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Mick Lady

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Everything posted by Mick Lady

  1. Quoted you to get your attention! How are you holding up? I've been thinking about you and I'm concerned. Check in okay? Mick has been asking about you too. You have friends here lady, don't leave us worrying! Never cared for George Michael's music, but I respect the talent. I have had "Wake Me Up" as an ear worm for the last few days though!
  2. That sounds so wonderful! Have you kept ones from the past? I bet you have a blast reading them! What a fantastic memory journal to have!! I wish I had done the same...
  3. Would you share it? I know it's personal, so if you don't I understand, but I'd love to read it. On a happy note, one thing Mick gave me this Christmas was the DVD of "West Side Story" (I love old musicals!). When I called my sister Pat tonight, (she's in NJ, we're in Idaho) she immediately broke into the song, "The Jets", and we sang it together on the phone, it was so much fun! The play has a history for us, and it bought back some wonderful memories! SueB, your post made me think. I wish I could write, but it always comes out stilted. Maybe I'll give it a try tonight,, just because you inspired me!
  4. rue, what a fabulous gift! I'm sitting here looking at about 1000 LPs Mick and I have, but we don't have a turn table either. Now I'm gonna get one, it's about time! Your Mom is going to go nuts! You scored this year with a perfect gift for her. She's lucky to have such a thoughtful daughter!
  5. Okay guys, I'm starting it. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! I'm sorry, I'm just over the moon with happiness this year, but I know many of you are going through some tough times, and I honestly hurt for you all. I wish I could give all of you wonderful people a big hug, and comfort each and every one of you. Everyone here means so much to me, I hope you guys realized just how much I mean that! I'll say it anyway, I love you guys! Thank you for being here for me. I'll never forget it! This is a wonderful place, filled with exceptional people, and I'm humbled to be among you. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  6. God Damn it catrox! 2016 has sucked for you! Mick and I will be praying for you, and asking for 2017 to be your best year ever! But honestly catrox, it seems you just can't catch a break of late, and you're such a good person. You deserve better! I'm really pissed now...
  7. I agree! This morning we had "Ice Fog", now everything is covered with a coat of ice! The trees look nice though, our Weeping Birch is stunning! Just hope we don't lose power...
  8. Checking in...it stopped snowing, finally! Now it's twenty below, with wind chill factored in, and the roads are solid ice! As a result, Brenda and Don cancelled the "Ugly Sweater" party, too dangerous to drive. But I'll take a picture of our sweaters and post it. Anyone else experiencing this mess?
  9. Oh you bitch! There goes my night!
  10. 7kstar, you never fail to make me feel better. Thank you for your wisdom, and I mean that! I lived in NYC, so I have been reading about Trump for decades. He's a monster! I voted for Taarna, our Orange Lab. She ran on the "Couch Nap" platform. She's demonstrating now in fact! I wanted to add, I'm not one of the nuts that think the world is ending with this election, I just get so frustrated sometimes! But this is the Impala! Let's talk about how cute Dean is! catrox in 3, 2,1...
  11. Okay, last bitch about snow, I promise! I went to the food bank today. There was supposed to be ten of us, but only two showed up, because of the snow! So the three of us packed 417 boxes of food. I volunteered for three hours, but stayed six. I'm going back Sunday, but I hate the fact that many families in need won't be able to make it in. This work is very important to me, and I feel so badly for the families that are snowed in. I suggested we start a hotline for the stranded, so those of us with four wheel drive could deliver, but was told "We don't have the funding" What's it going to be like with Trump? I am so angry!! Good God I'm crying....
  12. Great news 7kstar! We'll say a prayer of thanks! I haven't been around because I'm pissed as hell! ALL it has done for three days is SNOW!! I have tons of stuff to do, and I have spent half my time cleaning off my truck, (because the garage, of course is for the Harleys!) and I want it to stop! I'm looking out the window now, and I see...snow. I know, what do I expect in northern Idaho, but at least in NYC they plowed! I know, not really a big problem, especially when I read 7kstar's posts and other problems you all are going through, but it's so annoying!
  13. Cartox in 3, 2, 1,.....late again, but you guys NEVER let me down!!
  14. You got it 7kstar! Mick and I will both pray, but I'll put Taarna on it too. Don't laugh, when I was diagnosed with cancer, she told me she had a direct line to "All the Puppies in Heaven", and she did! I'm not making light, there is no purer heart than the heart of a dog, they've been called "Soul Savers" Please keep us updated, I care so much about you guys! You were there for me, and I want to do the same for all of you. Please tell your Dad I said "Hi!" and will be thinking of him. Mick just asked me to give your Dad his best too.
  15. Awesom, I quoted so you'd catch this. Are you writing? I lost your bookmark, so could you let me know? Thanks!
  16. Oh I am so happy! I know how dedicated you are to your students and how much you genuinely care for them. I'm not at all surprised you're his favorite. I'll say a prayer of thanks, and if you can, tell him there's a lady you know on the internet that's thrilled for him! On a lighter note, been thinking about your play. Do you film them by any chance? I'd love a copy! But again 7kstar, I'm so happy for you and your student!
  17. Oh, I love it! With Supernatural moved to Thursday, it fills the void nicely!
  18. Couldn't get into There Will Be Blood, but the others ROCK! I particularly loved Juno, but No Country is one of my top five. Loved the book! Oh I will! Thanks for the ideas though, and it's been so nice getting to know you Diane!
  19. Hey Diane, I love JCP! It's one of the many places I miss since retiring from NYC to rural (and I mean rural!) Idaho. There's a JCP about 50 miles from here, but I think I'll check their web site. Thanks for the tip!
  20. Livin' up to your screen name Awesom! Just checked the site and I'm going back now. I'll let you know what I get. Thank you!!!
  21. Okay, now I have a question for you all. Mick and I got an invitation to a Christmas party. Price of admission? Ugly Christmas sweater! Know any websites, or actual sweaters? There's a prize involved, and I want to win!
  22. Oh my God 7kstar, that sounds like a blast! I'd love to see it!
  23. SueB nailed it! Catrox, you have to have pie! You're Dean's best girl! Hell, I would have mailed you one!
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