.
  17. You don't remember it, because it never happened that way. Link said exactly what you remember. That he knew Paul and didn't like him. He told Jo as much, but she didn't care. He never knew a thing about the abuse.
  18. That was not at all what happened. Link was in Jo's life when she met Paul, but he didn't know a thing about the abuse. He didn't like him and told Jo as much, but she wouldn't believe him and so he backed away eventually and accepted her choice. I doubt the abuse did even start while Jo was still in touch with Link.
  19. It wasn't a bad episode, but definitely way overhyped. Flashbacks were good, both actresses delivered, but the big reveal was predictable, so there was no surprise there. The present day story was too heavy-handed for my taste, especially the lkne of women in the end. It made me roll my eyes, also because I knew it was supposed to make me cry. I think someone upthread mentioned it already - I, too, do not like being told by a show how to feel. Some of the dialogue was too much "in your face" for me, in both the flashbacks and the present day story. Felt like the writers were desperately trying to educate and lecture the audience and get their message across. Which is fine as such, but it wasn't subtle at all. I feel like this episode was much more about raising awareness and getting the consent message across than about Jo as a character. I don't really feel like I know her better now and I felt the same way when they finally addressed her abusive husband that came out of nowhere. The fact that she completely shut down after meeting her mother just adds to that. Because if she doesn't talk with anyone we won't know her thoughts and feelings. I hope she does open up to Alex eventually. The only surprise the episode had to offer is the fact that Jo had an abortion while she was married to Paul. You'd think she would have mentioned that to Alex when they previously talked about what she'd been through with her first husband, but then again we've never actually seen Jo and Alex have a talk about Paul, so I guess not. But Alex and Jo have talked about kids before and apparently it didn't come up then either. The abortion secret per se doesn't bother me so much, but between identity change, abusive husband and and abortion the secrets are piling up. There's so much Alex didn't or doesn't know about Jo and I don't like it. I hope she finally opens up about things to Alex. I get that she didn't want to talk about her mother instantly, but I hope it won't be dragged out for too long. On a minor note, Alex's time as chief is over now. The fact that it was randomly revealed in his conversation with Jo is almost like a metaphor for this whole story (if you can even call it that). It was random and had no purpose whatsoever. I'm tired of these "alibi" storylines for Alex that are only there so he's occupied with something, but get little screentime and are essentially meaningless for him as a character.
  20. Fair enough, but the difference is, the vast majority of those things happened to Meredith during the show. It's been on for 15 seasons, of course the ludicrous things started piling up. But with Jo almost all those things were there before. And for a long time the writers kept piling on without ever exploring any of it. And some things were added that downright contradicted things that were established before. Like the entire abusive husband story. It just made no sense at all and was so unnecessary. It did nothing for me. I am more interested in the mom story, but I'm also sure it is already overhyped and it feels like it's all about the shock value.
  21. I'm pretty sure they'll make Jo the product of rape. The way they're building it up with a devastated Jo in the end of this episode and the promo for next week, I'd be surprised if it were anything else. I'm also not a fan of one tragedy after another being piled on Jo. It's so much at this point, it stopped moving me a long time ago. But if they do this story justice, I'll take it. Like others have said, she had nothing going on all season. As for her going alone, it really bothers me that we didn't see how that decision was made. I'm sure Alex would have gone with her. So why didn't he? Maybe she told him she had to do this alone. But I can only guess and that really annoys me. Why was there no scene where they discussed the trip? But that would have meant actual meaningful screentime together and we can't have that.
  22. I'm a die-hard Alex fan, but I have to agree with this. I have no problem with Alex being Andrew's boss on a general level, but when they're in a conflict situation it still does and probably always will make me a little uneasy. It was not even that terrible. Alex had a good point as the attending and Andrew did stand up for himself. But knowing their history, conflict situations just don't work with those two. I wish they would just let them interact in a friendly or neutral way when they have to be in scenes together. In other news I'm still massively disappointed Alex hasn't had one real story arc this entire season. And this was episode 18. I hope the story they started with Jo will be an actual storyline beyond the centric next week. And I hope Alex will get something to do then. Nevertheless it's no excuse for how he was treated this season.
  23. Back half? More like final handful. And let's not forget one of those is an Amelia centric. (Sorry for being so bitter, but I can't help it.)
  24. There were mentions though. In season 1 Kevin and Sophie mentioned Kate 2 separate times. When they had their first real conversation on the subway in 1x14 Sophie asked Kevin how Kate was doing. He then told her about Katte's engagement. She was also mentioned in a talk in 1x17. And Sophie was not among the girls who were mean to Kate. The girl from the pool was spelt Sofie, plus Kate and Sophie's childhood friendship was revealed in a later episode, that was also later in the timeline. I agree though, there was never much to their friendship. It was never explored beyond the point that it existed.
  25. Count me in on those thinking Kevin has much better chemistry with Sophie than Zoe. I was actually very invested in their relationship and I'll forever be a little bitter the writers threw them away the way that they did. I wanted nothkng more but a story about Kevin making it up to Sophie and be a great boyfriend to her. They had so little actual screentime together in s1 & 2, it's a shame. With Zoe they are trying much more, but I can't warm up to her character. I understand why she is the way that she is, but she has not one thing that endears her to me. And I just really liked all the potential Kevin & Sophie's story had. Oh well, it's not like I'm very attached to the show now. I quit watching after the show came back from hiatus. I tuned in for the Nicky two-parter because of Kevin and I will continue to do so for his sake every now and then. But most other parts of the show annoy me now, especially Randall and he and Beth will apparently get another centric next wedk and I'm just too over him to still care. I'd much rather see the Kevin/Sophie origin story with their move to New York, wedding and how their marriage ultimately failed, but I know I'm in the minority with that.
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