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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. One of the guys sitting on the left side. Right afterward there was a pause and Ben brought up Colton's hair. Maybe I misheard. Someone who can rewind can verify.
  2. I guess it all depends if Cassie's other reality show gets a third season. Maybe Colton can be on that.
  3. Just lots of product and combed straight up like all the rad dudes are wearing it these days in LA.
  4. I don't recognize any of these dudes except Ben, and I watch every season. Famewhores don't last that long, obviously. One guy almost ruined that Cassie and Colton are engaged. Oops.
  5. If all of a sudden Cassie's back and they get engaged, I'm going to freak out, all this time wasted and TPTB were just playing us when we could be watching The Voice. Or anything else. Like @Mu Shu's pimple videos.
  6. I'm wondering if Colton never wanted to get engaged/married at all, and only signed up to be Bach for the six-figure paycheck and famewhore fame. So when Cassie decided to bail, he took that opportunity to all of a sudden be "all in" with her and no one else so he could get out of even being fake engaged. BARF on Colton being all grins and "Look at me" when CH talks about his "new hairdo." BARF.
  7. I really, really want nothing but the worst for Colton. He's the definition of an epic fail. In every way. He's disgusting.
  8. The B-ette is being announce Wednesday on GMA, the commercial said. My money is on Hannah. You know, to make up for not getting a day out in Portugal.
  9. Hannah and Colton ... couldn't be any more awkward. Neither has anything to say. Taysha didn't have anything to say either. What a freaking waste of time this. Colton has his Hollywood D-list celeb hair do on.
  10. Exactly my thought! He either didn't get the script or TPTB want wall crying to be the Full Colton. (I doubt it will though.) Nothing can top the Full Mesnick, it's classic and Colton failed.
  11. Hannah's audition is going way better than Taysha's. She's "broken hearted" and "it's really hard" and she's crying on cue. Job is yours, babe!
  12. I was wanting to see her pack her engagement evening gown in there without smashing the sequins.
  13. Colton's crying and I could not care less. *sigh*
  14. This would have been more fun for me if he had sent Taysha home, got the Neil Lane ring for Cassie, had Hannah profess her love for him at Engagement Point before he sends her away, then he proposes to Cassie, shows her the ring and she says NO and leaves. Now THAT would have been some good teevee.
  15. Now Colton is being all Cassie by telling Hannah he's "not there" with her while she tells him she loves him. It's a flip flop but Colton is too self-absorbed to see that he's being Cassie to Hannah's Colton. He's such a dick.
  16. I'm going to go out on a limb and nominate this season as The Worse Season EVAH and Colton as The Worst Bachelor In Bachelor History.
  17. CH: "Looking back, Colton, do you have any regrets?" (Meaning: Jumping the fence and running away like a little baby.) Colton: "I stand by everything I did." (Meaning: I'll do it again if I ever get married and wifie doesn't do what I say. Or she makes me eat cheese and dried apricots.)
  18. Same here. Taysha talking to Colton is the most useless waste of air time I've ever seen, even for this franchise. Who gives a care? Even Taysha doesn't care.
  19. WHAT? Taysha has to leave RIGHT NOW after Colton comes to her room and breaks up with her? WTH. At least let her catch some lunch or something. Or, you know, pack her suitcase. Colton was a dick for doing that to her. At least let her have a day on the beach or something. Well, except she was all dolled up waiting for him, so there's that. I know, I know ... it was in the script.
  20. Now Taysha is crying. WTH people. Perfect time for break-up sex. Oh, wait. That's not happening. Sorry.
  21. So WTH is Colton confessing his love for Cassie to Taysha? What's up with this stupid show. I wanted Taysha and Hannah (where is Hannah, BTW?) to come to Engagement Point and be sent home then. That would b dramatic. Oh no! A closed door convo! That's not in your contract people, let the camera guy in. Ha ha ha ... except the mics are still on. Too hilarious. Cry, Colton, cry!
  22. Is Colton taking that van ride to see Neil Lane? Oh, no, it's Taysha! She opens the door without even looking out the curtain. Heh. This oughta be good.
  23. But Colton just told CH he's very good at reading people! You know, like he's "read" all the b-ettes all this season, without having to ask them to dish gossip on anyone! He's like ... magic! I still say Cassie comes back and declares her love for Colton. The big question is, will Hannah get her date (and overnight in the FS. Ha ha ha!)
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