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  1. I’m so late to the party but this shit is too stupid for life. Has no connection to the first season and has suddenly become an after-school special with a few pesky zombies and a mind-numbingly repetitive message.
  2. Such a pet peeve of mine when shows act like Black folks are so generic and monolithic that any shade of Black actor can be cast to replace any other Black actor. Wtf is Liam suddenly 3 shades darker? It’s so distracting, every scene with new Liam takes me completely out of the show.
  3. A whole episode of just Molly—ugh! Love the actress; don’t love the character or her story line.
  4. This really can’t be said enough. Just no. NO!
  5. Feel like I must have missed something. They specifically didn’t do anything to protect her or avenge her. Isn’t that why she’s all pissed?
  6. I know but he’s gone now. I just think it’s sad she didn’t pursue her dream once his negativity was out of the way. Also, can’t believe there was no discussion here of Marty taking the FBI deal. That seems HUGE! But I guess everyone is just binge-watching at this point—no breaks for discussion 🙂
  7. Except he literally did. He knew Del worked for the cartel and he made a conscious decision to work for them pre-Ozark even though he had serious misgivings. He was living in a state of denial if he thought he could ever easily extricate himself from a life of crime. Unrelated: why doesn’t Ruth upgrade her living situation?! She’s making over $100k a year.
  8. I might be the only one, but I actually liked Daniel and thought he was nice to Issa. (None of Houston boys flakiness—I cant remember his name). Could have been a perfectly good rebound relationship, even if not long-term. I was hoping she was going to call him for help and give us a few episodes of their great chemistry together.
  9. It’s a super food packed with protein and calories and helps you feel sated for a long period of time. That’s why Tyson bought it inn EoE to give himself a performance advantage. It’s the perfect Survivor food.
  10. This is the only returning players concept I could totally get behind. The hunger to win and redeem themselves is exactly what’s missing this season. This is a sound theory but i still hate the idea of the jury picking the least offensive or most likable player. This is Survivor, dammit—I always want the player who has actively worked hardest to outwit and outlast to win, even if they aren’t the player I like most. Case in point: Russel’s first season. Not my favorite person/personality but he was bold and had game-play we hadn’t previously seen on the show. It was unforgivably rude. I was a big fan of her Sandra blindside and have been looking forward to another bold move from her but that was super dismissive and specific. Another great idea I’d like to see happen. It would reveal what people really think without being swayed by overly-influential personalities. One of the things I liked in the early Survivor days—you didn’t always know how TC would turn out, or what people were thinking. I kind of hate when 6 people already know who’s going out and we’re just tuning in to see the vote outcome. I’d enjoy a season or at least an episode of players also not knowing how the vote is going to pan out.
  11. Tony finally made the play I’ve been yelling at the screen for about 10 years— make a big, unexpected move; late in the day; with a trusted few. I was worried Jeremy was going to wuss out! It was so satisfying to watch it succeed. I’ve previously found Tony exhausting to listen to but he’s capable of the wily, enthusiastic game play I want in a Survivor winner. He’s won me over— in a season where I had no clear preference going in. I’ll be happy if he or Denise win, or if Natalie makes it back in somehow and gets to the end.
  12. Hated every minute of the protracted family visit and I agree with the poster who said this was the most-boring/least-satisfying épisode in twenty years of Survivor! Usually, the only value of the family visit is the drama that takes place back at camp because someone is inevitably butt hurt they weren’t chosen to go on the reward—every now and then that results in alliance discord and in unexpected vote. But this was just a half episode of UGH. At least make it a 90-minute episode if you’re going to add 30 minutes of time-wasting.
  13. Right but missing from the entire long, drawn out episode. There was just no reprieve from the tedious new story with at least well-liked characters. The setting of the park could have provided endless story possibilities, eventually leading to the uprising. Rather they hurried that up and tore us right out of the park into a completely new setting and story line. We could have been perfectly entertained for several seasons by the back stories and experiences of the individual hosts like they did with Aketcha. And I would have loved a philosophical exploration of what it means to be a person—at what point should we consider an AI to have become a sentient being, if ever. Instead after the time and expense of all the world building, we’re left with some basic bad-guys-in-business show set in the future while Man in the High Castle-West World edition takes place back on the island. They are going to have to do some SERIOUS explaining for it to make any sense that Maeve would ever be the least bit satisfied or cooperative going back to being a parkbot playing make believe.
  14. I found it utterly boring and painful because it seemed like I was just watching some random show i knew nothing about and didn’t care to. With the exception of 3 familiar faces, this show had no relationship to the two seasons I already invested in of a very particular show. Also, are the writers clueless? Are they unaware of the popularity of Maeve and company? No mention of them whatsoever. I may sit out future episodes unless some of the discussion here indicates they might be worth it can’t believe this is what we waited almost 2 years for.
  15. Why did the Mr Phillips clone freeze to death and where did he go to that was just a rope’s length away? Is Veidt trapped on Mars on a short leash within a tiny habitable biosphere created for him?
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