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Everything posted by MaKaM

  1. She did harder jumps, harder combos, extra arm-over-the-head stuff + the bonus for doing it late in the program. It's math.
  2. I mean, I thought it was great and strategic. Kid is clearly incredibly talented and definitely deserved the high GOEs. There was no worry that she was going to splat at any point.
  3. No, if Kostner beats Zaigatova and Mirai comes in 3rd, they make up 2 points and bring it even again. ETA: if I did my math right.
  4. I mean, you can only slam to the ice so many times before you can't get up again due to bruises. So that does limit it somewhat.
  5. It makes it seem more legit to the masses than just "Eh, that felt like a 5.8 performance" as it used to be.
  6. So wrong, but unfortunately probably too right.
  7. I was swaying on the couch trying to give her energy. Yay, Mirai! This is the reason I couldn't quit you! And the greens are coming!
  8. And where's the gymnastics petition for a review of scores? Adam Rippon's skating skills are apparently lower than Kolyada's, as are his transitions. Color me skeptical.
  9. Short version: Mike doesn't like gay people. Adam is gay.
  10. Dangit, Team USA needed this guy to beat the Italian guy.
  11. Did that feel like a robbery? I need to check my pockets, I feel like we've been robbed. I would tell Adam he needs to change nationality to Russian to get some more points, but since he is a gay guy, that would be a simply terrible idea.
  12. Oh, man, I don't have the nerves for this anymore. I need to go watch some Michelle Kwan Tosca to calm down. ETA: good job, Adam. Not sure it is a winner, but you did yourself proud.
  13. I was actually wondering if USA figure skating was regretting Bradie over Ashley because it looks like Bradie is just not going to get the PCS needed to do anything. Even Ashley's disaster-skates get better PCS than Bradie's best and basically make up for a lot of the TES. (I know Bradie winning Nationals meant she had to go, but I wonder if domestic scoring really did her any favors. She is being shoved into a lower category than the other skaters and she might have to dig her way out of that in her future competitions. Max Aaron never got out of the "ice hockey skater" label, no matter how hard he tried.)
  14. Holy shirtballs, that is an ugly outfit and seriously unflattering on her body type. Maybe it looks better straight on? I liked the gumby...
  15. For those of us without a wsj subscription, can you summarize the article?
  16. Team Canada could do Team USA a real solid by subbing out Virtue and Moir for their second ranked dance team--get the Shibs into first to stay ahead of the Italians and in the medals. But, we'll have to depend on Adam and Mirai to deliver and not shennanigan-gimmes from rival countries. ;-)
  17. I'm gonna still rag on Virtue and Moir but still hope they beat Papadakis/Cizeron. I can do both! ;-)
  18. If the Shibs get pipped for a medal because they can't do sexy, they should do a satire sexy routine next time. Copy Virtue and Moir's face grabby choreography and make everyone suuuuper uncomfortable as a screw you.
  19. And, even if they had, it is unlikely they would use one of the two substitutions on pairs.
  20. ? Every discipline skates twice. US only has 1 pair so they can't be substituted.
  21. Yeah, Osmond and Koster had very visible errors that should, by rights, affect their program component scores but it never does.
  22. I guess if Bradie wasn' aa straight 7s PCS skater instead of straight 9s like anyone around for a few years, she'd be winning.
  23. Guess we are seeing more skating because the skiing was cancelled. Sad not to get to root for Aksel Svindal, but not disappointed to see more skating. (and the snowboarding was exciting too, I'll admit it)
  24. So is 5th what we are hoping for for Bradie?
  25. Interesting that OAR got the final spot in 3 of the four disciplines. Wonder if that score was an eff-u to the Shibs and one of the other American teams (or OAR) is the new flavor of the month.
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