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Posts posted by kdm07

  1. 36 minutes ago, DesertCyclist said:

    My money's on a transfusion.

    Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner.


    See: the promo for Part 2. Clarke sitting on Lexa's throne (hello future ultimate Commander) and there's a few wires hanging to her right.

    • Love 1
  2. - Please don't actually let Amelia marry Owen. I don't care if it's at the altar, let her come to her senses before it's too late.

    - Speaking of Amelia, Meredith needs to sort out whatever issues she has with her. It's becoming stupid now.

    - Arizona is still a much better person than me. I wouldn't have been as nice the first time Callie asked and that put down has been coming for a long, long time. It's time you actually face the consequences of your impulsive actions Callie.

    - I have never liked Penny but going to New York is probably the best thing she could do for herself.

    - Count me in as another who thinks Jo is already married.

    - Ben & Bailey are ridiculous and quite frankly, boring now.

    - Poor Fez. I was hoping he would make it.

    • Love 4
  3. 2 hours ago, RCharter said:

    She looks amazingly young for 29.  He looks 34 to me, she looks 16-18.  She got those good genes!

    The humor in that is that homegirl on the oil rig got shot once in the shoulder....and died from something that looked like a flesh wound.  Almost everyone else has suffered worse injuries and lived to tell the tale.

    Bullets are the only thing that seem to keep a character dead in this show. That and explosions lol. Most other types of injuries barely seem to register after an episode or so. Raven is the only one who's still suffering long-term effects of an injury.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Timetoread said:

    Ok, I had to stop reading.  I thought this was the NO BOOK talk.  Can you people PLEASE stop spoiling the show by revealing Jon Snow's parentage?  It's driving me crazy!

    Just a couple of things before I drop the mike on this spoilerific forum: 

    I'm tired of them killing the direwolves.  At this point I'm only in it for the direwolves and the dragons.  Show stop killing the best actors. 

    I'm tired of Ramsey.  He is not at all entertaining and we have had like three whole seasons of this schmuck.  Enough already, we get it.  He's mean.  Kill him or I kill my viewership. 

    I'm tired of Sam and Gilly.  Yes they are sweet but they aren't contenders for the throne so I don't care.  Also, I'm tired of vomit on camera.  When did toilet matters become entertainment? Do we get to next see somebody with a bought of diarrhea with brown spurts coming from their butts?  Just stop.

    I'm tired of Dany walking through the desert.  She has three dragons that can fly.  Hop on one and make it to wherever the hell you're going.  We are in the fourth season of Dany in the desert.  Also tired the supposed take downs of Dany.  Why does she have to be humbled?  In addition to being a Khal widow, she honestly DOES have an army, a city or two and is mother to dragons and is the daughter of the previous king.  She's not making up those titles - so why the disrespect?  Meanwhile Jon is supposed to conquer the world holding the title of Stark bastard and Lord Commander of the Land of Misfit Toys.  Misogyny is alive and well.

    The only good about the whole episode was Varys and Tyrion actually PLAYING the Game of Thrones.  They are riveting!

    Peace!  I'm out.  The show is bad enough without being spoiled on every single actual surprise.

    Apart from the spoilers stuff I'm with you 100% here.

    - Get rid of Ramsay show, we don't like him at all and he's not even entertaining in a Joffrey sort of way so why are we still giving him so much screen time? Give it to someone else!

    - Unless Sam eventually ends up with the Iron Throne, I don't really care about his story either.

    - I've spoken before about Dany's seemingly circular storyline. It's beginning to grate. Get those dragons and their mother to Westeros please. We know they'll be needed against the White Walkers so can we have some progression on that front?

    - Nothing more to add about Jon Snow that I haven't already posted. Handsome underdog story who gets to save everyone isn't my thing and unless his resurrection has actually permanently changed something in him (which, I concede may pop up in the future) then he still holds barely any interest for me.

    - No Dorne this week which is fine. They've completely botched that particular House so the less we visit them the better.

    • Love 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Jel said:

    I think I am one of the few here who really likes this show, but I have to say that confounded me, too.

    I like it too! We can form a little group in the corner somewhere :) I do however, get incredibly frustrated with Madison's fervent need to keep her kids out of the loop. Daniel is right, they're not kids any more so let them get involved Maddie! Otherwise they make dumb mistakes like Alicia has continued to do.

    • Love 7
  6. 2 hours ago, Mama No Life said:

    Loved this show fiercely until Will died, and then stopped watching.  Heard tonight was the finale so I turned it on.....what dreck! The only thing worth seeing was my sweet Will.....I take it he hasn't been doing this often, lol? 

    What a waste of chemistry letting those two fall by the wayside. Willalicia forever!

    I carried on a little bit longer but stopped somewhere in Season 6? (When the whole Kalinda/Lemond Bishop stuff started up again) I wanted closure so I came back for the finale and...

    2 hours ago, Inquisitionist said:


    ...is the perfect response to it all.

    • Love 2
  7. 19 hours ago, Lillith said:

    I don't know what it is but Dany and her storyline just never quite engages me fully.  It should but it never quite does.  But I am curious what next week holds in store for her. 

    I feel exactly the same way but with Jon Snow. From the minute we met him until now, I found his scenes boring and have started to ffwd through them. The most I've ever liked him was when he has fighting with the White Walker King. Everything else (including his "death" which was pretty obviously not going to stick) just hasn't caught my interest at all.


    Some of the best acting on this show is wordless. I love the look that comes over Dany's face when she's told all the Khalasars will come together to decide which cities get sacked. She's like, "opportunity!" Let's see . . . let's go with Yunkai, Astapor, Volantis? There's a way to play this. . .

    It would be the smartest thing she's done in a long, long time.

    I enjoyed Tyrion's chat with Missandei and Grey Worm. Some much needed humour on this show. Varys also continues to be quite the puppeteer, no matter where he is.

    Hopefully Lady Tyrell can free her grand daughter now before the High Sparrow wears her down.

    Ser Dayne was right, that was the beginning of everything.

    • Love 5
  8. 1 minute ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

    Was that a different pregnant lady than was on the Abigail last episode ?  Because she certainly looked different.

    I'm pretty sure it's the same one. She left with the others last week IIRC. 

    • Love 1
  9. - That looked like a really good steak. No wonder why the pregnant lady stole it.

    - So that's how the pirates knew all of their names. Guess the plane lady wanted revenge any way she could get it.

    - Madison should let Daniel make most of their plans. He's ruthless but he's smart.

    - Did Lover Boy really think Alicia would just throw up deuces to her family and join up with him? He's not as smart as he thinks he is.

    • Love 5
  10. As a lifelong Liverpool fan, Hillsborough is something you never forget even if you aren't from the Liverpool area. I'm glad the jury left absolutely no doubt in their verdict. The 96, the other supporters there that day and their families deserved no less than that kind of ruling.

    It'll be interesting to see who will face criminal charges. I hope there's some way to charge Kevin MacKenzie (former editor of The Sun) as well. He's a piece of scum.

    • Love 4
  11. 15 hours ago, Schweedie said:

    In other news, I forgive Liverpool for that atrocious performance against Swansea after last night. Europa League final, baby!

    I can't stop smiling. They spent most of this season having me hold my head in my hands in frustration because they'd either be terrible or really, really good but the last few games in Europe have made me ecstatic for the future, Now they just need to finish the job in Basel and I'll be actually just fine with this season :)

    • Love 2
  12. 25 minutes ago, GreysFan89 said:

    Well whatever you may think of Shonda and co, they've at least got people talking and thinking about a subject that affects so many people but that so many others have outdated, harmful and insulting opinions on.

    Some of the responses (including ones in this very thread) have been maddening. Arizona, by law, is Sofia's mother too. Any judge worth their salt and who isn't incredibly prejudiced wouldn't throw that out just because they don't biologically share the same DNA.

    • Love 7
  13. 6 hours ago, diebartdie said:

    Best I could tell, in Titus' temple the backpack was connected to that old pod the a.i. creator had ridden in to get back to earth, that's how ALIE was uploading to the Ark. Still doesnt make much sense, how does the ark even still have any power? How is its orbit not rapidly decaying causing it to tear apart and plummet to earth? Anyway, that's WAY too much thinking!

    My science might not be great but even I was wondering about this. I guess we should hand-wave it away?

    I'd also like to add: if the season ends with them all being back on the Ark I might throw something at my TV.



    Unless I'm mistaken, Buddhists don't fight to the death to choose their next Lama do they? If they do, my mistake but if they don't, this is clearly another case of retconning no?

    I seriously am becoming quite bitter about this show lol

    • Love 4
  14. This season has been such a slog to get through. Like most CW shows, if you had decent writers on board and a showrunner worth his/her salt, this show could be good. There's moments that really work within each episode but they're overpowered by pure stupidity 90% of the time.

    I liked seeing Nyssa & Felicity within this timeline but I do wish someone had informed Sara about Laurel's death.

    Right now I'd keep Sara, Snart and Rory; take or leave Rip, Ray, Stein and Jackson; and shoot straight into the black hole the Hawks and Savage.

  15. I'm just glad that Arizona got sole custody. The stuff Callie's lawyer was saying to her about her nights out had me shaking my head.

    I did chuckle at Bailey acting like a lawyer on the stand.

    • Love 16
  16. 23 hours ago, henripootel said:

    This show, maybe.  I was camping in southern africa and out hiking around, my guide showed me a place on the river they called 'Crocodile Beach'.  I declined a dip but a few days later some kid from New York decided to swim across.  He got half-way.  His dad put up such a reward for his body that the locals scoured the river and actually found him, well, much of him, a week later about a mile down river.  I swung back through the area resupplying and there was this pickup parked in the hot sun, all by itself in the middle of the village.  I got within 300 feet and didn't have to ask what was in the back.  Poor bastard, but you should always think twice about swimming at a such a spot.

    Generally speaking (as a native from the area), it's never a good idea to go swimming in any river in southern Africa because of the wildlife there. Life tip for everyone :)

    Has Nick already gone through his withdrawal and I just missed it?

    • Love 1
  17. 39 minutes ago, rab01 said:

    2) That leads to Alicia with the pirates - her earlier radio conversation was partly a result of the shell her mother's been trying to keep her in all her life. Now, Alicia's trying to make up for it by trading her body and by abandoning her family for a chance at saving their lives. (I thought her face made it really clear just how sad she was at what she was promising.)

    This is something I think a lot of people keep forgetting about her. Yes she's book smart but from the very beginning of this show, we've seen that Madison has divided her time to Nick, Travis or keeping Alicia in the dark about everything. It seems (to me anyway) that she had to form connections with people outside of her family e.g. her boyfriend, the baby-sitter etc so when the opportunity came to connect with someone her age going through this apocalypse as well who isn't stuck on the boat too, she took it. It was dumb, so very dumb but I get it.

    She's shown that if you include her in what's going on she catches on fast (like sacrificing herself for her family and taking responsibility for the whole mess) but so far Madison (and Travis: really what's his relationship like with Nick & Alicia? We barely see that) have kept her shielded from everything they possibly could. I also think she might be manipulating this other pirate guy but we'll see where that leads to.

    • Love 4
  18. 1 hour ago, TexasChic said:

    Am I the only one that saw that as a direct ripoff of BtVS?

    Nope, right there with you.

    1 hour ago, Advance35 said:

    This is why I can't be mad at The Martell's or anyone else having it out for all of House Lannister.   Jaimie and Tommen thought Cersei had  Trystane murdered and they kind of shrugged, shook their heads and everything was still everything.  The entire family was/is more or less like that when it comes to their more sinister members and what they do to others.   It's that dynamic that makes me not blame their enemies for seeing the weaker or "seemingly" nicer Lannister's as fair game.

    Welcome back Jon Snow.  I honestly didn't miss him and would have been fine with the story moving forward without him but Ce Sera.   

    Count me in as someone who not only wants most (except for maybe Tommen but he might do something stupid yet) of House Lannister gone AND does not care one bit about Jon Snow coming back. When he died last season I was hoping that the show might stand their ground and veer from the books (which we can now assume that Jon Snow survives in them too) and leave him dead but the worst kept secret of the show was finally revealed and all I could do was shrug. At least Ghost still lives. I'm rooting for the direwolves to take the Iron Throne.

    When is Melisandre going to get hers for basically facilitating Shireen's death?

    I hate Ramsay and the less time the show spends on him the better.

    Tyrion has got to be the bravest or most insane person in the entire show. Who willingly goes right up to chained dragons and tells them a bedtime story? The entire time I was hoping they wouldn't try and find out how dwarf tastes.

    Arya's story is going nowhere right now and I'm getting a little bored with it all. Same with Bran's story.

    • Love 5
  19. Things are beginning to pick up now which is what I thought would happen given that this season would be 22 (?) episodes. On network shows, things really don't get going until about the 4th or 5th episode so we're right on track. I do wonder how exactly these pirates found out about their names since Alicia didn't tell them any of that. 

    I like the new guy, let him stick around for a bit show.

    Also, hello Jesse McCartney.

    • Love 1
  20. - I'm just waiting for someone to ask Callie what will happen if after the year, Penny decides to wants to work in Houston or something, will Sofia be uprooted again? I'll be waiting in vain with the writing on this show, I know.

    - I've always rooted for Amelia so it's nice to see everyone else joining the club :)

    - April & Arizona need to have a discussion about Arizona's role in taking care of the baby. She can be her friend or her doctor, she shouldn't be both at the same time.

    • Love 3
  21. 3 hours ago, blixie said:

    Murphy is now going to save the day because y'know letting a strong female character stay at the center of her own show was asking way way too much.

    Strong female characters left this show when they decided to give Bellamy the voice-overs for this season.

    I took the plunge and watched this episode because I was curious about Luna. I wish I hadn't.

    - I've touched on the retconning of Luna's character before but it was back again in this episode.

    - Speaking of retconning...5 months?! All of this has gone down in 5 months?! I'm sorry but how are any of these characters still functioning from a mental and emotional standpoint?

    - Excuse the language but eff you Bellamy! If it wasn't for the fact that you have unbelievably thick plot armour (Jason has already previously stated that Bellamy is a hero) I'd be actively rooting for your death. At least Finn went out after he was set up by the writers to act like an idiot but we're stuck with your stupid self forever clearly. "How long Octavia?" Seriously eff you bruh!

    - Pike the teacher flashbacks were like trying to make a stone bleed. I felt nothing and will continue to feel nothing for this incredibly frustrating character. No Wells, no Finn either. Oh and the great teacher that is Pike really emphasises his lessons by beating his students. Too bad all his teachings went out the window the minute those kids landed on earth (yes show, we haven't forgotten those first few episodes even though you clearly think we have).

    - I'm bringing this podcast by Mo Ryan and Ryan McGee that they did in January back because their concern over the Pike/Bellamy arch and how it could affect the show going forward was spot on, and they'd only watched the first four episodes of the season: http://talkingtvwithryanandryan.libsyn.com/episode-174-the-one-with-too-many-shows-to-incorporate-into-a-punny-episode-title  The 100 starts around 1h 23minutes. (Bolded for emphasis)

    - So Polis is some wannabe GOT-style city now? Writers, I know people have previously compared you to BSG and GOT (which...lol) but we didn't mean literally lift aspects of those shows and put them into your show without some amendment. It's tacky and shows a lack of creativity on your part.

    I had planned on maybe watching the rest of this season over the summer because of Clarke but the systematic destruction of her character to prop up Bellamy has me at breaking point. I'll watch the season finale and then I'm out. I can't take any more of the mess that's being served up as "groundbreaking" writing by Jason Rothenberg and his team of writers.

    • Love 5
  22. Isn't she slated for two episodes only? At least that's what she stated in another interview I think and then looking at her shooting schedule, it seems like she'll be a redux of the IQ: hyped up beyond belief only to last two episodes before she's killed.

    I think I've become very bitter about this show :)

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