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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. When I asked a friend if she had put her Irish furniture outside yet, she was all, "Huh?" And I said, "Yes, your Pati O'Furniture." And she about passed out laughing. I thought everyone knew that old joke. Needless to say, I liked that category too. My immediate thought for FJ was, in an Arnold accent, "I'll be baaack." Thankfully, I changed it to the correct answer in time. I'm surprised none of the players guessed the Arnold line. Otherwise, after I got Air Force Academy I paid little attention to any other TSs. Today was a Wandering Mind Day.
  2. I'm such a dolt, I misheard/misread the clue and said "Custer," as in Custer, Montana. Custer did turn into a ghost after the battle there. Geographically close, but no Jeopardy cigar for me. I even bought Casper the Friendly Ghost comics on a regular basis when I was a kid.
  3. Now that's a movie that screams "romance". But congrats on it working for you! I should have said Kilgore Trout, just to have an answer. But I did think of a new category: Jeopardy writers, what about "That's So Fishy," people names with fish in them. Laurence Fishburne. I'm so glad Stella is okay. What a relief, no? But exploratory surgery is not fun for anyone. There should be enough lap for Bosco to join in your Jeopardy watching. One arm/hand per cat. Problem solved!
  4. Thanks for that interesting link. Good info. It also turns out that a magazine I created and self published in the 80s was really a zine. Who knew! I was before my own time.
  5. I watch both, and Death in Paradise is the better show although the PTV thread for Bachelor in Paradise is a lot more fun. I didn't correct spelling for other posters who misspelled Salmon P. Chase. But thank you for your diligence in correcting me. We've had an extended discussion here in the past on how to pronounce salmon. The conclusion was, different people pronounce it different ways. End of that story. Have a nice day. *sarcasm*
  6. He cut off approximately two thirds diagonally, leaving part/most of the ear lobe. There were drawings done by the attending doctor, shown at the end of the hour. Make that four. Never heard of the guy. Salmon Rushdie, Alex Salmon, yes. Salmon Chase, no. I did like the attempt with Mackerel though. That was worth extra-credit points. I should get extra credit for knowing the TS as soon as I read Jade and Tanner in the clue, I didn't need the (blank) in Paradise. The Bachelor threads are the most fun in all of PTV for so many reasons (all wrong reasons, of course). I did not like the middle guy because of my personal hatred of facial hair, especially his OTTB, but wasn't going to say anything about it here. Then he called a magazine a "zine" during his interview and that made him dead to me. (TM Mr. Wonderful) Maytag being from Iowa was an easy peasy DD/TS for me. What about you guys? We've discussed Maytag Blue Cheese here in the past. And the fact that I don't live all that far from Maytag's original Iowa headquarters in Newton. And the fact it put almost the entire population of Newton on the unemployment list when it shut down. @Browncoat, surely you knew penguins have knees, because I did! I also got asteroid, retina and Regan the Exorcist girl. Sort of makes up for me tanking FJ. Sorta.
  7. I finally watched this episode. I was fooled along with everyone else with that "fake commercial," the people playing charades. I got up to fix dinner and when I came back, I'm thinking that was the shortest commercial break in the history of commercial breaks. I'm not sure what was up with the writers (or Spader) wanting to expound on masturbating tigers and cunnilingus. Geesh. Then the WASP charades players being all freaky about the big black man joining in their game ... I'm just not sure what to think about all of those things. So I'm not. Thinking about them. LOL that Lizzie yelling: "FBI! STOP!" doesn't even get pedestrians to stop walking, much less the perp. And when Moreau gets shot, Ressler asks which way the shot came from and Lizzie says, "the north." WTH? Were they in their own neighborhood or something? It's pitch black night, which way is north? I guess Red is back to the beginning of season 1, the FBI's Most Wanted No. 1, yet he'll walk all around the globe without being recognized. Well, until Lizzie calls in to tell some beat cop that Raymond Reddington is buying a pretzel from that street vendor. I'm guessing the writers have ditched the "Who's my daddy" story line, this after six years. And all I can say is "Thank you." I hope Tom gave the dogs those bones to gnaw on. Meanwhile, the Task Force continues to operate with no HR department. You're hired, you quit, yada, yada. Do any of these guys get paychecks or severance pay? Will Samar sign up for Cobra? Transfer to a desk job? Still live with Aram? Or disappear forever? Stay tuned for answers to these and other equally pressing questions.
  8. I said Nixon. *Raises hand* Except I didn't know until today that a Candygram was a real thing. I thought it was something from the imagination of Mel Brooks. I easily got the TS of violet, finally a question about Illinois official state somethings that I knew. My mom raised violets in our kitchen window, and they grow wild in my Illinois yard. I wish someone would tell Trebek that maybe $4,500 is a paltry sum to him, but to me it's almost a year's pay and would make a difference in whether I buy from the $1 menu or am able to spring for a big full-price burger. I also got the TS Titanic. Didn't keep track of other TSs. Except this one: SHOUT OUT! to the Owl and the Pussycat and their runcible spoon! So exciting!
  9. So much this. I guess because J-Lo does it, they all have to. Multiple times during every routine. I'll bet it's funny if you have closed captioning on though. "Hey hey hey hey." Like the old Gary Larson cartoon about the invention that lets the wearer hear what dogs are really saying. (It's "Hey hey hey hey hey.") Last week I couldn't believe that the dancers I liked were the ones put through. Well, up until the last couple duels. Last year none of my favorites made it through. Then last night it was back to my favorites getting beaten. Again. *sigh* Although I do admit that the hip-hop groups started to all look the same toward the end of the show so I sort of quit paying much attention. I noticed the judges are starting to get little vignettes of how funny and clever and best friends they are, like is done on The Voice. Eh.
  10. Oh, my! Who knew? But now I do. Thanks for that intriguing article. Well yes, since one is a lobster and the other is a crab. It got up to 50 here the other day and I opened the back door to let the heat in.
  11. From @chessiegal's Lobster Day link: "Lobsters can also regenerate limbs" So one could keep a tank of lobsters, cut off their hands/claws/legs and eat them, wait 'til they all grow back, then do it again. Eh. Reminds me of the old three-legged pig joke.
  12. Maybe they aren't even half sisters or even partly sisters. There's always that. I'm guessing Jennifer is with Agnes and the dogs now, and I haven't even seen the episode yet.
  13. I was gone last night and figured to watch this episode online. But reading here, I'm not sure I care enough to see how Red got out of prison. Although Dembe playing charades would be interesting, maybe the only good part?
  14. WEEK 28 — ONE asterisk 134. Best Picture Oscar Winners. These 2 films, recent back-to-back winners, both have 9 letter titles that end with the same 5 letters. 135. Countries of the World. Because its overseas empire was dwindling, Spain declared war on this much closer country across the water on October 22, 1859. 136. Royal Houses. Family name of Bonnie Prince Charlie’s brother Henry, whom his supporters called Henry IX of England. 137. American Authors. Alfred Hitchcock wrote, “it’s because I liked” his “stories so much that I began to make suspense films.” *138. Holidays & Observances. This day created in the U.S. in 1872 is observed in Florida & Louisiana in January, but Maine & Alaska hold it in May. *
  15. Since I've never gotten a day off of school or work for Arbor Day, I didn't have a clue what HOLIDAY FJ referred to. Okay, so it's an observance, but so is Pi Day and National Pancake Day. I briefly thought Fat Tuesday. Then had nothing. At least Pi and Pancake Days are talked about on national and local news; Arbor Day, never. So we observed Asterisk Day Friday. I think Lobster Day should be a real thing.
  16. The category was TV Doctors and they showed Kelly's picture. I don't remember the clue, but either "Bones" was in it or Trebek called him "Bones" after the TS. I'm guessing someone else here remembers better than I do. I never saw the appeal of Kirk, even though he was the "sex appeal" guy. Spock was my man. And yes, Picard over Riker!
  17. Lunchbox is the name of one of the guys on Bobby Bone's radio show.
  18. So crazy that McCormick was a TS (which I answered easily) since I was uploading a tractor magazine to the printer while watching the show. I also live near the headquarters of Deere & Co., and my house is in the middle of corn and bean fields. I'm tapping my fingers waiting for a tractor/farming category. Kate got a GFY! It's been a while since we've had a drink, if you ignore the drunken stupor from all the "genres" the other day. Jonathan is a mountain climber! Okay, so I'm liking this guy. Shared interests and all. Hilarious that DeForest Kelly was a TS. What's up with no Trekkies on this panel? I just got done watching the original ST, and Next Gen is on now. Love me some Picard. Hilarious No. 2 was the shout out to Doc Martin after we talked about that show here today. Marie Antoinette was a TS. I know I'm not THAT smart. Those players must have just been tired by the time that clue came up. I got a laugh from Rodan's The Thinker being a clue/answer since it is in the Jeopardy! opening credits every day; it even "dabbed" during the College Tournament. I got FJ instantly, which shocked me and now makes me nervous for tomorrow. I'm already having one of my best FJ weeks for ages, and if I get tomorrow, I'll tie my high FJ score ... which I've only gotten once in the half year we've been having the FJ contest. Oh, the PRESSURE! ETA: LOL at Trebek's (really poor) Hitchcock imitation when reading the FJ clue. At least it had absolutely no bearing on the answer, thank goodness.
  19. Let me translate that for you: Wrong answers are not good answers. And "long story short" means just that. Even my short story was too long. *cough*
  20. There was a show on PBS (when I had those channels!) about Van Gogh's ear, trying to determine if he really cut it off and if so, what part was left and what part came off. The answer was revealed in the final minutes of this 60-hour "investigation." The other 58 minutes was a bunch of jabber. Still, I watched the entire thing!
  21. Oh, I didn't notice that. The clue/answer for that category in J6 was not a B name. But maybe B names was the theme for the show category. None of the answers had much to do with dog names, they were just random questions, like left-overs, and writers are tired of using Pot Pourri as a category title. Another Doc Martin fan here, except I've lost my PBS channels. But Martin was getting pretty insufferable anyway so I don't miss him personally.
  22. Bean is the call name of GCH Kamand Full Of Beans @ Erinhill, the Sussex Spaniel that won the Sporting Group at Westminster this year. (Side note: He's a grandson of "Stump" that was the oldest dog to win Best in Show at WKC.) However, in all my years in dogs and knowing, quite literally, thousands of dogs, I've never heard of any other dog named Bean. So, to answer your question, no, it's not a common name and that was a stupid clue. My guess is one of the J! writers watched WKC and thought Bean was cool because he knows how to sit up. You know, like no other dog can do THAT. *sarcasm* Yes. Long story short, he was the heir to the throne, and the Jacobite Uprising (1745) in Scotland was the attempt to put him back on the throne. The bad part is, the uprising failed, all the Scottish clansmen were either killed on the battlefield of Culloden (1746) or banished to the wilds of America, it was made illegal to wear tartan and Scotland was put under British rule. The Bonnie Prince (Charles Edward Stuart) escaped to France, and that was the end of the House of Stuart. And why I'm in America and not Scotland, the land of my ancestors. And also why a lot of Scots are quite testy about being under British rule to this day; there even was a vote for independence a few years ago. (Failed.) We Scots can carry a grudge for centuries.
  23. I said Bergman Gooddorf for the answer of Bergdorf Goodman. I said "Moulin Rouge" for Lindsey's missed DD, then thought no, that movie was Nicole Kidman swinging on a swing and falling in love with a poet. Turns out that was correct, and also turns out Toulouse was in the movie too. I did find out there are five movies titled Moulin Rouge; three of them did not have a Toulouse in the cast. I laughed with everyone else when Jonathan answered "My Left Ear." Did anyone count how many times Trebek got to say "genre"? Or did you pass out drunk before the end of the game. I got "mattress pad thai." Maybe because I love me some pad thai. And I have a mattress pad. Good on Karen for going for broke on FJ. If she had been correct, she would be the new champ. When I saw the FJ category, I thought, "Oh, cr*p, big fail for me, and I'll have to read all those PTV posts from people who love British royalty." Then I saw the clue and couldn't believe it. Instaget. Thank you Diana Gabaldon. It's been 88 games since the last five-time champ. Congrats Lindsey on your $101,000-plus pay check. Well done. You're the best. Hope you make it to the TofC.
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