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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yes, this is what I watched on PBS a few years ago, it was so good. It was created for British television. There is a lot of Alan Rickman on YouTube if anyone cares to delve into it. Odd that I don't like Tony Shaloub. I never watched Monk when it was on in real time, but recently watched one episode because Willy Nelson was the suspected murderer (Willy Nelson, playing himself, sure, he's a killer!) and then the last episode/finale was listed so I watched that. I know finales are either good or not, but this one ... geesh. He was okay on Wings though.
  2. Thanks to my superb research skills, I might soon show up on your doorstep. Hee hee hee! Hey, my town's smaller than your town (1,400). It's never been featured on any teevee show though, so there's that.
  3. Geez, now I have to go on a Rickman movie hunt. The last thing I saw him in, he was in a movie on PBS, I don't even remember the plot or the name, just that it starred Mr. Hottie Rickman. Gosh, he sure had it. I, too, was "gutted" when I heard he had died. It seemed no one in the press gave it much coverage. Anyway, thanks for all the titles guys. A Rickman movie marathon just might bring me out of the blues.
  4. Oh, now you HAVE to apply and get on the show, you'd be gold, I tell you, snarking GOLD. Start practicing your Statue of Liberty buzzer holding now. Alan Rickman. One of my biggest celebrity crushes. Broke my heart when he left us. RIP.
  5. Oh, too true about Kitchen Nightmares. I don't know how often health inspectors have to make their rounds, but those places that have ... let's say, "stuff" ... built up have been not cleaning for years. Those restaurants have to apply to be on the show, right? I mean, Ramsay's staff can't be going around the country, barging into the backs of restaurants, then saying, "Hey, your rotted food is going to kill your customers some day. How about let's put you guys on national teevee and shine a spotlight on your diseased establishment." I used to watch Hell's Kitchen, but no more because of Ramsay. That also keeps me from Master Chef. I guess he's nice to the kids on Junior Chef or whatever that one's called, but a bunch of precocious kids are even worse IMO than Ramsay's cursing, shouting "DOG'S DINNER!" and throwing food. I've also seen him be nice and pleasant in other things, but the persona he's chosen for himself is not my "cup of tea." I used to like Jamie Oliver's show when he went around to make school lunches healthier. Seems like Ramsay hated Jamie though, kept slamming him in the press. Don't know if Jamie has a show now since my tv watching is limited to three over-the-air channels (on a good day). @Clanstarling, did you go to that restaurant before it was on Nightmares? I will say that show does make cooking at home more appealing, for sure.
  6. I hope Joe is one who will be eating Lidia's dinner so he can tell her what a cr*p cook she is. (Not that she is, it's just that Joe is such a ... let's say, pompous ass.)
  7. Red Snapper hot dogs with Atomic Green relish! You'd have to wear shades, for sure.
  8. Well, hello Harry Potter fan! Sorry, couldn't help it. If we can't snark on @Browncoat I guess you will have to do, PW.
  9. That story deserves a GFY. Use it in your interview when you get on the show. Seriously! It's meant to be that you get on Jeopardy.
  10. I know, right? I think much of the time the pickle spear comes along side. Stores sell the bright glowing green pickle relish, but while I look at it on the shelf, I've never purchased any. It seems like it would glow in the dark. I do all the other toppings though, but IMO the tomatoes need to be small or you would indeed need a snake jaw to shove that whole stack in. And I would never be so blasphemous to ever let catsup touch any 'dog. That's a given. I'd love to try Hillbilly Hot Dogs. Heck, I'd love to try any food that didn't come out of my own kitchen these days. I'm actually losing weight during pandemic. My cooking ... ugh.
  11. A slaw dog would be delicious. (As is a slaw burger!) Around here the talk is the Chicago dog, which is a Vienna Beef hot dog in a steamed bun, topped with -- in this order -- yellow mustard, chopped white onions, bright green sweet pickle relish (it's a crazy shade of glowing green!), a dill pickle spear, tomato slices or wedges, pickled sport peppers and a dash of celery salt. And you never EVER put catsup on a hot dog, EVER. It's sacrilegious and doing so could get you excommunicated from, well, life.
  12. Yes, both. I'm the same about picking up accents so I have a sensitive ear about them. It took me years to get rid of what I called my Southern Ohio Hilljack accent after college. Hard to describe it, but I had a grocery clerk ask me if I was British.
  13. WEEK 30 • April 5, 2021 — ONE asterisk * 146. Daytime TV Personalities. Accepting a Lifetime Achievement Emmy, he said, “Just take… 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are.” 147. 20th Century American History. A biography of him: “In a sweltering, dimly lit cabin, its window shades closed…his first presidential decisions were made.” 148. Notorious. In 1897 she was accused of a much lesser crime, shoplifting in Rhode Island.n *149. South America. 2 of the 3 national capitals on the continent whose metro areas have more than 10 million people. * 150. American Literature. One edition of this 1930s novella shows a farm within the silhouette of a rabbit.
  14. I'm taking that as a personal affront, what with me continuing to occupy my well-worn seat at the head of the T41. Way to hurt my feelings ... *sad face*
  15. LOL! Aaron's Jeopardy run is Big News everywhere, even TMZ has something to say about it every day. It's made me think Jeopardy doing guest hosts is the biggest PR coup of the century, every time a new host starts, the PR machine starts all over again, it's Jeopardy 24/7 on all the news shows. However, I feel your pain getting the Concentrated Wisconsin Aaron Overdose. It's bad enough during football season, now it's every day anyway everywhere!
  16. Aaron is a product of California, so he probably doesn't have a Wisconsin accent. Note the bolded part of what was quoted, the sentence that reads "Even a little bit of time there can mess up your diction." Also ... "probably." If you've never been to Green Bay, you can't understand what I'm saying.
  17. Shout out to @Clanstarling's Smelly Cat. (Reference: Small Talk thread) It occurred to me that people criticizing Aaron's Rodgers' pronunciation/speech patterns have never been to Wisconsin, much less way up north to Green Bay. It's got a dialect all its own. Even a little bit of time there can mess up your diction.
  18. I think the fact that she hacked -- or was accused of hacking -- her father and stepmother to death speaks pretty strongly to why she became famous, not that she was a female. Her trial was a national sensation in 1892 and still commands interest today. If she had fed hydrogen cyanide those two family members, she probably still would be pretty famous, although the words to that song would be different: "Lizzie Borden poisoned some bread, And shortly thereafter her father was dead." To say Mr. Rodgers was "unaware" of Lizzie Borden being a female accused of a double axe murder is nonsensical since she WAS a female accused of a double axe murder. That the victims were her immediate family, her parents, makes her "claim to fame" all the more horrible and memorable. And pretty much universally known, based on so many posters here correctly answering FJ with ease.
  19. It's as @secnarf posted above: "Not to bring back the whole Berry vs Barry thing, but..." No doubt some people pronounce Lizzie differently than Lizzy.
  20. Adding articles to titles doesn't matter unless there was another play named THE Sister Act which was unrelated to the Goldberg movie.
  21. Alex always did this. As long is pronunciation is the same, bad spelling doesn't count. But Alex always pointed it out.
  22. It's roh-DAY-oh Drive in Beverly Hills, too. Rodeo is from Spanish, emphasis on the second syllable.
  23. They were asking for the name of the college. The name is Naval Academy. Exactly. I can say I graduated from Ames and people would know I went to Iowa State. But "Ames" is not the name of the school. Just like if someone says he went to school at "Carbondale," I know he went to Southern Illinois University. Carbondale is the location, not the name. And the list goes on, but to cut to the chase, "Annapolis" was not a correct answer.
  24. You'd think they could turn on the engines for the new POTUS. Geesh, if not for him, then who. Or at least turn on a fan for pete's sake. I laughed loud and hard when Aaron said (paraphrasing), "Lots of smoke?"
  25. Hey @PBnJay, I found this story about you!
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