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Everything posted by MaKaM

  1. Physics. Pull your arms in tight and you go faster. The theme of this Olympics is: backless dresses
  2. No cuz some do nude which just look dirty. No one must manufacture them. Like no one apparently makes gymnastics booties in anything but white.
  3. Can't you get out a can of spray paint and change the color of your boots? Eta, I mean go for purple or orange or something if black is too manly.
  4. They must teach speed in Italy. She looks so fast
  5. Olympic Ice showed Andrea's interview with Hubbell and Donohue and fuck her with a cactus. Pardon my French. I am not a H/D fan, but nice to ask them all the whys and hows of their mistakes and so sensitively.
  6. Either way, note to Ice Dancers (and those with a partner) more of this: less of this:
  7. She gained a rep for underrotating so now the judges examine every landing with a microscope. There is no "benefit to the athlete" for Mirai's jumps. And then she gets junior-level PCS to go with the downgrades and she ends up well behind the curve. Lots of other skaters seem to get their questionable landings brushed aside, but the last few seasons, not Mirai.
  8. Not always. All the top Americans are friendly with Larissa Iordache and I think the British team. (ETA: There is at least a lot of InstaChatSnapping now that indicates more friendly relations than in the past) Money might also be a factor. For figure skating, this is the moneymaker. The chance to get more sponsors. For skiing especially and snowboarding, showing up here is basically a charity move. The tours/world cup are are where they make their money. And with luxury good European sponsors and gorgeous fit athletes, there are enough sponsors to go around for the top group. If figure skaters were on a month's long tour with weekly competitions and big money flowing, the group dynamics might change.
  9. And every time you have to work to suppress a sneeze or a fart or whatever, you are sneering. Or if you carefully don't make any expression (or talk to family and friends through text) , you get harassed for being a disconnected, soulless robot. God help you if you smile because you are pleased with your performance, clearly you are smirking because your competitors screwed up.
  10. Me and the Chinese judge were sympatico except for 1 and 2. And Canadian judge, your nationalism is showing a bit too much. Clean that shit up. But, giving 9th to the notRussians is brave with the ladies still to skate.
  11. Turn Kostner into an honorary Russian? ETA, Er honorary not!Russian.
  12. At least with the new +5 goe, we can look forward to more record breaking skates in the next 4 years.
  13. The medalists are right but only because the skaters forced it with the French SD issues and Hubbell /Donohue issues in the FD. The judges were totally going to go a different based on the best overscores they could find.
  14. That said, when Virtue and Moir retire again, the judges are going to have to dial the scores back for the French because having them win everything by 10+ points will get old fast.
  15. Wish the Shibs had beaten a clean dance from Hubbell and Donohue but thrilled for them anyway. Didn't like the seedy bar routine.
  16. Well, skating-while-blind merits a bonus dontchya know?
  17. His front needs to be low cut to match the back of hers.
  18. Who knew spinning on the ice restores vision?
  19. Geez, I keep thinking there is a bird loose in the arena. Someone's whistle is weird!
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