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Posts posted by dgpolo

  1. On 3/30/2024 at 6:45 AM, abbyzenn said:

    but I don't like the part about Martha and Humphrey's journey to be foster parents for I'd rather concentrate on the mysteries.

    Why don't they get married already? What is preventing that? They are engaged right? or did they just decide to live together? I'm not sure I remember anymore!

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  2. 19 minutes ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

    I'm more surprised that this wasn't done so much before. I'm willing to bet that once the other racers saw teams with only 1 bag between them, they reevaluated what they were carrying that they probably didn't need. 

    And then there was the 'social media' season where one contestant brought her hair dryer AND curling iron!

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  3. 4 minutes ago, bioprof said:

    Question: Both Amber and Angie weren’t carrying packs, but so were one or two of the other women, and I think one was Leticia (?). And the men weren’t carrying two packs, just one. Did they decide to pack all their stuff in one bag? Have never seen this before.

    It's funny because I'd just saw a thread on Reddit this morning about this very thing. Someone had tried to say it was against the rules when it obviously isn't. Some examples given of teams who have done this in the past were: Derek and Claire, Hung and Chee and maybe Cody and Jessica. Yes, they packed only one bag and they do it so they can go faster. So yes it's been done before.

    • Like 4
  4. 21 hours ago, Netfoot said:
    21 hours ago, aghst said:

    Even the graffiti artist who painted the puzzle they had to solve made it around an English phrase.

    I'd bet the phrase was selected by TPTB.


    On 4/4/2024 at 12:22 AM, Honeycocoa said:

    I can’t figure out how to insert a photo!  I have a piece of a Starbucks cup with the quote

    The way I see it #186

    “The world is smaller than you think and the people are more beautiful.” - Bertram van Munster Emmy award winning executive producer/director

    i don’t know how long it’s been stuck on my fridge, but it’s very cool to hear it as a detour. 

    I did not know it was a quote by van Munster.

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  5. On 4/5/2024 at 5:17 AM, dleighg said:

    Well how about Raiska's advantage from being the winner last week (I KNOW, she had immunity) was to pick her door first! Why even bother!

    I turned to my daughter and said 'how is that an advantage?' unless you know what's behind the door it's pure luck on getting a 'good' ingredient. They should have let her go behind the doors and pick what she wanted or something.

    • Like 10
  6. 57 minutes ago, susannot said:

    The dancing challenge was very entertaining.  I thought Juan and Rod were the best dancers.  Loved the Gato sculpture.

    I thought Shelisa was really very good. I think the judge was more forgiving for the dancers that were more enthusiastic.

    • Like 6
  7. 7 minutes ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

    I got as far as Bernard [because apparently we are on a first-name basis] but couldn't get to Hermann.

    I did get both but sooo many times I only get the first name! It's maddening, if I can only come up with one I wish it was the one that counts! Or I picture the person in a movie or something, not very helpful when Jeopardy needs a verbal answer.

    • Like 4
  8. 1 minute ago, Grizzly said:

    FJ was an instaget. Didn't realize the book was that old.

    Not quite an instaget but pretty quick for me, I actually thought the book was older than that.

    • Like 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, eel2178 said:

    It seems there is a lot thinking, "If The Fabulous Beekman Boys and their roller bags can win this, then so can my grandmother and I."

    I just finished watching Season 9 that had Fran and Barry, they were the ones that in an early leg walked past the clue box on a bridge multiple times! They practically bumped into a couple times, but with a lot of luck and some skill they lasted until they just missed being a part of the final four (they even came in 1st once). So I can see some hoping against hope to at least get far enough to experience some countries and cultures they wouldn't be able to see any other way.

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  10. 2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    They kind of cracked me up, they were easy-going, and I'm not really warming to any of the teams so far. After three episodes, that's not a great sign for the season.

    My daughter and I found the twins very entertaining.

    3 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

    I really don't like Rod being so far ahead of her when on foot; you need to keep your partner within eyesight when navigating a strange place!

    Not just that, you are not allowed to get too far away from your partner on the race unless one is doing a Roadblock. That's why a lot of the more fit partners started up strong on the steps then had to stop and wait for their partners to get closer.

    3 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

    Karishma has mad Chihuahua energy. Kishori has the patience of a saint to withstand the near constant yapping and running. I would have been told my cousin/sister to shut her trap! 

    This is the team we wanted gone, just be quiet already!

    8 hours ago, Thalia said:

    Maybe the time the teams had to eat cheese with maggots?   Blech even if it was a local "delicacy."  That was the year Penn and Kim Holderness won. 

    They also had to eat something like a gyro that season (and one team had to eat two because they couldn't figure out where the clue was. But last season? the one team had to eat a plate of bugs for a Fast Foward.

    Phil also came out to eliminate a team on the first leg of the race in Brazil, they were doing some kind of slide puzzle? it might have been the social media season?

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Katy M said:

    I got the middle part.  But, then I was like, noxious, obnoxious, noxious smell. Had no idea it had to do with night

    Yeah, me too. Meso-middle, like Mesopotamia. But had nothing for nox (except a spell in Harry Potter) which didn't give me much.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Clanstarling said:

    I got to Scarface, but since I hadn't seen the movie, and didn't know Al Capone was "Scarface" - I did not get it.

    The movie Scarface with Pacino was not about Al Capone. There are other movies about him, but not that one.

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  13. 23 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

    have not been aware of seeing comments like the ones above when she was on the show.  I would normally remember that. 

    Maybe not because just a cursory search of the forums brought up many examples for me. 'Padma remains insufferable' 'show would be vastly improved if Padma and Tom were replaced' 'Padma is just a fashion plate' etc. I'm not saying I agree, I had no strong feelings either way about her, but I definitely remember seeing anti-Padma feelings throughout the years.

    I think I'll be liking Kristen as a host, she does know what the contestants are going through.

    • Like 3
  14. 3 minutes ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

    I don't think I knew that Al Capone had the nickname Scarface.

    I grew up in and around Chicago, I think a lot, if not most, people around here know about Capone/Scarface

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  15. 2 minutes ago, secnarf said:

    I instantly knew "scarface" was the nickname being referenced but could not, for the life of me, dredge the name Al Capone from my brain.

    For me it went sort of like, a notorious figure with a wound- could it be 'scarface'? Was Al Capone at the right time? Capone-20s-WWI-1918, I think it fits. Al Capone! Yay!

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  16. 11 hours ago, chaifan said:

    Am I imagining things, or didn't a team long ago carry a soccer ball?  Or maybe one of the Globetrotters carried a basketball?  Something like that?  And they played with local kids on breaks. 

    I want to say that Zev and Justin brought the basketball (no idea why) and they played a game somewhere like Viet Nam with the Globetrotters, Jen and Keisha and most of the other teams. I'll go look it up now.

    Season 18 Unfinished Business ep 5

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  17. 15 minutes ago, bad things are bad said:

    There aren't going to be enough players to even qualify for a tournament next year 😡

    If ever there was a time when I wished I could use more than one emoji on a comment, this was it!🤣👍🧡💡

    • Like 7
  18. 6 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    I did know FJ and was surprised the Troy didn't.  I mostly know it because of "In the Hall of the Mountain King" from Grieg's Peer Gynt Suite. 

    My very first thought was "In the Hall of the Mountain King" but before I could move from there to Peer Gynt, I was distracted by the rest of the clue and Morocco and Egypt led me away and I never got back.

    I did get today's FJ.

    I was so worried about Troy's wager I couldn't watch/listen. I had to keep peeking at my muted TV until it was over.

    • Like 5
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  19. 4 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

    I enjoy a good quip.

    Rather than copy Clanstarlings whole post... I think, sometime in the Covid protocols Jeopardy, the contestants started bonding a bit more than they used to. There were weeks/months when the only appreciation they were getting were other contestants who were sitting where previously the audience sat. Combine that with a greater online presence and contestants rallying behind other contestants that were 'bullied' or trolled online and I think we have a different climate for bonding. This kind of bonding in turn leads to the hugging we've been seeing and a relaxation in competition that leads to the quips and the 'oh, I knew that' kind of responses.  That's what my musing about this has come up with anyway.

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  20. On 3/7/2024 at 2:40 PM, SoMuchTV said:
      On 3/7/2024 at 10:42 AM, possibilities said:

    I find the new emojis hard to see or distinguish from each other. I had no idea what they meant until I floated my cursor over them and the word popped up.

    I noticed after the fact that the announcement section of the site ran a poll to choose them, but the choices were very similar. I think anyone who cares about this stuff should go on over to the announcement forum and monitor for future polls, just in case they want to change some of the other reactions.

    I think maybe people are using 'notifications' when they mean 'announcements'? Or maybe they need to 'follow' announcements to get notifications? Anyway it took me a bit to find it so I thought I'd give the pathway to the Announcement page here:

    Home>Beyond TV Shows>Site Business>Announcements


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  21. 2 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

    Another FJ, another blank stare from me.  I couldn't even come up with Spartans!

    I said Trojans, but really the mention of Aeschylus just reminded me of the song Brush Up Your Shakespeare from Kiss Me Kate which has stayed in my head since. The line says "So to win their hearts one must quote with ease Aeschylus and Euripides" so that wasn't any help really.


    I did get Brocade, Audubon and Cezanne.

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  22. 1 hour ago, ams1001 said:
    8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    (Re: pulchritudinous) I can’t speak for the contestants, but their faces looked kind of like mine, as in “whaaat… is that word?” Never heard it.

    It feels like a Dickensian sort of word; I wonder if that's where I've seen it. I've always thought it's kind of an ugly-sounding word that doesn't match its meaning.

    The place I know it from is kind of odd I guess, when I was hs/college age I used to read a series of books my Mom had, they were by an author called Dell Shannon (a pen name, one of a few) it was about the Homicide detectives in LA. In one book they show up to a killing and find out the guy killed the other guy for 'insulting his wife' yep, he had called her pulchritudinous! I don't remember if a character explained what it meant or if I looked it up but I have known the word since then.

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