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  1. I wouldn't be surprised if they are rolling with that outside of the show, to cover for the reading challenge missing. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened and a certain person won.
  2. Definitely. While it was never said, I thought the third episode made it clear Florian and Bash are a closeted 80s couple, with Florian working as the Butler as cover. Florian's reaction when Debbie tried talking to him about one day when HE has a wife, Bash jumping at Sam when he said something mildly disparaging of his Butler. It was great. It also made it feel that Bash's reasons for a female wrestling promotion went beyond exploitation and more towards how Gay men found power in powerful female roles before they started appearing in media. Though Carmen did have the scene where she was fascinated by Rhonda's breasts. Maybe if there is a season 2, it will explore Carmen and Bash in a mutual beard relationship.
  3. Florian and Bash are so obviously a closeted couple in the 80s, and it's kinda great. Florian's discomfort when Debbie talks about a future wife, Bash getting defensive at any meanness directed at Florian, the protectiveness. I hope that it's explored. It makes Bash's commitment to this, despite the stereotypes, sweet and almost innocent, cause it removes the sexualizing aspect as opposed to Sam. HE wants this out of love for wrestling, and maybe even just respect for women's wrestlers.
  4. I hope Betty Gilpin gets an emmy nomination out of just how much she mines Ruth's betrayal from the first episode to that last interaction. This season has been filled with a lot of brave choices, and the last interaction between Debbie and Ruth "We're not there yet" was a Brave defiance of the typical "Women coming Together" narratives, to not have every resentment resolved, to not have everything be splendid, was an exclamation point of a season of a show that was unafraid to make you uncomfortable. This show relishes in people making mistakes, and making asses out of themselves, and being terrible, while still not being Bad people. And every character in a way is memorable, despite the time they get, I have favorite moments of each character. I would say that either this or Stranger Things is the best new Netflix Show since Orange is the New Black premiered, but these characters were better written, and everything felt so inverted and fresh, that I may put this at the top. The abortion is no big deal in the same show where miscarriage is dealt with as painfully as possible, the rift between two friends isn't magically fixed, yes there are stereotypes and in a time like the 80s you may be better off using them for you because the oppressive times won't let you forget them, Arthie is able to sell her character but also has no way to fight back against the crowds racism in the last episode, the war on drugs was filled with glad handing hypocrites, and in Wrestling the good guys winning isn't always the smartest choices. The only real problem in the series is that aspects of the last two episodes were rushed. Would it have been two much to see Goliath, come in, sit down watch the other matches? And it would have been nice to see Bash and his mother interact before the episode where they resolve their issues for now. This show is so optimistic even when it dabbles in pessimism. These are amazing people who sometimes can't fight back. In a way this is Netflix's realest series and I AM GUSHING.
  5. Was the sexual assault as theater sequence supposed to make me really hate Maria? Cause it worked. When Luschek and the black guard were off to the side was it implied they already had their cavity search. I get all the women had gone through those searches but that was so... Public
  6. Anyone else notice pauses in conversation, instant tonal shifts in conversations, and shifting attitudes depending on previous statements from the lady head of Security? I don't think she's human. If she's a robot, who else of the staff is?
  7. DAMMIT SOSO I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU!!! WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!!!!! GAH.... GAHHHH!!!!!! I had warmed up to you so much over the past few seasons but GAAAAHHHHHHH... It'll be interesting to see how Red and King will be impacted by the discovery of the secret fertilizer. Morello and her manicotti man had me rolling.
  8. That sense of ownership, where your partner is to have no privacy, and nothing to themselves for a moment, where one side acts and enforces an idea that nothing can happen in their lives without them immediately telling them, depending on them, that dragging out of their flaws, exaggerating them in order to mentally scar them, guilt them, and control them, that use of a recent trauma to further hurt someone to protect your own sense of self importance, pretty much everything we saw in that scene between Felicity and Oliver, was, not exaggerating, emotional abuse. If this was a woman who had had a shocking, semi-traumatic, rug-pulling change happen in her life, and the man that that woman was with, as she was still processing this information, tore her down for saying nothing the same day as she found out, treated her the same way we saw Felicity act to Oliver, press her at the end of the show for something the woman was clearly uncomfortable with at this time, enforcing all of this, we would be appalled.
  9. I am not current on Arrow, catching up on Netflix, before this season, and was on the Olicity train even as I am halfway through 3. I just watched this episode for the crossover and... I don't care about what the context leading up to this episode. I am off the Olicity train. I am off Felicity. Like she can be clingy but good god, never expected that level of selfishness from her. When you are in a relationship with someone you don't own them, you don't own everything about them, and they are allowed some personal privacy. Oh gee Felicity, you weren't the first person to know, oh gee, its up to him not you when he is ok telling people this. Her desire to own everything about Oliver now, whatever is spurring this, is abusive. It's flat out controlling and abusive. And Jesus, you find out your S/O discovered they had a kid, found it out that day, and you rip them apart for the fact that you don't know that day as they haven't made it all about you? You tear him down when you know he's hurting because of your goddamn ego? How friggin selfish. Even at the end scene, Felicity kept trying to manipulate Oliver into telling her something he wasn't comfortable with yet, caring more about her knowing than about him. JESUS. WHAT THE HELL. IF THIS IS THE WAY THEY ARE TOGETHER THEY CAN STAY FAR FAR APART Good God. Please someone tell me this was bad writing/out of character for her.
  10. That was bad. Really bad. Really predictable. Really manipulative. Nothing in the goddamn episode added much to what we know, and was just telling us, the audience how to feel. Momentum has built to a huge degree the past 3 episodes, and this killed that momentum, and did nothing to serve the story. This should have been a series of webisodes. This should have been a one-off special between seasons.
  11. It was pretty obvious to me it wasn't a hallucination, and the myth of hallucinations with Absinthe are common enough that I thought Sally was just using it to convince him he never saw it.
  12. Watch the scene again. We see a wide shot of Glenn's impact on the ground. Nothing is on top of him.
  13. Why is there anyone who thinks his death was ambiguous? At all. When he hit the ground we clearly saw Nicholas was not on top of him. We see the walkers rip out his intestines. If Somehow Glenn isn't dead it will have been completely and utterly cheap. Glenn was the most humane of the remaining group. He was. And the fact that him seeing good in someone unredemptive getting him killed is very fitting for his character, He helped Tara redeem himself, and he thought he could do it here, and now the conscience of the group is gone.
  14. Dammit show, I don't want to be on the Cisco/Glider train, but I am on the Cisco/Glider train. Her revealing that she does really trust him, she likes his smile, and the way hes off-put around her. I DID NOT WANT TO LIKE THEM. Now I am hoping she is around more often. Leonard Snart, with his lack of emotion should not be as much fun as he is. I feel that Catelyn and Jay Garrick is happening a bit too soon, and while I understand why they want him around, I did not believe he wouldn't go home in the end. ETA: Is anyone else waiting for all this ominous Harrison Wells stuff to just be misleading? I have a feeling this is going to be original good guy scientist Harrison Wells and not Evil-Eobard-Thawne-impersonating-Wells Harrison Wells.
  15. I gave this show way too much credit. When Lily was down on the ground, I thought she was going to beg Emma to kill her, like Faith on the first season of Angel. I thought the show was going to explore that she knows right and wrong but just can't do what's right, that she knows how damaging she is. She had it written on her face. And then nothing, just Emma going "I'm not leaving you this time." The Lily actress its great but the writers are losing her potential.
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