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Posts posted by MissAlmond

  1. On ‎11‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 11:04 PM, legaleagle53 said:

    I figured it was just a matter of time after Barbara Bush passed away what, a couple of months ago?

    I felt the same way too.  R.I.P. President Bush.


    1 hour ago, rubaco said:

    I'm an old-timer, so I loved him on F-Troop. It seems like he was a TV fixture in the 1970s. Always, always likable. 

    The repeats used to be on all the time.  R.I.P. Mr. Berry.

    • Love 2
  2. I decided to finally borrow this movie from my local library after watching "The Circus" on  American Experience.  Don't know why, but I loved it.   Read and understand the criticism, but still love it.  Loved it so much, I'm buying the DVD.  Yes, a DVD.  I don't trust anybody's clouds with the things I love.  

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  3. Back when the majority of TV series were stand alone episodes, I used to wonder why character's relatives/friends would constantly change.  I remembered how Guest Star A would appear and said to be the main character's BFF only for later episodes to say Guest Star B was now the BFF.  I used to ask myself, wait, what happened to Guest Star A?  I thought that was their BFF.  There were siblings who appeared only to disappeared, birth orders rearranged, vacations to cities that happened, only to later never have been visited.  It was all very confusing because I remembered it all! 

    Of course, I'm the same person who started watching a certain soap opera as a young girl because a major character had a life threatening medical condition.  The operation was thought to be successful, but the doctor warned it could return.  I spend years wondering if there would be a reoccurrence.   It took years to finally realize in the soap world, serious, life threating medical conditions are forever forgotten once a plotline has run its course.   BTW - the soap opera in question has been off the air for years now, yet still I remember.  

    • Love 7
  4. No, Apple.  I will not update to iOS 12 on your timetable.  I will update when I hear it's ready for prime time.  Until then your Install Now will be deleted.  99.9% of your new and improved features are meaningless to me anyway.  Yes.  I said it.  If it weren't for the money I spend for music on that early iPod, I would have quit you long ago.  But I'm cheap that way.  

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  5. On ‎3‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 4:10 PM, starri said:

    I'm honestly surprised the Travers estate okayed this. She was pretty specific in her will about could and couldn't be done with Mary Poppins (she stated outright that if Disney tried to make a stage musical, the book and any new music had to be written by British people, and expressly forbade the Sherman Brothers from coming anywhere near it).  I can't image she'd have wanted Walt Disney to make more money off of her.

    Never trust future heirs to do right by your wishes.  So specifically state they forfeit the inheritance if they don't.   

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  6. 20 hours ago, Blergh said:
    On ‎9‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 2:58 PM, BetterButter said:

    Yes, his talent made great strides for those of other ethnic groups wanting to be writers and nothing can take away from that.


    However; he seemed to be downright catty re those he'd worked with in his Emmy TV Legends interview to the point of  'jokingly' slandering the paternity of Lisa Bonet's firstborn child   and he's lucky that neither she nor Miss Zoe Kravitz opted to sue him for that! 

     Regardless of his 'tude, he does deserve to RIP for his positive achievements!

     I knew of Thad Mumford's work but not his catty side.    67 is still way too young, Mumford's father just died last month (August) at 95.  RIP.

    • Love 1
  7. I love my iPhone SE, it's the first cell phone I've loved since my Nokia flip phone (which had the best battery life ever!).  Now I hear Apple is discontinuing it.  If in the future you see a woman all dressed in black, veil included, holding a phone while crying, that will be me because my SE finally bit the dust.  Damn you Apple!  

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  8. 1 hour ago, Ceindreadh said:

    That’s not really going to help her in the job market if everybody she lists as a previous employer can only say “ribbit ribbit”


    But on a more serious note, turning people into toads because they disrespect you, that’s assault. Even if there’s not an actual statute on the books - and I’m sure there could be a few old ones kicking around - it’s no better than punching somebody in the face, no matter how much of an arsehole they’re being. 

    Um, in the first Bewitched witches/warlocks were forever doing not nice things to mortals for showing them disrespect.   In one episode a friend of Darin's from Salem had to ride through town on a horse dressed as Paul Revere proclaiming "Witches are good, witches are dear" to have a family curse removed.  Endora once told Darin he was lucky she didn't turn him into a toad. Maurice obviated Darin when they first met.  Samantha once put up an invisible shield so Darin couldn't touch her when she was angry with him and she wasn't nice to Shelia at that dinner party either.  And Tabitha was already following in Grandmama's footsteps in preschool (little Tabitha  had no problems knowing how to deal with annoying classmates).  So what I'm asking is how is this premise going to work when witches/warlocks are so powerful they have the means to deal with any disrespect thrown their way.  

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  9. Quote

    It sounds like, based on the pitch, he has to be white for the underlying story conceit to work.  Samantha is supposed to be a single mother, hard worker who is a witch.  He is supposed to be a 'bit of a slacker.'   The conceit is, that Samantha can be a witch with actual superpowers but because Darren is a white male, his voice gets automatically heard and valued more no matter how supernaturally powerful she may be. 

    I still don't get how this premise will work since Samantha has the power to turn anyone who disrespected her into a toad if she wanted to be heard.  We all know Endora certainly would have.

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