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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 2:37 PM, DittyDotDot said:

    I'm glad you enjoyed it. Post It on! ;)

    ETA: I wouldn't worry about the exclamation points, it shows enthusiasm. And, enthusiasm is never a bad thing.

    Hey Triple D, some years ago you mentioned you "have a very weird and irrational attachment to Def Leppard."  I've was dying to know then, and just reread that thread. Now my curiosity is back again! Care to expand?

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  2. Heh! Had to share this. We did a bunch of yardwork today, and a friend of ours (Hayward) came over to help. After the work was done, we grilled some steaks. Mick asked how Hayward wanted his done, (even though he already knew), and Hayward said: "So rare a good Vet could revive it!"

    I'm still laughing!

    • Love 4
  3. 12 hours ago, Ailianna said:

    So many thoughts.  I had the choice to watch this or the new Better Call Saul this morning before work, and I went with Bates Motel.  And I was completely mesmerized.  

    I liked how ghost Norma had her hair curled.  I've been noticing that, although actual Norma liked to curl her hair, and was often wearing the curls, which did soften and flatter her, Mother always wears her hair straight and rather severe.  I think it is another reflection of the difference between Norma and Mother.  Mother is there solely to protect Norman, and therefore she is the stern one, the controlling one, and the one whose word is law.  And I wondered why there was no one watching to see him force up the meds (and to wonder why he would ask for them so much and then throw them up!), and so see him knock himself out.  A prisoner has to be watched pretty closely (NY requires actual view of every prisoner in a holding cell every 15 minutes), and a lot of especially small agencies had installed cameras, so that one person can watch the prisoner and do work around the station too.  That would be one screwed up video!

    The snow in Seattle bothered me, but I have decided if that's the only thing bothering me, I will let it go.  Emma and Katie did look cute sitting out there, though.  Please stay in Seattle Emma!!  Even though your mom is now going to be buried in WPB (for no reason--she had no connections there, but I"m sure that's where the funeral will be, since she didn't seem to have connections anywhere else).  For Katie's sake, stay away!  I want Dylan to live too, but I watched their phone call, with Dylan in the dark in the motel and Emma and Katie in the light in Seattle, an I have a horrible fear that he will die and they will be the only hope of escape from Norman's tragedy.

    Can't believe there are only two more episodes, and can't wait to see them.


    Wow Alianna! What a great observation!

  4. On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 11:36 AM, DittyDotDot said:

    Guys, I fell into a bit of a YouTube rabbit hole today watching short films. This one made me smile a ridiculous amount and thought it needed to be shared here: 

    Oh TripleD! Thank you so much for this! What a wonderful film, I loved it! Thank you, thank you again for posting this! It made my day, and I'm sharing it all over the place!

    I've gotta do something about my use of exclamation points!

    • Love 4
  5. 13 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

    Jared brings up the season finale about 4:30

    The talk about favorite/hardest to film finale comes out around 11:15

    "I'll answer for both of us.  We haven't filmed it yet."  No specific reference to series/season. 

    Jared going on to talk about the series finale gives me the impression that was what Jensen was referring to, but it really can be interpreted either way, IMO. 

    Thanks for this ILoveReading! (I do about four books a week myself, btw) I'm much calmer now after watching this video, clearly they were talking about an unspecified series final, no timeline.

    I'm better now.

  6. 12 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Yes, he did. That's what prompted her to check up on the motel, which caused her to find out Norma was dead. Emma was trying to convince Dylan that enough time had passed and maybe it was time to put whatever happened between him and Norma behind him. He snapped at her to let it go and then later admitted why he really left and his fears about how sick Norman was. He told her his suspicions about Norman murdering her mom and later, she found out Norma was dead and told him.

    Thank you truthaboutluv! I don't remember Dylan telling Emma his suspicions. I remember the earing, but not Dylan coming clean. Maybe she will be wise enough to stay away. I certainly hope so!

    10 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    Max Thieriot reminds me of a young Steve McQueen.

    OMG, you are so right! It's almost spooky!

    I can't wait for tonight's episode!!

    • Love 3
  7. 30 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    Dylan is an interesting character. He's almost insanely brave. Remember that scene a couple of seasons back when he ran in front of a moving car to shoot at some bad guys and he got hit and then there was the time he and Caleb did that job for Chick that went terribly wrong? He never backs away from danger, he tends to run headfirst into it.

    He is fascinating! Confronting this family mess is far different than risking his own life. I understand why he washed his hands of the whole drama, but why didn't he at least check in on Norma? I'll have to go back and watch the fight when he left. I'm thinking he had no idea Norman was so far gone. On the other hand, I can also understand why he believed Norman would never hurt Norma!

    11 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

    He didn't know the full extent of Norman's madness. Yes, there was the moment when Norma stormed out on them, after finding out Dylan had been spending time with Caleb, where Dylan walked in on Norman in the kitchen, clearly believing he was Norma. And he did tell Norma about it when she came back and again said Norman needed help. But of course, Norma downplayed the whole thing. But keep in mind that leading up to Dylan's leaving, Norman did eventually go to a mental hospital and was taking medication. So I do think Dylan believed or maybe he wanted to believe that while yes, Norman was sick, he was being treated for his illness. And Norma was harsh to him and insisted she had things under control. 

    As I said above, I now get why he left. I forgot he told Norma about Norman's "transformation", so thanks for jolting my memory! I think you're right about Dylan "believing what he wanted to believe." He had a whole new life ahead of him, and immersing himself in the whole Norman/Norma drama would have prevented him from having it.

    Now he has to keep his family away from WPB, but I'm afraid Emma is going to want to join him, she really loved Norma! Has Dylan told he how crazy Norman is? Does she know, or suspect who really killed her Mom?

  8. 6 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    Oh god, that was just heartbreaking.

    This is a very good point. Maybe he knew Norman was sick, but he didn't know he had killed anyone. Crazy but not dangerous to Norma?

    You're right, I think the shoe dropped for him when he found out Norman's doctor had died. His determination to help Norman was heartbreaking, but he was crazy to try to convince Norman to go back on his meds all alone. At that point I think I would have been scared shitless.

    • Love 1
  9. Dylan has known for awhile that Norman "turned" into Norma right? I seem to remember a scene where Norman/Norma cooked for him. If he was aware, how could he possibly leave Norma alone with Norman? He clearly understood just how truly sick Norman was. I know he had a falling out with his family over Norman's treatment, but honestly, Norman is dangerously insane!

    20 hours ago, Stringey said:

     When mother was trying to stab Dylan I could almost hear her yelling " I'll be damned if you are going to kill me by getting norman to take his medication".

    This is a perfect description of what went on in this scene!

    • Love 3
  10. Bates Motel The Body

    Mother uses tough love to protect Norman. Sheriff Greene begins to investigate a murder. Dylan gets his brother help.

    • Love 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

    Watching the stageit, I`d say it`s 95 % that Jensen talked about the Series Finale to be shot at an as of yet unspecified time. That`s also how Jared reacted to it. I`ll leave a small margin of error but I`m pretty sure.

    Which right now bums me out because I would have liked an indication how Jensen feels about this Season Finale. Jared is excited for it which points to big Sam stuff. If Jensen has no particular reaction to it, that indicates nothing interesting for him. After this entire Season, I really wanted better news for the Finale. 

    Series Final? Do we know 13 is the last season? Break it to me gently...

  12. 14 hours ago, rue721 said:

    it's a bad idea to sleep with violent lunatics.

    Now that's a bumper sticker!

    I agree with all who have said that The Boys wouldn't look kindly on their Mom sleeping with Ketch. Not because it's Ketch, but because it's their Mom! I know, they're all grownups, but still, ugh!

    One reason I like it here, is because you all help me justify all the discrepancies.  I hate having to figure out how to readjust the canon.

    • Love 1
  13. On ‎4‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 6:56 PM, ZennyKenny said:

    Sorry for the delayed response. I just got back from the hospital. Thursday night was pretty rough. Last thing I remember was uncontrolled vomiting after turning on the tv and finding out that Mary and Ketch slept together.

    Full disclosure: I missed A LOT of the episode, so I don't know if they actually showed them having sex or not. I missed the entire first half, and the end. But still, just the scene with Ketch in bed talking to Mary was enough to ruin my night.

    Ah, I see from reading the thread that they killed the one BMOL that I actually liked, Mick. Yeah, he was starting to develop a character arc... can't have that!

    Ok. tell me if I'm understanding this correctly, because again, I missed it. Are you guys saying that the BMoL actually decided to completely wipe out all American hunters this episode? And if so, did the person saying it suddenly put his pinky to the edge of his mouth and look into the camera? Because that's some comical-level supervillainry right there.

    *SIGH* Is it season 13 yet?

    Short drift. ZennyKenny, I hope you're feeling better and it was nothing serious! I wish we could get through a few months with everybody here healthy for a change!

    • Love 2
  14. 5 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    I think Lucifer is going to kill Rowena again. He killed her once.  And she sent him to the bottom of the ocean.  IMO, Rowena as become popular enough that killing her off would make us hate him.

    I "liked" your post, but  didn't mean it in that way! I l have  grown to love Rowena, and I fear you maybe on to something. Damn it!

    2 hours ago, SueB said:


    Honestly SueB, sometimes you have a sick mind! But I do like that idea...

    • Love 2
  15. 12 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

    There is a convention going on right now and apparently Mark Pellegrino said that if anyone was still on the fence about Lucifer, after the Finale, they were going to hate him.

    I guess he could kill Crowley or Castiel but I`m reasonably convinced both actors will remain regulars with the show. So any "death" wouldn`t be permanent. So right now my best bet would be killing Mary. Or possibly possessing her but I`m not sure about the actress status beyond this Season so I`d put my money on "kill".

    Which in and of itself, I`d be glad to see Mary gone but if Lucifer killed her that would just seem like such a trite deja vu. I mean, the show kinda started with Mary being killed. 

    But I don`t see right now what could be in the episode for the actor to make that statement. Even if he killed his own spawn, I think general response would be "eh". 


    Aw hell Aeryn13! My first thought was, like yours, Crowley or Cas. Either one would really piss me off to no end!

    But I can't see the death of Mary pissing off people enough to hate Luci. Like you stated, it's "trite deja vu" That concerns me, it has to be a more popular character.

    Now I have to check the "In the Media" thread for contracts!

  16. 23 hours ago, Stringey said:

    Nope. I just have a big imagination and draw off elements of things I have seen in the past.

    Well, you have a knack for it. Talent like that should be used. Not blowing smoke, I hardly know you, but your stuff here has been very intriguing! Maybe you should start writing. At least FanFic, I've read some incredible stuff on Supernatural FanFic, many better than what the actual writers come up with!

    I read like a fiend! My favorite T-shirt says; "So Many Books, So Little Time" Some of the FanFic I've read is so talented and well written, it's a shame the writers didn't pursue it further.

    • Love 3
  17. 14 hours ago, G-Man said:

    Just like the birth order Michael being insane inside the cage is also a continuity fail back in season 4 and 5 it was stated(by Lucifer himself) that he couldn't do a single thing to stop his elder brother from beating him down and cast him out of heaven. Now in s11 and 12 Lucifer is suddenly strong enough to be able tooverpower and  torture him to the point where even God couldnt fix him.


    And SPEAKING of the cage! Is Michael/Adam in it? He wasn't when they broke Luci out. Why didn't they gat Adam out too? I thought we'd see him again after Fan Fiction included Adam. The Boys just seemed to have completely forgotten him!

    Looks like Luci will soon be free, and I have no interest in this story. But with luck, the writer may forget about him completely, like they have so many other things on this show. 

    4 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

    Yeah, it pretty much seems to be in the same vein of Yellow Eyes making deals with people who in 10 years might have a child he could feed demon blood to so that 23 years later he could get all these kids to fight each other to prove which was the the strongest or the best suitable vessel for Lucifer even though the only vessel that would've been appropriate in the end was one who got killed in the prize fight three years earlier.

    As I've said before, there's really no place for logic or reason when it comes to this show! ;)

    One hell of a run on sentence Triple D! ; )

    • Love 4
  18. 1 hour ago, rue721 said:

    Shouldn't Hess have then killed Ketch because Ketch killed a BMOL?

    And then she would have to kill herself, I guess?!

    This "kill anyone who kills a BMOL" code seems really difficult to enforce.

    See my post to Katy. Honestly, I've given up on canon, even one just one episode long.

    Super-wiki drives me nuts on this subject!

    But we just flat out love this show! It's our show, watched it from the pilot, real time. Mick and I will never give up!

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