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Posts posted by dgpolo

  1. Someone want to 'spain this to me? Why did they need Peter? seems like Lynn's the one to do what they wanted. Couldn't she find a sink for 2 min. to wash her face. Did that guy seriously say 'throw the sledgehammer down!?' Who was Rebecca? I know they said they got Josh 2.0 but what are they going to do with him? they don't know he killed Deb and he's only 13 they're not going to be able to do anything to him.

    I am so glad Red is OK.

  2. Tip o' the hat to The Event which popularized the quick recovery from a gunshot to the chest. Bit of mud, night's sleep. Next morning get somebody to pull it out, take a pill, all sorted.


    Never saw The Event, it made me think of 24 (just like the side stories that go nowhere did) when Tony got shot in the neck, was comatose and then 2 episodes later was wearing a band aid on it.

  3. Eolivet, on 02 May 2015 - 11:01 AM, said:

        The worst recent display? Yes. The worst ever? KKKendra (of season 6) would like to have a word with you.


    I missed a lot of the early seasons.  Never saw Kendra, never saw Flo.  Based on what I have read, I feel rather fortunate, yet oddly intrigued.


    You can get the DVDs I think, amazon might stream them too. Flo was useless but I don't remember her being ugly with the locals, Colin and Jonathan both had major disputes with cabdrivers. Spitting is yucky and the poor woman at the stall was probably thinking nasty thoughts but at least they didn't berate her when she dumped the potatoes.

    • Love 1
  4. Nice leg for Mike and Rochelle, just strolling up to the shoe shine place while everyone else was jumping in cabs. Nice to see a couple working together without bitching at each other.

    • Love 1
  5. I thought Hayley was actually bearable this episode. And she did say Blair's Spanish was helpful. I'm hoping Mike and Rochelle make it to the final. I also though they'd have to do the math without help, which would have been my downfall.

    • Love 1
  6. I knew it was a bad idea for Peter to tell Emma where he was going! And I thought Avram would at least nick Red's ear, something small but permanent and noticeable. Now he has to kill Josh2.0?

    • Love 2
  7. The whole Deb and Charlie subplot entirely pointless, like Khalid's suicide. If only they had just kept driving that extra hour to Alburqueque the first time. Or Deb the second time.


    Now I know what this reminded me of. 24! famous for it's subplots that went nowhere just to take up time.

    • Love 1
  8. Confused as to why the racers didn't have swimsuits to change into.


    Me too! They never seemed to have a problem before when there was a water task, everyone just changed, I wonder what the difference was this time? I know production provides cold weather gear (both for safety's sake and so the teams don't have to lug it around) but I thought all teams brought swimsuits.

    I also agree with the post just above. We do not know if Hayley has actually been better at navigating. We only know when she says she has been better and never know when Blair has actually been correct because she doesn't screech those incidents at ear splitting levels. Considering their placements in the legs he must be doing pretty well.



    And, as nagitty nag naggy as Haley is, she's better than Flo.  (Low bar, I know.)


    True, at least Hayley will try to do the tasks, and the rules are different so she 'has' to do some of the tasks. But as to people who make me want to mute the TV, Flo and Hayley are tops.

    • Love 1
  9. At this point what's left to say about Hayley? I've watched from TAR 1 and there have been very few contestants who've ever made me change the channel or fast forward the dvr. Jonathan of Victoria and Jonathan infamy was one....



    How about Marie (with the red/pink streak in her hair) of Tim & Marie?  She was awfully, awfully mean and annoying…almost unbearably so.


    I don't really remember much about Marie, the only one I think that compares is Flo and though Zach was more Zen than Blair the both have the 'let's just get it done' mentality.

    Why was that woman knitting in the midst of all the Klompen?

  10. I'd really like to know what Hayley will think of herself when she see's this, if she'll admit she was screechy and wrong to berate Blair the way she is doing. And I doubt she'll find it easy to get a date now that everyone's seen what she's like.

  11. I was upset at Debbie getting killed. I expected it to happen at one point, and even for Josh to be part of it given his past behavior, but I still didn't like it.  I wanted her to at least win a little.


    She did manage to kill the cop, I just wished she had taken out a few more before she left, and I thought she said the place was rigged to blow so i was hoping when she shot the gas tank that the whole place would go up in flames.

    • Love 2
  12. I remember the first few legs when most people didn't like Blair and he seemed to be a stereotype of a Doctor with a God complex, then we got to know Hayley. I think now he's decided to just hunker down and find the humor in it, just to survive.


    Once again a spoon-fed flight for all the teams. I used to think they showed way too much airport drama on this show. Now I'd be happy for any at all.


    I think this may have been why everyone but Rochelle seemed to forget about stand by.


    I, too, loved the Amazing Editors giving us the back and forth of the Hayley and Blair show.

    • Love 3
  13. Well! that happened. I thought it was a bad idea to give Vincent (?) (still not sure of everyones names) mouth to mouth when he might be infected with larvae. And was there something going from his mouth to hers (Hildur?) there in that scene? it looked like breath at least was passing between them. Markus did burn Shelley's body right? so that possible infection site is neutralized? Elena got infected from being in the house with Ronnie? or his body?. Does Carrie have a natural resistance? since she was in the house too and also was exposed when Liam was.

    I'm also glad that someone, finally! pointed out what a bad idea it was to build a hotel on a glacier that moves!

  14. In regards the oxen, in season 5, if I'm remembering correctly one team member plowed while the other guided the ox around by a harness? by it's head, the trouble Colin had was directly an effect of Christie standing at the side doing absolutely nothing except berating Colin. This came about because Chip had delayed them at the Jeepny task where they had to sit out for a set amount of time (I forget what they called that) and when they arrived at the task the other teams had already finished and the didn't get to see how everyone else did it. But anyway, my point is that these oxen had a ring through their noses with a guideline so the plower was able to both plow and guide the ox by themselves (theoretically anyway) so it was a bit different this time.

    • Love 2
  15. Re: Robbie and the apple, they do get to eat on the race, maybe he just bought an extra apple.

    I don't get why people keep saying Jim flunked out of med. school? I didn't get that from what was said at all? and the line he used in the final interview was one PHIL came up with on the mat, I'm sure production asked him about it off camera to get a response like the one he gave.

    I didn't find the T&T tent remarks offensive, I did think the editors spent a lot of time putting them together.

    Maybe I'm thinking too Meta about all this?

    Loved Bethany on the RB, and I think both the surfers and the dentists have a good strategy in having the member that might have problems on a RB do as many as possible up front in case there is one down the line that they wil be unable to do, though I don't think that's been a problem in the races recently? And how much info do they get before they have to choose who will do it? They'll need to be careful about that too.

    • Love 1
  16. Though seeing him breakdown after that guy killed himself, dude has a soul


    This was one of the 'murder' scenes, not after the suicide.




    Pretty graphic sex scenes, yippee!! More hot gay guys getting it on, I'm not going anywhere.


    Do gay men have hot, casual sex all of the time? And they can't have a conservation without it leading to sex--or the promise of sex? Because all gay men are attracted to one another, right? That's what this show wants me to believe.


    I don't see that the poster said they have sex all the time, just that they like watching them when they happen. Connor uses sex to get info, that's how he met Oliver who he does seem to care about, and why he had sex with the suicide guy. It's a tool he uses, nothing to do with attraction (except for Oliver apparently), I think the show wants me to believe that this is what Connor uses to get what he wants.


    Does Wes look like another actor we're used to?  Trying to figure out.


    Wes is Dean Thomas from Harry Potter.


    For a minute, I thought Annalise was going to put the moves on Wes!


    I've thought that several times now, I hope it doesn't go there.


    Relationship Rule #1:  Connor - if Lila can lock her phone- wtf is wrong with you?


    My first thought was: Wouldn't you think these people would know to delete any incriminating phone conversations?

  17. For me, the dentists attitudes (Jim's) seems like what a competitive bodybuilder would do to psyche himself up for a competition. The visualization of being best, being first, I'm sure that's what a lot of competitors do. So, they are not bothering me much. If it works for him (them) then that's ok, I doubt it will work every leg so we'll see how he handles it then. I've not seen him berate his wife and he was helpful with the compass task so for now I'm fine with them.

    I would like to see some Roadblocks.

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