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Perfect Xero

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Posts posted by Perfect Xero

  1. 3 hours ago, Trini said:

    Yeah, this is a lot of doppelgangers for a show that doesn't usually have them. I like seeing doppelgangers, but yeah. Plus, we know the 100th episode is also going to show us different versions of everyone again.

    She's Superwoman, probably? How is the question....

    In the comics, Lucy Lane, Lois Lane, and Lana Lang are all non-Kryptonians that have worn the House of El crest and had the title of Superwoman.

    I should have guessed giving Alex powers would happen eventually; but they have liked keeping her a regular human to contrast with Kara.

    Chyler's whole look changes more from a different hair style/wig than anyone else I've ever seen. She makes me believe that the S family glasses disguise could actually work. 

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  2. I noticed during the crossover that Jefferson didn't mention Gambi when he talked about his loved ones, so I wonder if they chose to start the episode with a Jeff and Gambi love fest to make up for that. 

    Jen is just going around telling everyone that she's going to kill Odell, it's a wonder that she maintains her secret identity at all. 

    5 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

    Did they finally give the good ASA guy a name this week? I know they named his partner "Travis" but if they gave him a name I missed it.

    They've named him in previous episodes as Grayle. Apparently he's the arrow-verse version of relativity minor DC hero Gardner Grayle, aka Atomic Knight.

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  3. 6 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

    THis Rockies fan is ecstatic that Larry Walker is a HOFer.  Hot damn!!!

    He deserves it, he was almost as productive as Jeter over his career, crazy that one is almost unanimous first ballot and the other barely scrapped in on year 10.

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  4. I was hoping that they'd go the direction that the Lex of this earth actually had been a good person until paragon Lex replaced him. I think it would be a more interesting dynamic for the character than just going straight back to Lex the over the top villain. 

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  5. 5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    But I thought the snap brought everyone back from the time they were snapped and the next five years no changes were made? 

    They were brought back to the present, for them it's like they suddenly time traveled forward 5 years in time. 

  6. 3 hours ago, clack said:

    There's a difference between not being around for a particular crisis, and never being available, ever again, and that absence having to be explained in the dialogue

    How is that different with old Steve though? He's probably still stronger than any non powered person,  and a brilliant tactical mind if nothing else. 

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  7. 14 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    But again, you're drawing the line how much cheating is cheating. It's arbitrary. Throw people out of the game for stealing signs at second base. But that's ok because why? It's not enforceable? An umpire knows quite well if a runner is signaling to the batter. Code your signs better then. To take a ridiculous point of view, if you're not good enough so that your signs are so easy to decode, then that's your problem.

    Like I said before, I don't really care. Cheat it out till your caught. The discussion itself is inherently flawed because it's about the degree to which cheating is allowed. I maintain MLB let that ship sail over 20 years ago, so to suddenly clutch their pearls now is laughable.

    I don't see why in-game camera study is actually cheating. You look at football, they have print outs on the side line of plays during the game. It's not like baseball teams don't use video study, but all of a sudden in-game is out of bounds.

    I didn't think of that, and that's a salient point. But then I would say, have a stronger bullpen. I'm thinking along the lines of someone like Mariano Rivera. He literally had two pitches. Even if you knew what was coming, it was still hard to hit. Or even Clemens - You knew he was throwing his forkball. Go ahead and take your shot.

    I'd also say that the % of players who can really extended the at bat is low.

    One might wonder why the Astros even bothered stealing signs at all ...

    The NFL still punishes teams for filming other teams practices or filming their sidelines. Using agreed upon resources that everyone is allowed to use is different from using extra resources. 

    MLB tried to ignore what the Astros did, it became impossible because the players who knew the huge advantage they were getting went to the press with it to force them to do something about it. 

  8. 1 hour ago, nuraman00 said:

    What happened with Lex after the beginning of the episode?


    He was giving the speech for the Nobel Peace Prize.


    I don't remember his role for the rest of the episode, or what happened with him.

    He didn't do anything else that I recall. Kara figured out that he's the one running the DEO and then got involved in the other plots that were happening. 

  9. I think the comparison I saw a pitcher make is poker. If you have a tell or are holding your cards so I can see them that's your fault. If I hide a camera behind you so I can see your cards when I shouldn't be able to, that's cheating. 

    • Love 17
  10. 1 hour ago, Danny Franks said:

    I've outlined my interpretation of TLJ several times, so I don't want to go into full detail again, but my reading of it is that Rian Johnson was deliberately drawing a parallel to unhealthy dating attitudes in modern media by having Kylo Ren stalk, harass, manipulate and gaslight Rey throughout the movie, and having her be oddly receptive to it because she was in a vulnerable position.

    But I don't think it was romantic on her end, to begin with. She wanted someone else to be the hero. She went looking for Luke so he'd do it, then when he rejected the idea, here's 'Ben' explaining how he's been misunderstood and unfairly maligned. And she falls for it.

    But by the end he's shown his true colours and she has closed the door very firmly. It looks like Trevorrow's script took up that beat, and continued with Kylo Ren as the villain he'd been built up to be in TLJ - more complex than Vader was, but still an enthusiastic villain.

    JJ and Disney called that shot back, and gave him the redemption arc. And they did it at least partly because of his popularity with oddly intersecting subsets of fans - swoony fangirls who wanted the attractive white guy to get the girl and angry, misogynist males who hated the idea of girls and brown people as the heroes of their fantasy movies.

    The White Dude Apologist Committee will jump through any mental hoops they need to, to give their guy an out. I just wish Disney hadn't endorsed their views by doing the same thing - despite all Kylo Ren has done, he gets his ghost dad (who he killed) telling him, 'hey, it's fine, son. You got stabbed too, so we're even' and then he gets a personality transplant (really not sure how this works) and becomes a character we've never seen in the trilogy, just so he can save Rey, get the kiss and die a hero.

    I guess JJ's concession to not fully encouraging this was the fact that he is forgotten, as soon as he disappears. I like to imagine Rey was relieved, and I like the interpretation someone suggested (can't remember who, sorry) that she was just expressing gratitude for his help. But he doesn't get to be remembered at the end.

    This was definitely a reflection of modern entertainment's obsession with villains, and being determined to flesh them out and justify them more than the heroes. I don't know quite where it came from, and I'm not saying I want villains to be cartoonish caricatures of evil, but I'd much rather have seen at least a third of Kylo Ren's screen time go to Finn and Poe.

    I'd have been quite happy if, after killing Han, we never saw Kylo Ren's face again. To me, that was the moment of no return, and it wasn't just because Han was an iconic, loved character. He murdered his father in cold blood, simply because his master told him to. 

    But in a media environment where serial killers, abusers of women, stalkers and manipulators are 'sexy' and 'cool' maybe I expected far too much.

    I don't know I thought that myself but, every time I've seen Reylo come up in interviews and panels with Rian he's always played into the sexy, romantic interpretations. Maybe he's called it out as toxic gaslighting and I missed it, but he regularly seems happy that people want to see them as a couple. Which leads me to think his intent might be more tragic star crossed romance between two people on different sides than Kylo taking advantage of Rey.

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  11. The braves gm was banned for life and the team is still under sanctions until the 2021=2022 ifa period because they gave extra money to poor teenagers in Latin America which everyone agrees all the teams were doing to some degree.

    I think the Astros are getting off light by comparison for directly cheating to win games and a world series. 

    • Love 7
  12. 6 hours ago, MarkHB said:

    Now that the Crisis has passed, I think the memories work much like they did in the comics:

    • Those who were at the Battle at the Dawn of Time remember things the way we saw them unfold (in the comics, that was literally all of DC's surviving heroes), from Earth-1 to the Vanishing Point to the Dawn of Time to waking up on Earth-Prime, just like we go from one day to the next.
    • The general population remembers the singular timeline of Earth-Prime, in which the Crisis wasn't much of anything but maybe the skies turning red for a bit. That's the world they're living in now.
    • This part is different from the comics: the heroes who didn't go to the Dawn of Time had their memories restored by J'onn, so that they now have both timelines in their heads. That was part of what drive the Psycho Pirate insane in the comics, but I strongly doubt the shows will go there.

    I don't know that J'onn could restore their own memories, he could download his own memories and maybe the memories of the other paragons to give them a sort of primer on what changed. Of course Clark didn't remember having 2 kids even though he wasn't a paragon, so maybe we're supposed to take it that J'onn did a complete wipe and replace, but that seems pretty severe. 

  13. To me Rey creating something new by using the dark side would be completely against everything I've always understood the force to be. The dark side is inherently destructive and toxic, you can't draw on it for the greater good, heck that's arguably the lesson of Anakin and possibly Dooku in the PT. The force is a healthy system and the dark side is a disease that is trying to devour that system. 

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  14. 6 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

    I think the Star Wars saga as a whole suffers from this reluctant to fully acknowledge the logical conclusions of their portrayal and critique of the Jedi. It's a shame because the saga as a whole does a great job complicating the good/bad binary. But it's feels like each individual work always has to pull back at the last minute and reduce the conflicts into a straightforward one side = good and the other side = bad.

    Like Clone Wars had this amazing mini-arc complicating the main POV of Republic = good/Separatists = bad with "Heroes on Both Sides". But then a little later (or maybe a season later?), they walked the portrayal back and had one of the main Separatist POV character literally say that the Republic was the right side to be on. (of course, there was the dramatic irony of us as the viewers knowing that he was acting on incomplete information and that the Republic was just as manipulated as the Separatists).

    I feel that happened in Revenge of the Sith, too. One of the great things Lucas did was set up a genuinely complex political situation in which the Jedi were doing some pretty darn shady things. But instead of having Anakin turn to Palpatine because of disillusionment with the Jedi, Lucas made it be about fear of Padme dying.

    I think it was supposed to be both, Anakin's disillusionment with the jedi was more in the form of them being so detached from real life and beholden to fate that their response to visions of someone dying was "oh well, try not to let it bother you" that sent him into palpatine's clutches.

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  15. I still believe (and I know it's extremely unpopular) that they should have either recast Leia or written her out of the film if they weren't willing to do that.

    Carrie was amazing and iconic, but I'll take an actress who could actually be part of the scenes and performance over awkwardly trying to create a new performance from Carrie by editing in out of context old footage.

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    6 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

    Hulk has 2 movies that are considered canon but not with Mark Ruffalo. Black Widows movie comes out in May. 

    Not exactly. Hulk, directed by Ang Lee and starring Eric Bana as Banner isn't part of the MCU canon.

    The Incredible Hulk, directed by Louis Letterier and starring Edward Norton as Banner is part of the MCU canon.

    It's a bit confusing because Incredible was originally written as a sequel, but then they decided to make it a reboot instead when the film came back under Marvel Studios control from Universal and pretty significantly changed things about Hulk's origin from what was shown in the Lee/Bana film but kept other elements of the sequel script like Bruce being in Brazil at the start of the film.

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    17 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

    This may seem a little nitpicky, but Rey being a "nobody" and able to use the Force/make a difference isn't the same as "everyone" can use the Force. TLJ continued the rule that only Force-sensitive people can use the Force. 

    I feel like I've listened to TLJ fans and anti-TFA people and understand people's different ways of viewing the movies pretty well. But the one that I'm just never going to understand is the idea that TLJ having Rey be the child of random neglectful alcoholics established something important about who can use the Force. Force dynasties have never been a thing. 

    Right, Rey's family being "nobodies" was actually something I liked in TLJ, but it doesn't exactly break new ground or make the force available for everyone. There were hundreds of Jedi running around during the prequels with no dynasty connecting them. Rey's parentage was treated as a mystery in TFA, which is what had people speculating that she was connected to someone from the OT, not some saga spanning idea that the force is only for a few families.

    Rise of Skywalker features an entire unit of Stormtroopers who threw down their weapons because they could all feel a connection to the Force guiding them to do the right thing.

    I'm not sure how it's possible to see Finn's story in ROS and coming away from the film thinking it's saying the force is only for a few family lines.

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  18. 11 hours ago, Anduin said:

    I see what you mean, but JJ walked that back by having the Resistance go on the offensive. If he's going to do that, then why not have her more involved in the big fight?


    Taking the fight to the baddies was always what The Resistance was about. Holdo even dies destroying the bulk of the FO fleet, in one of the most iconic shots in the entire franchise a few minutes before Rose delivers her line.

    Rose is a character who strongly expressed a nonviolent philosophy in a film series that's always been built around space battles and laser swords and the bad guys are basically space Nazis. I don't know what sort of role Rian saw for her going forward and how it would play into the ending, but I think JJ wanted to respect that character defining moment for Rose personally, while also not finding it workable on the larger scale of the story conflicts.

  19. Rose in TLJ delivers the message that they will win, not by fighting what they hate, but by saving what they love.

    Positioning her as, essentially, the right hand to Leia as she reaches out to and saves her son was probably an attempt to be true to her character from TLJ.

    There are things that could have been done to include her more in the last battle, but she's also a character whose defining moment in the previous film was rejecting the idea of fighting your enemies even as their enemies were on the verge of killing them all.

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  20. The mask is symbolic for Ren. He wears it in TFA to try to project the power and control he thought Vader had even though he was an emotional mess who lost control pretty easily throughout the film.

    In TLJ he smashes it because Snoke called it childish, so he decided he was going to kill Snoke and take over TFO for himself and be his own evil man. He ends up in charge of TFO, but is still reduced to a screaming child by Luke at the end.

    In ROS he rebuilds the mask after finding Sidious because he realizes that he's had control of TFO/Sith taken away from him. Much like Vader's mask is actually a prison for Anakin, Ben is being put back into a prison of his own making by the return of Palpatine.

    RoS is Ben Solo finally learning that the power of the dark side is toxic and destructive and it isn't the path to control that he thought it was, it's always controlling him and using him. Kylo Ren then has to die so Ben Solo can toss aside the mask (and the lightsabre) for the right reasons and rebuild himself.

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  21. 11 hours ago, Wynterwolf said:

    Me too! But I so wanted her to say something like, 'we heard about another stromtrooper who escaped, and it gave us hope that we could do that for ourselves too, so we did!'.  

    I think it might have been cool though to have had one or two of Finn's old unit to have followed his example and ended up there too.

    But I think it's pretty powerful that they all made that choice on their own without having to follow someone else's lead. That TFO suppressing those stories from spreading among the ranks/units still doesn't stop it from happening.

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