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Posts posted by MissAlmond

  1. From Albert Kim's Twitter page, here are the titles of the already written second half S3 episodes:


    Episode 309:  "One Life"

    Episode 310: "Incident at Stone Manor"

    Episode 311: "Kindred Spirits

    Episode 312: "Sins of the Father"

    Episode 313: "Dark Mirror"

    Episode 314: "Into the Wild"


    • Love 2

    This intrigues me and makes me wonder what brings Mr. Leeds to Sleepy Hollow.  Is he coming on his own?  Has he always been there?  Does Ichabod summon him to help find Abbie?  Do Zod and Pandora enlist him to  restore the earth to its former glory?  Or has he been called by the residents of Sleepy Hollow because they're all secretly adrenaline junkies and need fresh, new excitement for the town?

  3. Boobsy Ross and Ichabod: Her comment about Ichabod abandoning propriety and doing something impulsive for the right woman was definitely about Abbie. We speculated this in the beginning, but fear and PGSD (Post Goffman Stress Syndrome) prevented many from really being able to consider that SBR/Ichabod was only ever meant to reveal that Crane had never really had that great love that made him crazy enough to cross all lines. I'm gonna Handwavium on Katrina/Ichatrina, since that was Goffman and I want to get over my PGSD.

    zzzzZoey & Ichabod: They were supposed to bond because they were "similar". The show is pretty clear that they don't work well - they are too similar... and zzzzZoey represents a way to come into the present while still staying in the past because zzzzzZoey and her interests lie in the past. So she's an "easy" option for Ichabod to remain with what he knows, without having to face the 21st century like everyone else. She's the opposite of Abbie - who IS the 21st century - and honestly where Ichabod's heart/soul/existence truly lies. But she (Abbie & the 21st century) also represent fear on Ichabod's part - like he said, he wants to "acculturate" but is afraid. He doesn't want to lose Abbie but he's still yearning for the past. I feel like Abbie's loss (temporary) will force Ichabod to abandon his attempt to recreate the past in order to hold onto it and come into the 21st century. He can still be himself. And he's most himself hen he's with Abbie - who is in the 21st century. I talked in circles, but hopefully what I said is clear.



    Phoenics, you're on fire!   ITA with zzzZoe, I mentioned this before:  Ichabod is connected to her the way he was connected to his old clothes - they're a link to his past. 


    No need to worry about another attack of PGSD (ha!) by adding Katrina as "not" being Ichabod's great love.   Remember, that relationship started off with betrayal (Katrina was betrothed to Abraham) and guilt which led to a loss of a head.

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    So why did the taser work on Pandora, but not Abby’s bullets? Was it due to Crane’s element of surprise?


    I’ve been thinking about this too.  Upon rewatch, I noticed  Abbie and Crane exchanged a look when the taser worked and Ichabod actually glanced at it, seemingly in surprise.  Pandora was not only staggering when she got up but didn’t knock the box from Crane’s hands.  Instead, she started reciting her own chant, perhaps in a way to counteract Crane’s?  Does this mean when someone else has the box, Pandora herself has no/limited control over it and  Nevins had to go because he had more power than he realized?  She knows Zod won't play that.  Will this later become part of the plan Ichabod devises  to stall Pandora and use the power of the box to save Abbie?  I’m filing this away under “breadcrumb.”

  5. I got what they were going for with the toga party, but it felt extremely dated.  Do college students still do toga parties and dance to Shout? 

    Yes, they do.  "Shout!" also is one of those songs that crosses generations as I recently witnessed at a wedding where everybody got up to dance to it. 



     Unlike Purgatory which, let's face it, S1 treated like a trip to Cuba before the embargo lift

    OK, this line almost made me spit out my coke!  LOL


    And we can now make those kinds of speculations because THESE writers have proven that what they write actually matters. Seemingly innocuous moments aren't always just what they seem on the surface


    I'm in 100% agreement with you.   Even the "comic relief" might hold another meaning because one of the earliest foreshadowings may have come in the form of a joke we all laughed at and then thought nothing more about it.  But now --



    Ichabod: is my destiny to be not but a ceaseless traveler, inexorably slouching my way through this mortal coil? Can you hear me, Jesus?


    Jesus:  I hear you, C-Dawg. Don't got no answers. But as a wise man once said: "It's a hard knock life. For us."




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  6. Abbie's gonna have a breakdown sooner than later. Her tantrum was part of that. But as a mere FBI agent, she doesn't get to dictate what her boss tells her, or who  is undercover, etc. And she doesn't have the right to get pissy at Sophie, who was simply following orders and doing HER job. She was acting like an ex-gf. So I'll chalk it up to "breakdown".


    I'm on the side of breakdown.  It also shows Abbie didn't forget what Daniel said in his little rant (breadcrumb!!!) and probably believes "he" didn't tell her due to his personal issues over what went down in the Cabin in the Woods.  



    If they had just framed Betsy Ross as NOT Mrs Smith and let her be a regular woman - and not sexed up, etc., I could have taken to her more. And if they'd just left off the whole love interest part I could have handled it better


    I dislike SBR! and fast forward her scenes all the time (I had to read what went on between her and Grace LOL).  But I still have the nagging feeling  things aren't what they seem with the Ichabod/SBR! kissing in a tree flashbacks and wouldn't be surprise if we find out later it's all been misdirection for something else.   IF/when that happens, I'll go back and watch her scenes while saying to myself "Oh yeah, I see it now" LOL



    Pandora should have had a clue that she and her newly awakened and slowly de-mummifying husband may or may not be on the same papyrus.



    The better looking hubby became while de-mummifying, the more he seemed to lose interest in wifey.   There's going to be trouble!

    • Love 3
  7. Wow - good for them!

    They need to include Hulu Plus.


    I think they already do.


    The same-day numbers also do not reflect how we monetize our content. Half of our TV ad inventory is sold on a C7 basis, and we monetize our content on digital platforms like FOX NOW and Hulu, and through TrueX sponsorships – none of which are included in Nielsen’s fast nationals.


    Some of the comments on the article mocked FOX as trying to cover up their low ratings (SH was mentioned by name <sniff sniff>) and perhaps they are.  OTOH, everybody I know, in all age groups, now mostly stream or DVR shows.  My mother told me, while watching sports, she finds herself hitting the FF button when commercials come on, only to realize "Oh, this is live".  There's a change coming in viewers habits, no the change is already here, so FOX may as well adjust to it now. 

    • Love 3

    But one taser later and she's distracted by another man trying to get in her box (Hey-yo!) Her hubs is one hunka hunka burnin' love, though, so I hope she waits for a little reunion sexy times before she turns on him.


    Pandora  did indeed sense another man was trying to play with her box but she wasn't pleased about it ("How dare you!").  I believe she's 100% in love with Zod but the man made promises all those centuries ago and Pandora is not about to let him forget them. 

    • Love 2
  9. Hoping really hard that they get a season 4. Here are their latest ratings for the mid-winter finale: http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2015/11/20/tv-ratings-thursday-nov-19-2015/


    Maybe this will help. From Deadline.com: 

    Fox has become the first broadcast network to officially drop Live+same day Nielsen ratings as currency.


    • Love 1

    We've only had Goffman, right? Except for the first half of S1 I agree...


    I don't count the first half of S1 because (IMO) they were writing with pure abandonment/no pressure most likely because they thought no way in hell would FOX keep this batshit crazy show.  Until FOX did. 



    I KNEW it! Didn't I say that?!?! *punches fist in the air* I knew he was going to betray her. Knew it when he looked at her all funny.


    Zod did seem to linger over Jenny's body a tad too long until Pandora came over to basically remind him of their vows.  Can this marriage be saved?

    • Love 2

    I was thinking I loved this ep and why has it taken them so long to get back to this kind of pacing?


    Laying a foundation takes time.  Once that is done, the rest is gravy. 



    So there shall be about two months before the next episode. I expect certain people to lose their minds and claim Abbie's been killed off.



    Yep, they already are from what I've seen.


    It's the storm before the calm of Tempus Fugit all over again.  And like Tempus Fugit, it will all be for nothing once February rolls around and the second half actually "airs".    There's no point in tweeting Campbell because he already knows Abbie is still alive since he plotted it!  He's laid clues and breadcrumbs along the way to follow.  Man's going to eat his turkey dinner in peace. 

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    It is comic relief, but it still feels random.  SH has been doing that more recently this season compared to the comic relief of the previous seasons.


    I guess this is an "Eye of the beholder" for me.  I think this is the most thought out season SH has ever had.  SH's own writers stated this is the "first" time the show has been plotted from beginning to end.  That's why (IMO), they're able to throw in little things that could be random or could have a hidden meaning.  So the college students dressed in togas dancing to "Shout" could just be the writer's homage to "Animal House" OR it could be comic relief to hide a clue such as togas=Ancient Greece=Greek Gods  Ichabod summons later to help find Abbie.  You never know which is what I love about this season. 



    I like the evil power couple. I like their goal and I am looking forward to their backstory. The actors are being hammy but I don't mind because it's still fun. Zod (don't care what's his real name, that's his as far as I'm concerned) has a ridiculous voice and Pandora remains fun to watch which I feared would not be the case.


    LOL!  Zod is so his name and according to him:

    Peter Mensah, who plays the ominous sounding God, tells Zap2it, “Pandora has taken it upon herself to bring him back to this life, to this mortal world to adjust things. Initially their purpose might appear to be the same thing but … maybe it isn’t the same thing.”


    KNEW thet SBR!/Ichabod conversation was a clue about ABBIE. 


    Pandora, you crazy chick.  LOVED her going all Dr. Phil on Abbie.


    Cliff Campbell you are the best damn showrunner Sleepy Hollow has ever had! Pay no attention to the madness known as Twitter. 


    Adobe Flash has crashed so more later.  Sometimes I hate computers.



    • Love 4

    Really, a toga party? I did "Shout", but really? Is it the anniversary of Animal House's release ?



    It just felt so random.


    It wasn't random, it was comic relief.  If you recall, Crane had just given a speech about the seriousness of the Masons guarding that book/hall or whatever it was (it's late). Cut to:  a bunch of drunk college kids dressed in togas dancing to "Shout" in front of  said hall.  Kids today!  No respect. 



    1. Who was Reynolds talking to when ge called Abbie, an asset?


    My guess? FBI Boss who, while he doesn't know the difference between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift, probably will have a solution to Reynolds problem.  . 



    Do people really think this show would just kill off Abbie?


    Ha! Ha! Ha!  Ha!  That's all I've got to say about that.



    You guys - come on. Abbie is totally NOT dead. There is NO WAY she's dead. Ya'll talking foolishness


    Phoenics is right.  Abbie is so "not" dead.  They're not showing previews for the second half of the season because they can't.  I told you last week:  Misdirection, misdirection, misdirection. 


    Tonight's lesson:  Don't mess with gifts Pandora received from her husband.


    That was one helleva finale!  Loved it.  Can't wait until Febuary.



    • Love 5

    Thinking about Ichabbie. In this episode, Joe and Ichabod were talking about how much easier their lives were when they were soldiers. Ichabod understood that Joe has feelings for Jenny and told Joe to 'just talk to her'. More conversation, then Joe, who understood that Ichabod has feelings for Abbie, told Ichabod to take his own advice and 'just talk to her'.


    We also have the earlier seeminginly toss away lines of Joe advising Ichabod never to date any girl the Mills sisters set him up with followed with a laterscene of Abbie giving Ichabod the "ok" to date Zoe.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Visualize Misdirection is our clue for understanding what lies beneath the going ons of S3. 

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    The minute Daniels started talking to his boss Michael O'Keefe at that birthday party, I thought, hmmm... there's going to be more to this story. They wouldn't bother using Michael O'Keefe for one puny scene.


    Signed on/off can quote again!  Yay!


    Sleepy Hollow got rid of that Mason actor after one scene (tis a pity too) but I believe I read somewhere FBI Boss is indeed coming back.  It's about time the show had someone really high up in charge in on the strange happenings of this crazy town.  I said long ago "I" would have cast John Noble as the (Unknowingly to Ich/Abbie and perhaps even viewers) Evil  Mayor of Sleepy Hollow instead of the Crane's cranky son with mommy/daddy issues.  I don't know if FBI Boss is good or bad, but it does sound like S3 is taking the track of having someone BIG in on the deal.

    • Love 3
  16. Why do you keep timing out on me PTV!!! when I go back and forth to quote!


    Ichabod/Joe conversation:  Loved it and I do think men will reveal to another male they feel close to their deeper feelings.  I also highly doubt Joe was talking to Ichabod about Zoe.  It seemed clear to me by the way Joe looked up and glanced at the sisters, that his echoing of "talk to her" meant Abbie.


    The kiss:  IMO, another misdirection of Joe & Jenny's earlier relationship that had a hidden clue.  Didn't August Corbin meet Abbie when she was a teenager?  Wasn't Jenny in and out of mental institutions during this time and Corbin went to see her during this time?  If so, then Joe and Jenny would have been of the right age to form a crush.  However, as per Jenny's conversation with Abbie on how Jenny framed her feelings for their father, Jenny could have well been calling Joe "family" and "brother" following her big sisters lead.


    It's clear now why the show not only had Abbie join the FBI but have such a rapid rise.  This all happened when Abbie thought her witness duties (as well as Crane) were gone.  Abbie could then go to her default control freak position of being all about her career.  As I said before, I don't think Abbie's focus on career has anything to do with her being too strong for a man.  Again,, I think she's very vulnerable and the career is her control freak way of holding on to her sanity.  Abbie saw what happened to her mother and sister when "they" lost control.  IMO, this loss of control could be the answer to the question Pandora puzzled over when she visited Abbie in the hospital room. 


    On the opposite side, I agree with the earlier poster I can't quote because PTV is acting all crazy on me, that Ichabod is drawn to women who remind him of the past.  I don't see these women as him really having a love life (outside of Katrina) but his way of keeping control of himself in the 21st century.  These women - IMO - are what Ichabod's clothing was to him in S1 - his connection to his past.  However, just like that clothing, he needs to shread them in order to move forward.  Interesting how that tablet guided Ichabod back home (i.e. Abbie).   Also note how Pandora used the term Napalutu (but it kept echoing) to describe Ichabod to Abbie yet said to Ichabod Abbie was his "lady friend".  Perhaps a clue to each subconscious state of mind?  


    I saw a picture of Zod.  No wonder Pandora got dressed to impress for his arrival LOL. 


    Can't wait for the fall finale.

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    It makes sense now why Pandy got her hair did and was putting on her good pearls.  She was about to be married to her God.


    On the lighter side of things:  If Pandora pulls off a dress and accessories from her tree for Jenny to wear to the wedding, I'm going to fall on the floor.

    • Love 6

    Reason to me Abbie is the Diamond in the Rough, is that I think Reynolds is testing her, to see how trustworthy she is NOW as FBI agent since he's joined SH. He's been testing her these past few episodes. First, he gave her full leeway to run the investigation concerning the kids in that tooth fairy episode to see how'd she do. Next episode offered her the opportunity to head up the task force. Now, he leaves for Washington and puts her in charge. But remember the previous episode, he was angry with her for allowing her sister near the Nevins op, and possibly compromising it, yet he gives her another chance. Plus, Abbie is new in the field. Sophie has already proven herself, hence being put into an undercover situation. You wouldn't put an untested unpolished agent in the field undercover for at least 6 months, without knowing what to expect from them and what results they will get. Plus, the Senator said the "diamond" was being watched. Sophie was keeping tabs on Abbie and Crane (and Jenny and Joe) with regards to the Nevins case - she always popped up in a timely manner. Just my intrepretation.


    I have to agree with this.  Sophie didn't say she had only been an agent for six months, she stated she was on this particular case for six months.   To me that sounds like an assignment for a seasoned FBI agent.   I believe Abbie is the diamond in the rough who showed much promise (thus her rapid rise) and is being tested for even greather things.  This time, however, things are different.  This time around being a Witness is also in the picture.  Once Daniel finds out what went down, things are going to hit the fan. 



    Reading through the comments makes it pretty clear to me that chemistry is in the eye of the beholder.  I think both Joe/Jenny and Ichabod/Abbie are hot, hot, hot.  Others are denying seeing any heat at all.


    There are a lot of things this season that seem to be in the eye of the beholder.   But I'm with you on the hotness of these two couples. 

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    This is what was missing - twists, turns and surprises. Kudos to CC & Company. Except for Joe/Jenny, I didn't see any of that coming.


    Ah, but the twists and turns are there, we just haven't connected them yet.  But the clues are there, waiting to be revealed. 

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