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Posts posted by MissAlmond

  1. My network system went dead and I lost 15 minutes of the show.  I haven't the faintest idea of why Crane/THO were sitting around talking, why a banshee was needed, what Sophie meant when she made a comment about banshee being dead and what made Pandora decide to work with Abbie in the first place.  I am very, very confused.  Sometimes I hate technology. 

  2. It is interesting that Daniel is in the loop. Being a shipper for Crane and Mills, I'll be bitterly disappointed if the show tries to sell them as end game - do *not* try to Katrina our Daniel, show!

    Oh, hell no! If Abbie/Daniel turns out to be End Game, I'm hunting Clifton Campbell down and bringing Liam Neeson with me.

    • Love 4
  3. Late to the party and everything has pretty much been said. Still I brought my dip and expect others to taste it LOL.

    I thought putting down this monster made sense. If the Dutch could contain him 200+ years prior, it stands to reason by the 21st century, the monster could be eradicated. Robbie was totally the red shirt of this episode. Since he only wore a red hat (nice touch show!), Robbie was able to make it out of the woods alive.

    Agree with wanting more Crane this episode. Mison’s lack of presence could be due to scheduling, this season the show is on target with filming (they’re already done) and I know one writer spoke about losing four days filming in the catacombs due to rain. The moment the sun came out, they immediately set up shop and starting shooting. Atlanta has a lot more filming activity than Wilmington, plus they’re a major metropolitan city so tying up a location is probably more problematic. So while I missed Mison, he was used effectively. Loved his playing with the object in the scientist’s lab, the joy on Mison’s face reminded me of Crane discovering new things in S1. The crescendo of music when he took out Intestines Man was stirring too.

    I knew Joe would turn into a Wendingo from the previous episode’s preview. Very nice callback. Next week, it seems THO leaves his man cave to take on Crane and afterward, pick up that beer he blames Pandora for not remembering to buy. I’m actually looking forward to this because it will be interesting to see just how well THO does on his own, since my girl apparently is always wrong in his eyes.

    So Pandora was watching “Snapped” in her pool! I told you my girl would remember the days when she had control over her own box! Pandora gave THO chance after chance after chance to do right by her, but when he pooh-poohed her that last time, her eyes flashed and she was “done”. Than J/J rant was 100% about Life with a Worthless god. Pandora already told Mr. Man (Kathy Bates/Misery), The Witnesses were “useful” and, of course, he ignored her again. Pandora won’t be as foolish as him. Netlyon2 said she wanted Pandora to sing “Never Gonna Get It” with Abbie. I want the two of them to do Streisand/Summers “Enough is Enough” with Pandora angrily repeating the “enough” line while Abbie explains listening to her heart and parting from the boring Daniel Reynolds.

    I’m with everyone else and hoping the Abbie/Daniel conversation was the parallel of Crane/Zoe because, like Crane/Zoe, I see no chemistry whatsoever between Abbie/Daniel. I take that back, they “do” have a chemistry - the sort of chemistry a couple has when everyone thinks you’re so perfect together but deep inside, you want to scream. When things get too close, Abbie ups and leaves the little cabin. Danny, buys the Kool-Aid a bit more but is angry about it. I’m with snookums in wanting that conversation to be about Abbie telling Reynolds “It’s been real, but -“ with Reynolds thinking “Thank God!” as she leaves and pulls out the number of that woman he really wanted to date.

    • Love 3
  4. On tablet and away from it all so haven't see episode but keeping track on forums. Just wanted to state Enero beat me to it about The Destroyers also meaning destroyers of evil. I might have even said that before but now I forget LOL. Misdirection. Always remember that when it comes to S3.

    ETA. It also sounds like Pandora was watching "Snapped" at her pool! Good for her!

    • Love 1
  5. >>Whoa - that sounds so like SH. Knew NB/TM didn't want to do promo/cons/etc. If they did - and wanted to get exposure - they would. Wonder what the verboten question was?<<

    Twitter. LOL

    • Love 1
  6. Especially since this seems to contradict "my dad beat me into muteness until THO fed him to a lion" stuff from earlier. Gawd, show, settle on a backstory and move on! 



    From what I've read on Twitter, this season the writers room have made an effort to link all their backstories, so I'm not so sure Pandora wasn't telling Abbie the truth.  There is another possibility:  THO and Jersey Devil could be unreliable narrators.  Or maybe just THO, since that's probably where the Jersey Devil heard the story to begin with.  Considering the spins THO has recently pulled on Pandora, I wouldn't put it past him. 


    ETA: There's also a chance  THO's brother purchased the mute Pandora who, in turn, fed her father to the lions. Judging from the flashback, Pandora was already in service when she first met THO.   Was it said her father sold Pandora specifically to THO? My DVR lost all earlier S3 episodes. <grrr>

    • Love 2
  7. Joe Webb (one of SH's writers) tweeted answers to a couple of questions some have had. 


    On Joe Corbin and money (it was indeed the cash Joe and Jenny spoke about earlier and Joe thought was dirty)



    Joe Webb ‏@JoeWebb13 Mar 4

    Re: Joe & the money... Once he learned from Nevins last ep that his dad wasn't complicit, there's less impediment to using it. #SleepyHollow


    And whoever posted Pandora seemed fed up, was on target:



    Joe Webb ‏@JoeWebb13 Mar 4

    Really strong performance by Shannyn Sossamon in that last scene. Without saying a word, you can see Pandora's rage simmering. #SleepyHollow


    Take him down, Pandora!


    Oh and apparently a lot of the BTS SH people want Jenny's trailer when the show is said and done. 



    2 weeks without SBR?! We must be living right.


    Don't get too comfortable.  I'm sure she will return.  IMO, Betsy Ross is the biggest mistake of S3.  Zoe, I understood, Daniel, I understand even though both characters bore me immensely.  But while I know BR is there for a purpose, not only does her character bore me but Nikki Reed (who, I admit, does seem a good sport and team player) is - as Goldie Hawn said of Meryl Streeps' character in Death Becomes Her -  a bad actress.



    I was impressed with Leeds' inventions - modern 'film' wasn't invented til Edison invented the kinetoscope in 1891 and the phonograph in 1878. Leeds combining both sound and vision about 100 years previously was interesting. His genetic mutations were also interesting in that he could grow a scorpion tail and have goat features. I don't know if it was realistically possible at the time. He certainly was ahead of his time. Perhaps a good twist would have him be a time traveller.


    I liked the idea that Leeds was  far ahead of his time and, to Benjamin Franklin's mind, so twisted in his thinking, he had the ability to envision and create inventions way before others could even dream them. 



    You're just jonesing for more hand porn,


    Is there anything wrong with that? LOL

    • Love 2
  8. Pandora was definitely more interesting before The Hidden One came along, and their story has become quite boring. That being said, however, I'm looking forward to seeing what she has in store for her douche of a man. Maybe it was just my interpretation, but I swear I almost heard the gears turning in her head when she looked at THO in their last scene. Girl seems a bit fed up.

    Pandora was my girl! She didn’t walk around Sleepy Hollow, she strutted. She was the Unflappable Pandora and went around telling people their worst fears would indeed come true. However, as someone once told me, just because a woman is smart in other things doesn’t mean she’s smart in love. Alas, Pandora seems to be one of those. She’s obviously lost all sense of her own identity and now leans on The Hidden One to provide it for her. Maybe that’s the point of THO/Pandora story. I want Pandora to take The Hidden One down and proclaim herself goddess of them all. Then I want her to put that librarian outfit back on and give lectures at Sleepy Hollow University on “A Woman’s Box and the Importance of Keeping It."

    • Love 11
  9. Fine bit of acting by TM with Crane feeling the effects of the venom.  He started acting it out while still in the background.


    The Jersey Devil was great and I was sorry when he was defeated.  Makes me wonder if he would have stayed longer if the show had been assured of a reneweal earlier on.


    I was shocked by two things.  #1 Abbie kissing Ichabod on his forehead.  Thank you board for confirming what at first I "thought" I saw.  It was real!  Yay.  #2 The Hidden One not only can move but he went outdoors.  I was beginning to think he was permanently housebound and stuck to that chair.  I wish Pandora had thrown that old, wilted flower in his face.  I hope that pool she sits by endlessly is actually showing episodes of "Snapped" and she's taking notes to avoid mistakes when she finally snaps herself. 


    This is the first episode of the "Back 9" that didn't quite do it for me.  On to "Into the Wild"!

    • Love 4
  10. From Albert Kim's twitter page - the rest of the episodes are:


    Episode 315: "Incommunicado"

    Episode 316:  "Dawn's Early Light"

    Episode 317: "Delaware"

    Episode 318: "Ragnarok" (finale season? show?)*


    *Season/show followed by question marks are my doing, not from anything Albert Kim tweeted. 

  11. Rewatching Kindred Spirits now. If Ichibod and Abbie had a daughter, she could look like Sophia...That is apparent in the scene where the camera keeps cutting between Ichibod, Abbie and Sophia while they are discussing the kindred. I don't think it is a coincidence that she is biracial with the Mills family connection. Ichibod and Abbie may have sent her back in time (probably to save her life) when she was a baby. If this happened, Sophia would not remember it and Abbie and Ichibod would not be aware of it because it occurs in the future. Now that Jessica Camacho is a series regular, I believe she is going to play a greater role in the second 1/2 of the season.


    My word, I hope not!  That sounds like Henry Parrish: Part II.  And I hated Henry Parrish. 


    • Love 1

    Cause shooting someone point blank is cold, but shooting him while he is sitting in your car is beyond stupid.


    Shot him  "leave the gun, take the cannoli" style in the car.



    P.S.  That is one wickedly ugly wig they've saddled Pandora with.  Ew.


    Poor Pandora.  Since raising The Hidden One, she went from Absolutely Fabulous to folk in Sleepy Hollow singing "Grizabella the Glamour Cat" as she passes by. 

    • Love 7
  13. I always knew FBI Boss/Katy Perry Guy was shady.

    First clue something’s wrong with Abbie? When a woman turns down a dinner like that, obviously she’s not in full possession of her faculties.

    For a quick second, I thought Mr T. had arrived in Sleepy Hollow.

    According to Joe Webb, the show wanted more Bill Irwin, but he’s starring in a Broadway play, which is probably why FBI Boss shot Nevins dead gangster style.

    Abbie/Daniel thrills me as much as Crane/Zoe.

    I’ll miss you Randall, you stupid fool.

    THO is so cocky, he doesn’t realize, in due course of time, Pandora is going to go straight Farrah Fawcett “Burning Bed” on his fine ass.

    Because of Sleepy Hollow, MissAlmond will be having Italian food this weekend.

    I love Season 3.

    I hate javascript.

    • Love 8
  14. When Mr. and Mrs. Kindred walked away from the flames, all I heard in my head was Phil Hartman saying "Fire bad!"


    Pandora, didn't I tell you to call that lawyer?


    Bye Zoe!  Please send a carriage so Betsy Ross can follow you.

    • Love 4

    But seriously - not what I was focusing on at all.  I kinda feel like you misunderstood me and then argued the exact point I was making.


    Actually, I openly admit I did misunderstand you.  I thought you were paralleling Crane/Abbie to the Pandora/Hidden One scene you also mentioned where THO took Pandora's powers.  I didn't see any mention of romance in that description, maybe there was and I missed it.  I'm reading fast and furious because Java Script is making  PTV hell today. 

    • Love 1

    And seriously - you cannot parallel Ichabbie to THO/Pandora and not be thinking about both couples romantically.  THO/Pandora are romantic and evil and Ichabbie are....?  Come on show!


    No, not parallels.  Mirror images of the other.  The show has it right.


    From Wikipedia:

    A mirror image (in a plane mirror) is a reflected duplication of an object that appears almost identical, but is reversed in the direction perpendicular to the mirror surface.




    • Love 1

    The best romantic relationships are the ones based in deep friendship - you want to marry your best friend, not the person you barely tolerate in life, but have hot sex with. Hot sex is great, but that's a one-night stand or occasional hook-up, not a person you build a life with.


    Pandora looks up, wondering . . .

    • Love 13
  18. I'm inclined to cut Pandora some slack here. She waited thousands of years, her husband's dream apocalypse came crashing to the ground, she cut him some slack.

    His mistake was, he didn't kill her. Because her magical juice is clearly way stronger than his, and now she's pissed.

    Zod also played the oldest trick in the book. He became all lovey dovey and conjured up Pandora's ancestral land, which made her extremely happy. Then Zod went into his "Oh my aching powers!" routine and if he could only get a witness, everything would be fine. But remember, Pandora, you said it yourself: There are worst things than being alone, like being married to an ungrateful cranky god who guilts you into giving him your powers. Grow that tree, sprout and put on that black dress, and start your list of fellow gods to attend Zod's funeral.

    • Love 11

    I'd like to think that as soon as they got out of the room, epic hugging commenced. Hoping we get a flashback. As good as the hand porn was, I needed to see a hug.


    Abbie was certainly going for the epic hug when Crane arrived in Land of the Lost.  Sadly, it was only Crane's astral projection.  Later, when they were both flesh and blood and ready for some - um - "bonding", the other people in the room stood around staring like that roomful of relatives in The Godfather when Michael could only stare at Apollonia and she had to resort to hand gesturing: "Yes, I'm wearing your necklace, big boy, and I'm ready for the wedding night too.   Why won't these people get the hell out of here?" 


    I loved the scene where Jenny and Joe pretty much proclaimed Crane wasn't coming back and Abbie, of course, wasn't buying it and reminded Crane he was to follow her.  Then Jenny and Joe started ooh and aahing when Crane stirred, whereupon Abbie thought to herself: "I knew my man wasn't leaving me bereft.  Why won't these people get the hell out of here?" 


    ETA: Upon seeing Stone Manor, I swear, I was waiting for the guy who sang "Shout" to appear LOL.  

    • Love 8
  20. PS - Pandora, you in danger, girl. Run or put his suffering butt back into the tree where you found him.


    Zod’s outward physique disguises the fact that, inside, he’s really just a grumpy old man.  He simply sits around all day, turning that wheel, while complaining about those damn kids on his earth and how everything is Pandora’s fault.  Hopefully, Pandora will soon wake up and realize, while missing Zod’s fine body, she had forgotten what a total crank he was.  She'll remember how happy life was when it was just her, the tree, a truck full of amazing clothes/wigs and having total control over her own box.  When that revelation hits, Pandora will grow a new tree to sprout herself   widow’s weeds and funeral music for a god.

    • Love 13
  21. They're also doing a lot of promotion on Twitter. Their Instagram page seems to get updated everyday also. I can't see their tumblr at work, but I imagine it's being updated pretty often.


    Since Sleepy Hollow is considered by many to more a DVR type show, maybe FOX is of the opinion social media, not network TV, is the best place to promote it. 


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