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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. Eric makes his finale meal for the Washington Post and talks about his upcoming ventures: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/voraciously/wp/2019/03/26/the-top-chef-judges-didnt-eat-eric-adjepongs-finale-meal-this-is-what-it-tastes-like/?utm_term=.a6e038982965
  2. Like the villains on Scooby Doo?
  3. She's like a cartoon villain to me now.
  4. I could stand to see Rick, Chris, or Aubrey come back and exact revenge!
  5. Especially one who is so lame in challenges! Maybe you could use irony air-quotes when you refer to him. 🙂
  6. OMG, I love Reem glaring her death stare at them! Never change, Reem.
  7. Dale's tweets (if not red herrings) seem to imply that someone gets back in the game from EOE by sheer luck -- like maybe a random draw? P.S. Dale is an idiot.
  8. Yeah, she seems to approach the whole thing like it's some kind of wacky vacation she gets to take.
  9. Sometimes when you're very hungry any food at all can make you queasy, so that might be it. OTOH, plain white rice givs me terrible heartburn/acid reflux and I never have it with any other food or any other problems eating otherwise. Even brown rice is OK. No idea why.
  10. It's not so much that she didn't want to eat the chickens, which is absolutely her prerogative. It's that she actively tried to prevent everyone else from eating the chickens. Having said that, I like her too, on TV anyway, and would probably find her too exasperating in real life.
  11. Yeah that sucks. I think they should keep their power.
  12. If Dan is a wardog, Wendy always looked like a eager little puppy to me -- I mean her facial expressions always made her look full of innocent wonder and eager to please. I find that a little off-putting in an adult woman, but YMMV. I did love how JP let her hug him, but then say, "OK, get outta here." Like some curmudgeonly uncle.
  13. More like Mommy Dearest. Thankfully there are no wire hangers on EoE. 🙂
  14. A trapeze instructor once told me that girls in the age range of 9-11 (ok, not six), have one of the greatest strength-to-size ratios of any age -- that is to say, they are very strong for their weight/height and remarkably good at trapeze. Don't these tribes have a conversation like: who can swim? who can throw? who can do puzzles? I mean, if you don't do that on day one, wouldn't you at least do it in the "I'll give you a minute to strategize" that Jeff always gives? I did not remember that Wentworth was so bad at challenges, but perhaps she is just starving this time around? Even actually starving Lauren has more power. And to be completely shallow, Lauren really has such a beautiful body. Re: Reem -- a lot of us wonder about the first boots, what they would be like if they really had a chance to stay. Some have even proposed a season of all first-boots. Well, she is providing what I like to call "confirmation of the break up" -- that's when you run into the ex-boyfriend you've been pining for, and he's the same dumb asshole as ever, and you are able to finally let go. Reem is weekly proving why she was voted out. How can someone be so consistently sour? It must be exhausting, unless she is now subsisting on bile, like a devil. I loved Rick figuring out all those maps, even if he didn't find the advantage. He's not only smart but managing to keep a decent frame of mind on the Island of the Wretched Misfit Toys.
  15. People need to get over themselves with this "role model" business. It's up to other people whether they see you as a role model and want to emulate you. It's not up to you to decide that people should emulate you.
  16. I love it when you guys describe a previous contestant so specifically and my brain is all......<crickets>. I think there's a part of my brain devoted to Survivor that is like a white board that just keeps getting erased. 🙂
  17. Yup. These days, "blindside" = someone getting voted off.
  18. She also is acting like she's being held hostage against her will. So far (that we've seen) Chris is the only one who seems to view EoE as an opportunity.
  19. It would be awesome if the boat pulled up and someone was grilling burgers on it. Great way to thin the herd!
  20. No I think that just signals for a boat to come. Whoever raises the sail goes.
  21. Wardog (Dan?): has those kind of ball-bearing eyes, where the pupil seems to be dilated all the way, all the time. Like he's always in fight-or-flight mode. Makes me uneasy. Wendy: the chickens hate you for forcing them out of their shelter to suffer in the cold rainy night. Nice work there. I'm glad it made you dance with glee. David: continues to amaze with his staying power and UTR-ness. Reem: man, that chick is hard-core. I'm really amused and amazed seeing someone like that, so unabashedly sour. Not that I'd want to live with her or anything. Ron Burgundy (sorry don't know his name): I'm sorry you got voted out, I liked you. Maybe you'll bring some levity to the Island of Perpetual Misery.
  22. No, you eat the entire pomegranate seed.
  23. She has grown on me too and also seems strangely familiar to me, like someone I've worked with a long time, she bugs from time to time, but everyone is really fond of her. I found her interactions with her mother to be very endearing, like saying how she feeds her parents every night at her restaurant. It made me understand and appreciate her a little better. Having said that, I kind of am hoping for an Eric/Kelsey final showdown. Kelsey seems to be the smartest when it comes to figuring out how to deliver on all of Top Chef's weird briefs while always delivering delicious food, and Eric is really cooking from his soul every time (and gently educating TC judges and fans). He also won me over when he took off his apron to sit down at the table. Boy has table manners...unlike the rest of them!
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