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Posts posted by MissAlmond

  1. 46 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    I'm confused.  What you described is a drama and isn't that what Pitch is?  It's not a documentary.

    They like to follow players stats, which is something hardcore baseball fans are passionate about.  Fictional characters stats are made up.  The success/failure of the first REAL female baseball player isn't the same as a fictional character whose fate most certainly has already been determined by the showrunner/writing staff.   When this type of fan wants to see baseball, they watch baseball.  Not a weekly drama about baseball.  This elusive difference is probably why Fogelman/FOX can't figure out why they aren't watching Pitch.  But I come from a baseball town and get it.

    • Love 1
  2. 56 minutes ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

    I think a network, fictional, sports-themed show centered on a young black woman in baseball was always a tough sell. Maybe because I don't watch the genre, but I can't think of such a show (fictional, sports-themed on a network) that recently did well in the ratings. Maybe Friday Night Lights, but that ended years ago, and it felt more like an ensemble. And of course, the sports aspect was centered on males, so there's that. 

    I know hardcore baseball fans of all races/sexes/ages who most certainly would follow the progression of the first female baseball player, no matter her race, and discuss how she was doing incessantly.  None of them were interested in weekly watching a fictional first female baseball player whose stats were made up by a showrunner and career progression dictated by storyline. 

  3. OK, so here it goes.  I have no intention of shelling out another dime to subscribe to Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, CBS All-Access, etc etc etc.  Any prime cable channel, or anything else beyond my Basic Cable Extended package in order to watch anybody's TV show/series unless they involve somebody near and dear to my heart or they pay me.  So far, none of this has happened.  And no, I don't care how many awards they've won or how many overexcited critics praise these shows.  Nor am I cutting the cord  in order to just "stream" or, whatever, in order to see them either.  Usually my public library eventually purchases the DVD's, but if not, c'est la vie!

    • Love 14
  4. 7 hours ago, Tehateki said:

    (Buyers did bet on Lethal Weapon doing really well and paid ~$172K/30 sec for it!)

    Probably due to Empire being its lead in, LW the show however didn't get good reviews.  But you are right - it's the ADS (ie money) that really matter. 


    6 hours ago, Free said:

    Even if MacGuyver did bomb, CBS would still be able to replace it with another new show or they could plug Amazing Race in there, FOX is still stuck dumping flop shows there.

    Les Moonves knows how the game is played.  He's the only network head who bases his decisions on the older 25-54 demo because he stated that's where the money is.

    • Love 2
  5. 45 minutes ago, Briony said:

    I don't know how they didn't think Rosewood was gonna bomb. I remember hearing it was really only doing well because of its Empire lead in and that was a while ago. But then again, they renewed SH and think Lucifer is a winner so maybe unwarranted optimism really is the way things operate at Fox HQ. 

    I have no idea what FOX thought/thinks about Rosewood.  But the reason they renewed Sleepy Hollow is simple.  It's produced by FOX Studios so they own it, they've said repeatedly Sleepy Hollow does well and makes money for them internationally, and FOX wanted additionally episodes for syndication purposes.  In other words, strictly business. 

    45 minutes ago, Briony said:

    That's how shows critics hate (ala MacGyver and Bull) can survive there because they aren't made for the critics. They are tailor made for the NCIS crowd.

    Critics thought MacGvyer AND FOX's Lethal Weapon were going to bomb because Rush Hour, Minority Report, and a few other movies made into TV shows/rebooted TV shows had just bombed recently. 

    • Love 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Free said:

    Not to mention, CBS has a solid overall lineup for Fridays, FOX just dumped 2 low rated flop shows here.  You need to strengthen your lineup and FOX didn't do that.

    Rosewood must have filmed all of their episodes.  These days, networks allow even Dead Shows Walking to finish airing shows in the can.  And to be fair, FOX didn't plan on airing back to back problematic shows.  Masterchef Jr was there to give Friday's strength and FOX thought Thursday night was secured.  After all, before this season started,  everybody predicted Pitch would be FOX's 2016-17 breakaway hit.   Come to think of it, everybody also predicted MacGyver would become one of CBS's 2016-17 bombs.  The best laid plans of mice and men . . . .

    • Love 2
  7. 3 hours ago, topanga said:

    I want to watch a new episode of Pitch, Superstore, etc. on Thursday night. Why must I be deprived??????

    FOX wishes "Pitch",  for at least one night, would bring in the ratings 50+ year old "A Charlie Brown Christmas" will gift ABC.   CBS, who commissioned the Charlie Brown Christmas/Halloween specials in the first place, probably secretly weeps twice a year when they see the rating numbers those two specials still manage to snag.  Charlie Brown.  He gets the job done.

    • Love 11
  8. 17 hours ago, Free said:

    Rosewood already bombed on Thursdays and SH is only going to decline further or at the very least, stay low.

    Sleepy Hollow was originally slated to return with the better rated Masterchef Jr as its lead.  I truly believe that's why they added a Cousin Oliver to the cast (Yaffe was a former Masterchef Jr contestant).   FOX's plan probably was Masterchef Jr would give SH a lift and SH itself remain steady on a slow night.   Maybe they hoped to even squeeze out a S5 to add for syndication purposes this way.  However, FOX Thursday’s have been a major disappointment, so Pitch was capped at  its original 10 episode  order (although I swear it was 13 at first), Rosewood was switched to Friday, and Masterchef Jr was moved to Thursdays to join a whole bunch of other cooking shows for a revamped mid season lineup.  Meanwhile, over at CBS, they hit the Friday night jackpot.  Although MacGyver’s ratings aren’t spectacular, the show has done wonders for Hawaii 5-O’s followed by the already solid Blue Bloods.  So what happens now to FOX on Friday's will be interesting.  I'm sure Dana and Gary fantasize Rosewood/SH will somehow duplicate that CBS Friday night magic, but the goat FOX sacrificed for a thrilling 7 game World Series is long gone. 

    • Love 2
  9. On 11/17/2016 at 11:46 PM, Free said:

    That and it looks so painfully generic especially their pathetic attempt at trying to get rid of just about everything that made the show what it was to begin with.

    Yes, it does.  That's why I have no interest in S4.  I will, however, follow the ratings because ratings for all network shows interest me.  This season CBS is cooking on high heat with their Friday night lineup of MacGyver ->Hawaii 5-O ->Blue Bloods.   If that continues, FOX's midseason lineup of Rosewood ->Sleepy Hollow will be lucky if it gets up to simmer. 

    • Love 2
  10. On 11/3/2016 at 6:44 AM, Babyfoot said:

    I have a completely irrational loathing for Ellen Pompeo. 

    Hmmm did you first notice her in Law and Order? If so, it might explain things.  I know whenever I run across her,


    I still immediately think of that episode and the sly  "I got away with it" look she gave when she thought McCoy was arresting her father.

    • Love 2
  11. 11 hours ago, Amethyst said:

    Man, they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel if they're bringing back Noble.

    The majority of S4's casting announcements feel as if SH's PTB are driving around in a van on the out of work actor's strip and offering people a hot meal and an acting gig to help turn their careers around.

    • Love 17
  12. 13 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

    Speaking of William Paley, I think he was the one who got Gunsmoke "uncancelled" thus resulting in the decision to cancel Gilligan's Island.   I wonder if there were enough fans of the show to have broken the Internet back then. 

    Yeap.  That was William Paley.  Gunsmoke at the time was struggling and the CBS scheduling programmers had replaced (otherwise known as cancelled) it with Gilligan's Island and a new comedy to appeal to younger viewers.  Alas for them, Gunsmoke was Paley's favorite show and - according to Fred Silverman - Paley simply said "Put it back" and <snap> like that Gunsmoke was renewed and Gilligan cancelled.    I do believe Gunsmoke was moved to another day where the ratings approved and the rest is television history.  Don't know if Gilligan would have had enough fans to break the Internet, but it wouldn't have mattered to William Paley because he had spoken.

    • Love 3
  13. 19 hours ago, roseha said:

    To  date myself...my family watched Star Trek when it was first run, but it got *very* low ratings at the time.  So maybe it being cancelled would have broken the internet if a small group of fans could make a lot of noise, maybe not?  The huge cult following of Trek happened later when it was rerun, though I have to say that I always enjoyed the show and still do.

    Renewing Star Trek during its original run would have broken the Internet for sure.   It was saved for a third season by a letter writing campaign, something that took a lot more effort than clicking a button.   It was that additional season that gave Star Trek enough episodes to be sold into syndication.  Star Trek was also lucky it was on NBC and not CBS because back in those days if CBS's William Paley had said Star Trek was done for, it was done for.  

    • Love 3
  14. Bill Cosby being cast as co-lead on I Spy

    Robert Reed's gender reassignment storyline on Medical Center

    NBC's two-parter The Dark Secret of Harvest Home starring Bette Davis.

    The alien, Diana, opening wide and gulping down a small animal on V: the miniseries

    David Kimble waking up from plastic surgery and seeing "KILLER" branded on his forehead on The Young and the Restless.

    • Love 2
  15. I’ll skip the big ones since they pretty much broke whatever was the equivalent of the Internet at the time.   I’ll also skip SHOCKERS!! for shows such as “Perry Mason”, “Mission Impossible”, "Columbo", "The Twilight Zone", etc.  I’m sure in the great beyond these executive producers/creators are happy they missed the Internet.   They would have had to explain “THAT" twist on a weekly basis!

    “The Avengers” Steed and Mrs. Peel would have been shipped and the Internet broken with vows of “I’ll never watch again!” when Diana Rigg left the series.  Which, in a more things change, the more they stay the same reminder, it's said pretty much happened at the time. 

    TV Line would have been salivating to discuss Dominique Deveraux’s cliffhanger declaration of being a Carrington on “Dynasty”.  THAT'S a tailored made header for them right there.

    A couple of forgotten ones that probably would have broken the Internet.

    Lauren Tewes being replaced on “The Love Boat” due to her drug addiction.

    Jon-Erik Hexum accidentally killing himself on the set of “Cover-Up”.            

    Redd Foxx having a heart attack that ended his life on the set of "The Royal Family" during a rehearsal break.

    • Love 5
  16. 17 minutes ago, ganesh said:

    Brady Bunch: The fallout from Marcia's nose would have broken the internet. 

    From TVLine: "EP Sherwood Schwartz Defends Controversial Marcia Football Slamming Scene: 'We Felt We Needed to Dig Deeper on Marcia's Feelings About Her Nose'."

    7 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

    Also Jan's "Marcia Marcia Marcia" might have done some breakage as well.

    Of course!  That was the shocking! remark LOL.

    Ok.  I have to stop this or I'll come up with over the top TVLine Brady Bunch headlines all afternoon.  LOL.

    • Love 8
  17. 3 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

    Oh, I hate that too. Again, sites like io9, Nerdist and others are absolutely terrible for this sort of over-analysis and wallowing.

    It's TVLine's overwrought headlines that make me chuckle.  If the Brady Bunch aired today, TVLine would have a header that read: "EP Sherwood Schwartz Explains Jan's Pom Pom Team Desires and That Shocking Remark About {Spoiler}!"

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