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Posts posted by MissAlmond

  1. 1 hour ago, Rose Quartz said:

    And then there was a scene shortly after that where the cameraman gets into a fight with one of the visitors and pulls off his  human mask so for the first time we see the reptilian eyes and skin underneath.  Man, I had a few nightmares because of that when I was young! 

    The original V was 🔥 🔥 🔥!  Everything following afterward (IMO) never measured up.  

    V introduced me to the pre Freddy Krueger, Robert Englund and no, his character was not the one snacking on small animals as if they were Lays potato chips.  

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  2. 9 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

    Was it the mini series Celebrity?


    I remember it because of Michael Beck.

    9 hours ago, Domestic Assassin said:

    Yes, that's it!

    I concur, that is indeed the miniseries I was thinking of.  

    Funny.  I haven't thought of this miniseries for years and it never was something I longed to see once again.  Yet when reading conversations on the True Crime forum about Manson's Girls, out of nowhere this miniseries popped in my mind.  Weird.  

    Thanks so much for finding it, Blackberryjam!  

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  3. Here's another miniseries I'm drawing a blank on.  It was late 80's/90's.  Based on a book by one of those authors who were always writing the type of books later to be turned into TV miniseries during this time period.  It was about three male friends.  One I believe went to Hollywood and perhaps was in the closet, Another friend became head of a cult and was evil.  The third friend I can't remember at all.  Maybe - or maybe not - they were tied together forever by a childhood secret?  I believe one of the actors became quite well known later.  Of course my memory is vague so my details could be wrong (LOL).  

    ETA:  At least I think became a miniseries.  Maybe it was just a book.  AGH!!!

  4. 12 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    One thing that boggles my mind is when a seemingly normal person gets completely obsessed with a cat fisher to the point that they take every word they say as the gospel and even KILL someone based on the catfisher's lies!!! I just can not understand it. And they've never even met the person!! Of course, latter they find out this online love interest is not who they claim And the story is a lie. 

    Not just catfished people fall for this.  I'm always baffled at people having affairs being told by  lovers "My husband/father/mother is doing X and wants to kill me.  I need for YOU to kill THEM."   Wouldn't it be easier to simply break off the affair? Contact child protective services? Call the police?  But nope.  So many just fall in line, kill somebody, then weep on the witness stand wishing they could take it back usually because the person wanting the kill pointed the finger squarely at them.  

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