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Mick Lady

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Posts posted by Mick Lady

  1. On ‎4‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 2:19 PM, peacheslatour said:

    OMG right? That kid scared the hell out of me. What a soulless monster.  And her poor mother. Jeez.

    God peachesaltour, stop making me buy stuff!

    The "little nods to the movie" are one thing I love about this show! Anyone who hasn't seen the movie is missing a lot of gems!

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  2. On ‎4‎/‎19‎/‎2017 at 6:38 AM, Complexity said:

    Applying what I said above to Norman's situation, let me add this. Most people integrate part of their parents into their personality. Let's go back to how we respond when we're mad at the clerk in the store. If we grew up with our parents yelling at that clerk, then odds are we will do the same as adults. If we saw our parents being calm and understanding, then we will likely do that instead. Our parents model behavior, and we learn from that modeling. Have you ever gotten mad at a car while driving and said the very same thing you heard a parent say while they were driving? We integrate others into our personality through modeling. They model to us how to respond to a situation.

    Now consider that "parent's voice" inside our heads with someone who disassociates. Rather than having that parent's voice integrated into our personality, what if that part is split away? We could end up with a "parent" personality (Mother) and our main personality (Norman).

    In Norman's case, I think the idea is that Norma rescued him from stressful situations while he was growing up. If he were mentally healthy, he would have learned how to handle those situations himself. However, if Norma always "protected" him by jumping in, then Norman may have learned to have "Mother" jump in whenever he needs her. Thus, when combined with disassociation, he develops two personalities: Norman (his main personality) and Mother (his protective personality).

    Wow Complexity, thank you for this. I hope you teach! You did a fabulous job of helping me understand this condition. Thanks again for sharing and taking the time. Much appreciated!

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  3. On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 1:17 PM, peacheslatour said:

    Thank you. I too love the fashions in old movies. The twenties, thirties, forties and fifties. They really knew how to design for real women. Today? Not so much.

    Quoted you so you would respond, you seem to be up on this!

    Norma married some guy when Caleb got her pregnant, than divorced him and married Sam, Norman's father. Is that correct?

    When did Dylan leave to strike out on his own? Did he know Sam, and how abusive he was to Norma and Norman? Why did he leave? He doesn't seem too much older than Norman.

    I ask because I believe Norman's illness started when he witness the horrible abuse Norma experienced, and I wondering how Dylan escaped it.

    Or do you think Norma's own illness effected Norman just as much as Sam's abuse?

  4. riverheightsnancy, off topic, but I have all the books! You're the rivertheightsnancy, right?    

    I'm old, 58, so these books are a very dear memory for me!                                      

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  5. On ‎10‎/‎14‎/‎2014 at 7:24 AM, DittyDotDot said:

    All that being said, the actress who plays the girl that gets possessed was superb!

    I just rewatched this episode today TripleD, and came here just to post this! I'm so happy someone else thought so too!! She was incredible!

    • Love 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, NEGirl said:

    My Mom tried to quit for many years and was unable to do so. Both her and my Dad past from smoking. I am glad I never started as I don't think I would have been able to stop.  I agree in that it is one of the hardest addictions to quit. Mick Lady - hope you are doing ok now.

    I'm doing great NEGirl! Thanks for asking. My friends here over on Supernatural (and my wonderful husband) were a huge help getting me through it! One of the very many reasons of love this place!

    • Love 2
  7. 5 hours ago, raven said:

    As with Madeleine, you can't have a relationship with the person you're on the outs with if that person is dead.  Well, unless you're Norman, heh.  

    Just got around to having the time to read this thread. I didn't expect to laugh hysterically, but Raven, that's exactly what you did! Thank you!

    • Love 1
  8. On ‎4‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 11:27 AM, walnutqueen said:

    I'd imagine that Sig is much like me (and my Mum), who grew up around chain smokers (vowing to NEVER partake), and who started smoking at a very early age.  The younger brain (and genetics, brain chemistry, etc.) is much more susceptible to many addictions, but especially to smoking.  It is physical, emotional, and ridiculously difficult to get a handle on, since neither nicotine substitutes nor nicotine e-cigs can ever replace the desire for the real thing (not to mention the ingrained habit of doing "that thing" with your hands and your mouth for every occasion - from a cup of coffee, after a meal, during stress or boredom - the litany is endless).  Sometimes I think I'd rather be hooked on heroin and use methadone every day ... but then, I am one of the few who'll admit I LOVE everything about smoking, except the financial and health costs.  :-)

    So, I've seen a couple of teasers announcing one captain will step down - forever.  The last episode teased that it might be Jonathan; but with these constant Disco games, it could be someone else, too.  Any clues out there?

    I get you walnutqueen! It's the hardest addiction to quit, hands down. I only quit when I was diagnosed with cancer. Even than it was hard! I found e-cigarettes helped. The motion of having something in your hand and mouth is such a big obstacle! Coffee in the morning was the hardest!

    Someone once said; "I feel sorry for people who don't drink coffee or smoke. Why else would you get up in the morning?"

    • Love 2
  9. 6 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    Technically she didn't sell her soul but she did make a deal with a demon to have John live in exchange for something Azazel wanted which was an innocent baby. IMO, that should have sent her to Hell. But that didn't seem to be the case. Given she supposedly burned herself out,  IMO she shouldn't even be anything at all, IMO her soul should have been obliterated in that process.  She should have ceased to exist in any kind of state.

    Wow catrox! I never even considered this. Great insight!

  10. On ‎4‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 11:18 PM, RulerofallIsurvey said:

    You know, I didn't appreciate it at the time the episode aired, (because I didn't realize Sam's ribs were broken) but JP's posture really conveys a lot in that picture: the way his left hand is gripping his arm and his right hand is cupping his elbow. 

    The "rare woman's Henley? I have a bunch of woman's Henley's, that I got from L.L. Bean. But I like the article. Thanks RulerofallIisurvey!

    • Love 1
  11. Norman's legal problems get worse. Emma tends to family business while Dylan finds himself caught between his past and his future. Romero sets out to get revenge

    Can't believe it's the penultimate episode guys! I haven't been this sad for a series to end since Breaking Bad ended!

    • Love 4
  12. Happy Easter! I hope this day finds all of you well and happy! Love you guys!

    15 hours ago, rue721 said:

    So, you guys probably don't remember, but last week I mentioned hearing about a weird costume shop? My friend and I were finally able to stop in this afternoon. Wow, the girl who told me about it WAY undersold how weird it was. Too tired to tell the whole story right now -- about to fall into bed -- but wow. I am fine with weird but that place was WEIIIIIIIIIRD. The long and short of it, though, is that there was this one papermache half-mask I almost got (purely based on its creepy factor), but the damn thing was $30. So I have no haunted objects to report bringing home. Maybe next time.

    Please Rue, post later. I'm dying to hear this!

    • Love 3
  13. I've been thinking about this question since it was posted, but for the life of me, I don't know how I want it to end! I can think of tons of different ways, but none are very satisfying. I can't wait to see what they do! All I know is, we're in for one hell of a ride!

    • Love 1
  14. 8 hours ago, smorbie said:

    The thought made me smile.  But, then so did the thought of Romero's shooting Negan?  Is it possible I'm not the nice person I thought I was?

    Sorry, sweetie.  We're mixing universes, I know.  I hate it when people do that and I've just become a part of it.  

    Don't mind us; we're a bit crazed right now.  :))

    Heh! I was going to mention that Negan was John Winchester...

    • Love 2
  15. When the BMoL first broke into The Bunker, I thought it was just to get info on other American hunters, but it seems it was much more than that. Not quite sure what they're up to yet.

    As for our Boys being remembered: from TMATEOTB;

    Dean: This is the guy who decides our fate?

    Castiel: He isn't deciding anything. He's a mouthpiece – a conduit for the inspired word.
    Dean: The word? The word of god? What, like the new new testament?

    Castiel: One day, these books – they'll be known as the Winchester gospel.

    Cas said "One day", to me that suggests that in the future everyone will know who the Winchesters are. The books maybe only on line now, but one day they'll actually be part of the Bible! 

    • Love 3
  16. 1 hour ago, Wayward Son said:

    Goat dude! I love that nickname! We need to find a Lady Goat for him to hook up with, or as some users on here have already said revive Billy so they can be Billie Goat! 

    This made me laugh! Just goes to show that this show is still fun!

    • Love 3
  17. Good Chuck Rue721! How young are you?!

    Thank you Diane! I'm happy to know I'm not the only Donny lover! My girlfriends loved David Cassidy, and we had fights about who was cuter!

    Good times!

    • Love 2
  18. 13 hours ago, catrox14 said:

    IMO, Dabb chose Dean because he has memories of Mary from childhood, hence the focus on Dean being shown to think about her from his childhood pictures.

    I totally agree with this. In "The Road" when The Boys were in Heaven, one of Dean's fondest memories were of his Mom making him (a sandwich? I forget.), but he certainly had very fond memories of his Mom. He put his Mom on a pedestal, and now it's crumbling. That's a hard thing to face, even as an adult. I agree with catrox, their showing us Dean's disillusionment, and he's not handling it well.

    Edit to add, as usual, SueB said it so much better than I.

    • Love 2
  19. 3 hours ago, rue721 said:

    @DittyDotDot awesome story!

    Anybody else got a first album to share? I'd be curious about what everyone's was!

    With deep embarrassment, I will admit, *deep breath* mine was The Osmond Brothers. There, I said it.

    But to try to justify it, I was 10 and had a major crush on Donny Osmond. I was 10 guys! 10! I bought it on vinyl! I'm old...

    My brothers straightened me out right quick and in a hurry! Turned me on to The Stones and Zeppelin. The first CD I bought, was Kansas, "Point Of No Return" I was replacing my collection.

    • Love 4
  20. We spent the first part of this episode that the whole case was a set up for the BMoL to lure Sam and Dean out of the Bunker to kill them on a case. God I HATE this whole storyline! Can we please end them this season?

    I'm glad Commando Cody, that it hadn't occurred to you that Ketch didn't know Mary was back from the dead. I never thought of that either. Good catch, as always catrox!

    • Love 3
  21. Oh TripleD, that is one cool story! I can relate having five older brothers, and I can totally relate!

    Now I'm gonna go listen to that album!

    Thank you so much for sharing that memory with us! It's always really cool to read these stories from everyone here, and one of my favorite parts of being on,(what Mick calls) PreWoP!

    Did your Mom get into Def Leppard? ;)!

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