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Posts posted by MissAlmond

  1. Not sure where to put this because it's far from miscellaneous. Deadline does a great in explaining Netflix's cancellation strategy and why it's almost impossible for them to find a new home.   It might be interesting to those who are fans of any given Netflix series.   Mods, please move to appropriate forum if this is one is incorrect.  


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  2. There are plenty of decent people in the entertainment industry.  In all businesses.  The nasty ones make news and the decent ones overlooked. People are inclined to ascribe all the horrible behavior of the few to the many.  Sadly it takes the death of a good one to remind us of this.  

    • Love 24
  3. On 2/25/2019 at 1:42 AM, Mittengirl said:

    I wonder if we will ever find out what motivated Dalton or if he truly is mentally ill or just evil.

    I have a question:  Was any connection ever made, or explored, on Matt Mellen's statement that Dalton went berserk after the phone call from his kids?  I thought perhaps he had deep seated anger towards his family and had showed signs with them but authorities apparently felt nothing was off kilter there.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

    have to say the Timothy Masters case lessened my enthusiasm for true crime/forensic shows, and I'm more skeptical about the forensics they report.

    Oh my!  This is worth a forum of it's own because I feel the same way, not only about the forensics, but people who were jailed and later found innocent because law enforcement felt they didn't respond properly when told someone had died.  Examples I remember off the top of my head from watching true crime:  

    Nancy Grace who was foaming at the mouth, ready to send Runaway Bride Jennifer Wilbanks fiancé to the gas chamber.

    The Angie Samota case.  For years law enforcement and that friend were positive Russell Buchanan had murdered her.  Thankfully for him, his parents stepped in and hired an attorney or else he would still be in jail today and the case closed.

    Names forgotten but back during Court TV days, a woman was found drowned next to her houseboat.  The husband hadn't reported her missing and when questioned he told police his wife was an alcoholic who disappeared at times so he wasn't worry.  Law enforcement was skeptical and her family/friends insisted the woman didn't drink.  It wasn't until an autopsy revealed a sky high blood alcohol count,  injuries consistent with a fall,  discovery of a secret apartment with a stash of booze, that friends admitted the husband was telling the truth and woman did indeed have a serious drinking problem. 

    The poor widow on some ID show who, when informed her missing husband (? I'm fuzzy on this) was found dead, kept acting nonchalant while the husband's relatives fell apart.  Police immediately thought she was involved because she wasn't acting the way they felt she should have.  When the real murderer was found, and the widow was innocent, she explained on the show she can gone into shock and felt if she just kept acting normal, what the police said wasn't true.  

    So, yes I still watch true crime, these situations remind me what law enforcement feels in their gut can be 100% wrong.  

    • Love 9
  5. Whenever a murder is covered on the ID Channel and they mention A&B had the perfect marriage, C was the perfect child, D was the best friend ever, I immediately know chances are great A or B murdered the other, C murdered one or both parents, and D murdered or betrayed their best friend.  Do better and come up with not so obvious narration, ID!

    • Love 13
  6. 1 hour ago, Brattinella said:

    I've studied Ted Bundy extensively, read everything about him.  His entire purpose in the murders was to kill them, then have sex with them, and then cut off their heads and have sex with those.


    Thinking back, the reason Ted Bundy was too scary was because I heard about him when I was much younger.  Simply couldn't handle it.  

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  7. On ‎2‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 12:56 AM, walnutqueen said:

    Apparently, Ted Bundy is being resurrected.

    Y'all know he had "sex" with his corpses, amirite, Zac Efron? 

    Wait. What?

    On ‎2‎/‎13‎/‎2019 at 9:24 AM, One Tough Cookie said:

    And made up some of their faces with the  heads he kept in his fridge, before he disposed them.  Yeah, I need to get out more....

    WTH?  I didn't know this about Ted Bundy.  However, I must admit when books about him first came out, I was too afraid to read them and never did.  So all I know of Bundy was he picked up unsuspecting women and murdered them.  But having sex with their corpses and making up their faces!!!!  Never heard that.  Damn.

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  8. On ‎2‎/‎12‎/‎2019 at 10:49 AM, badhaggis said:

    And still no airdate for A Crime to Remember. I hope it will be back. I love that show.

    I love this show and while I hope it comes back, last season was rather weak for me.  IMO, it seems like they want to cover crimes closer to present day time.  I enjoyed this show due to it covering older stories.  Also, after reading up on the real life events, things presented on the show and what occurred in reality sometimes don't mesh.  Still, I would like to see its return.

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  9. I grew up watching "The Wizard of Oz" when it was shown on TV.  It took adulthood to realize how ultra shady "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" is.  The Munchkins happily sang and danced on the Wicked Witch's grave and didn't give a damn Dorothy witnessed it either.  They only stopped for a hot second to confirm with the coroner they weren't celebrating prematurely.  

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  10. On ‎1‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 5:15 PM, Snow Apple said:

    I'm glad this thread got bumped up because I didn't know where to ask.

    I've been thinking about an episode from a Twilight Zone or Alfred Hitchcock Presents type of show. I think it's from the 80s or 90s.

    Anyway, this was set in a school or office that is about to close for the next few months. Perhaps for summer vacation. A man told a woman she is fired and he just needs to send his letter to the board. Nothing she said convinced him to change his mind. He then had to go to some secure room for some reason. The woman looked for him when he didn't come back and realized he got trapped. Instead of opening the door, she then took the letter and walked out of the building. The implication is that the man will be dead by the time they open for business again and nobody will know she was fired.

    I don't have an answer but hope someone does because now I want to watch this myself.

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