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Everything posted by ridethemaverick

  1. I knew when he started talking that he was the "type." A rent-a-cop who had little power in real life and maybe idolized law enforcement and tried his hardest to impress and be one of guys. I've known a few guys like him so all of the little details he added made sense to me. The ONLY thing about him that was against type was that he was an actual soldier. I bet the young lady who testified against him knows a lot about who really did it but since the police never thought to question people who were hanging out near the crime scene smoking dope, well, that ship has sailed. Unbelievable. Oh and Mr. didactic polymath? I think they wanted us to think he was an asshole but I thought he was hilarious. And good for him and his dad for what they accomplished.
  2. Kandi is a better woman than I am because there is no way in hell I'd be bringing in most of the money AND doing most of the caregiving for our babies. If I'm doing all of that, what good is he? Or to quote Joseline, "hoe, why is you here?"
  3. I'm prepared to dodge all the tomatoes but Kelly tickles me. She's vile but I think it's worth it to watch the other witches gasp in righteous indignation every time she says something, as if they aren't just as covertly bitchy as she is. Shannon did not come off well to me. Heather didn't annoy me but it's only day one so I know it's coming. Vicki was full of herself but I would miss her if she left. Meghan was cute. Did Andy really need to keep needling Meghan about her pregnancy? She was clearly upset, geez, leave her alone you little shady elf. Overall, pretty boring.
  4. Ok I had a different take on those pictures LOL. Porsha looked nothing like a model to me. I actually saw similarities to my younger self. It's very subjective. I can understand being skeptical of the timing of the discussion but thinking it can't be true still seems weird to me, especially if it's based on old pictures. That's like saying an unattractive girl couldn't have been sexually harassed.
  5. What does your experience have to do with Porsha's? Did you attend the same schools? Not being snarky I'm just not understanding your point. I truly don't understand why it's hard to believe. It's a very common experience for kids. So is depression.
  6. Why wouldn't we? I have a similar story, thought not quite that extreme. I have maybe talked about it twice in my lifetime. I would believe any of these women, even Kenya, because it happened and happens to lots of kids, even those who grow up to be beautiful. And I'm more inclined to believe it since it came up in a counseling session as opposed to directly after any of the times she's been on the chopping block.
  7. Carrie's entire monologue at the beginning of Switch Sitters when Doug asks her where to find the scissors, but especially this part: "What if I died? How would you ever flip a pancake? How would you ever cut anything ever again? Would you just sit here, weeping and soiling yourself until someone came to help you?"
  8. Thank you lol. I cant believe I missed an opportunity to work in that iconic phrase! I just realized the title of the episode is a play on "House of Sand and Fog" ?
  9. Lordt, I do not care about Cynthia and Peter. Fast forward. In glad Porsha is sticking to her anger management classes. Hopefully she stays the course. Ace is so cute. Every time they show aerial shots of Kandi's house I get jealous. Nice beautiful home (tacky decor but that's not the house's fault lol) and a beautiful guest house and she probably paid half of what the others paid for their monstrosities. Bwahaha Porsha showed up anyway. That's right girl, get your scene money. What was Kenya thinking? Who has a housewarming when the house isn't done? Tack.y. Wait...did she invite the contractors to pad her guest list? Lmao
  10. Kenya must have seen that adorable no makeup pic Porsha posted on Instagram and wrote a note to self to make a bitchy comment about her. This broad's skin looks like I-285 without makeup but whatever. At least the house looks good. This was kinda boring, although Sheree kept me laughing. And the house looks gorgeous, although I still don't understand the need for that much open space. Her kids are beautiful. So many boobs everywhere, my goodness. I hope we get to see Porsha's short haircut this season. The Nida boys were adorable as always. I'm still watching...haven't gotten to the housewarming yet.
  11. After seeing the detective's interrogation technique (FUCK YOU! THAT'S BULLSHIT! Etc), I wasn't surprised to learn that such a stupid mistake was made with the Miranda rights. I found Gil and the wife disgusting, but at least she's not a murderer I guess.
  12. I'm waiting for the other Remy shoe to drop because he is so freaking perfect. Something has to be wrong, right? I hope not, but I once thought Hollywood was perfect too... Micah and Kiki were adorable. I love that he has no game and is a giggly, blushing mess. What a powerful message with the two workers' deaths. I echo the sentiments here, really great storytelling that sends a subtle message.
  13. Tams may be in trouble with the FBI http://www.tmz.com/2016/11/03/rhoc-vicki-gunvalson-topless-photo-fbi-investigation/
  14. Right. Just because you fought for this country doesn't mean you're not a violent douchebag. A uniform doesn't erase that. Ryan sucks.
  15. I'm sure it's a coincidence that it happened in the show but a popular Atlanta rapper was killed last month in a car accident and the strippers who were in the car with him asked the officers on scene if they could go through his pockets and they allowed it. It made the news and people were shocked. That scene in the car waiting for the uber driver made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Then the shooting, the fear for the guys, then laughing at Earn and the pockets, then back to sad when the girlfriend came out. What a scene. I, too, am amazed at how much they pack into one episode without even having to have dialogue about anything. So many layers. The music choices at the end were perfect. I loved the Snapchats. So spot on LOL.
  16. The only one I like is Meghan. I agree with the poster who said David and Shannon are fake. I cant stand him. He looks oily and shady and I'm not convinced he's not still cheating on Shannon, except maybe with a different woman. Heather is a witch. I also agree with the poster who said c*nt doesn't mean much to them. I agree; I'm much more offended by Heather's nasty attitude and accusations of mental instability. And her fancy new house is ugly. Tamra now looks like gristle. Just desserts maybe. She's vile. Vicki is an asshole. Watching her deflect and deny and dodge is fascinating in a train wreck kind of way. I don't want her to leave but I don't know where she goes from here unless they bring on a new friend for her. I guess I'm the only one who thought Kelly's boobs looked great. She's vile too but she has Heather's number and that's fun to watch (for me). Meghan is smart for leaving this cesspool.
  17. I also don't think Derrick set it up. I do think he was a bad husband for several reasons, but mostly for cheating and for allowing shifty men full access to his home without thinking about his wife and keeping her protected. I'm usually pretty numb to details since I watch a lot of true crime but hearing what happened to Kim was heartbreaking. I almost turned it off.
  18. Ok Matt sitting up and sleepwalking to the cellar genuinely creeped me out. Yay, Dominic is kind of an asshole. Just like I'd hoped. Tonight was shockingly violent, for me at least. Where do they go from here?
  19. Heather is so lame. I'd be more impressed by her if anyone ever actually listened to her weak ass. To date, she has failed at throwing Kelly out of a party, failed at making Kelly shut up, and failed at manipulating Meghan into turning on Kelly. When your most successful machination involves getting Tamra to do your dirty work, I'd say it's time to throw in the towel. I believe David hit Shannon in the past. It was shitty of Vicki to tell Kelly and Kelly to spill that but Shannon didn't fool me with her outrage. Brianna sucks. She was totally right about Vicky and had me liking her for a moment and then her shady ass said "if my mom didn't want people to know Eddie is gay, she shouldn't have said it." To know Eddie is gay? Horrible choice of words if you're trying to dispel a rumor. And then she was laughing when she said it. She's just like her mother.
  20. Me too. We didn't see a lot of Cuba this week but I really hope Dominic is a cocky asshole because then his choice to play Matt as a timid weakling would add another layer to Matt's resentment.
  21. I can kinda see it for Matt too. He seems almost nihilistic. He's lost his wife, he's lost weight which is likely a sign that he's deeply troubled (and who wouldn't be?), he's depressed, and his sister is there. I can buy that he feels compelled to go back, almost in a "I have nothing left so maybe it's time for me to die" kind of way.
  22. I lmao when fake Lee and fake Shelby laughed at how pathetic real Shelby is. And I have to quote a post I saw online... "'Baby, I was lonely! I would have never slept with him if you were paying attention to me.' Girl, you fucked the actor that played your husband in the re-enactment of your life. That is Inception whoring."
  23. I'm so in. I wasn't really scared but I did have a lot of fun watching this.
  24. I've suspended disbelief a few times with this show...nobody caring about Paper Boi shooting someone, the Dodge guy driving with no pants, the invisible car tonight...but I cannot abide a club scene where Knuck if you Buck is playing and nobody is fighting, knocking shit over, or shaking their dreds. Major misstep LOL. Hilarious otherwise though. The janky promoter disappearing through the trick wall was everything.
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