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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. After Fringe's colored multiverses? Or not related?
  2. I find this a lot more tolerable than a Ward/Skye twu wuv scenario. I honestly don't know if it's the casting of Chloe Bennet, or the writing and directing for Skye, or the hair and styling, but she comes off as a kid, and Ward is a nearly middle-aged man, so the romance angle is just weird to me. I could accept her having a crush on him, which Ward is using for his dastardly purposes, but anything more than that seems wrong. They would've been 21 and 31 respectively when this was shot, and they make her look no more than 19 and act more like 16, whereas he seems more mid-thirties, with his tough, world-weary persona. At this point, it seems the best out for the writers is if he delivers some soul-crushing line to her about how he doesn't go for kids or something when he admits he was using her.
  3. I didn't think the audience was supposed to think for one minute that Ward's declarations of love for Skye in the restaurant were sincere. I assumed he was still trying to play her, and that was why she wanted to vomit, because she recognized it too.
  4. Yes, but the devices could probably be reached via another network. No? Well, if they continue the Christ allegory, Lucas would be James. But then, maybe he's Luke, who is referred to as a doctor, which would be more like Jedikiah.
  5. Since the network was down, Flounder wasn't able to turn off the kill switches--so they're still on, right? Hopefully Mean Blond Girl will do some new stupid thing and get herself shut off, but preferable not before Russell tells her to shut up.
  6. Yes, but Arcadia was his home. And I think someone else posted the theory that likely his body had been brought back to Arcadia. Arcadia with a river. IDK. Maybe it's the frickin River Styx. Jacob waking up in China seems to be the anomaly.
  7. Which should be the plot moving forward. I mean, this should give Alicia enough nightmares for her to forget Will even walked the earth. But they might drop it for awhile, because, you know, lawyers are too busy to mull. I do think Alicia was drugged, even though we're joking about the wine. Maybe Sweeney even hired Sweeney look-alikes for the party.
  8. Yeah, I was annoyed at this too, but I watch so many procedurals where they do stupid stuff to make a point about something else, that I figuratively closed my eyes, covered my ears, and sang "la la la la laa, I can't hear you," until they moved on from that scene. Or what lucindabelle said.
  9. Best episode in years, IMO. Why do shows always get good after they are canceled? Okay. Possible explanation. This was written and shot after they were canceled, right? So this is sort of like they're all auditioning either for themselves or on behalf of those involved with the show who don't have new gigs yet. The Sister Act singing duet, for instance, is ready to go on the road. And Aaron Ashmore is ready to take the lead in a comedy involving lots of physical stuff. And the emotional side of Saul Rubinek. And they also shared the stage with whoever played the Gypsy grandmother. Great job. Don't know who she is, but I wouldn't be surprised to read in the future that someone saw her here and used her in a similar role--hopefully more than a cameo one-off. Did love the pawn one liner. I thought the princess sounded more like the character of Janice from Friends than Fran Drescher.
  10. Even though I'm not a Marvel aficionado, I happen to be a lover of time travel plots, so I was able to gloss over this video having loved the video that Stargate SG1 sent themselves from ancient Egypt in the Moebius episodes.And, anyway, like ALenore above, Coulson's "Huh" made it all good for me. Okay, now that you mention it, maybe the writers really did think they were inside the SG1 Moebius story, and they used a cloaking mechanism.Edited because I managed to break the software and get a triple post.
  11. I was thinking the same thing and was about to change the Alec 1.0 and 2.0 designations on the Who Killed Kiera thread, but then...I stopped. Are we really sure which one will/would become the supporter of the corporations? I can just as easily imagine Corporate Alec getting disillusioned and walking out. And hoodie Alec might think it's in the best interest of the end game to go corporate.
  12. I lived in the Northern California mountains for 20 years. A 40°F variance in temperature in any 24 hour period was normal. My first couple of nights there in July in a hostel, I had to share the space with a mourning family whose hang gliding son had been caught in a sudden blizzard. Happens every summer. Sorry for the tangent. We're talking about Ontario--where my sister has lived for 40 years. Don't get me started on her extreme weather.Now back to our regularly scheduled episode discussion: I just tweeted that even if you had already bailed on the show, this episode was LOL amazing. The car CGI and direction was perfect: Coulson: I told you to fasten your seatbelt. Skye's hair when they landed. Coulson reaching for the $20 parking fee. It did bug that Skye didn't just let Deathlock kill Ward. I mean, I would've, and Ward would never make out with me (I'm close to twice his age). But that's the way they roll on these network shows. I did enjoy her telling him he was a Nazi. This was not a case of the Godwin effect, because they really are actual Nazis, right?
  13. My guesses would be either a disease for which there is now a vaccine (like diphtheria) or a house fire. I was pretty sure the little girl was a returned when she was playing with Jacob, but then thought it was a red herring when she had a mother there (whose clothing we didn't get a good look at). So, good fake out.
  14. Just popping in to mention that season 2 includes the 1969 episode, which many of us include in our lists of favorites, so maybe the subtitle could somehow reference it. It's also the first season of the Asgards and the first time Jack gets his head in the memory device.
  15. I'm wondering if NF or the writers are Orphan Black fans. About 20 minutes in the Scrabble word was Dyad. I'm claiming it as a generic scifi Easter egg if nothing else.
  16. I didn't turn it off, but it was not fun to watch. The Christ-like imagery of Stephen's dad in the machine was somewhat mitigated by it being even more reminiscent of Peter on Fringe. Couldn't Stephen and Cara have used a couple of burner phones to let them know they succeeded? It was fun to see Jedikiah parting traffic like the Red Sea. So, is he Moses now?
  17. Good catch. Even though he does give the evil vibe, I'm guessing he took the blood to cure his Leukemia after seeing what happened under the microscope. I had thought it evaporated because I used to accuse my teenage daughter of not refilling the ice cube trays, and then after she went away to college I realized they were just evaporating. On Star-Crossed they have a similar plot point in that the Atrians' blood can cure human cancer, so there's this plot afoot by soulless doctors to make them and the healed humans into "lab rats." The Tomorrow People has a similar theme as well, and Believe isn't that far removed either.
  18. Thanks, Dani-Ellie. Wow, Dorothy sure does look like Henry!
  19. Tonight on Castle there was an ongoing Scrabble game, and about 20 minutes in. Castle played the word DYAD--which the closed captioning spelled with all caps, as we've seen it lately for Orphan Black. He said it means "two people talking." There are other meanings, including genetics-related, but Orphan Black's DYAD also an acronym, for what? Although Castle is a simple crime procedural with romantic comedy subplot, Nathan Fillion, who plays Castle, is well known for science fiction roles in Firefly and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, and in Castle his character is a scifi fan, so I like to think this is a true Orphan Black Easter egg in the episode. Great article above, Willowy, especially:
  20. Cattitude, yes, that's what I meant to imply.
  21. My take was that Peter endorsed Finn because he thought it would make Alicia appreciate him. This seems headed for a backfire in several ways, not the least of which could be that Finn seems possibly headed for a nervous break down (or whatever they're calling it these days).
  22. In the cabin scene, right after Rachel got shot (and died for the 2nd time) after trying to overpower the psycho guy with the gun, with her baby daddy in the cabin after the trained federal agent told him repeatedly to stay outside, after the local sheriff with no backup lost his gun to the psycho, I was almost sure I saw a CGI thought bubble above Bellamy's head with the words, "That does it. I am getting out of this f'd up town with all these crazy white people." And then, in a subsequent scene, he appears to be trying to do just that. But then one of those crazy white people (Rachel 3.0) appears in the middle of the road right in front of him. So maybe Omar Epps, who had already scene the entire script back when they did the cabin scene, really was thinking what I thought Bellamy was.
  23. Every time Bo said, "I LOVE horses!" I kept picturing the writers sitting around asking each other: What do 10 year old girls love? And then they were thinking of Bo's gambling abilities, and, Bingo. A race horse. The fibbie lady actually explained that they picked them up through facial recognition software. I'm sure they borrowed it from Bones or CSI. I'm not sure if this is a shark jumping moment, or if they are just laying the ground work for a MST3K direction of the show.
  24. Every time I hear it, I wonder if they go back now, will they still have that gorgeous piece of real estate that would cost 20 bail bonds persons' salaries per month. And even as annoying as it is whenever Emma or Henry says it, it is very realistic. I have an adult daughter who went to NYC for college and is still there at 30. I think talking about how great a place NYC is to live is actually a necessary psychological defense mechanism if one is going to live there. And I suspect New Yorkers usually keep their hearts in train station lockers to prevent loss due to mugging, but that's a metaphor on a Brooklyn Bridge too far to nowhere. I found it oddly satisfying that Philip and Aurora became winged monkeys; to me they never seemed to have personalities anyway.
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