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Everything posted by MaKaM

  1. Not!Russians dress is so pretty but I seriously dislike the blind theme.
  2. Well, don't know if it was the music, or the hair and arm flinging, but that was too overwrought for me.
  3. And more Muse...but I like her dress. Eta aw, nice first twizzle, screw up on second. Well, level 4 guess my eyes were lying.
  4. That dye job is just so cheap looking. I don't mind unusual hair colors, but for the Olympics, make it look like it wasn't done in your bathroom sink at least!
  5. I liked this singer of it better than the opening ceremony guy.
  6. Regarding athlete nutrition, I think there is still a long way to go on it. In Aly Raisman (gymnast) book, she wrote how she was following online fad diets about carbs and whatnot until her parents took her to a nutritionist. One wasn't provided. But when she got on pproper diet, lots of her recurring injuries cleared up. But she only got to that point because she is wealthy enough, not because the federation cared enough. And from Adam's article, figure skating is not prioritizing it either.
  7. And Russian sports culture is different from the US. Being on ritalin in the US is fine, in Russia it is a HUGE deal. Like they think you must be dying if you are on it (because none of them are) while being on meldonium is no big thing. ETA: they are apparently also very used to being called fat and then when they become coaches, calling other people fat. Now maintaining a reasonable body weight is critical to safety in a lot of these sports (or better yet, a strength to weight ratio but that takes work and calculation so it is just easier to fat shame) but the old-school way of going about it is still in ascendance in Russia by all accounts.
  8. Yeah. If the dislike is based on that non-expression Madison made, that is pretty shocking. I was expecting her to have made some sort of stank-face (kinda like Ashley did when she saw her marks) but (not being a Hubbell/Donohue fan), as long as they refrain from verbally trashing their opponents, hiring Jeff Gillooly to take out some knees, or making throw-up faces when other skaters are scored, I am not going to hold non-expressions (and non-appearances at optional events) against them. And their less-than-perfectly-patriotic comments about their trainingmates being teammates hasn't seemed to affect USFSA's support of them if the judging is any measure, so it must not matter to the higher ups. /still TeamShibs. Wish gif's had sound because the clip of their twizzles would be my new background (to the dismay of everyone around me)
  9. That said, they (the Shibs) managed a 112 during the Team competition with is about what Hubbell and Donohue got at the Grand Prix Final.
  10. Not 100% sure but likely because of the short track schedule. Has anyone posted video showing where the Shibs lost 2 levels on that step sequence that no one else (important) did?
  11. The hidden eating disorders might blow into something with Adam Rippon somewhat dragging it to light (eating disorders among the women, pairs, and dancers is an assumed given). Well, since the Shibs are getting the hose, I hope they've banked a lot of good sponsorship money leading up to this. Were they planning on retiring? They are pretty young for historical ice dancer pairs (not so much with the current trend)
  12. Wow. Guess we know where USFSA is putting their marbles... Sorry Shibs, you on your own. And, Canada and Turkey don't like you either.
  13. They also have team medals. 2 golds and 2 silvers is their current count I think.
  14. Can anyone get the detailed pdf to open? I wanted to know the final levels. Eta: note to skaters, if you are going to have a sexy naked dress, have some backup tape or construction just in case!
  15. Quite a score jump for Hubble and Donahue from that competition to now.
  16. See now I thought they were out there having fun and the smiles natural. Guess that is one of the key problems, too much room for personal interpretation.
  17. I rewound my recording several times to watch it again. So fabulous.
  18. I would wear the Italian lady's dress to work. (I work as an engineer. I would get looks but would not care.)
  19. Watch the Shibs draw the first skate of their group so they can be hosed again.
  20. Place your bets! Not!Russians SB/PB is 76.33. I am guessing a 79.42 tonight. /didn't realize that Bobrova had a positive piss test in her past.
  21. Judges gotta leave some room to overscore the not!Russians into.
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