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Posts posted by dgpolo

  1. 18 minutes ago, RunningMarket said:

    Eventually she did let them go by.

    Actually there was a time limit, once FT and BE arrived Mika and her teammate had X number of minutes/seconds to go down and when they didn't the guys got to go. Otherwise all the teams would be bunched up there still.

    I believe there is a big rule across nearly all reality type shows that you cannot physically restrain or (of course) hit someone. Someone was kicked off Top Chef in an early season for laying hands on someone else.

    In this instance, it sort of looked like there was a kind of plateau with a break in the stairs, that's where I thought the brothers could've passed Rob and Corey, I think Corey even said something about that. Something about the brothers not seeing that break in the stairs?

    I am hoping that AL and Steve had to pay for that zipline ride, it looked like it was open for business while they were up there and it wasn't part of the Express Pass anymore.

    Also wanted to say that I think there are various penalties handed out between legs and we only hear about them if they affect the start times of teams. I think this is where penalties for speeding are assessed. Have to say that this show has been on for a long time and the rules have evolved over time so what once was true may not be so anymore.


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  2. 9 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    I wasn't aware that they made a new rule against Ferns. Was it because of Covid, or did the show just decide it was unfair?

    It's not new, it happened somewhere around season 18. Around that time also it was disallowed to hire a cab to lead you somewhere.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

    I was jarring soup yesterday, so my mind went to jars - and peaches. Nothing came up. But just in time, my mind went to bottles, and AHA, I got to Coke. Good thing I'm not a beer drinker. 😆

    My mind first went to perfume/cologne, don't know why, maybe because The Amazing Race just had a challenge involving a cologne (in Cologne), but I couldn't think of anything so said Seven-Up which usually comes in green bottles. Didn't ever make the Georgia-Atlanta-Coke connection. Though-- I have heard some areas of the country call all soft drinks Coke? anyone get it just because of that? (like you didn't think Coca Cola specifically but Coke as a soft drink generally?) Also, in my part of the country we call it -pop- and it's been very hard writing this paragraph while refraining from using that term.

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  4. 42 minutes ago, aghst said:

    I've lived by San Francisco all my life and I couldn't say when the Ghiradelli Chocolate factory was founded or the oldest winery in Napa.

    Does everyone in Kentucky know the oldest whiskey in the state or the most expensive?

    My daughter pointed out that the question specifically asked for a cologne with a 4 digit name, not the the oldest. Given -that- question I'm sure a lot of people in Cologne could've answered that. (especially since someone upthread said they saw it on a building). Someone in Tennessee might not know the -oldest- whiskey in the state but they might know -Old #7-.

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  5. On 11/10/2023 at 9:30 AM, mbluecpa said:

    At least three or four teams seemed to get the mustard task on the first try. I’m thinking either some non-TV-worthy attempts were edited out or the task designers misjudged the difficulty.

    Really? I didn't see any that got it first try.

    On 11/10/2023 at 9:18 AM, shura said:

    I also wonder what kind of training the crew people have.  How you do not give away to the racers that something extraordinarily wrong is happening? Those guys must be good at poker.

    How many times have we seen the cameraperson sneakily show whatever the team was looking for, I recall one memorable time when a team was looking for the clue box on a bridge and walked right past it several times while the camera was showing it -right there-

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  6. 9 hours ago, festivus said:

    The meringue ball challenge was dumb. Every one of them was as ugly as homemade shit except Saku's. Even broken it was the only pretty one.

    I agree, I did not like the look of any of them, just the way the top and bottom looked when together. I think there were only a couple that were actual spheres the other were some weird ovoid shape. Saku's would probably looked good with only the top on a base.

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  7. 13 minutes ago, Teriacky said:

    I would STILL be standing there trying to figure out the money challenge! Although I cruised through both college and law school, my mind automatically shuts off when I’m presented any math problem. Always has. 
    (In high school I had straight A’s and a D- in math.)

    Me also. All those equations upthread did NOT help me understand the problem at all. Kudos to Chelsea for figuring out a strategy that worked!

    9 minutes ago, Hera said:

    This is what I thought of too when Chelsea announced her strategy. I don't really have a problem with converting a mental/concentration task into a physical one (or the reverse), if it's possible.

    I believe there have even been instances in the final challenge where one or more teams have resorted to try this one-no-try that one-no try the next one etc. Flags come to mind as one.

    I cannot make the multiquote function work across multiple pages. Way back on page one someone mentioned the locks reminding them of Freddy/Kendra, are you sure you didn't mean Hadeyn/Aaron? Also someone mentioned Flo in relation to a selling task, she always was super good at those kind of challenges it was the physical ones that did her in.

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  8. 17 minutes ago, MMEButterfly said:

    Annette Badland played Gladys, the unfortunate housemaid who died with a clothespin on her nose in the original Miss Marple "A Pocketful of Rye."

    The first time I looked up the actress and saw that in her credits I was shocked, I'd no idea. I can see that it's her but she was so young and unwrinkled! She played a pretty evil character on an episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, calvinshobbes said:

    ok but the drivers of the electric tuktuk  on this leg was specifically chosen by the producers. The brothers got screwed because the driver selected by the producers had no idea and got them hopelessly lost

    Do you know that for most of the episode I wasn't sure if the brothers were actually in one of the chosen vehicles. They seemed to have a problem finding one of the 'marked' ones. I could see the flags either on the back window or hanging in the front of the ones the other teams had but didn't see a flag on the one the brothers had. It didn't have a back window (no glass) but towards the end of the episode I did finally see the flag on the front. Up until then I though they would arrive on the mat to be told they hadn't followed instructions and receive a penalty. When their driver was so bad I just thought it was because she was a random person chosen to be in the crowd of rickshaws.

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  10. 3 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

    I didn't realize he had a runaway and couldn't figure out why he was celebrating like that..

    I'm not very good at math, especially mental math. But she had $4400 so it was easy to double in my head and know that he had it in the bag.

    Too bad we didn't get to see T.J. and Dave in the same game.

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  11. 16 minutes ago, caitmcg said:

    My understanding from people I've known who've made TV appearances is that the most basic requirement is not wearing solid white or cream or black.

    Yes, but this isn't the first time that I've noticed a lot of the same color on the bakers. Never all of them, but enough that I notice. I suppose it could be coincidence, there were some days when I was working when I'd go into the breakroom and nearly everyone was wearing the same color.

  12. On 11/1/2023 at 3:38 PM, Danny Franks said:

    I wasn't sure about the shade of green that Dan used, but the overall effect was pretty good.

    I thought it looked really unappetizing, like pond scum.

    All the women were wearing pink except for Dana, who wore red, and two of the guys looked like they were wearing the same blue t-shirt. I do wonder if they are given suggestions on what to wear.


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  13. 10 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

    I was surprised they accepted Hades for the mythology clue since that is the name of the god and not the place. 

    It's also the name of the place, I've always heard it used as the name of the place as well as the God:

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: In Greek mythology, the Greek underworld, or Hades, is a distinct realm

    god of the dead and the king of the underworld, with which his name became synonymous

    From World History Encyclopedia: Hades was both the name of the ancient Greek god of the underworld (Roman name: Pluto) and the name of the shadowy place below the earth .

    From Greek Gods and Goddesses.net: Hades is the god of the Underworld and the dead. In ancient Greece, few dared to utter his name. If they did, many were referring to his realm, which many called “Hades” as well.

    35 minutes ago, Trey said:

    I didn't get any ts's or missed DDs but FJ was an instaget.  It seemed so obvious I thought it must be a trick but I couldn't think of any other seas that it might be.

    Me too! Though I did get Champagne and Guinea Pig, I was surprised by that TS too, it's something I seem to always have known, that they are Cavy's

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  14. 5 minutes ago, Ancaster said:

    I thought they shouldn't have accepted "timber" - the phrase is "Shiver me timbers" - definite plural.

    They weren't looking for the phrase the pirates say, they were looking for the word woodsmen yell, which is timber, not timbers.

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  15. 3 minutes ago, IdEatThat said:

    just watched the Halloween game.  One of the categories was “words out of Halloween”    One of the questions/answers was harpy and was ruled correct.  How is that  possible? Or am I misremembering?

    Harpy was in the Monster Manual category.

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  16. 20 hours ago, PaperTree said:

    After all these seasons (That kinda blur together) have we seen anybody get pulled over?

    Sorry for the double post, there was a speed trap in Botswana? season 22? where two teams were caught speeding and had to pay a ticket before proceeding. Googling says speeding = time penalty but seemed unsure if that was only when self-driving or if cabbies also counted. Seemed to say that most incidents would be edited out unless affecting the game in some other way. Most examples seemed to be from other countries versions of TAR

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  17. 17 hours ago, calvinshobbes said:

    also one of the teams said they were only allowed to take one piece at a time back so they couldnt gather three or four of the similar pieces back to compare wiith the picture. 

    Yes, I heard that too but then saw some teams carrying more than one 'prop' so I think it was just the cut outs that they could only do one at a time. In the previous episode (or maybe the one before that) one person was looking at a booklet and I got the impression that maybe that was the full rules and requirements for the upcoming task? They need something that lays out the minutiae of the tasks and what is and is not acceptable.

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  18. 10 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    When they were all walking around those weird ledges to get their Detour clue, some team passed by a dog right on the edge of one and I was like "Careful Doggie!"

    We once had a hedgehog that had absolutely no 'ledge sense' or maybe depth perception? It would walk right off a ledge like it though it could just keep on going, had to be very careful with it. 

    4 hours ago, Hera said:

    Basically, before the start of the leg, all the teams all stood a row and Phil went down the line asking each team to vote for another team to receive the U-Turn

    I remember this,


    I think the teams were Tyler & Korey, Colin & Christie, Rachel & Brendon and maybe the Afghanimals?

    7 hours ago, eel2178 said:

    I was just glad that those things weren't breakable. At the beginning, I was envisioning shards of broken pottery all over the place.

    I had the same thought.

    8 hours ago, Browncoat said:

    I feel like they've been to that MC Escher building before, and had a task there.

    I told my daughter they looked like Escher stairs!

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  19. 7 hours ago, meep.meep said:

    Prue looked like she was wearing her Halloween costume.  Usually, I admire her bold style but this was just bad.

    My daughter said the same to me, plus it looked like someone had a sugar skull on their bench so I was wondering if they had thought to make this a Halloween type episode but there is still one more to air before then. Trying to look closer at her outfit was hard since the camera didn't want to pause on her but I believe the design were the horoscope symbols, I saw a crab, a lions head and a scale at least.

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  20. 15 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

    Whenever Dad says "Anna Leigh" does anyone else hear "Emily"?

    omg yes! I even mentioned it to my daughter. And then she called herself something while giving herself a pep talk doing the tiles and I couldn't quite make it out but it didn't sound like Anna Leigh or Emily?

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  21. 2 minutes ago, laredhead said:

    I thought I had heard her answer a couple of other times w/o her answer being in the form of a question, and they let it go, but then I chalked it up to not hearing correctly.  Glad to know someone else noticed.  Wonder why the production crew let the other incidents go w/o a penalty?

    I believe they let it go in the Jeopardy round with a reminder to phrase it in the form of a question, but in the DJ round you don't get a reminder, Ken (or whoever) will just wait and if you don't catch yourself your answer is rejected when time is up.

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  22. 33 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

    Last night's FJ was the instagetiest of all instagets for me, one of the approximately 400 billion Jennifers born in the US between 1965 and 1985. 

    Easy for me too, I wanted to name my daughter Jennifer in 1978 but there were so many around I chose Sara instead! Not that much better, I thing there were people named Sara or Jennifer in every class she had through school. btw I still gave her Jennifer as a middle name.

    I thought having an entire category about the sacking of Rome was pretty funny! also the description of a bagel.

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