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Posts posted by MissAlmond

  1. Said with respect to all:  I’ve always been “meh” on Jenny, I stand with Savinggrace and (by me, much missed,) LinaLamont on her character.  I also can’t justify to myself complaining about Goffman’s desire to elevate Katrina’s screen time only to turn around and see it done for, what was, the “third” female lead.  IMO, Ichabod and Abbie need to be The Two Witnesses, period;  destined by fate to form a bond across time and space to battle evil.  There is a world of possibilities SH could explore to take them on a wild, crazy roller coaster ride in Season 3.  My UO remains Jenny should only pop up now and then to participate in it.   And to that, I'll add the old "agree to disagree" statement. 

    • Love 5
  2. My UO - Talk of More Grace, More Jenny,  gives me the nagging fear Season 3 will simply swap The Crane Family Drama with The Mills Family Drama, of which I also have no interest in.  I also don't want Jenny to turn out to be the true second witness and not Ichabod.  I  still want my Ichabbie end game as fate, but my wish for Season 3 is to delve into the mystery on why the town of Sleepy Hollow was chosen for all these strange things to happen.

    • Love 5

    Man, in my "ignorance", I totally didn't realize that I was watching the show completely wrong. In the opening credits, I was to always have a pen and piece of paper in front of me, with a line drawn down the middle to divide into columns. Left side column should be labelled "Black", right side labelled "White". Then as the credits rolled and the show began, I was to make tick marks the the two columns, noting the skin colour of every character that appears on screen, to make sure that the "right" percentage of light skin is tallyed for each and episode. Totally have been watching this show completely wrong...Stupid me.


    This is just so wrong and out of date.  Whenever "I" watch a television program, I keep a printed copy of the census form in front of me to make sure all ethnicities are properly checked.  I've contacted the census bureau repeatedly to include sexual orientation on their forms to complete my viewing lists, but to no avail.  Luckily, the Internet has made searching gossip sites for such information much easier.   


    The above comment also reflects dripping sarcasm.

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    Please, PLEASE tell me someone dragged her and called her out for the racist fool she is.


        I did that see all Twitter thing and yes, people called her out.  Sandra did respond nobody in charge followed her.   Gee, I wonder why. 

    • Love 1

    Oh, season 3, please bring me Ichabbie. Not just because of the amazing chemistry between Beharie and Mison, but because these people will be royally peeved. I know it's terrible, but so are these people.


        They're terrified that not only would Campbell do it, but he would do it in a way that works for the show.  And if that happens, who will they turn to?  I'm sure Daddy Clifton has already gathered his children - Snarky BIg Brother Albert, Sensitive Middle Brother Raven and Happy Baby Brother Phil - and shown them the way. Sandra, OTOH, revealed herself for what she really was by the end of Season 2 and those who didn't see that before, have backed away.  

    • Love 2

    Here are some recent tweets from this Sandra idiot:


          Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. . .



    Well, that explains why she was a big Katrina fan.


    Let's not kid ourselves.  Sandra and Co were never really big Katrina fans.  They weren't on the same page as Mark Goffman, it only appeared that way and some of us lumped them together.  But Goffman really was fascinated by Katrina's character.  She was his muse.  This other bunch merely played along because as long as Goffman remained enthralled with Katrina, Sandra and Co got what they really wanted all along.  No Ichabbie.   Because that has always been Sandra's real agenda.  No Ichabbie, not now, not ever.  Yes, I know that sounds crazy, I know some think they're crazed Katrina fans.  They're crazed all right, but it's about SH never putting Ichabod and Abbie together.   Although Sandra and Co whined about Katrina turning evil, trust me, they didn't really care.  In truth, they would have taken an evil Katrina and their cries would have been for Ichabod to "save" his wife.  But Goffman betrayed them and killed Katrina and Sandra and Co are mad.  Not because Katrina is dead mind you, but because there is no wife whose marriage vows they can pretend to care about as the roadblock to what they fear the most.


    So the new game is to tweet Campbell and tell him the show has been taken over by black people.  Nevermind most fans have begged for the return of the very white Badass Headless Horseman.  Let's forget John Noble, a white man, said Season 2 was a mess.  They wave away postings from fans who've asked for more focus on The Town! and the Apocalypse.  No, this is all about black people taking over SH, but never fear, Clifton Campbell, Sandra and Co are here to save you!


    Alas for this bunch, Campbell is a show business veteran which means he likely understands what makes a show work. Certainly FOX chose him because they felt he could turn SH around.  This is a man who still inspires loyalty from "The Glades" actors, writers and fans and I don't think he's stupid. I bet the minute he was quietly tapped as SH's next showrunner, Campbell spend that time studying the show and what worked.  He probably immediately "got"  SH still managed to shine in Season 2 because it had the rare gift of chemistry and it wasn't coming from Ichabod/Katrina.  If Sandra and Co think Campbell is foolish enough to throw this gift away, they're not paying attention to the man's tweets. Abbiebod indeed.   When the first day of filming for SH resumes, Sandra should prepare herself: Clifton Campbell might well serve his new cast and crew freshly roasted goat. 

    • Love 7
  7. To see what is being tweeted to someone on Twitter, go to search and type in @theirname, or in this case, @ccinnuendo. https://twitter.com/search?f=realtime&q=%40ccinnuendo&src=typd


            So do you see all tweets/replies when you're actually signed up for Twitter that doesn't appear when you're not a member but reading public tweets?  Because the link Blackhoney provided showed me a lot more tweets/replies than - as non Twitter member - I've seen before.  I've seen Clifton Campbell's public twitter comments but didn't realize until now Sandra and Co were actually tweeting the man or that other members were giving Campbell the heads up warning on the infamous "thugs" comments (thankfully!)


    I'm not sure about this, only because it's pretty unprofessional to respond to your viewers in such an angry way. He was responding to the severe criticism of the episode Deliverance (he didn' write that one), because he felt he was being attacked. He could have remained silent, but didn't. I think it was more he took it personally, and Goffman filled his head with "we must stick with our vision".


         I honestly don't believe Raven Metzner has a thick skin and really did take it personally.  I think he's the creative type sung about in "Chicago" : .. "He was a real artistic guy...sensitive... a painter" . . . 



    I hope this means that's he's talking to all of the main actors to get their feedback and ideas and even some background drama.


       He might be, Campbell does seem that type.  But I don't think Sleepy Hollow: the Musical is around the corner. Re-check the date Campbell mentioned:  



    Clifton Campbell @CCInnuendo  ·  3m 3 minutes ago

        Such great collaboration with @TheOrlandoJones but do I have to wait till 4/1/16 for pages?

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  9. Another tweet from Clifton Campbell.  Does this man not realize he's causing certain heads to explode?  LOL



    Clifton Campbell @CCInnuendo  ·  24h 24 hours ago

    I'm confused. Why not Abbiebod? #normalizing #latetotheparty

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  10. http://tvline.com/2015/03/27/john-noble-fringe-sleepy-hollow-memories-photos/

    John Noble isn't shy about his opinion on this season (you need to page through the photo gallery to page 10). Just one quote "They didn't have a clue what to do and so that meant it was a pretty unsatisfactory year for me," he says.

    I couldn't agree more. Someone really needs to do that behind the scenes book soon.


        I would call the book "For the Love of a Shocker, A Season Was Lost".  Honestly, beyond Internet chatter on how clever the reveal was, that whole the Sin Eater is the Crane's son storyline was (IMO) pointless.  ITA with others who said Noble's Sin Eater character worked much better for the show;  Noble should have been a "Special Guest Star" when needed. 


    Honestly, SH needs to forget about these "shockers" and just write compelling episodes.  Think of the writers of "Misson Impossible":  Week after week, those writers had to do in one episode what writers today do in season long arcs.  Go old school SH and give us our bang for our bucks every damn week instead of Twitter trending finales that fizzle out the next season. 



    ETA:  I'm not talking about resetting the story every week like in the days of MI.  I mean storylines such as "The Triumph of Evil" where what happened to Abbie and Jenny was the reason for the Sandman and yet the episode itself could be watched and enjoyed as a stand-alone.  That felt like old school, Mission Impossible, compelling writing, of which SH should aim for all the time. Not an entire season leading up to "The Sandman is Abbie's father" shocking finale  that's talked about everywhere but then goes pffft when the next season starts.

    • Love 2
  11. Yeah actually why his cheerleading bothered me is because he actually isn't typically a kiss ass, I've frequently seen him ask challenging confrontational questions to people pimping shows be it writers/showrunners/actors having to play it. He was very critical of the Kalinda husband arc on The Good Wife as was every other person on earth (same thing with Brody/Carrie on Homeland), his SH comments seemed in contrast like a tone deaf position for someone so usually dialed in to the fandom temperature, and wider critical response to a given show.


           I think this is why I give him a pass for Season 2.  Seeing someone you deeply love slip away from you has to be hell.  Watching a storyline about a love that surpasses time and space may have been what he needed to keep himself whole.


    Let's tweet Clifton Campbell:

    Please bring Seamus Duncan S1E3 back for guest spots. GREAT character!

    I did, then added a tweet of support.




    I'm not on Twitter (read only public comments), but I’m 100% behind you and hope SH listens. 



    John Noble’s recent comments makes me believe that my more calmed down thoughts on might have been closer to the truth.  SH may have been so pleased and smug with themselves with the Great Reveal of Season 1, that nobody really thought of how to move forward after the adrenaline rush was gone.  The meandering writing of Season 2 did feel like the writers kept trying and trying and trying to make something work.  If they did have a plan, they certainly didn’t know how to execute it.  They should count themselves lucky FOX did step in because, by focusing, they managed to once again evoke the feel of Season 1.



    There does seem to be have in shift in attitude with the writers and I hope it’s due to Clifton Campbell putting things right and not just about writers saving their jobs.  My wish is Clifton Campbell had a private conversation with the SH writers and told them how lucky they were.  That unlike "The Glades", where show and fans were happy, there was no love from the network.  That FOX has given them a second chance and they need to use it wisely.   I'm hoping Campbell told them that instead of simply commenting about not knowing what made SH work or apparently their own fanbase, that they take the time the learn the answers to those questions.  Because knowing why fans tuned in to your show to begin with explains why they later felt SH wasn't the show they signed up for. 


    I’m hoping Campbell told the writers that keeping Ichabod and Abbie together as the main focus isn't fan pandering, it’s what makes the show work.  As does the diversity of Andy, Luke, and a towns person such as Seamus Duncan.  Campbell should even point out the lesson of Katrina: That by the time they finally got what worked with her character right, fans AND critics had had enough.  I’m hoping Campbell said major mistakes such as that must not happen again. 

    I’m also hoping Campbell schools these writers on social media. Getting into a snit when fans question some of your decisions not “true fans” is a huge no.  Also, people who start tweeting that upset fans are  “thugs” need to put on “Ignore” ASAP and bluntly told why.  The last thing the fandom of SH needs is a repeat of that nonsense.

    • Love 7
  13. I love that he made those statement to TV Line when ass kissing Ausiello was claiming S2 was just as good as S1 and was just fine and didn't need fixing at all. Guess we can that bullshit tv line, can't we.


            I backed off Michael Ausiello when others posted how sick his husband (who eventually died) was.  But yes to this statement.  I don't think his high fiving Season 2 did the show any favors.  Unlike Maureen Ryan - who also had access but spoke her mind to Mark Goffman - who has the satisfaction of knowing her concerns were on target.  Rest of my comments on Therapy Board.

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  14. So I was watching Season 1 eps. and just finished The Sandman episode.


    In that ep.  there is a character named Seamus Duncan.  He is Native American.  He owns a car dealership called 'Geronimotors' and he was cited for pollution, dumping stuff in the river.


    In just that one walk on character we have something clever, subversive, funny and a pop culturist referential dream.  And the actor nailed it all. 


    The existence of Seamus Duncan, coming out of nowhere, is something that  nerds and inveterate tv watchers would chuckle in delight over.  And did.


    Remember the chopped off sign in the Pilot?  The Horseman Crossing sign that got it's head chopped off by Reverend Knapp in a blink and you miss it shot?  That sort of sly cleverness  & wink-wink we are in on our fun -- along with the existence of someone like Seamus Duncan is what was missing in S2.


          Yes, yes!  I remember it all!  I loved "For the Triumph of Evil" and still have it on my DVR.  I kept waiting for Seamus Duncan to pop up again - you know as one of the townspeople with a "layer of knowledge" - but instead, nothing.   Now that SH is rebooting and taking cues from Season 1, maybe somebody will remember and bring him back. 


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    John Noble isn't shy about his opinion on this season (you need to page through the photo gallery to page 10). Just one quote "They didn't have a clue what to do and so that meant it was a pretty unsatisfactory year for me," he says.


         Remember that little tidbit that stated two people were really unhappy with Season 2, one whose name rhymed with Dyson and the other was "not" Nicole Behaire?   I guess we can now surmise Unhappy Person #2 was John Noble. 

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    This is so awesome!! He must be good - they're supporting him!! Awesome.


            "The Glades" appears to have had one tight fandom that always had the full support of their showrunner/writers etc.  Did a little Internet browsing on Campbell and the show and, (IMO),  Sleepy Hollow is very fortunate to have him.   Here are a few (old) media tidbits:


    The beginning of a message Campbell posted to "The Glades" fans when A&E suddenly cancelled the show:



    Here is a recent letter from Clifton Campbell, Executive Producer for "The Glades":


    "Congratulations Gladeiators on hitting the 10,000 signature milestone! The holidays have kept us all busy but I didn't want another minute to go by before I extended a heartfelt thanks and congratulations to each and every one of you for your continued love and support of our little Glades family. Your commitment to the show and our amazing cast and crew is humbling and I know I speak for all of us in thanking you and offering our sincerest apologies for the way we came to such an unexpected and abrupt end. We only wish we could pay you back for all your loyalty by finding a way to finish our story the right way. We were all caught off guard and would never disrespect our fans and loyal audience by ending the show this way -- quite the opposite. The jaw dropping Season 4 cliffhanger was designed to lead us into a very powerful and exciting Season 5 and beyond. . .


         From the "The Glades" writers Facebook page around the same time:




    The Glades Writers' Office

    September 23, 2013 ·

    Last week, someone on a fake account began harassing all our fans who were posting their support on The Glades on A&E page. This person kept regurgitating the same rant about how uninformed our fans were (see picture).

    First, that's immature and disgraceful. Fans are expressing their disappointment about one of their favorite shows being cancelled, and you are belittling them and calling them ignorant. Grow up. Our fans have every right to feel disrespected by this type of attitude towards them. . .


          last paragraph from above Facebook message:



    So to all our fans who are continuing to post on Facebook and Twitter about the show, signing the petitions to bring it back, and writing A&E executives expressing your frustration, we--who worked on The Glades--hear you and thank you. We are still trying our hardest to find a way to get Jim Longworth back on your TV screens, and every message of support you post online and every signature on a petition helps us.

    Please continue to let your voice be heard! We are listening!


       Just wow!  Like I said, bring on Season 3 and welcome, Mr. Campbell.  I think Sleepy Hollow has finally found its rightful showrunner.

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    Yes but for the most part,  tv was pretty crappy back in those days. LIke I'm re-watching Miami Vice on Cozi, still love it, but OOF, the production values are so terrible and that was on a show that had ground breaking "visual style"


       As time goes by and technology improves, no matter how ground breaking at the time, production values on any given show will lose its sparkle.  What I've found is that for all the talk of today's cable shows being bold,  there  are some shows from the 60's that (to me) seem to be written with unspoken understanding their entire audience had a brain and therefore didn't need to spell out everything.

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    I never can understand why the number 18 scares some people. Hell, I wish Sleepy Hollow had 22 episodes like The Good Wife. That's the way shows used to be back in the day. They'd also have season finales in May and come back in September, 4 months later, not this nine month thing some networks are now doing.


             So true;  today's whippersnappers know nothing!  It really was more like 30 episodes too, which is why a long running show like "Gunsmoke" can be shown everyday and still have unseen episodes left that outlast any of today's current shows full airings in syndication.   But 13 episodes is the new cable model and network TV has been hammered with how outdated they are as opposed to HBO, AMC, Netflix, etc.  That's  why Kevin Reilly decided to go the shorter episode route.  Walden and Newman, OTOH, seem to believe network TV should embrace what it is, and are more willing to go along with longer seasons. 


      To get back to media news, this was retweeted on Clifton Campbell's Twitter page:  So kind!


    Clifton Campbell retweeted

    The Glades Writers @TGWritersOffice  ·  24h 24 hours ago

    All you #TheGlades fans, hope you're ready to join @CCInnuendo and become #Sleepyheads! https://deadline.com/2015/03/sleepy-hollow-renewed-season-3-clifton-campbell-new-showrunner-1201394622/ … #sleepyhollow

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    I disagree with the finale bringing out the racists, only because I dealt with them, saw what they posted all of the way back around the episode Deliverance, and even before that. That term "loud blacks" was from back then, along with the Ichabbie fandom being considered entitled, and them cackling over how upset we were that Abbie was being sidelined, and the wife was pushed to the foreground. The finale just made them even more vocal.


       Oh yes, I knew they posted.  That's why we knew them for what they were.  What I do doubt is that the producers/writers connected the dots on how open and vile these people really were all along.  As someone writing/producing a show, you have other things to do; it wouldn't surprise me if interns were the ones browsing over forums and we all know how young interns can be.  IMO, it took FOX stepping in and the finale for them to throw off the masks which made those in charge really see them for what they were. 



    My only confusion is this: What really WAS their agenda. I still have no clue. Some spouted on about the perfect love, how their love was amazing (blech), that Crane and the wife were perfect together, yadda yadda. Some said they say only friends or brother/sister between Crane and Abbie. I KNOW that some DID NOT want an interracial couple together. But some I really could understand that they wanted what they considered the perfect Harlequin fairy tale romance. I still really don't have a handle on what the more vocal crazy ones wanted. I mean, did they even watch the show? Because they complained about Abbie being on screen, yet season 1 it's mostly her, so totaly confused.


      The ones who really wanted a Harlequin fairy tale romance, I believe and I don't think they had any agenda other than that.  But the subset I'm talking about?  The comment you made that I bolded is indeed the answer.  It always was.  Notice how they always claimed Ichabod/Katrina was canon due to the short story when any schoolyard who has read Washington Irving's  knows this isn't true?  They watched to make sure the show never put Ichabod and Abbie together and to do what it took to stop it if they sensed the show dared go in that direction.  Don't believe their "We wouldn't mind Ichabod with Jenny, they have chemistry" spiel.  Like their "brother/sister, only wanting two leads to be friends, wanting a married couple love story" comments, it's only a coverup to hide what they never ever wanted to happen: An interracial Ichabbie pairing, which is why they insist upon using the word "Crabbie". 



    The interesting thing is that I (and many others) pointed out to some of them that the route they were taking was leading to a show cancellation, due to the low ratings (back during Deliverance) and they said "Let Goffman follow his path" because it obviously suited their agenda. So it was no surprised that they started the cancel SH hashtag. The majority of the bads ones are represented on that shittyhollow tumblr. Terrible terrible people but I would say a small subset of the small number of people who like the wife or CFD.


     See, Halycon Days.  You do know the truth about their agenda.  They spelled it out for them.  There's no way in hell they would have said "Let Goffman follow his path" if he had suddenly came out and said:  "I've looked at the tapes again and damn, it's clear Ichabod and Abbie love each other very, very much.  I mean real deep love, folks.  I'm talking hot, I'm sure FOX will fine me for showing it,  love.  I'm testing positions with my wife and trust me, she's a very happy woman these days.  This is the Gomez and Morticia for 21st century network TV! Bring on Season 3!"   


    FTR - the "only" people I'm calling out on this are this subset.   Even that IchabodCraneRPG doesn't belong to this group, that person you keep the police on speed dial to deal with.  But that subset?  Vile, nasty people. 

    • Love 2

    But the second time, they were appalled at the terrible things that were being said by the Ichatrina crowd, saw the error of their ways and unblocked the "real fans." Sandra, her minions and IchabodCraneRPG are still blocked, because Metzner and Kim have no time for the crazy. They got to start work on season 3.


        I think we should make it clear that it was a subset of Ichatrina fans who were disgusting.  There were people who were geninue fans of Ichatrina and even I have said, I would have kept  Crazy PTA Mama Bear Katrina for Season 3.  But I doubt this subset really were fans of Ichatrina anyway.  IMO they pretended to be but what they really wanted was for SH to never, ever, never, nope, not going to happen, no never, ever, - did I say never? - hint Ichabod and Abbie could one day become a romantic couple.  Not that all viewers who didn't want that to happen were like this subset. There are are certainly fans who want and enjoy Ichabod and Abbie strictly as partners and friends.  However, this subset used that as their cover.  For the subset,  "can't we have a show without romance?" "brother/sister chemistry" was simply pretense.  They went along and tweeted "with you there, buddy!" to the producers/writers because they didn't care if the ratings plunged as long as their true agenda was safe.  


    Now no one could expect the producers/writers to know this. Love them or hate them, they do have show to run.  It wasn't until after the finale when the subset really lost it and started posting,  and even tweeting, nasty, racist comments to the writers/producers that their true colors were exposed.  That, besides the stepping in of FOX, probably was the final "aha" moment to make Kim and Metzner (Goffman, OTOH, was lining up his next  gig and wasn't wasting time with craziness) see the light on who this subset was really was.  They knew then who the true fans really were and yes, they're thanking us, as they should because we saved them from SH having "that" sort of fandom.   But those of us who watched SH from the beginning and either posted or lurked on different forums knew this subset for what they were all along.  They could be spotted immediately with their use of the word "Crabbie".  Now they're pretending all they wanted was a sweet, romantic story between a married couple and the "Crabbies" ruined it for them by (apparently) seizing control of FOX and holding them hostage until changes were made.  AS IF FOX as a network had no power and couldn't either keep SH as it was or simply cancel it altogether.   This group is so vile, it makes me wish Season 3  opened with an X rated love scene between Ichabod and Abbie they would hear about when it crashed the Internet and their heads would explode.  But I'm better than that LOL. 

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  21. One more time as I wash, rinse, repeat:  Develop The Town, The Town, The Town of Sleepy Hollow!  Even Benjamin Franklin said various people had "layers" of knowledge there. Where are they?  What's the point and where's the urgency of stopping anything when it appears 98% of the time, the town of Sleepy Hollow  wouldn't care enough to stock up on groceries when a blizzard is in the forecast?  I do give them credit for trying to get the hell out of Sleepy Hollow when they thought the equivalent of Ebola had arrived. 

    • Love 7
  22. I know nothing about "The Glades" and am woman enough to admit if I "did", I probably thought it was a commercial for air freshner.  But reading up on Clifton Campbell gives me a good feeling, and the same goes for the man who  chose him, David Madden.   I do find it interesting, but not surprising, that FOX chose Goffman's successor.  But we already knew Who's the Boss here. 

    • Love 2

    How many angry twitter accounts did they block? Lots - first after Deliverance, then after Tempus Fugit. But the second time, they were appalled at the terrible things that were being said by the Ichatrina crowd, saw the error of their ways and unblocked the "real fans." Sandra, her minions and IchabodCraneRPG are still blocked, because Metzner and Kim have no time for the crazy. They got to start work on season 3.


              No, they're keeping, just not reading IchabodCraneRPG's tweets.  If they suddenly go missing, their families will need evidence to convince the FBI to immediately step in.



  24. ME (MISS ALMOND):  Sleepy Hollow has been renewed!


    HUSBAND:  Does this mean you want wine?


    From our new showrunner's twitter page:



    Clifton Campbell @CCInnuendo  ·  20m 20 minutes ago

    Welcome, Sleepyheads! Time to get to work!



    Well, where's the party at?



    Role playing Ichabod Crane's house?  <snort>.   Oh, my poor, long forgotten by many, Bakersfield P.D.!  if only . . . But oh, so happy to have this renewal;  I'm downright giddy! 

    • Love 3

    Back to my theory that Goffman knew he'd be out, and started looking for another job sooner than later (why wouldn't he). Campbell was probably brought on way back in mid February or probably earlier. Gotta negotiate the contracts and get the paperwork in order.


      I said at the time that Goffman's tweet about the Art of Preparing (or whatever), was the clue he would leave the show before a (then possible) Season 3.  I also still firmly believe his tweet about writing a book was a message to K/O,  but I have agreed to disagree on "that" viewpoint and will leave it at that.  


     I figured with the steps FOX took and the fact SH was FOX owned, the show had a very good chance of being renewed.  I'm just happy that it's now all official. 




    The press release I read also said they wanted to do more episodic and less serialized, which I fully support


          Some of my favorite episodes from Season one were the  less serialized ones - Blood Moon, John Doe, For the Triumph of Evil - so I support it too.   Also not surprised at the 18 episode order since Walden and Newman stated they weren't exactly fans of the cable way of doing things (i.e. less episodes).


    Again, just very, very happy and hope Season 2 taught everybody a few lessons on what does and what doesn't make SH work. 

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