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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. @teebax, I'm so happy to hear all went well. Plus you have two chances to get on, so Double the Pleasure, Double your Fun, It's Teebax, Teebax, Teebax who won! (Apologies to Mr. Wrigley) That's also cool you met others from your town. Now you can have Jeopardy viewing parties, like there are Bachelor viewing parties (ha ha). How many were at your audition? You figured you did well on the online test, and you were correct, so I figure you are going to get "The Call." How many were at the audition? Did you ask how many were being tested again after the online test? Congrats all the way around. (You can use the story of your bratty ratty smart-alexy student for your interview with Trebek!)
  2. And I absolutely disagree about Banksy. I love his art. It shows, to me, that he is a trained artist. Maybe I'm biased as a graduate of a five-year art college, but I think all six of the below examples are skilled, stylish and clever. And if he were all "Look at me," we'd be able to actually "look at him." But as far as I know, his identity is still unknown except to a select few. The man is a graffiti artist, a genre (cue Trebek) of its own, different than a portrait painter or magazine illustrator. JMHO of course.
  3. One of the first office Christmas parties I attended was at an expensive high-class supper club. My date and I ordered the chateaubriand. It was the only place anywhere that offered it. Our group was large and took up an entire room, so service was slow. So slow that my date, who was a newspaper photographer, and I had to leave before dinner was served as he was assigned to shoot a ball game later that night. Decades later, I still have never had chateaubriand. (insert sad face) As for Banksy being a missed FJ, it could be a case of just not being able to bring up Banksy's name from the recesses of the brain, like I knew Jill's FJ was the Mutiny on the Bounty island but had to google to bring up Pitcairn.
  4. LOL! I didn't even think that far ahead, but yes! to this story line that could go in so many different directions. While I don't collect action figures, I'm a Star Wars fan and know what those figures are worth. If I had seen that box of SW figures before Gabe The College Kid, I would have bought them STAT. And maybe tried to get the price down to $8. Then Kate could buy them all back, one at a time, on eBay, from me. That would rock!
  5. I very much like this. Makes him seem like a kind person. Thanks for sharing, it's a neat story. Or, addition to the bigger story!
  6. “Girl with Balloon” turned into "Love is in the Bin" about seven and a half weeks before this episode taped, according to TheJeopardyFan. It doesn't seem that long ago; time flies I guess. I saw it multiple times on the news but not once on Twitter. Just more genius marketing from Banksy, whoever he is. Or isn't. I thought John was an average so-so player yesterday against Jill. I was pos he would be a one and done. What a difference a day makes, hey?
  7. Do Toby/Kate live in California? I'm not sure since Randall can get to Kate's hospital room in about 10 minutes (see past episode). This show is kind of hazy about where they all live, but then they do all travel via time capsule at warp speed. Side note: The Golden Girls took place in Miami if that means anything re: community property.
  8. This made me LOL. Thanks. He didn't know those two old people from Adam and owed them nothing. It's like American Pickers who go to some auction and buy a thing for a dollar and resell it in their shop for $1,000. The kid knew the value of what he was buying; not his problem the sellers did not. That's not being hard hearted IMO. Katie's drah-matic tear-filled life is not his problem. And yeah, he could have made a counter offer: $25,000. Maybe $50,000. Take it or leave it. Toby is the one who took the hit. Not that he wouldn't have some toys to "hand down" to his kid (don't take those action figures out of the box! Giving them to a child would be insane!) but he lost thousands of dollars in collectibles because he married a dumbass. All I could think, and maybe so was the kid, was that this self-important, entitled, preachy woman is going to freaking add to the human race. Heaven help us all. As for how the figures were sold, this show lives in a time warp. It could have been eBay or a flash yard sale or Craigslist or she stood on a corner somewhere with a sign. In this universe, each of those things would take about two minutes.
  9. I hope they added that you won silver!
  10. Yes, it was, but it was such a "Team America: World Police" moment, it still made me laugh and think about ... well, other things.
  11. I thought this episode was more entertaining than most of this show's eps lately. I liked how it started in the here and now, then went back to show how the here and now came about. It also reversed how I felt about almost all of the characters. I strongly dislike Beth for bailing in the middle of the election thing. WTH, stick it out a few more weeks. Then she's all back in with the election thing. Then Randall freaking wins? The heck. I guess Beth can kick Randall out of the house for good now, she can flip flop all over again. Not that I care. Randall and Beth ... ugh to both of them. Randall speechifies the pie clerk and demands she go bake him a blueberry pie NOW! WTH Randall, maybe you stop at the grocery and buy a crust and some filling and bake your own pie at home for NYE. Ever think of that? And dude, you could have at least bought the preacher's meal after he gave you his pie. That was probably to just shut Randall the heck up and so he'd freaking leave. What was with Kevin all pissy about Zoe not unpacking? Why not just say, "Hey, let's unpack some of this stuff, whaddaya think?" I'd have moved all those boxes out and into storage if Kevin got all in my face like he did to Zoe. Then he turns all nicey nice when she decides she's staying. Geesh, manic-depressive much Kevin? I can't even with Kate. What a total maroon (TM Bugs Bunny), dumbass and completely RUDE person to tell Toby he has to get rid of all of his stuff. WTH. That fire was what, 30 years ago and you don't have anything of your own? Boo hoo. Not Toby's problem. Best part of the show: Gabe The Kid refusing to sell the Star Wars stuff back after Kate's self-involved speechifying. She's lucky he even listened to her whinging. Except he was probably stupefied by her dumbassery and couldn't look away, like he was at a bad car crash. Second best part of the show: When the first shot of the football-stadium toy Toby had built was shown, one of the toy players was bending over and a second toy player was standing right behind him. That was a "Call the censors" moment and made me LOL!
  12. @j5cochran, you ROCKED that show yesterday, from getting first buzz in and first correct answer to the (almost) very end. Going up against a four-time champ had to be intimidating, yet you were cool as a cucumber and dominated the game. I almost did a LOL when Trebek gave your band people, via you, a GFY. I think he liked you as he was gracious when one answer was goofed due to an obvious brain skip. Your breadth of knowledge is AMAZING and even if we didn't know it was "you," you gave us absolutely nothing whatsoever to nag about, including what you wore and your hair! Fact is, you looked MAH-velous DAH-ling. Well played, well done. That you, the dominant player, and the four-time champ both went out on FJ was a textbook example of why FJ bets are important. Does it count that I googled "Mutiny on the Bounty island" as soon as the clue was given so had the answer before time was up? No? Alrighty then.
  13. I can't remember one minute of 4th or 5th grade much less what or if I learned anything there.
  14. So much word to this, says the person who has not qualified for any Olympic sport and will never be on Jeopardy. Everyone who appears on this show is someone special, whether they wave their buzzer over their heads or dance during their intro.
  15. @opus posts what I thought but was keeping to myself! Shout out to my favorite movie, Doctor Detroit. Janis Joplin ... so young. So sad. The "blind" in that photo must be from some obscure part of the country. No self-respecting Midwestern hunter would build something that looks like a kid's playhouse and put it out in the open and call it a blind. And especially not when there are great woods right behind it that would house a fantastic tree stand. Or "blind"! Three good players today. It was a good game, nicely paced, with all three giving a great showing. Well done.
  16. The best of luck to you! Be upbeat, stand up straight, speak up and smile! And don't worry if you don't get picked this time. I didn't get invited to the show until my fourth audition! So excited for you both. Tomorrow is @j5cochran day, Thursday is @teebax Good Luck Day. Everyone here is Almost Famous.
  17. I'm pretty sure Clinton is also a "former" president. But maybe not during those years! "Just kidding" is the cop out for everyone who gets busted for saying anything awful. It is used all the time and doesn't play for me. I hope the kid fails all his upcoming tests and has to be held back. Or do summer school ... that you are NOT teaching. I thought the player, not Trebek, said her answer was "the other one." But that was yesterday, a long time ago in my lifespan. Good luck. I'd cross my fingers except they won't! Sending a mental god speed instead.
  18. A case of third-episode-filmed-in-a-row fatigue. So many champs don't make it past three. But Alex knows EVERYTHING!
  19. Man, I would sign up for his season ... and I'm straight.
  20. Oh, if only. Any of the above except the Virgin, please. Can we call for a Do Over? Maybe when Col-ton leaps the privacy fence we can bring in a Black Asian Bisexual guy to take his place.
  21. There was a really long pause before Trebek ruled "arch" okay. I just did some searching and found out Brandenburg Gate is also called The Arch of Peace, so I guess that's why it was ruled correct. Even though those are two different names. I was taught Brandenburg Gate so will join you at your table.
  22. I'm so sorry for your loss, @hyacinth. Cyber hugs to you.
  23. I agree, this is the best part of Monday night, you guys here, live posting. See ya'll next Monday.
  24. End credits: Meghan's "Of course!' when Colton tells her it will "all be worth it" actually made me LOL. I had to wade through two hours of this dreck to find something actually entertaining.
  25. He is calling names at the RC that I've never heard before. "Who?" Oh well. It must be hotter than hades since everyone has shiny-ass faces. Not a good look.
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