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  1. Netflix never officially renewed the show for more seasons, so seasons 5 and 6 weren't filmed. It doesn't look like there will be any new episodes in the near future.
  2. Stephen Stohn has indicated the writers are working on something, so they seem to be moving forward on the assumption there will be a season 5.
  3. Netflix finally released the season 3 trailer!
  4. If we had only seen that instead of us having to jump to our own conclusions, I might find her more sympathetic. I never saw evidence that Grace was confused. All she ever said is "I tried for you." So if I'm interpreting this correctly, Grace knew she did not like Zoe that way but she tried to in order to salvage the friendship. I'm not going to pretend Grace is evil for doing that because I don't believe she ever wanted to cause anyone pain, but the fact is that she did and I cannot understand the writers keeping her part in the Zoe/Zig/Maya mess a secret when she set it all in motion. I mean, not even Maya is allowed to call her out for what she said at the party or for making a move on her ex. What kind of sense does that make? This is a girl who is, time and time again, presented as "woke" and the only sane person in the cast. She calls the others out for being dumb. She educates them when necessary. However, she's equally flawed and I think it's time the writers started writing her this way instead of having her turn her nose up at everyone else.
  5. The major problem with Grace's part in the story is that she received zero focus until season 2. The Degrassi writers were so adamant on shocking their audience that they set up a story that made little sense, leading to the Zig/Grace mess. The problem is that Zoe WASN'T a guy. Zoe was a closeted lesbian struggling with her sexuality. Grace had numerous chances to inform Zoe that she did not return her feelings and she chose to keep quiet. Considering Grace had been Zoe's friend for months and it was clear Zoe was willing to hang around Grace without there being anything sexual, I cannot understand why Grace went along with it. Yes, it would have been hard and maybe Zoe wouldn't have taken it well, but had she been straightforward sooner, it could have saved herself, Zoe and others a lot of pain. Again, I can't agree with that. Zig has done a lot wrong, but he showed Grace respect that Grace did not show Zoe by turning her down instead of leading her on. I don't see how Grace is better than him. Especially considering they both fucked over Maya, in a way.
  6. I watched that video, too. It continues to baffle me that what Grace did to Zoe is consistently ignored. I know she's dying. I also know you can't help sexual orientation, but when exactly is she going to finally be called out on knowingly sleeping with a lesbian? That's the major reason why I don't consider her "better than Zig". Maya, absolutely, but not Grace. At least he had the balls to turn her down instead of pretending to be into her.
  7. It is true. Both on the individual season 1 and 2 dvds and on the complete series. At least it was back in 2009.
  8. As terrible as it may sound, I hope Faking It doesn't come back.The show had been falling apart for a while and based on what Carter said would have happened, I find it hard to get about any more seasons of Faking It. But if it does get picked up and other fans enjoy it, good for them.
  9. I read his "letter" last night and now I think he's just rubbing salt in the wound. I understand that he had his vision, but this entire time, he's proven time and time again that he never cared that much about Karmy. Not only did he purposely put them off for as long as possible, giving them only minimal teasing on Karma's part, but he NEVER intended for them to have a happy ending. I've seen people on other social media pointing out that you can be best friends and make a romantic relationship work and I could not agree more. It's been done on countless tv shows. Carter and his writing team have simply never quite been what they should be and each season after season 1 proved that.
  10. Maybe it's because half of the story lines on this show, both this season and last season, felt like filler but I still can't feel sorry for Carter. MTV doesn't care about his vision. The ratings were ridiculously low. Saving Karmy for the last season only works if you consistently build up to them and that's not what he's done thus far. I think he should just admit that he got distracted by and cared more about keeping Liam around and allowing the audience to witness every excruciating moment in his love story with Karma. Even if Karma/Amy were endgame, they'd still come up short compared to Karma/Liam, despite the show revolving around Karmy. As for Amy/Sabrina, that doesn't work for me, either. Sabrina is a character that we just met. Few fans have any emotional investment in her or that pairing and for him to say that it's giving fans what they wanted for Amy in season 1 doesn't quite cut it. Most fans wanted that for for Amy and Karma and Carter made no effort to get them any closer to that point. Just some vague jealousy on Karma's part as he pushed Felix as her only decent love interest. Why would the fans be happy?
  11. I can't say I ship anything anymore and can't imagine any of the main ships (Riley/Lucas, Riley/Farkle, Maya/Lucas, Maya/Farkle) ending up together because you can tell the writers are trying to please everyone all at once. That's nice and all, but it has come at the expense of character development and telling a coherent story. Personally, I probably like Lucaya the least because despite the supposed "hints", it feels forced and took the show in a terrible direction and I think it's going to take a very long time for the writers to dig themselves out of this hole. That and I have the unpopular opinion of not being amused by Maya bullying Lucas.
  12. I agree with that. IF Zoe is pregnant, then I wouldn't be able to accept any other resolution besides abortion. There are so many reasons why neither Zig or Zoe is ready to be parent and when you consider their mutual feelings (or lack thereof) about each other, bringing a child into this world is a horrible idea. But I am still so annoyed that they did this exact scenario for the third time. Couple has a fight and guy thinks it's over? Check. Guy ends up in the arms of a girl he was previously interested in? Check. Guy's actual girlfriend "unexpectedly" wants to make things right the very next day, they hug and say I love you? Check. Guy and other woman exchange meaningful look? CHECK. I think I would be much more into this possible story line if it involved any other pairing. I realize that only two couples have canonically been sexually active that we know of, but still. I don't think Zoe sleeping with ZIg negates her likely being a lesbian. I just hate the circumstances surrounding it and it feels so typical for them to inject a guy into things. So my problem is strictly with the writers on this one. In Zoe's fucked up mind, sleeping with Zig was the perfect way to hurt Grace the same way Grace hurt her. I wish they wouldn't make her pregnant. I'd love for there to be some kind of twist. It seems too obvious, but you never know with the Degrassi writers. People have been calling Zoe ending up pregnant since 1507 aired.
  13. I see where you're coming from, but I don't think anything about the Zig/Zoe hook up was written all that well which makes it all the worse. Everything that led to that one mistake was due to various coincidences and misunderstandings and it's insulting to bring a guy into a story line about a girl who is potentially coming to terms with being a lesbian. The reason why it's lazy is because of the exact scenario resulting in pregnancy. It's like they're saying that girls who got pregnant while in loving relationships can't possibly decide to abort. Only "other women" make such a choice. I'd rather they not do adoption because that's another thing we've seen before, with JT/Liberty and KC/Jenna. To me, it's all too easy to make Zoe pregnant. It's extending a story line that never should have happened in the first place all to cover a certain topic. I know Degrassi is going to repeat story lines since the show has been on for nearly 30 years, but repeating every single beat? That's just plain stupid and sticks out like a sore thumb in a season that has finally gotten the show out the slump it was in for far too long.
  14. I completely agree. I thought having Zig and Zoe lose Maya and Grace was an effective enough loss because we had seen all season how important those relationships were to them. They made this huge mistake, all for someone who meant so little to them, respectively. But turning this into a pregnancy plot is going too far and IMO is too soapy. Especially when you think about how there was also a sex tape involved. So I'm hoping that, by some miracle, Zoe is NOT pregnant. I even think having Maya end up pregnant and decide to abort would go there more because while this show has covered abortion in the past, Zig and Maya's dynamic is much different than Craig and Manny's or Joey and Tessa's. That being said, the Degrassi writers should have been banned from doing pregnancy story lines for a good five years after Clare got pregnant and we had paternity hijinks.
  15. The thing that frustrates me about Zoe possibly ending up pregnant is that it's a repeat of something that has already happened twice in Degrassi history. First with Joey/Caitlin/Tessa and later Craig/Ashley/Manny. So it seems lazy to have "the other woman" end up pregnant again.
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