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Everything posted by MrsRafaelBarba

  1. Judging from the ratings this week, doubt Fox will renew.
  2. I feel so bad for the Core Four. Hope Nicole, Tom, Lyndie and Orlando get new jobs quickly. Fringe guy will pop up in another show, John Noble is awesome. Just didn't like Henry. Best of Luck to Neil and Matt, with their new shows. RIP Sleepy Hollow, you, them and WE deserved better.
  3. Could've sworn Hardwicke announced Lauren, Seth Gilliam and Gotham's Robin Lord Taylor. As the guests for February 15th.
  4. Not all. But I'd say for those reasons, a large portion of the fandom is. Which is quite unfortunate.
  5. In my mind, Ariana will catch the bridal bouquet. Kristen will slug her in the face and snatch it away.
  6. Ben needs to dial it down, dude looked constipated most of this eppy. Not feeling the silly relationship angst brewing between him and Leslie. Why must writers insist on doing that?
  7. Liked Tyreese's POV, of the others fighting walkers at the gate. While Noah pleaded for him to hang on.
  8. To this day, those Nazi Zombies rising from the ocean in unison still freaks me out. They filmed it at an abandoned luxury hotel in Florida, perfect setting. Aside from the young first mate and Brooke Adams's character, the rest were idiots.
  9. Think that person might. be talking about the 1977 cult classic Shock Waves. The best of that horror subgenre IMHO.
  10. The cast seem to be really close to Denise Huth. and Greg Nicotero. Since they're on location with them regularly. Of the Directors, Ernest Dickerson. Who tends to direct the GTFO episodes, like Too Far Gone.
  11. One the audio commentary for thr S4 episode Interment, I believe Scott admitted it to Gimple. Also it was mentioned that SG was the one who made the phone call to the actor about Herschel's demise. With that said, I'd say he simply doesn't like Kirkman. Who probably was his usual Douchy self about it behind the scenes. Like he was on the death couch that night.
  12. That was Shane returning as a Walker. Once it went black for Ty, the group made sure there was no return engagement. Otherwise he would've reanimated and saw the snarling teeth as well.
  13. Yep. I think Michonne handled Ty like she did poor Herschel's head.
  14. The harsh life in the ZA, would take an emotional toll on the most bad ass person. From my POV, Michonne wasn't being whiny. She was, being human.
  15. Scott was indeed professional, but there was an icy vibe between him and Kirkman. Plus the body language spoke volumes, how him and Lauren sat on the opposite end of the death couch.
  16. Tyrese inner turmoil was showcased during his final moments. It made sense for Brillip to show up, ditto for Martin.
  17. I love Nicotero, best one for a departing cast member to share the death couch with. Worst, Robert Kirkman.
  18. In the end, Tyrese couldn't deal with the cold/harsh reality. That you have to at some point also kill humans , to survive in the ZA.
  19. Seems like it was a symbolic farewell to Georgia as well. With the shots of The Prison, Woodbury and the death cameos.
  20. Two Wire alumns gone, only Seth Gilliam remains. Seems like FG is starting to adapt to the New World Order. Want to see him become a more productive member of the group.
  21. Walker Twin appeared to come from a bathroom that connected the bros bedrooms.
  22. Looks like a large gang of savages overran the community. Most likely at night. What they didn't loot, destroyed and torched. Whomever wasn't killed by them, walkers that also breached gate got them.
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