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Everything posted by MaKaM

  1. Uh oh are we in for another episode of Skating While Russian?
  2. Wait til they have drones following them around the rink...
  3. The Chinese have amazing carriage. Aw, poor her. Just not her day.
  4. Live stream on roku has been great. And I just got to see Aksel, my 3 time Olympic boyfriend, win gold so I am not hating on NBC right now.
  5. Well, the US didn't come in last. That's...something. And sad that is the best we can muster up. Was the interview on msnbc?
  6. On the stream, HATE the male announcer saying how much time left. Yeah, some of this shit is boring but none of us are adding the points in our heads so we don't need to know they are in the bonus time.
  7. Aw man I want to like the Knerims, but until he learns to jump, this train is going nowhere.
  8. Wow, Russians draw last skate again. Must have some luck there.
  9. It is the closest to some of the throwback routines people were posting (Candeloro, etc) where they really created a story and characters.
  10. I loved the skate, but hate her outfit. It looks like suspenders on a miniskirt. And the proportions are off.
  11. I am with those that think that cumulative/increasing penalties for falls might be the way to go. -1 point for the first, -3 for the second, -6 for the third, etc. That way, there is some benefit in taking a risk or two but if you truly haven't mastered the skill, you will get docked for it. That way the spectators don't have to watch a splatfest walk away with a win while an otherwise sublime athlete can still take a risk or two and not be destroyed.
  12. I remember that Olympics for the death stare, the hideous, nearly-nekkid outfits, and the tragic hair--from Marie-France's shoe polish black, Barbara's strange red, and Tanith's zebra stripes, it was terrible at every corner of the globe.
  13. Yes. Mirai and Adam are longshots (to non-existant-shots) for individual medals so I am thrilled that they got this chance.
  14. Shibs were behind B/S in PCS this time. So Maia should pretend to be blind to up their score?
  15. I could watch the Shibs twizzle all day.
  16. I loved that when she murdered him with her glare...
  17. Pretty dress for her. With the Italians, I would have guessed A walk In the Clouds before What Dreams May Come, based on the costumes, but it was pretty too. I am liking all of these better than the SDs.
  18. Ah, well, if Adam had gotten ahead of Kolyada (as he should have been) then they would have been tied (with the Nathan-winning scenario) because then OAR would have been down 1 while the US would have been up 1. And then they would have won silver (knock on wood for Shibs). But since the Men's didn't fall out that way, it isn't anyone's "fault" except for the judges screwing Adam over (and I felt, lowballing Bradie some. Kaetlyn and Carolina both had very obvious mistakes that did not seem to affect their scores much).
  19. Am I mathing wrong? OAR has 58 and the US has 53. Nathan got 7, he would have gotten 10 for winning. That is only 3 more which makes 56 and not tied.
  20. I don't think so. That would only be 3 more points and the US is 5 points behind OAR right now. ETA: now if Nathan had won and Adam had been appropriately scored ahead of Kolyada, then, the US would be tied and in the running for silver. But it looks like the judges had their plans. /conspiracy theory!
  21. I thought he said they were trying to put them in Silver position. but even if the US won (not happening) and OAR came last (also not happening) they would tie in points and there is probably some tiebreaker that would favor the Russians.
  22. Well, it is also as bad as cramming all the jumps up front when you are fresh and then just putzing around for the last half. They added the bonus to get people to stop front-loading the programs and now it has bit them in the butt. I agree that the code should be rewritten to limit some of the egregiousness and the PCS crap needs a COMPLETE overhaul because it is totally bullshit nearly all the time. It needs to be better tied to actual movements instead of "you've been around a long enough time (or are Russian) so you get 9s. You aren't Russian and/or are new, you get 7s."
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