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Everything posted by walnutqueen

  1. Doc: You, Al, are an object lesson in the healing powers of obstinacy and a hostile disposition. Jarry: And you, Mr. Wolcott; I find you the most severe disappointment of all. Wolcott: Often to myself as well.
  2. A birthday party at the zoo is my idea of the perfect venue (but then, I always loved the zoo). :-)
  3. For completely selfish reasons, I'd like to see more animal interactions - a trip to the zoo would be my idea of heaven. My younger niece spent more time at the San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park than anywhere else we went together, and by the time she was ready for pre-school she probably knew more about wildlife than most adults. Will seemed to enjoy feeding the elephant, and I think his reactions to learning about the different animals would be fun to watch (and I want to see what makes Zoey's eyes get as big as saucers!).
  4. Is that you, Mama Joyce? ;-) I have many fond memories of having tea with little old ladies when I was a child; I guess you could call them tea parties. I still have an assortment of beautiful old cup&saucer sets, and a full silver tea service that were last used at a tea party with my nieces. It's been nearly 2 decades and they still remember those times as fondly as any of the other activities that THEY chose. The most important thing to those girls was the time I spent with them, not what we did together. The same holds true of my childhood memories; when I talk to my mom about stuff we did together, some of the things she found memorable I did not, and vice versa. But what I'll always remember is that a single working mom in the 50s spent time doing stuff with me. I also was exposed to a horribly dysfunctional relationship and didn't see a "normal" loving couple like Bill and Jen until it was much too late to heal my damaged little psyche, so I think Will and Zoey hit the fucking jackpot. It must be wonderful to grow up in a home where the two adults aren't at each other's throats and using you as a pawn in their sick twisted negativity.
  5. Trixie: Why not take your tale of woe to the Doc? Alma: I feel Dr. Cochran judges me. Trixie: Lucky, then, you come to me, that takes you to my bosom, smoothes your hair and tells you all will be well. I can tell you this much, Mrs. Garrett. If you take the tea, lay plenty of dope in. 'Cause I've killed seven; and every bleeding out I laced on good and tight and for a long fuckin' while after.
  6. I'll bet his blood ran cold when he saw it, Lonesome Rhodes. Not for the 60s, Ohwell. They were what attracted me to my first high school boyfriend. :-) I'm enjoying the dark humor so far.
  7. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this episode and thought the tea party and the visit to the pet shop were nice. Bill's sense of humor always makes me smile; this episode it was his comeback "You brought this on yourself, Judy". Heh.
  8. I know exactly how you feel, Willowy. This show created characters and dialogue that could elicit some very deep emotional and intellectual contemplation; it also gave me a profound love for humanity (humans, not so much, but still a miraculous thing for this misanthropic recluse). I ache for that richness of character you mention, and miss it as much today as when the series was cancelled.
  9. Ellsworth: Panic's easier on the back than a short handled shovel. Alma: I see. Ellsworth: The Creator in all his infinite wisdom, Miz Garrett, salted his work so that where gold was, there also you'd find rumor. Though he decreed just as firm that the opposite wouldn't always hold. Dan: A creature walked the ground on hind legs, just like Crop-Ear and half a dozen bushwhackers out in the forest; ones I'd fall in with or out, whatever suited my daily purpose. That's what I was, till I crossed paths with Al. Trixie: Well bang the drum and play the pipes and I'll rend our fuckin' garments. Dan: I was just sayin'. Trixie: I ain't hearin' confessions this afternoon.
  10. Trixie: Fuck every fucking one of you. I wish I was a fucking tree,
  11. A promise made and broken, a future shattered by the now. Pity.
  12. I am ever so delighted to make your acquaintance, Kristen - I suspect you're a dark horse. Oh, and I believe the scientific term is "horsies!".
  13. The guy is pure EEEEEEVIL!!! He seemed to get worse as the series progressed (and the more tenuous his hold on Joanie became). "Psychic fucking twin to Wolcott" - they're specialists.
  14. I fell into a fit of uncontrollable giggles when wet noodle/Morrissey boy swooped up college bimbette in An Officer and a Gentleman parody. I thought his scrawny little arms would quiver with the effort (and hoped he'd collapse and break both their necks).
  15. Most menacing line/delivery also-ran: Cy: Don't believe there's no good women ... till you've seen one with maggots in her eyes.
  16. Another absolutely gobsmacking scene was when Al took yet another burden upon himself by doing for the Reverend. The heart-wrenching tenderness Al took with whispering "brother" to him, and gently crossing his hands, then tenderly laying his head down ever so slowly. I fucking LOST it. One of the most poignant and beautiful "murders" I've ever seen. You just knew Al was saying goodbye to his brother all over again.
  17. Season 2 also introduced us to Martha Bullock, an oft overlooked and under appreciated character in her own right. She was another one of those strong female characters I adored; and my empathy for her blossomed when we heard the one (and only) letter from Seth that ever reached her. It was a singularly touching and elegant love letter, full of promise :
  18. One of the most menacing lines I've ever heard - it was all in the delivery.
  19. My annoyance level at the bird stunt was over the top because of the whole oxygen for unlimited hours/days little detail, and that the fact that I have first hand experience with wild birds. I think it was supposed to be a starling, and although they are one of the hardiest of birds I have rescued/rehabbed, they are not particularly suited to oxygen deprivation. The killer should have used a baby penguin. * * at least then we could cut to Cookie the Penguin tickle video (which I could use after every friggin episode of this show!) :-)
  20. Al (of Bullock): He don't know if he's breathin' or taking it in through fucking gills - he is that fucking cuntstruck. They're afloat, in some fairy fucking bubble, lighter than air - him, her snatch and his stupid fucking badge!
  21. Yes, but I've seen horses carrying twins - those foals had some pretty decent sized torsos attached to impossibly long limbs. The full grown man didn't have to worry about crushing or compressing vital organs, if they were still all in place. Besides - didn't you ever see Kate Gosselyn's pregnant belly? :~()
  22. How do you think a foal fit in there? That didn't stretch my incredulity, but a live bird in the chest of the body inside the body? THAT is what I want explained. Stupid, stupid show tests my patience at every turn - that's what you get for not being impressed by all the "visual mastery".
  23. I've learned not to investigate anything in dark, spooky places or warehouses, decembar13! ;-)
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