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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Trebek pretty much pronounces every word differently than I do. Trebek even makes places he hasn't been about himself. And yeah, that category would surprise me ... NOT. But not surprised Saber didn't have a clue? Yeah, that's what I thought.
  2. Your screen name should be LeegalEagle. Besides knowing Gails of both sexes, I also know several Lynns on both sides of the gender fence. And everyone should know about SNL's gender-bending "Pat." I actually think Flynn is a pretty good name either way.
  3. I did see today's episode. It's too early to post results here, but go to today's JeopardyFan.com and scroll to the bottom to see who won. Be careful not to read the FJ answer (clue is at the top) if you don't want to be spoiled.
  4. I totally agree. Which gives you an insight into my brain that it came up with Sherlock Holmes' address immediately and not the PM's. And to top it off, I didn't care one bit that it went there. My present for the day:
  5. When the one guy revealed all the shiny "gold" in the bucket he was carrying, I shouted, "That's pyrite, baby!" Real gold nuggets aren't all spotless and glittery, and weigh more than a basket of eggs. But then like you said, it's Hollywood gold! "Garcia" makes me think of cigars since it's a big name in that industry. Not a good girl's name IMO. I don't have a problem with Flynn, except because of the characters on this show, I assumed Flynn should be a boy. But it's a good girl's name too. I know men and women named Gail. Actually, more men than women. I'm thinking now that Flynn was shot in his beat-down with Jessica which is why he decided to stay and see his family again so sent the Eyeball back to the future. Although: Could Flynn have sent the Eyeball back a day or two so he could kill Jessica all proper like without him being hurt? That raises a question: If a person is shot in 2014 and travels back to 2013 in the time machine, is he still shot since he's the one time traveling? I guess it depends on which time traveler's universe one is in. Not that it matters since TPTB wanted Flynn gone so Lucy would hook up with Wyatt. Ugh. But to each his/her own I guess!
  6. I thought the old guy who was Lucy's father was head of Rittenhouse. Did he just "walk away" from Rittenhouse because he said wanted his daughter back? I sort of missed that point, and we never saw him again after he made that (stupid) statement. Or maybe I just zoned out during that part. I drifted off a lot during this finale. I never liked Wyatt, from episode one on. For so many reasons. I wish he had gone back to save Jessica, then lived happily (not really!) ever after with her while Lucy and Flynn went on to "save the world." But no one ever listens to me.
  7. Not to worry. You are still in contention for a prize. Plus, as "they" say, "There is always next year!" Early Merry Christmas wishes to all Final J Contest players and lurkers, and additional wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Blessed Season to those who forego Christmas. To quote Tiny Tim, "God bless you everyone!"
  8. Not to worry. I have prizes for high/low scores, most/fewest asterisks, then two potluck drawings for participation. Every player has a number on my score sheet; numbers will be drawn for participation prize winners after category winner numbers are removed. "You win a prize, YOU win a prize, you win a prize!" -TM Oprah
  9. I was just coming here to say that. That's the first time ever on this show. All of us nagged about him having a five-o'clock shadow in every time zone so he looked like a vagrant. Funny the crimes the four have committed. Garcia is wanted dead or alive for pilfering! Lucy is a poacher and rustler!
  10. WEEK 15 — ONE asterisk 71. Norse Mythology. After turning himself into a mare, he gave birth to an 8-legged horse that was later the prized steed of Odin. 72. U.S. Landmarks. The 1st segment of this was dedicated on July 4, 1930; the next, Aug. 30, 1936; section 3, on Sept. 17, 1937 & the last, on July 2, 1939. 73. Poets’ Birthplaces. 5 Cwmdonkin Drive was the address of the family home where he was born in 1914. * 74. The Works of Mozart. Composed in 1791, the year he died, & last in the Kochel catalog of all his works, K. 626 is this work. * 75. Geography & The Movies. Named the first U.S. National Monument in 1906, it was featured prominently in a blockbuster movie 71 years later.
  11. @Browncoat: Christmas in Antarctica ... sounds like a deal to me. Oh, wait, I'm not invited? Boo hiss! I'd love to go, but the only way I could is if I win the Fantasy Jeopardy contest. Yeah, that's the ticket ... Play catch up on FJ questions here when you come back. You must stay in the contest! Safe travels. Post a pic for us when you get back.
  12. I was wondering if that girl was either 1. a descendant of the baby born via Wyatt in Korea, or 2. Agent Christopher in another timeline. I also wondered why Flynn bailed out of the time machine when, if he had gone with it, his back-in-time sickness would have gone away. I think. Just to see his family again? And that picture of him as a dead John Doe would have freaked out the Flynn family who was still living in that era. Someone would have ID'd him, or at least his fingerprints. He had a live twin, so to speak. I was sorry Flynn and Lucy didn't work out. I wonder why. They had so much more chemistry than Lucy/Wyatt. I wondered why the 2023 Lucy/Wyatt looked the same as 2018 Lucy/Wyatt when, when they went back in time to tell themselves to save Rufus, they looked nothing like they did, Wyatt with full beard, etc. I know, *hand wave.* I guess when it comes to time travel, writers can make it be however they want. Whether viewers understand any of it is another matter ... that DOESN'T matter! Oh: I wondered why they killed the Mothership but kept the Flying Eyeball. Was the Eyeball the one that had been updated for anyone to fly? Not that it matters I guess. Unless it's going to fly on some other network. Still, the end made me tear up. But I'm sappy that way, almost anything makes me sob a few tears these days.
  13. The clue was about the second Bob-Baffert-trained horse to win the Triple Crown, American Pharoah and this horse, Justify. (And yes, Pharoah is the correct spelling.) Justify accomplished this in 2018, so it's recent news. The horse had six starts, six wins, and brought home $3.798 million. He was retired a month later due to an ankle problem, which opened up the Breeder's Cup for another horse's owner to pocket a cool few million.
  14. Yes, no kidding. Same here. Side note: Prince's plane landed here during the night when he was having an "episode of the flu." He died a couple weeks later, from the same "flu." There was some talk of the local hospital being sued, then it sort of went away when the real cause of death became public.
  15. Lots of posters have said they got FJ because of the movie Amadeus. I'm the opposite. I can name all the actors and characters they played, the year it came out and the Oscars it won. But knowing the name of that requiem Requiem? Never in a zillion years. Ha ha! WRONG! See below. Kick me, I didn't notice, and I'm the one who wanted to trim her hair for her. I groom show dogs, I would do a good job. This was a missed clue/answer on a previous Jeopardy, the contestant answered Justified and was wrong, and no one else buzzed in. The horse is Justify. I know, I know, it's confusing if you watched the Timothy Olyphant show (which was great, BTW, highly recommend). Side note: I saw Bob Baffert when I attended the Keeneland Yearling Sale some years ago. It was, in my world, better than seeing Elvis. (And I've been to Michigan Burger Kings.) I've forgotten the reason that the Puppy Killer Pyramid Guy was invited back, but his winning three then two games with months in between got him into TofC. I'd be happy if Jackie got called back and won at least one more game. Her having a health scare is a pretty good reason, but, as always, no one asked me. ETA: Does anyone know when 911 was instituted? The rotary-dial thing is a valid reason to go with the ones. I had a rotary for the longest time, and would get irritated when recorded messages would say "Press one for ... whatever."
  16. Thanks for that link about Jackie being struck ill rubaco. I thought she did great to make it to four games as champ as I've noticed players seen to tap out after three. So her lack of play didn't surprise me, just made me sad as she had been so keen in previous games. I, too, hope she is okay. It was a shrug as created by keyboard characters. You know, like the "duh" that is :-P and smile that is :-) or surprise that is :-O. Not sure if I can recreate it but here goes: \_(**)_/ Crumb. I don't know how to make the hands or the face. So that's just an alien guy tossing something into the air. If Jackie had bet nothing for FJ, she could have cashed out with an extra cool thousand. The Emily Post clue about men taking their hats off inside being proper etiquette struck home for me. Last time I ate out, I sat and looked around the restaurant that was full. Nearly every guy in there was wearing a ball cap or hat of some sort, and I thought how rude all of them were being. As an aside, watching guys come into the restaurant wearing sweat pants or dirty jeans like they just crawled out from under their truck was normal. And this was a higher-level eatery, on the expensive side. And I remember the days when people dressed up to take an airline flight. *sigh* FJ category: I bet zero. FJ clue revealed: I bet zero. FJ answer revealed: I bet zero. There should be a contest asterisk for FJs one doesn't know even after the answer is revealed.
  17. I guess I'm officially a dumbass then @biakbiak. An uncommon one. I stand by my post.
  18. And that is why I have a problem with this. The short-cut phraseology is fine for people who went to those schools. But I attended a private college so am not afflicted with this in-crowd speak. If someone tells me they graduated from Iowa, I am going to ask, "Iowa City or Ames?" No kidding. This horse was beaten to death in the previous discussion we had here on this topic. Luckily, the horse can't feel it is once again being abused. I still feel sorry for it though.
  19. Two hours of my favorite show on tonight! I CAN'T WAIT! But so sad it will really be the last one, this after two other "last ones." Well, unless TPTB decide to move the story in a direction I don't like. Then I'll be good with it being the finale. I almost hope that's the case.
  20. I was one arguing this point back when the state was Iowa. I STILL say Trebek should have said BMS instead of NO, to give Eric a chance to, well, BMS, by saying University of Arizona, or Arizona State. Geez, give the guy a chance. I had no problem with Jackie answering "Thomas" for FJ. Last names only are accepted for all but the odd answer. We should know since there is always a discussion about it here afterward. "Kit Carson." Funny that posters here are saying "Arizona" is okay for that answer, but "Thomas" is not enough information for that answer. I like Jackie. She has a good sense of humor and is well rounded in her knowledge of just about everything. I would like her as a friend IRL because, like her, I am also easily bored. We could go on adventures together (since she is "happily divorced").
  21. OMG, great find Roaster. Jackie looked great and also looked like Malibu Barbie. (Her hair hasn't aged well though.) Bach No. 1 was a real dickweed, then it turns out he likes horses. Go figure. She picked the right bach IMO, although since he's an "actor," I'm guessing there was no second date, and he used this same clip in his portfolio. Jackie could be holding some reality-show-appearance record. I've lost track of how many shows she's been on.
  22. She got away with that, yet when the man player answered "Arizona," Trebek shouted "NO!" and Jackie (I think) buzzed in with University of Arizona. Arizona should have either been accepted or the player asked for BMS. Other times judges have been fine with university answers of just the state. We've had extended discussions about just that topic here. Judging on this show is manic depressive. Never know which end of the spectrum a player is going to get. For me too! It was obviously Welsh, so I immediately shouted "RABBIE BURNS!" and was so excited and happy that I got another FJ this week. Too late it sunk in (like when the answer was revealed) that Burns is Scottish. As a Scot myself, I am shamed.
  23. Well, color me stunned (whatever color that is) that my favorite won. I listen to this show while working; Kirk's tone level I found irritating and somewhat grating. It's just the wrong pitch for my ears. Chris just sings like any dude. He can sing okay but he doesn't put anything into it from what I heard. His singing fits how he was described, nothing bothers him, nothing gets him riled up. He needs to get his singing riled up. Kennedy ... I didn't even notice her last night. Meanwhile, when Chevel was singing with those two guys whose names I can't remember, I stopped working and put all my attention on the tv and listened. I LOVED whatever song that was. I would actually buy it, and I don't buy music. I do love me some Kelly though, so I was glad she "won" as coach. I do hope in future shows coaches help singers enunciate. I really couldn't understand any of the words to any of the songs. On Monday night, one of the guys, I think it was Chris, sang the song that plays behind the commercial for Save The Snow Leopards. Not a good choice IMO, I hate that commercial!
  24. I got Mt. Rushmore by thinking each head was dedicated separately, so, four heads, four dedication dates. That's not true but it helped me get the correct answer. Ginko biloba ... I guess all three players forgot they knew that.
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