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Everything posted by Pyralis

  1. Was that Prokofiev playing when the fireplace moved?
  2. I heard that on the CBC (Canada's national radio system) today. I started reading him over 25 years ago and once drove two hours to a talk he was giving - not to mention the whole waiting in line for an hour to get stuff signed.
  3. Well, before the "ding, dong" moment, I did break out with "omigod, they killed Benny".
  4. Bloody Downton Abbey - now I have to see the last few minutes on line. Thank you WQLN ETA - that 8 minutes was the most important of the whole episode and maybe of the whole series.
  5. Okay, how many of you were going "just blow the damn bell already" during the CFD five minutes? Abbie still had that flint & steel.
  6. That's too bad about Geraldine McEwan. I didn't care for her Marple , but loved her in Mapp & Lucia and the 'every British actor ever" version of Barchester.
  7. So, writers, about that whole obvious thing - it's just not well plotted if you can spot the killer as soon as he's shown.
  8. Good lord, that really was "spot the British actor". Elizabeth should be much better dressed than that and I couldn't stop staring at Trevor Eve's bad wig and makeup. / shallow
  9. I know the spoilers had none of the main characters dying - but I was still worried until the last few minutes. Especially with all of the postcard shots of Oxford at the beginning. It was like several minutes of "Lewis Greatest Visual Hits."
  10. I have to ponder this some more. I liked the cinematography and certain of the characters were appropriately creepy. However, to my eye, Ben McKenzie looked like a young Sean Pertwee and it kept weirding me out.
  11. Under the "Hey, why is CTV messing with Colbert" banner - various CTV stations (like HGTV -please don't judge) have been running spots that Colbert is going to be on M3 (the station formerly known as MuchMoreMusic) at 11:30 starting this coming week- we'll see.
  12. I see Jon was celebrating "Talk Like a Pirate Day" early 'cause he's not on on Friday.
  13. I knew all the words to that {snap] {snap} And in the "they changed the credits every week" category - The Wild Wild West.
  14. As if the whole reading "Moreau" to a 7 year old wasn't creepy enough, to find it was his secret notebook takes it to a whole other place. I suppose it's now turned into Chekov's Book and we just have to wait until it goes off. And while i think "Tony" was something of a stunt - even with his secret message - kudos to the writers for figuring out how to have a male clone in a completely different way from what I'd thought they'd do. I like that the transgender part just adds a variable to the "what parameters were they messing with in the petri dish" to come up with as wide a range of personalities, abilities and issues out of the same basic genes.
  15. I love that early 20th century Eugenics, dubious military experimentation, several stripes of religious fervour and at least one couple's overwhelming desire for a child are all bound up in the history of Project Leda. And Art & Felix may be my new ship - which is nice since I haven't really had one on the show yet.
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