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Everything posted by MaKaM

  1. I tuned in after he started and guessed "I'm getting married in the morning" before I heard the music. Eta oh, on some of the slow mo he looked like Tim Curry in Clue. Now there would be a program.!
  2. Now with 6 quads, Nathan needs to work on doing them all with his hands over his head. Or a quad-quad combo.
  3. Switch to the app channel for different commentators.
  4. http://www.isuresults.com/results/season1718/owg2018/SEG002.HTM Here is where you can follow along, lexielilly.
  5. Too bad his PCS holds him back. If he were getting mid 9s, he'd really be back in this thing. I like the kid. Disliked the beginning of the program but it got me by the end.
  6. Somehow OAR didn't snag that final skate spot. Maybe their "luck" is waning. Or the bribe moolah is running out.
  7. Anyone know who the Australian woman is? She's great (I love her "toe rake" instead of "toe pick") but the guy with her is a waste of a paycheck. All he seems to know how to do is let us know how much time has expired or how much is left. He does mix it up a bit there.
  8. I'll never get over her trying to make the gymnastics team cry in 2008 when they got the silver. She was acting like did it on purpose to deprive the US of a gold rather than them being underdogs to a (probably underage) Chinese team. I even wrote to NBC and we can see how much that helped. I'd love it for Adam (or anyone, really, Tanith?) to take her spot. I think she got her journalism degree from a crackerjack box. She may not be bad at play-by-play but the off-the-cuff interviews, she is simply terrible at. I already complained about her using slang when interviewing Aliona and Bruno and you have to wonder if she even prepares her questions beforehand. And, as Corey Matthews once famously asked "What are you, new?" when she screws up like that. Long story short, I dislike Andrea immensely.
  9. If the podium stays just the same, I would be quite satisfied.
  10. That isn't how that works, unfortunately.
  11. And dangit Shiffrin just bombed the slalom. It isn't my athletes day today.
  12. Tara has become the new Al Trautwig?
  13. Yeah, Adam isn't bringing anything Jason Brown (among others) couldn't bring. Jason was 89 at 4CC (different competitions, I know).
  14. Guess you do miss some stuff on the stream.... If you can actually miss Andrea's terrible questions. (She was using slang when interviewing Alioa and Bruno. You just don't do that to non-native English speakers.)
  15. Shouldn't be upset, the difference between 15 and 3 is like 5 points.
  16. I have 3 screens going. TV with stream and flipping to NBC, Kindle for backup streams, and phone for this forum and results. God bless technology.
  17. Not even a Rippon Lutz. And the singing did not add anything to the skate. I'd eliminate it myself. Beat was good and his spins were fast enough to keep up.
  18. Yeah but they were 10th at Worlds last year and have had additional time for her to recover and him to learn to jump. They seriously underperformed.
  19. I miss Keegan's curls but liked his program a lot.
  20. Well, yeah, they were doing them then but not three, four, five, or even six in one program...
  21. Wow. Frank. Call it a career already. Eta: it it SO weird to see the Canadian flag next to Keegan Messing's name. That's what I get for stepping away from the sport for a few years.
  22. I am watching the stream and apparently it is a totally different experience. I like this Australian lady and her low key announcing. Could do without the guy though.
  23. Not quite, they got higher PCS than the Canadians with that music and nervy performance.
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