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Posts posted by MissAlmond

  1. I've always been of the unpopular opinion Revolutionary Road is the story of Jack and Rose had he lived and they married.

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  2. 21 hours ago, Blergh said:

    Excellent pic, UYI! Not only does it show the great comradery  between these two performers (which IMO could have been a contributing factor re Mr. Kercheval staying on the show the WHOLE duration despite his character never once prevailing) but also is quite ironic inasmuch as (unlike with  his other victims such as Sue-Ellen or Bobby)  J.R. never ONCE shared a relaxing, fun time with Cliff Barnes as these two clearly did offscreen! RIP, Mr. Kercheval. 

    I agree!  Thanks, UYI!

    All this talk of Cliff, J.R., and Dallas makes me think of  . . . Alan Beam.  Go figure.  

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  3. 24 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Larry Hagman, the Original Magnificent Bastard, as JR Ewing, someone I loved to hate, yet found charming and repulsive at the same time

    Larry Hagman was great as JR.  He grew up knowing oil men and it showed in his portrayal.  The Jock/JR dynamic of Jock being the one person JR wanted to be proud of him was lost forever after Jim Davis died.  


    And now you've inspired me to go to that thread and rant about casting and story lines!

    I try to stay away from that thread because I have decades of casting/storylines I'm still angry about, the last being Sleepy Hollow. After divorcing that show,  I swore off having passion ones. However, years of TV watching bitterness remains.  (LOL)

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  4. 9 hours ago, SimoneS said:

    I was such a fan of Ken Kercheval. I didn't like Dallas as much as others, but I hella loved Cliff. I would always root for him, but he could never beat J.R. who I despised. But boy did Ken Kercheval make their rivalry fun. He was a talented actor who held his own against Hagman. 

    Rest in peace, Ken.

    R.I.P. Ken Kercheval. 

    Personal opinion:  Dallas in the beginning was a perfectly cast show.  I'm of the unpopular opinion David Ackroyd's Gary Ewing was better casting than the switch to Ted Shackelford (nothing against the actor).  But Dallas lost something for me.  Making Pam not a biological Barnes.  Killing Digger off too soon.  The retcon of Bobby as father of Jenna's daughter (and Priscilla Presley's wimpy Jenna). 

    But one of the biggest regrets for me, besides the breaking up of Bobby and Pam,  was J.R. becoming a character so powerful, he rarely was beaten.  In the process it turned Cliff Barnes from this bright, up and coming politician to a weak, pathetic man*.  When Dallas used to be shown in reruns on TNT?  TBS? can't remember now, I always found myself tuning out after the early seasons were aired.  

    Still, Ken Kercheval played both versions of Cliff well.  Sorry to hear of his passing.  

    *Jim Davis death and his portrayal of Jock was, of course, a huge loss to Dallas.  But that, obviously, was beyond anyone's control.

    • Love 8
  5. 7 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

    Here’s info on Katz Networks. It seems they’re not a commercial or cable network; if you went looking in your listings for Katz Networks you wouldn’t find that name among your channels, but they’re involved with other networks somehow. I think that’s what the linked article said, anyway.

    Thank you!  There is an option to search for local channels and I do indeed have ones listed.  Happy Days!

  6. 32 minutes ago, ratgirlagogo said:

    As for letting go of the bitterness I'm pretty sure that ship sailed long ago. I believe he's been angry about it all since 1956.  Probably kept him alive.

    "Is there anything you want to talk about today, Mr. Stempel?"

    "Yes.  I would like to talk about Charles Van Doren. . ."

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  7. 13 hours ago, UYI said:

    Even though the show was best when Mary's best friend was Rhoda, there was something so trusting and sweet about Georgette that made her so special,

    I never realized Georgia Engel was so young during her Mary Tyler Moore days.  Georgette was sweet but could throw some pointed zingers.    R.I.P. Ms. Engel.  

    • Love 9
  8. 17 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    AND, regardless of what happened, if the parents weren't involved, there was major negligence on their part

    Yes. This part I'm also absolutely sure about.  I believe they were laughing, talking, drinking, having a good time without the kids, and not paying attention the way they claimed.  

    • Love 10
  9. I always thought the saying was "Nothing good happens after 2:30 (am)".  Being up at midnight seems reasonable for the weekend to me.  

    The McCann case has always stumped me.  I don't know if I believe the parents did something to Madeline (I do believe she's dead) themselves. , But I do lean toward them having such a good time, they weren't paying as close attention to the comings/goings as they claimed they were.  

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  10. On 3/26/2019 at 2:23 PM, LuvMyShows said:

    I don't remember which murder show I was watching recently, but the victim's relative wanted to talk to the convicted killer, who was in jail...I guess he wanted answers as to why the guy did it, or something (maybe it had been a plea bargain, so no trial to unearth the deets).  So they showed the actual interview in the jail, and the killer was contrite, and gave some heartfelt-sounding explanation about how things got out of hand or whatever, and the relative was very appreciative and shook his hand, and everything was very kumbaya.  Then it came out later that all of what the killer had said was crap, and the relative actually said it had been a "textbook" convict interview of fake contrition and diminished culpability.

    Wasn't this the son who had testified as a child his father killed his mother (or saw something that, putting the pieces together, was clear the father had murdered the mother)?  IIRC, years later he went to visit his father in jail, wanted his father to admit to murdering his mother, Dad gave some sort of "It was an accident" excuse, son pretended to believe, but afterwards said Dad was still lying?  

    • Love 4
  11. 1 hour ago, Blergh said:

    I DO hope Mr. Stempel truly DOES make his peace with what happened and not let it sour his twilight years. 

    Let's hope so.  I don't think the incident has soured Mr. Stempel's twilight years.  But (IMO), I don't believe the bitterness has ever left part of his spirit.  

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  12. On 4/10/2019 at 7:24 PM, GreekGeek said:

    I posted about this in the Jeopardy! Small Talk thread, but Charles Van Doren has died. He was the college instructor who was at the center of the rigged quiz show scandals of the 1950's. Ralph Fiennes played him in the movie Quiz Show.

    R.I.P. Charles Van Doren. 

    Herb Stempel is still alive and probably gloating he outlived Charles Van Doren. The last interview I saw, he was still bitter.  I believe Herb has outlived all those he felt had done him wrong.  Now that's a dish eaten cold.  

    • Love 4
  13. 18 hours ago, Homily said:

    I love that movie (I'll draw a veil over what I thought of the sequel!!) and I always wondered what ever happened to "Rachel".  I thought she more than held her own with Hayley Mills and Rosalind Russell but it seemed like she didn't do much after that movie.  Or certainly nothing I remember seeing anyway,  Like you I watch this movie regularly.  I'll have to get my DVD out and watch it again in tribute.

    Just a sidenote for any other fans - the movie was somewhat loosely based on the biography of the woman who was Rachel in the film .  My Life With Mother Superior by Jane Trahey, it's a cute book but I have to say the movie is better 🙂.

    I read Life with Mother Superior and the movie is indeed better.  Thank goodness screenwriter, Blanche Hanalis, omitted that awful chapter about the school play! 

    June Harding went on to paint pictures, mainly of cats, in Maine.  How about that?

    Jane Trahey, whom the Rachel character was based on, became a huge figure in advertising, establishing her own agency.  It was Trahey who persuaded celebrities to participate in Blackglama's famous "What Becomes a Legend Most" campaign.  Trahey died in April 2000 at age 76.  

    Mary, the character played by Hayley Mills, did indeed become a nun.  Sister John Eudes Courtney died at age 98 in December 2017.

    There was no sequel To The Trouble with Angels, no matter what it says on IMDB.  😉

    • Love 8
  14. How the hell did I miss this?  June Harding, who played Rachel in The Trouble With Angels, died.  I absolutely, friggin' love this movie and watch it at least once a year.  I will watch it again this weekend as tribute.  R.I.P. Ms. Harding and thank you more than you'll know.  



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  15. On 3/9/2019 at 12:38 PM, Calvada said:

    It begins with his episode of Private Screenings (bonus! with Robert Osborne

    I have no idea what happened with my local TV listings.  The online guide listed "Private Screenings," however Jezebel was actually on, but my DVR listing claims it recorded Private Screenings.   I don't see Private Screenings on the TCM app to watch later, so I guess it's a lost cause.  Damnit!  

    On 3/10/2019 at 6:29 PM, Milburn Stone said:

    Loved The Heiress.

    I love this movie too!  When Olivia de Havilland's voice changed, you knew she was over it.  

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  16. On 3/16/2019 at 10:07 PM, Bill1978 said:

    I won't be surprised if the movie ends with the audience thinking the good person killed the bad doppelganger but then its revealed to us that the doppelganger actually survived.

    I grew up watching The Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Outer Limits and One Step Beyond.  I immediately knew this would be the case (LOL).  

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