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Posts posted by dgpolo

  1. 1 hour ago, Rai said:

    I don't think Dan was lying. I think he really believed Tom liked his dish. I also don't particularly find him arrogant. I'm just not quite on his wavelength.

    Pretty much what I think too. But I do wonder about a few things.

    1. I thought, and the editing makes it look, like the chefs leave after introducing their food, so did Dan stick around somewhere unseen and watch Tom eat his food? Did a server tell him? I didn't understand that part.

    2. On another chef's turn, I forget which, there was a quick shot that made it look like Tom's dish was not only empty, but clean. Like there never was food in it to begin with? Maybe that quick shot was from a redo that was spliced in? Maybe Tom was also feeling unwell and only ate the tiniest bit that he had to in order to judge the dish? I'll try to re-watch and see if that's really what I saw.

    I also agree with someone up thread that they needed a longer shot of Morimoto's sushi roll. That was a real work of art.

    • Like 3
  2. 17 minutes ago, Bliss said:

    I usually enjoy long-running champs and Adriana is a "pleasant" one. I like her calm demeanour, and her lack of any annoying buzzer killing antics.

    I enjoy her too but one thing is starting to become noticeable, not quite annoying but noticeable. She nods her head when she gets a clue correct, like she's saying, yes I thought so. Again, not really annoying just one of those things that after you notice it once, you notice it all the time. I think Amy does the same sometimes.

    • Like 1
  3. I was surprised they allowed 'beef' as a correct answer for the flank steak for Dan (it certainly doesn't start with F).

    It would have been more interesting to see Manny actually do the whole challenge and watch him get those 23 ingredients right.

    I was another one wondering why they showed the tongue scraping only to go Oh! that's why, when they explained. But I do wonder if they asked and then filmed that later because I'm not sure that would be something they would film normally?

    • Like 5
  4. What the hell was wrong with Sims in this last episode! Snooping in Mike's office, running her mouth off to all and sundry about Mike's private business, she doesn't deserve a promotion, she should be demoted!

    Sorry, needed to get that out.

    I've been watching London Kills and noticed that they do something right that Sims hardly ever does. I have read/seen/heard somewhere that when you are telling a family member about a loved one's death, you should always be blunt. X is dead. No questions about being attacked, finding a body, even deceased or passed away. X is dead. They do this on London Kills but Sims usually seems to faff around before stating it. That's just another thing I find annoying. Mind it's not a serious annoyance, more like batting a fly away. Just something that pings when it happens.

    • Fire 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, bluphoenix451 said:

    I would have helped if their names and appearances were more different.

    I was watching Shetland once and lots of the characters were women with dark hair (including his daughter), that was a confusing story also. There's a reason authors usually have a different name for each character, unlike real life where you can have 3 or 4 Johns in your life at one time (in my family it's Davids) it can get very confusing keeping characters straight if they have the same or similar names.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    I don't either, but she was in S5.1 - the one about the Ghost Train. Even knowing that, I don't remember the character; I may re-watch that one again just to see where she fits in

    I just completed a re-watch. She was the fortune tellers daughter and had been sexually harassed/assaulted by the owner. Her name was Henna or something?

    Have you all noticed that Nic Sampson (Breen) has written four episodes? during my re-watch I noticed his name in the credits but not as an actor so I looked it up. He has written: Power of Steam (the steampunk one); Dog Day Morning (the bank robbery one); Four Fires and a Funeral (the Fire Dept one, duh) and House of Screams (the haunted house one)

    • Like 2
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  7. 1 minute ago, Prevailing Wind said:

    It stayed the Snake & Tiger until the Dinosaur season 10 opener, when it because Dinosaur & Panther and then reverted back to Croc & Panther.

    Trudy's hair keeps getting longer.

    Does Sims get a new car every year?

    -It- is not always the same building and I think at one point he owned two. At the beginning of the dinosaur episode Ray says that he just bought -the old mill- I think? and refurbished it as the Dinosaur and Panther.

    I also noticed Sims' car? like is she leasing? does she get a new one every 6 mo. ? (because I swear I saw them change from episode to episode sometimes) are they actually not hers but a part of some pool of cars for use by the police? though I'd think those would be older cars. It's just a bit strange she can afford that.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, nitrofishblue said:

    Manny is still there because he always manages to be in the middle, not the top and not the bottom.

    Manny has been in the bottom 4 times, in the middle 4 times, won the first elimination challenge and was in the top for the second. So he's been getting progressively worse.

    • Like 5
    • Mind Blown 1
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  9. 11 minutes ago, secnarf said:

    IMO, "Men of Science" is very different from "Men Scientists".

    Agreed. I have heard the term 'men of science' for a long long time, I don't think the writers were thinking of anything other than that it was a handy phrase.

    • Like 4
  10. 4 minutes ago, Trey said:
    1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

    Likewise, I insta-intoned: "Why hast thou forsaken me?" and was surprised when Chris modernized it — which later cost him $2K and probably the game. 

    I was very surprised Chris misquoted it and wasn't surprised they took it away from him.

    Especially since they specified the King James Version.

    • Like 6
  11. 12 hours ago, roseha said:

    I didn't love this episode but I did like seeing Dennis Buchanan

    Last week when we saw Miranda as someones lawyer my daughter and I wondered where Dennis was, so we were glad to see him. Jools has been in 6 episodes and her relationships with men have been fraught, to say the least!

    Some characters I recognize right away, and of course it helps when they are recurring and show up more than twice. Some I've probably missed, and some I recognize but have to look up on IMDB, like the guy with the dog in the dinosaur ep. He looked familiar so I looked him up and he was in the ep with the dogs in the park, the one where Frodo had a tortoise.

    • Like 2
  12. 3 hours ago, TeslaNewton said:

    She was in the Ghost Train episode (I am currently doing a rewatch).

    Yes, last night the ep wasn't up on IMDB yet (just looked again and it still isn't) so I couldn't look her up. Also Jools' husband. So I googled the character name then I had the actor's name so looked that up on IMDB and he was the younger man she was with when the old millionaire was dying? I think the catering girl went off the balcony?

    Anyway did anyone else hear Harper on the phone, I think she said Mrs Marlowe?! I hope so.

    • Useful 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    Did not get FJ. I have several cans of Canada Dry ginger ale in my fridge, too.

    Since cutting back on caffeine ginger ale is about the only soft drink that I drink. There are two boxes! in my room right now. Still didn't get it. Though it is extremely difficult to see the 'map', it's in white, contained in a shield shape with Canada Dry written in red across it. Never knew it was even there.

    • Like 4
  14. 1 hour ago, Katy M said:

    I said Po and then changed my answer to Tiber.

    My thought process went something like: Tiber! ..or maybe Po..but no the Po is more north isn't it? the Tiber is Rome..it is Rome right (checks the clue) yeah seems like Rome so Tiber!

    • Like 1
    • Applause 2
  15. 11 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

    I understand Kaleena saying that savory was more in their wheelhouse but dessert has often won/blown away the judges table.

    Every team/contestant ever has said that savory is more in their wheelhouse. Not one has ever said their specialty is dessert. I laughed when she said that.

    • Like 5
  16. 25 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

    Yeah, I just figured he was trying to switch things up a bit

    In Alex's time I would notice that he would have a phrase he used when the contestants were wrong but after a few months he'd start saying something else and then would use that one for a while and so on..

    • Like 1
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  17. 3 hours ago, bad things are bad said:

    I worked at Sears (RIP) at the time,  in the automotive department.  Toys was right next to us. I remember the frenzy when they got a shipment of Cabbage Patch dolls.

    I did not join the frenzy, my MIL found dolls for the girls.

    12 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    I did think next of Tickle Me Elmo,

    My middle daughter was a child for the Cabbage Patch dolls but was in High School for Tickle Me Elmo. Which I would probably not remember except that one of her friends bought her one. I was confused as she was older.

    • Like 2
    • LOL 1
  18. FJ was an instaget, I have 3 daughters who were the right age at the time.

    Shouted out Polkas as soon as I saw the clue, I'm half Polish and one of my earliest memories is my being a flower girl at my aunt's wedding and dancing to Polkas all night.

    Also got the Basques, A Midsummer Night's Dream Weaver, Galvani and L.A. Law (a show I've never watched, but have seen the pic of the plate)

    • Like 7
  19. 41 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

    So all season they've stretched 60 minute episodes to fit a 90 minute slot,

    It looked like we saw a lot of cameramen this season, there was definitely one in the water when the first two teams jumped in and I was thinking maybe because they were editing 60 min eps into 90 mins they ended up using clips that had the camera people in whereas before they'd be edited out.

    Cesar helped Melissa with everything (I think) except the spiral which is the only one she got wrong after he left. She then went on to -fix- everything but that one, at least for a while. And she is the one that made note of of how the spiral should be. I'm not blaming Cesar for that at all.

    I wanted Vinnie and Amber gone so much! especially when he was telling her to fix her shoelace.

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