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Posts posted by MissAlmond

  1. On 6/2/2019 at 7:28 AM, Inquisitionist said:

    I happened to rewatch Reversal of Fortune last week and was surprise, upon Googling von Bulow, to learn that he was still alive.  Jeremy Irons was masterful in that movie.

    Irons was far more brilliant in Dead Ringers but there was no way the Academy was awarding him for that movie.  People walked out the theater at my viewing;  I would have followed if not for Iron's compelling performance.  Many, including Irons himself, have alluded Iron's Oscar for Reversal of Fortune was actually for Dead Ringers and I agree.

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  2. On 5/30/2019 at 4:09 PM, Sile said:

    A few that I've been waiting for are Hall-Mills, Winnie Ruth Judd and the ax murders in some town I can't remember in Ohio or Iowa that I'm pretty sure starts with a V

    Those are some good ones!  There's also Barbara Graham, whose case the movie I Want to Live is based on.  Graham's innocence or guilt is still debated, in spite of the movie pretty much implying she played no part in the murder.  Perhaps the ID Channel should lurk on this forum for ideas.  

    ETA:  While the movie did imply Graham was totally innocent, I've read various accounts over the years and am not quite sure she 100% had no involvement.  I would love for ACTR to present both sides and discuss it later on this forum.

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  3. 15 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    Some of it, I have to think, is no doubt due to all the societal pressure women feel to have kids, and the feeling a lot of women have that they're not "complete" without a man and a baby, to the point where that can drive a few women to such desperate means. But I don't know that that alone can explain this phenomenon. It's just so bizarre. 

    But aren't the vast majority of women in these cases trying to hold on to a man?  They can't be couples very much together because men today usually accompany their  significant others at least once to the ob/gyn and would know if there was no pregnancy. 

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  4. On 5/17/2019 at 6:36 AM, Haleth said:

    Of course I reserve the right to change my mind after the final episode. 

    I can't wait until the finale to read who wins the Iron Throne and I don't even watch GoT!  It's a flashback to watercolor days when people didn't watch Dallas but wanted to know Who Shot J.R.  Whoever he was. LOL   

    ETA:  Most everything I know about GoT (Spoilers.  Maybe)


    Cersei has a Joan of Arc haircut, loves her brother a bit too well, and apparently likes a good cup of wine.  Mrs. Peel wanted her to know . . . something earlier.  Cersei's dead now.  

    Jaime,  The brother. Also dead.

    Dany in the sky with dragons who last episode decided to Burn this Mother down.

    Jon Snow.  That's all I got.  

    Bran who was pushed down the stairs or out the window, after seeing something nasty in the woodshed.

    Arya who has killed people with various eye colors.

    The yummy Peter Dinklage plays somebody named Tyrion who I personally want to win the Iron Throne because  - well it's Peter Dinklage.

    Winter is coming.  Or was coming and is now gone.  Anyhoo. Winter.

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  5. 19 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

    I can see that ACTR would be expensive to produce. I think I commented on an episode in the first season, where in the background of an office scene you could see mini-blinds at a window. Out of focus but still obviously mini-blinds, and that wasn't a thing in the 1950's when that crime occurred.

    Yes.  This.  There have been prime time shows set in the 40's/50's which had decent ratings and sometimes even excellent reviews but became too expensive and time consuming to constantly get every detail right.  It's why the TV series Wonder Woman was moved from the 40's to present time.  

    It's too bad if ACTR is gone though.  There are great cases from the 30's that would have fit their criteria (I mentioned Ruth Snyder and the Bennett Bridge Murder case on the now vaulted forum). But if duplicating the 50's was hard, the 30's would have been even worst.  

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  6. Doris Day!  I knew it was coming but makes me sad.  

    28 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

    I loved her in Love Me or Leave Me because it was the only one where she played against type. Her version of Shakin' the Blues Away is my favorite one.

    28 minutes ago, legaleagle53 said:

    Ever listen to her cover of "Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps"?

    My goodness.  My two favorite Doris Day performances right here!   R.I.P. Ms. Day.  I'll be watching the TCM tribute when it airs because I know Ms. Day will certainly be lauded by TCM.  Or else.  

    • Love 10
  7. 46 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

    I hope not. I love that show. I know sometimes the gaps between new seasons of shows can take a while, though, so maybe that's the case here? 

    Let's hope so.  But in all honestly, I started to get worried when they started doing crimes set in the 60's/70's.  

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  8. Is A Crime to Remember gone forever?  I wonder if it became too expensive to produce.  Prime time shows set in the 40's/50's have been cancelled due to cost factors.  Keeping the "look" of a period can also become too difficult.  By the time The Waltons ended, Mary Ellen's hair and makeup had long moved beyond World War II and into the 70's.  Too bad if it's gone, it's one of my favorite crime shows.

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  9. 23 hours ago, Jordan61 said:

    I'm probably alone in this, but I freaking love Deadly Women. It's so cheesy and doesn't try to be anything else.

    You're not alone.  I even love the crazy "tags" they come up with.  These Deadly Women were . . .

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