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Everything posted by Clemgo3165

  1. I've read interviews with him before and he comes off as a totally self-absorbed &sshole. But then someone earlier had seen him on the View and loved him. Who knows.
  2. Rayna has had a tremendous career, has toured before and done publicity for her work while getting back to Nashville regularly to be with her girls, all without sublimating herself or her career. Even while she was still married to Teddy and he wasn't the Mayor of a large city. The difference for me this time is that she's decided to take virtually an entire year away from her family at a time when her children desperately need her. Touring has to be done in other cities, yes, but it can be scheduled in a way that allows the performer to be at home once a week or so, she can have the girls out to a venue and have the focus on them until showtime (as she did in the 1st season), and publicity does not have to be done on site, it can be done from a studio in Nashville while the girls are in school, you can even film commercials there. For me, it's not that she's trying to have this hugely successful career, but that we're seeing her going about it in a way that really puts a burden on her family, one that wasn't there before. For me, Luke's parenting is not well regarded because we've only seen him actually parenting once, after the release of the video. The rest of the time we've seen him buying expensive gifts for the kids and not really having much of a relationship with his daughter. And he stayed at Rayna's after this incident rather than going to his ex-wife's house to deal with Colt. He could very easily have come back after he'd had a chat with his son. I'm going to disagree with this. I think now is exactly the time to have this conversation. It can be edited in a way that a 14-year-old would be able to take in, but given that she was caught with alcohol in the house this week, it seems like the perfect time to identify the risks of using/abusing alcohol and how they might be more extreme for her given her family history. She'd be better off having that depressing talk now rather than when she's regularly attending AA meetings.
  3. LOL Airwair! I'd rather it come naturally as well, but if a serious illness gets them talking again, then I guess I can go with it - I'd just rather it not be alcohol-related. I would just soooo like to see Rayna come down off the high horse she's been on for the last year.
  4. For some reason, I wasn't that bothered by that. Teddy and Rayna are the custodial parents so it falls to them to make the decisions on punishments. That said, I would have liked to have seen Deacon brought into the loop about their decision before they headed upstairs. It's on him to support those decisions when she's in his care, but he can't do that unless they're all communicating. I'd love to see him go to court to settle on some kind of formal visitation plan. We've seen them becoming closer this season and he's reprimanded her about her attitude and now about the party, but he has yet to really have to directly punish her for something. With a more formal situation some of that responsibility would naturally fall to him. Maybe when Teddy's hooker pics come out?
  5. "All true, but it's the adults who would know that, not Daphne or even Maddie, really. I can see why the adults would be afraid (which they didn't actually seem to be), but the kids don't have that experience" Deacon did tell her that it was dangerous and that it made them worry. Would like to see a talk with Maddie and Deacon about the dangers of playing around with alcohol.
  6. Like the part where she was the one actually driving the car? They always seem to overlook that.
  7. This, exactly this. That, and I think Callie was really enamored with Will Chase/Luke Wheeler, so whatever reconciliation story might have been there got shelved.
  8. She's really lying to herself, big time. Wonder what, if anything, will force her to come clean? Or will we just find out that Luke's a jerk and have Rayna go back to being everybody's queen without batting an eye?
  9. They knew pretty much from the outset that Maddie was Deacon's. That's what the paternity test was for, the one Maddie found in the strongbox in the bedroom closet that tipped her off.
  10. Let me add my agreement with this too. Way too many extraneous characters have been given frontline status on the show. The headliners were Rayna and Juliette with the other characters revolving around them. Now we have all of the mess with Gunnar and Zoe and Micah and Kiley and Layla, etc., which really takes away from the show's core. They should have stuck with Gunnar and Scarlett singing and writing together as the up-and-coming artists regardless of whether they were together romantically. Liked the addition of Will, but would like to see a more realistic portrayal of a closeted gay country singer. And I liked the development of Hwy 65 and Juliette and Rayna joining together, but we never see them conducting business, rarely see Rayna actually recruiting new talent, and Jeff is so poorly written, he might as well be twirling his mustache. It'd be so much better if he was real person, not just someone so clearly "evil." Would love to see Rayna butting heads with him in a real bidding war for an artist. Doesn't she have a producing credit this season? Losing T. Bone Burnett has had an impact too, I think. There's been too little music on the show and so much of it has been played in the background rather than front and center. I miss the days of listening to Scarlett and Gunnar, Deacon and Juliette, etc. work out the lyrics of a song and then get to play it in full (or mostly). Rayna, Luke and Deacon are touring, but we've only heard tiny snippets of music from them. And no closing montages. Has their budget been cut so much that they can't buy songs? Surely they could work out some kind of promotional deal with the artists who write them? Rayna, Deacon, Juliette, and the music were what pulled me in. I stay for Deacon and Maddie and the hope that things will get better.
  11. I think she's due in December and they're filming 3.10 right now.
  12. I guess that's what it comes down to. If the line had been just a bit different, or if she'd put her hand on his elbow or bicep when she said it, it might have come off differently for me. I wasn't really even sure of Deacon's reaction, he just seemed wide-eyed to me and I couldn't read it. Usually Chip does a great job at conveying emotion, but this one confused me. I swear I've watched this scene 10 times and I still don't get it.
  13. Good point, but I wonder where she could go with that that would still convey the intimacy of the relationship she and Deacon have built. "Deacon" isn't going to cut it anymore, maybe "Pop." I feel for her though, everything's been turned on its head and she doesn't know which end is up. She said that, but then when they were with Maddie in her room she told Maddie that the party wouldn't have happened if she'd been there. Making it seem to Teddy (and to me) that she WAS blaming him for it. Oh no! It was a great song and set off a wonderful jam session with the rest of the musicians in the crew. Luke was ticked as can be. You should watch it once, at least, Pam just sang back up. Did anybody else notice how quickly Sadie shut her laptop when Rayna came to sit down beside her? This was after Bucky had come in and they were rehashing the social media comments about "Ruke's" noms coming in part because of their engagement. I only shut my computer that fast when I don't want anyone else to see what I'm doing.
  14. I totally laughed at that last night. WHO needs to be earning back trust Rayna??? Maddie's a kid, you're a grown woman.
  15. While Teddy may come out better for being the parent who's there, his leaving his kids at the last minute knowing full well that Maddie had plans with Colt is a problem to me. He pretty much lied to everyone saying he had a last minute appointment - never mentioning the part where he was on what seemed like a date. Couldn't he have asked to reschedule for a night we he didn't have the girls or a time when Maddie wouldn't have to drag her 10-year-old sister out with her older friends? Why did Luke stay at the house once it was established that Colt was with his Mom? Shouldn't he have been with his own kid? He could have come back to Rayna's later once all the punishments had been meted out.
  16. Yep, they all come in different pastel colors and are totally yummy. But sugar buzz city afterwards!
  17. It depends on what your tradition is. I'm a northern Catholic by birth, most of the receptions I went to as a kid were full out - full bar, full meal, money dances, big checks being passed to the couple, etc. Then I moved south and wound up at a Methodist college and believe me, the spread Jill put out for her guests was a veritable feast compared to some of the weddings I've been to here. The afternoon weddings I've been to have cake, punch with 7-up, cookies and those little mints that somebody's Mom makes using candy molds. If you're lucky there may be some peanuts and pretzels. So it may not be YOUR tradition, but it IS the tradition in some places.
  18. I don't think so - or if he does he never let on or was congratulated last night. Her name was alone under the song title in the nominations, but I don't think Gunnar's name was mentioned either. Just read on the NashvilleWrites twitter that the scene between Rayna and Deacon last night was supposed to be sweet and that those of us who are members of TeamDeacon should "Take It!" First of all, writers shouldn't be twitter yelling at the fans, and second, it seems like there are bigger issues when so many people didn't get the "sweet" vibe from that scene.
  19. "I didn't get that Rayna was being sarcastic or condescending, when she told deacon, it was nice of him to come. Her smile was genuine and there was no snarky edge to her voice." I've watched a few times and I still don't get genuine. I'm getting the Southern dismissal. Throw some sugar on it with a smile that doesn't reach the eyes, and then go chew out the Help for letting him in in the first place. Maybe its the line that's the problem. He shows up after Maddie threw a party with alcohol involved and he gets "nice of you to come" rather than a "thanks so much for coming, here's what we're going to do?" "Scarlett washed his clothes and cooked him a meal, but she served him the plate of food outside!." THIS. And it would have killed her to use a real plate and silverware, maybe offer him a shower while his clothes were washing after he'd done the gutters?
  20. "Also, didn't Gunner write "Ball and Chain"? Shouldn't he have been nominated?" I thought the same thing, and didn't Deacon co-write "This Time?"
  21. Liked that Rayna took some steps to separate herself from"Ruke." Hated her saying to Maddie that the party wouldn't have happened if she'd been around (sure...) and her comment to Deacon, "nice of you to come" said with all the snark she could muster. He surely didn't deserve that. Loved the Deacon and Maddie scene, they really are so sweet and loving toward each other. Avery, get your head out of your ass. You've done the very same thing that she did, let it go. Knew Teddy's girl was an escort and can't believe he has so little self control that he ended up calling her. Wonder when Jeff's pics will show up? Luke really is an insecure cuss, isn't he? So threatened by Deacon getting some attention for a new song. He knows he's all smoke and mirrors and marketing. Pam still looks like she's been rode hard, but she was so right to call out Deacon for phoning in his performances. Zoey and Gunnar can leave my screen anytime, unless they want to put him back singing with Scarlett. Will and Layla are headed for a serious meltdown. i swear Layla is mentally ill, that or the writers have no clue about consistency. Nice to finally see Deacon singing again and Sara Evans earned herself a fan tonight, she even managed to make Will sound good.
  22. For me, anybody but Will on the song. Hate that they're continuing to try to sell us on "Ruke" even through the Christmas album. I'll buy a couple of songs, but they can count me out of album sales.
  23. Isn't Derick the one who put himself through college, landing with a degree and debt-free? And then spent two years on a mission halfway across the world? He seems pretty determined to me, he's just not aggressive about it. Frankly I think Jill won the husband-material lottery with him.
  24. She was Momma D, I'm assuming for for Momma Duggar.
  25. The kind of person who witnessed him drinking himself into oblivion and the person who suffered through most of the fallout of those years. I think it would be diificult for anyone in that situation. I do think there are some in the audience who are quite judgmental, just think of the reaction from them when Michelle Obama was on for a few seconds last season. Whether we like it or not, there are a lot of people out there who won't hesitate to blame the alcoholic for their cirrhosis, or the fat person for their heart ailment, or the smoker for their lung cancer, regardless of the fact that non drinkers also get cirrhosis, and skinny people have heart attacks, and non smokers die of lung cancer every day. I'm not saying that its right, but I do think its real and I'd hate to see that come down on Deacon with everything else he's been through.
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