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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I kind of like it since everyone else is doing it too. It's symbiotic.
  2. Of course, the four-letter Rome is capitol of the six-letter Romule, where the Romulans come from. Just remove the u and l.
  3. Good for you! (No pun intended.) And best of all, no rain forests were destroyed to make dirty palm oil as an additive. Now THAT'S how one should eat. *applause!*
  4. WEEK 30 — NO asterisk 144. Fictional Characters. In a 1947 collection he solved 12 mysteries, including “The Cretan Bull” & “The Girdle of Hyppolita.” 145. Music Legends. These 2 “monarchs” of popular culture both passed away on August 16, one in 2018, the other 41 years earlier. 146. International Airports. From the name of the world capital it serves, DEL is the 3-letter code for the Asian airport named for her. 147. U.S. Bodies Of Water. The Jordan, Bear & Weber rivers deposit over a million tons of minerals into it annually, much of that chloride & sodium. 148. European Capitals. Remove 2 letters from within the 6-letter name of this capital & you get the name of a capital from a neighboring country.
  5. Wow, I beat @j5cochran! I ROCK! Ha ha. J/K. (Not really.)
  6. If by cutesy DD wagers you mean his using 9 8 and 12, that is his wedding date: September 8, 2012. I think it's sweet that those numbers are special to him. It's so different from MY experience with the opposite sex. I have some "special numbers" that could catch hell on fire.
  7. I thought of that, can't remember my last one, but I had to argue to get it. Doctors are so not wanting to give tetanus for some reason. I had a dog contract tetanus after he got kicked by a horse. So thanks for the reinforcement. This irked me since Trebek pronounced the French painter Monet as Money. Then a Monet print was shown. WTH. No kidding, especially the Reba $200 clue. They should have also added "Her four-letter name begins with a R-E-B-A." And Coal Miner's Daughter ... like no one saw that movie either. I guess Jeopardy players aren't suppose to know country music. That's a sick burn, show. I think the key to FJ was to think of a four-letter European capitol. Okay, so there are six of them, but only Rome and Bern are well known, and FJ typically does not go obscure. Starting with four letters and going to six is easier than finding a six-letter city and going to four letters. Bern = Berlin. Of course, it took me more than the allotted time to figure out the backward thing. So: fail. Trebek irked me again at the beginning by saying he wished yesterday's game hadn't been a runaway so James would have bet more for a bigger payday. Alex, if the totals had been closer, James would have had LESS money to bet and so his final total would have been LESS than what he did win. It's not like all of a sudden thousands more dollars showed up on the board, there's only a set amount, period. Duh, sometimes he's such a maroon. --TM Bugs Bunny
  8. Well, now I have a complaint with the clue writers. (I know: Surprise.) So someone can be STUCK by one of the outside fangs, but not bitten. Being pricked or pierced or stuck by something is not a bite. Today I fell on a board and impaled my hand on a nail. The nail didn't jump up and bite me. Same as if I got my hand stuck on that snake's tooth. It's not a bite. (The nail story is true.) Unless some reptile expert out there can clarify, I'm calling crummy clue writing. *drink* Something cannot BITE when its mouth is closed.
  9. A must read for any Jeopardy online test takers.
  10. Because I like a challenge: I'm now out for good on ever trying Nutella. Ferrero is on the Greenpeace list of dirty palm oil users. I won't touch any product or support any manufacturer that destroys the environment to create $ profit. *soapboxrant*
  11. I must be the only person in the universe, or at least on this thread, who has never tasted Nutella. And I have no desire to do so. Hazelnut is my absolute last choice for coffee creamer, to be used only as a last resort. Maybe that's why my non-interest in Nutella. I do like cocoa AND sugar though! I'll put those in my coffee ...
  12. Austin. Ugh. They are still pimping him, even after he tanked on All Stars. Well, not exactly "tanked," but he definitely was not The Smartest Person In The Room during that tourney. If they are pushing James, at least I'm okay with him. Unless he starts miming and/or dancing during his intro. I'm still hoping they are talking about @teebax. We miss you, girl!
  13. The Karmann was Before Their Time!
  14. Man, you guys must be irritated by every detail of life if James is bugging you. I let all but the most flagrant douchery roll off my back. I don't care what clue someone picks, I'm not glued to the tv screen so don't even notice. I either know the answer or I don't. I also don't have to have all the cans in my cupboard facing the right way. James "betting it all" was an Alex Jacob move, another professional gambler. But I did leave this thread for a long, long time when Alex was in the ToC because I couldn't tolerate all the shade everyone (well, almost everyone) was throwing at him. As long as he doesn't start doing charades and miming, I'm fine with him. I hope he lives long and prospers on this show. Speaking of being gone, it's nice to see you again @Mondrianyone.
  15. I saw it differently. James extended his hand to shake with the woman in the middle and she didn't see him do it. Then she did, and shook his hand, and that was that. IMO, the ending of the show has to be an avalanche of too much happening at once, Trebek coming to talk, players congratulating each other, PAs off camera motioning for people to do things to get ready for the next taping. She wasn't rude at all that I saw, just a bit overwhelmed at being in the whirlwind that is Jeopardy. It's not that usual for players to shake hands. If we did a drinking game for that, we'd be parched by the end of the week. I remember one show, a player walked off set at the end, then came back. We aren't all Master Thespians. I got the TS of "snake," but it was strictly a guess. Who knows if I would have buzzed in if I had been one of the players. It's a toss up ... take a chance on being correct or looking like a dumb ass if it's wrong.
  16. Exactly. Which is why I thought it was shade, not a compliment. I have a crush on Julian. We were correct thinking this season wouldn't go by without an appearance by Eva Igo. *barf* Finally, let me quote the judges: "Hey, hey, hey ... heeeeyyyyyyyy! HEY!" And: "Hey."
  17. And I love when people "get" my jokes. It doesn't happen often.
  18. Oh, I've seen that promo, or more accurately, heard it: "Is it too soon to be making comparisons to Ken Jennings." I thought that was a stupid thing to say since someone would have to win 50-60 games to get me thinking that way. I took it as any one of us could be The Next Big Thing since they are promo-ing the online tests to get a field of new players. I don't think it has anything to do with the guy who won today. Ya'll are too quick to jump to conclusions. Of course, if I am wrong and you are all correct, feel free to laugh. For all we know, Trebek was talking about our @teebax. I'm waiting patiently to hear how her trip went, and when we can watch her win the Teachers Tournament. *knockwood* *spin around three times and spit*
  19. And one of those ring ins was so she could tell us the Blitzkrieg was when Germany invaded Britain. One-half hour later and I'm loving James. I was all about his bold "Bet it all" DD. Reminded me of Alex Jacob, one of my all-time favs. Then again, both are/were professional gamblers. I got the TS of Karmann Ghia. One of my best friends in college drove one. I've always liked Volkswagens. Didn't pay a lot of attention to other TSs. And FJ has been remarkably easy if I can answer them. I'd be kicking ass in the FJ Contest if I weren't banned from playing by the snot-rag of a contest mod.
  20. And Mars' moons are named ... ? Good on you for the only correct FJ that day. If I had been playing, that would have made three other players you shut out. "You'll always have ... Final Jeopardy." -- TM Rick Blaine
  21. What was your FJ question/clue? I know you still remember!
  22. Just fyi, this "Declan MacManus person" is Elvis Costello. You would if you remembered the Interstate 35W bridge collapse that killed 13 and injured 145 when the bridge over the Mississippi at Minneapolis/St. Paul broke apart during rush hour in 2007. It was quite the news story, as well an episode of "I Survived" among other true-life tv shows.
  23. @Driad, you come up with the most interesting links. I've been to Alton many times, but have never heard of the Piasa Bird. But now I know! Crescent City! Interesting everyone knew that's NOLA but no one (including anyone here from what I can tell) knows the headquarters of Deere & Co. is in Moline. (Although Mr. Deere lived in Grand Detour, Illinois when he invented the metal plow. Trivia! He moved to Moline to have access to river transport.) I should get two extra asterisks for that TS. Yes. It seems to be common for a few games to go by, then the same subject comes up again as a new clue, just written differently. In American we say skohn, long "o." In Scotland, it's skahn. Then there's the Stone of Scone, said still differently. Skoon, I believe. Apologies for my poor phonetic spellings. He had to be exhausted if he played five games in one day. I think that's how many are played each day. It's been close to 100 games since we've had a five-time winner, most tap out after three games. Getting to four is amazing, and five is ... well, pretty unheard of lately. Makes me wonder what kind of machine Ken Jennings was. Looking forward to rooting for Steven in the ToC.
  24. You need to play J6. This was an exciting day for me. "Cities on the Mississippi" was a category written by people who must have been sitting around my kitchen table, I've lived along the Mississippi my entire life. I was in Davenport last week, and the TS of Moline amazed me by being a clue since that is where I was born and lived for more than 25 years. Side note: It's just across the Mississippi from Davenport. I routinely cross the Mississippi to buy groceries or shop. I know all the towns up and down the river. For the DD in that category, I would have done an Alex Jacob hand toss and said "Bet it all," and I would have been correct. Even the F6 clue answer ... I've been to that city on the Mississippi more times than I can count. I've sandbagged, water skied, swam (dangerous current, I do not recommend swimming), boated and picnicked on river islands. Thank you, Jeopardy clue writers. FJ gave me two correct for this week. *knock wood*
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