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Posts posted by kdm07

  1. - My timeline cheered when Connor got punched (the first time). He's had that coming for a long time now.

    - Pressed the ff button during all the brightly lit Wes scenes. Once the Annalise one finished and didn't really hold my interest, I realised I didn't care about the rest.

    - The show has to give Michaela a break here and finally give her a good boyfriend because Asher isn't the answer.

    - Laurel started to get less interesting when she caught feelings for Wes as if being around him made her just as lacklustre as him. Not sure what they'll do with this baby business.

    - Bonnie and Annalise are in similar positions, emotionally. Alone, afraid and unsure.

  2. Saw it on Saturday night and really enjoyed it. The three leads were brilliant and hearing that the film finished in first this weekend made me smile.

    Echoing others in here, how many more stories of black women currently sit untold while we get millions of stories about white men smh?

    • Love 9
  3. I guess I'll go against the grain here and say I flat-out did not like any of the crossover episodes. Any of them. Reading the article previously linked about the scenes they left out makes me think that they left all the good stuff on the floor and put the average to bad stuff on my screen.

    - You bring over Supergirl and have her doing nothing but a few action shots here and there for the most part (bleh) and Oliver's excuse for not having her feature in this episode? I'm gonna call that a whole lot of nonsense.

    - What's with side-lining the Legends on their own show? Ending with Barry and Oliver made it seem like this was a very special episode of the Flash with other characters popping in now and then.

    - And speaking of side-lining characters, the Wests and Thea disappeared as well.

    - Echo the sentiment above of why do we have a Nate? I'm slowly beginning to get annoyed by his existence with each episode of Legends.

    I have more thoughts but I don't want to go on a rant. I honestly expected more from all four shows considering how much they hyped up this crossover event. Shame on me for expecting them to give us more character beats than Oliver and Barry's friendship, which is great, but not what I wanted the majority of this crossover to be about.


    EDIT: just saw @Humbugged's response about Supergirl and I'm still unimpressed at how little they used Supergirl.

    • Love 5
  4. - When you have Kara & Lena together and then force feed me Kara & Mon-El, I can't help but draw comparisons. Right now. there's no competition on which pairing has the better chemistry. Whoever's writing the Kara/Lena scenes needs to be transferred over to writing Kara/Mon-El for me to ever accept this silly romance.

    - No Guardian. Cool with that.

    - Alex got the girl!

    - I'm looking forward to the Kara/Oliver and Kara/Sara interactions during the crossover weeks. Kara's optimism against Oliver's brooding should be hilarious.

    • Love 7
  5. 2 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

    I didn't take that sequence as that there was any sort of taboo, no. To me it seemed like M'gann's hesitation was just about her knowing that J'onn would probably rather die than accept help from a White Martian.

    The camera focused on his ring though and brought her into the shot looking at the ring. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have done that if it wasn't significant.

  6. 2 minutes ago, wevel said:

    Quick question: I thought alcohol doesn't affect Kryptonians - what was Kara drinking at that bar that actually made her drunk?

    Alien beer. Ten times as strong as Earth beer ;)

    • Love 5
  7. - Still not feeling Mon-El or Jimmy the Guardian. (I feel like I'm going to be saying this every week from here on out. They better not be making them Supergirl's version of Laurel Lance ie. a character forced upon us come hell or high water. I quit Arrow because of her. Don't make me quit Supergirl, writers.)

    - The Danvers sisters are the best thing about this show and should always, always be highlighted. Stop shifting focus to the two dudes and stay with the sisters, please!

    - Poor Alex. Heartbreak is never easy. I think Maggie does like her but she's also being considerate in wanting Alex to figure things out on her own first before deciding she wants to be with Maggie. Still, poor Alex :(

    - So M’gann was interested in J'onn after all? Or is there some martian tradition that says you can't share blood with someone else if you're married?

    • Love 9
  8. 52 minutes ago, Goatherd said:

    At last the big reveal: Dolores is Legolas!


    I'm so glad I stuck with this show. That second half of this episode was like a slow crescendo of thrilling/creepy discovery.

    • Love 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Izeinwinter said:

    ... Lena wasn't using supergirl as bait. She was using herself and the collected one percenters of the city for that. That fundraiser being attacked wasn't because Supergirl would be there, it was attacked because Lena arranged a juicy target. She even told supergirl she was expecting an attack, so she was using Kara as muscle.  With her consent. 

    .. I am however, getting the distinct impression Lena Luthor never does anything that doesn't serve at least 3 purposes. She threw a party with herself as bait.

    The same party is then an excellent opportunity to impress a cute girl. Because stopping a crime rampage is obviously the way to Kara's heart, right? That's the sort of thing superheroes go for? So it's a trap and a date!

    That's not enough. Noo. It's also an excellent opportunity to troll Kara over her double identity, because much as she want's to hit that, she's not going to take being lied to lying down, so she invites Kara on the date.. Twice. In both her identities. 

    Also, during this day, she scoped out her residence, and her place of work, and at some point, somehow figured out one of Kara's favorite foods and put it on the darn menu. You don't seriously think it was accidental a fancy fundraiser serves pot-stickers? 

    She also met the family already...the look on her face before she found out that Alex was Kara's sister was interesting. I don't know if they're purposely playing up the "Lena has a crush" thing but it's amusing to watch.

    • Love 3
  10. Remind me again why I'm supposed to be rooting for Mon-El? Nothing so far has made me want to know more about him and I echo the sentiment about douchey frat boy behaviour. It's NOT a good look and I wish all the CW shows would stop pushing the angle that it is.

    2 hours ago, stealinghome said:

    Did Lena just ask Kara on a date? And then stalk her at home??? Goodness. Kara, marry the woman NOW and refuse a prenup and get rich! 

    Lol, refuse a prenup! @stealinghome that's a brilliant idea for Kara. She wouldn't have to worry about her grocery bills ever again. Oh and Lena would also be able to fix any electrical appliances in the house too. (Her geeking out with Winn was a good little moment in the episode).

    Season 2 James/Jimmy Olsen is what happens when you have an actor on board with a high billing but don't know what to do with them. See: Laurel Lance on Arrow for the first two seasons.

    So Cadmus is Mama Luthor? Or run by Mama Luthor? Okay then.

    And yes, they're speeding through this Alex/Maggie stuff. I'm hoping that they slow down a little but on this front because the rush is making it seem incredibly forced.

    • Love 3
  11. 8 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

    Weren't patronizing?  Sure they tried but they tried soooooo badly.  

    Considering how badly most shows handle this type of material, not patronizing is fine by me. I was prepared for worse tbh

    • Love 1
  12. - I never wanted Owen and Amelia to get married and I'm still hoping they get divorced. They are so wrong for each other and it's glaring.

    - I liked the new doctor/consultant lady until she nicked the artery. There was no need for that. As for her personality...I'll wait for a few more episodes before judging.

    - Bailey, stop being chicken and tell Richard the truth!

    • Love 1
  13. This time around, I was less focused on the timeline stuff. I came into this episode thinking I was going to be really frustrated with how they dealt with the slavery plot line but all things considered, they at least weren't patronising and that last scene with Jax & Stein was really well done.

    Uh...what else happened? Yes, zombies! Even in the 1800s we can't escape the influence of TWD. 

    • Love 3
  14. The only one I'm rooting for right now is Blue (and maybe Darla if she's serious about getting her life back together again).

    I said it right from the start but Nova is the height of hypocrisy. In a way, she reminds me of the social justice warriors on Tumblr who tend to see things their way and feel like that's the only way things should be done. They also tend to use that as a tool to be exempt from any and all criticism. Note: not all are like that but a large portion of them are.

    Charley was wrong for bringing up the affair but I understand why she doesn't want Micah to stay with Nova. Now that we know she was the product of an affair, I see why she takes marriage so seriously.

    Aunt Vi, give Hollywood another chance!

    • Love 1
  15. 6 hours ago, regularlyleaded said:

    Final note - Please, Show, don't make Lena evil. Please, please, please, please. please. I like her like this and/or absolutely okay with her being a grey hat, but not evil.  Please?

    Everyone else has already touched on things I wanted to say about this episode so I just want to second this statement and add a few more please(s) to it. Keep her as a ruthless businesswoman but don't let her become a moustache-twirling villain like her brother has been portrayed (sometimes) to be.

    • Love 6
  16. On 10/26/2016 at 3:28 PM, DigitalCount said:

    Everyone has covered the deep end parts of the episode, so I'll be over here in the shallow end. As long as Katie McGrath is on this show, I'll be watching it, accent slips and all. (In her defense, it's much better this episode than it was the last time, where she was going full-on OOH CURSES ME LUCKY CHARMS.) I also love how the Tess Mercer overt sexuality legacy lives on. I couldn't get Tess/Lois in Smallville (to the chagrin of both me and Cassidy Freeman) and I probably won't get Kara/Lena here, but a man can dream.

    *clears throat* She's a big reason why I returned for Season 2 *clears throat again*

    Also, why couldn't they have just let her keep her accent? She's adopted so they could've used that as an excuse.

    • Love 1
  17. 12 hours ago, Starscream said:

    It bothers me that Alex has become the hospital saint to everybody this season while still showing no apparent remorse for what he did.  Although it seems weird to see DeLuca be all, "he's the bad guy" while Alex has become more decent than he's ever been.

    It's really bothering me too. He was right about the patient but the way he went about it was all sorts of wrong. Bailey was right, he's on thin ice and acting like the Chief of Surgery should be running to him because he paged her was incredibly entitled. He keeps forgetting that anyone else in Bailey's position i.e. a Chief of Surgery who hadn't mentored him, would have suspended him until a verdict had been reached (yes I know the other attendings have been reckless and should've been suspended too). Bailey gave him a huge break by putting him in the clinic and he barely ever acts like he appreciates it. I doubt the show will address this because it looks like they're determined to redeem him in this way.

    That being said, his scene with Amelia was very well done.

    Murphy is an...interesting choice to bring back. I'm not sure what they plan to do with her.

    • Love 1
  18. Some really good lines in this episode:

    "Sounds like you're having performance issues."

    "League of Assassins, Class of '09. Don't take it easy on me."

    "I designed it so that an idiot can use it."
    "An idiot does."

    "Tell that to Chuck Norris."
    "Who's that?"
    "And I'm the idiot!"

    • Love 3
  19. 3 minutes ago, Aldo Alvarez said:

    I think she's a White Martian.  This is not at all good since White Martians are historically some of the worst baddies in the Justice League canon.

    Thanks! Off to Wiki to find out more about White Martians.

  20. 1 hour ago, stealinghome said:

    First: Alex/Maggie is ON LIKE DONKEY KONG. Get it, Alex (and Maggie, as Maggie already had Alex’s number after like thirty seconds together!)! I thought Floriana Lima and Chyler Leigh had solid chemistry. Leigh was doing more heavy lifting in their scenes together but you know, as long as Lima can play well off Leigh like she did tonight, that’s really all they need, as Leigh is so good. So. They laid Maggie on a little too thick in the first bar scene, but otherwise I thought they introduced the character well.

    My sister and I had the same thoughts. We ARE supposed to be shipping them right? According to spoilers/spec there will be a LGBTQ character this season so it has to be Alex now no? (Sorry, I'm behind on my Supergirl press releases so if this has been announced already, ignore me).

    1 hour ago, ActualSize said:

    I know the Wonder Woman references were flying - and really fun! - but did anyone else get a demon bar vibe? I almost expected Willy to be behind the counter serving drinks and snitching.

    I got some serious Buffy flashbacks there too.

    1 hour ago, Chris24601 said:

    JamesJimmy (man-children don't get to be called James) was especially annoying with his "I rewrote your work not for actual merit but because you were mean to my friend."

    They need to find something to do with Jimmy Olsen. He's about as interesting as a cardboard cutout right now and trying to add layers to him by making him act petty to his employees isn't endearing him to me.

    31 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Man, I'm totally on Snapper's side too. He's trying to teach Kara about being a reporter in a way that may not appeal to many and it may seem rude, but he's just trying to get her to learn. She has never done any reporting before. She has no experience, so if she's stuck with Snapper now, he has to teach her to be good so she doesn't make him look bad. So Jimmy can sit down and shut up, especially since he is still learning to be Cat's replacement.

    Lena/Kara would be such an interesting couple. You know, show, you can have more than one LGBTQ character. 

    Mon-El is pretty boring overall, but his occasional snark was ok. I'm not feeling Mon-El/Supergirl, though. Hopefully the show slows down on the pairing and they read the reactions to them before doing anything.

    Miss Martian! I liked her entrance! 

    This was definitely better than the last episode, but not as good as the premiere for me. Although I loved the President Alien reveal. 

    - Snapper was right and I wish the show hadn't made it seem like he was in the wrong through Jimmy Olsen.

    - I don't know about Lena/Kara but Katie McGrath tends to have chemistry with everyone she shares the screen with (remembers all those Merlin episodes from way back when).

    - What does it say about this show that the only time the male characters actually shine is when they're not Kara's love interests? Nothing about Mon-El made me want to know more about him. He had the standard CW good looking, sort-of-a-jerk-but-really-has-a-good-heart-underneath-it-all vibe that most of their male heroes seem to get (see: Damon from TVD, Bellamy from The 100 etc to name a few). Maybe he'll improve as the season goes on (hopefully).

    - Any of our resident knowledgeable comic posters know which alien the President is?

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