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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Alabama. Selma market. And that's 9:30 a.m. I want to know. Which is why I find the FJ and answer (under the guise of updating The Contest file) and who won plus other details about the game as soon as Andy posts it on TJF site. As another poster said a few pages back, that allows me to go about my day stress free. YMMV of course. As I play each game against myself, I find James answers so quickly that many times he's answered before I've even processed the clue. Then he's on to the next clue while I'm still thinking, "Hey, I knew that one," but I give myself a check in the DO NOT KNOW column because of being too slow. I really don't know why no one else is playing the game against themselves. Unless it's too depressing. Which, I guess, it is. Also, it's a bit more difficult than "you should apply to Jeopardy" to get on Jeopardy. As have many others here, I've taken the online test multiple times and haven't been invited to LA yet. Or even been acknowledged. I bow to our PTV posters who have appeared on the show, because "I am not worthy." --TM Garth.
  2. Holy cow, @Mindthinkr! You are the best. That stinks about the rain in NOLA. I can feel the humidity now, even up here on the tundra where I live. I'd combat that with a couple of Hurricanes at some French Quarter nightclub. Or maybe they aren't called that anymore, after Katrina. Check in again soon! I love hearing about vacations.
  3. Thanks @Browncoat. I like trying different things, and everyone here is loving that dressing. I recently discovered a store not too far from me (25 highway miles one way is close) sells Duke's mayonnaise. And this is Hellmann's country! So that's on my list too. For @Prevailing Wind:
  4. Anyone know the recipe for that Cheese Shop house dressing? @Prevailing Wind, is that a Muffler Man as your avatar?
  5. Jeopardy airs at 9:30 a.m. in a portion of Alabama (Selma). So says Andy of TheJeopardyFan, his site posts the results after it airs there. With apologies to @TEEBAX (!) the Teachers Tournament has been taped/filmed and will air beginning May 8. She has posted in the Experiences thread if you want more info. Agree. It astounds me that competing players can't grasp what James is doing, and select a $200 clue on a full board when they finally get to win the buzz in and answer something. Those people deserve to lose to James. This made me LOL. Thanks. I guess I fall into that category too, even from other posters on this thread! I suggest to everyone who feels this way, play the game against yourself. Get a piece of paper, draw two columns, head one "I Know This" and the other "I Don't Know This." Put a check mark in the appropriate column after the clue is read and before the answer is given. See if you can at least beat yourself if you cannot beat James. I've come close but no cigar for me yet. Maybe today. Or, like Scarlet said, "Tomorrow is another day." Or something like that. I hate those trick categories. It's my thinking that if I know a subject, I know it whether it's a 200 or 2000 clue, I don't need to start from "easy" to "more difficult." It's subjective. If someone is a GoT watcher, that person should know all five clues/answers, no sweat. I'm adding that clause to all of my posts now, just so ya'll know these are my opinions. Well, subject to this proviso anyhow.
  6. All these years later, Ken gets ragged about H&R Block, FedEx and Watson on his Twitter account. Some people just can't let it go.
  7. I applaud you for this thinking, which made me laugh and also made me feel like a dolt for my knee-jerk answer to Opus' question while YOUR answer would make for epic tv. I would PAY to see that duel. Where do I go to put in my request? I'd cough up the big bucks to see James vs. TSPITR*. *The Smartest Person In The Room
  8. And bet more than $100. ETA: The big news story here today is Illinois is moving to legalize sports betting. Coincidence? Who knows.
  9. LOL! I recently watched a rerun of The Good Wife where the lawyers, when talking to the judge, had to preface everything they said with, "In my opinion." If they did not, the judge would say, "In your opinion?" after each of their statements. I've seen him rub salt in the wounds of first-time contestants he appears to not like at all. He can be downright snarky and rude to some.
  10. I bet they will not. There was a five-game limit before, and it was removed, then Ken Jennings had his fantastic run. They did not put the limit back on after him, they will not put it back on after James. (Just MHO.) How long did we go with a run of one-and-dones? Months? And then no one could even make it to five games. No, they are not going to limit wins again. Ever. It is unknown how many players would have gotten more than five wins before the limit was lifted. On the contrary, this is great for Jeopardy. James is on the news, national and local, on the radio, in print newspapers and online gossip columns. The man is everywhere. This is the greatest thing to happen to Jeopardy since Jennings. Except for that rumor that he is going to bankrupt the show! Rumor? Not sure. Still, anyone who is worried about James tanking Jeopardy, support that GoFundMe page. If that dream came true for me, I too, would be laughing all the way to the bank while people hate would roll right off my back. Here's hoping dreams will come true. Pretty much everyone here knew since Bermuda was a FJ answer two months ago, and we had a discussion about the location of "the Triangle" here after that episode. I read that James is calling clues and answering so quickly that the show editors have been adding seconds of "dead air" to fill out the alloted show time. Which is why sometimes it seems people are stalling or taking too long. It's an illusion! I'd rather have that than more commercials. It's so the "common folk" at home can feel like smartie pants. Hey, it's working, isn't it?
  11. I don't live where there is a fire season, but I see reports of every fire on national news, complete with video of TANKERS dropping water and fire retardant. Never have Lester Holt or David Muir called those planes Super Scoopers. Which is why I love The Bachelor franchise. So much fun on those threads. Most browser windows, when you log in with your UN and password, have a box to check, "Keep me logged in." Check it out (or just check it!) next login.
  12. Are we picking based on personal preference or actual show stats? My guess is everyone here would let Julia stay while the other three will all get votes to go. My "get out of here" goes to Austin.
  13. LOL. Unless the mountains have signs on them to distinguish one range from the other, they all look the same, I am assuming. I've only driven to/through Tucson once. One thing about Arizona, there aren't as many roads/highways as in the Midwest so IMO directions are easier there. At least when one gets out of town. I live where the Mississippi flows east to west so I grew up with that river always to the north. I once got in a huge argument with a person from Burlington, Iowa, who worked for a river barge company, when he came to my town. He insisted the river was to the west when I said it was to the north, saying that it could never be "to the north" as it only flows "north to south," according to him. He never would admit I was correct. (Even though he could have looked at a map.) I did know, however, that it was to the east or west when I drove north or south of my city. I wasn't a total stupe! It's sort of a book club's version of MST3K.
  14. Ken said he specifically studied alcoholic beverages (Potent Potables, remember!) so he would know them even if he never would experience them. Most players leave animal categories for last. I notice because anything animal would be my first choice. I'm permanently signed in on my regular browser. I believe there is a box to check: "Keep me signed in." Look for that. Or, you can give us your password and we'll sign in and post for you.
  15. Thanks Toothbrush. I know. I hate when that happens.
  16. Yes, it's a freaking JOKE for pete's sake. It's his tongue-in-cheek response to the big story that James might be bankrupting Jeopardy. Someone even started a GoFundMe to keep Jeopardy from going broke. And WTH does "hamster" mean?
  17. Yes, it provided a laugh sorely needed this morning for me. The best part is, I didn't even notice Moby Dock so I was all "Huh?" at Opus' post. Then I went back and reread. So part of that laugh was on me. Plus now we know Moby Dock is the sequel. I need to put that on my Must Read list.
  18. Except for that going up to the $200 clue when the board is almost full, and someone besides James FINALLY gets to choose. At least try to act competitive. You saw what happened to Rebecca yesterday when she did that. Is no one paying attention? I only lost my game against myself today by one, an improvement over yesterday. But yesterday I also was trying to decide between going to the emergency clinic or just dying at home. So there's that. My first thought for FJ was Lincoln and Lee, which made me laugh in a macabre sort of way; I changed immediately to Grant and Lee instead. See ya sometime next year.
  19. James could start at the top and work down each category and still end up with all the money and DDs. The man is a machine.
  20. I used a highlighter once in a book, it was a Stephen King and there was a typo. I was gobsmacked, couldn't believe it. I'd never found a typo in a book before. So I highlighted it. Full disclosure: It was (is) my book. I don't pay attention to punctuation in books because Chicago, AP, Oxford. I trust the editors to get their chosen style correct. @Browncoat, here's hoping the character in that book ended up drowning after unsuccessfully baling water over multiple pages.
  21. I think I saw it once, or maybe it was $400. I remember being very surprised, like "That's not suppose to happen." I know clues are suppose to be gradually more difficult as one moves down the category, but if the category is one of your specialties. all the clues are easy. At least they seem to be for James!
  22. If one took a drink every time we saw a HMV ... there aren't ANY other moves in contemporary? And the HMV is always the same leg. What's up with that. I didn't like Kayla Mak's routine at all. And now I'm wondering if the cuts to judges are so viewers don't see sloppy moves. At one point, Kayla Mak was getting up from the floor as UN-gracefully as I do, and I'm no dancer. Camera cut to judges before she actually stood back up. Then she scored highest. No way that should have happened. Maybe the audience doesn't, but my bet is on judges knowing everything, including how each dancer/group is going to score, well before each show is taped/aired. I'd also bet they've seen the pre-package for each, so they can approve it before airing. Heck, they might even write/script them for the contestants.
  23. I read it as "heat houser," an add-on for tractors. James Holzhouser. James Heathouser. Makes sense to me.
  24. Oh, thanks. I saw the 1/5 but thought it meant the Aquaman graphic was the first of five and I was waiting for the other four panels. Sometimes I forget what thread I'm in.
  25. It doesn't matter, if one thinks about it, where the DDs are. James went into the red getting the DD on his first pick yesterday, betting $1,000 that he did not have, yet he still won handily. In the Double Jeopardy round, he already has money so if he finds the DD first in the $2,000 clues, he can (will) still bet a ton of cash because he has it. I just don't see where the location of the DD means anything in any game. If the DD had been a $200 clue yesterday, Rebecca might have found it based on her fear of choosing any clue worth more. You know, to actually TRY to win the game.
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