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Posts posted by kdm07

  1. So after a re-watch and time to really soak everything in, I'm going to say I preferred this show to Daredevil. It took me a long time to get into Daredevil but Jessica Jones had me almost straight away. Like DannyFranks, I'm a guy too and I didn't have any problem with how female-centric this show is. If people want to dismiss it because of not enough men, then...well it's a shame they feel that way to put it politely.


    What I liked the most about this show was the focus on the characters (those are always my favourite kind of shows). No big action sequences, no large scopes in terms of story-lines, just people and their every day failings. I appreciated the small things like Jessica having to charge her phone every day or her one (or two) pair of jeans that she primarily wears. Then you look at the other characters who orbit her world. Apart from Kilgrave and Luke, they're all regular people dealing with regular problems which is all changed when they encounter the superpower side of the world. Not enough shows explore this dynamic and I don't need them to all do this but having a focus on the repercussions of being around someone with superpowers is something I've always wanted to see and this show provides it by the bucket load.


    Honestly, in my humble opinion, this is the best TV show (and close to being the best in all mediums) Marvel has produced to date.

    • Love 11
  2. I'm glad we got some answers about Kilgrave's past.  It was interesting.  There was a show called Alphas where  one of the characters,  Nina, had similar powers; she had been using them in order to get free stuff and having a life full  of luxuries, but she wasn't a psychopath so she  didn't go around hurting  people. Iirc, she couldn't tell either if people were acting  on  their own  volition or just following her commands. 


    OT: Yay, someone else who's watched Alphas is posting here too! Kilgrave's power did remind me of Nina's but she did use her powers for evil once (when she hooked up with her ex boyfriend). She definitely wasn't as psychopathic as Kilgrave though and she showed genuine remorse afterwards.

  3. I love her. I absolutely love her. There's not many characters that I genuinely love as much as I do with Trish Walker right now (Clarke Griffin from The 100 is another).

    They could've easily played her as the "normal" side-kick with all the clichés that come with that but they didn't. Not only does she take her own childhood abuse and try and conquer it without being self-destructive, but she also protects herself knowing that having a superhero friend always leads to danger for those around them. I also get the feeling that she safety-proofed her apartment for Jess as well (if she ever decided to move back in). She's a little reckless but her loyalty to Jess and her willingness to try even with all her limitations have endeared her to me.

    Her friendship with Jess feels real, more real than most TV friendships on TV these days. I'm not sure if the actresses knew each other beforehand but they make me believe that they've known each other for years. So far, the show gets an A+ on her characterisation.

    • Love 4
  4. Well, that was fun! I had no previous knowledge about Jessica Jones in the comics so I went into it as a newbie. Really enjoyed almost all the characters and the relationship between Jess and Trish. The only character I didn't care for was Simpson but otherwise, bring on S2!


    Side-note: it was nice seeing them tie into Daredevil as well by bringing in Rosario's character.

    • Love 12
  5. Okay so I'm doing a re-watch of S17 and I'm on the episode where they go from Norway to Russia (episode 6). I'm hoping someone here can help me with this. What's the name of the classical song they keep playing when they arrive in Russia (as they exit the airport and head for the clue box; before they start the detour)? I want to say it's Tchaikovsky but I'm not sure and it's beginning to drive me nuts. Anyone know?


    Answering my own question here: while watching the animated movie Anastasia with my little cousin, I realised that the music is an instrumental version of "A Rumour in St. Petersburg".

  6. Really, the word "mob" were in the dialogue?


    Sorry, no it wasn't. My memory isn't the greatest (too much happens in this show for me to keep track of everything) but there was definitely an implication that her father might be involved in organized crime. Or at least I think it was implied somewhere...right? (Someone back me up here lol)

  7. Also, did I hear correctly, when Anna said to Laurel something to the effect of that she, Laurel, had gotten through something with her father that was much worse therefore, shooting her should be easy compared to that?  


    Yes she did. The show has mentioned it before (can't remember when) but Laurel's father seems to be some kind of mob boss so I think Laurel may have seen her fair share of despicable things.

  8. I don't watch this show expecting a quality drama. What I love about this show, and Empire, is it's epic soapiness. The difference between the two shows this season is that HTGAWM is still trying to tie things together and making coherent storylines whereas Empire isn't (which I won't go too much into).


    Now that I've had time to process this episode, here are my thoughts:


    - I didn't like Asher's mother. At all. He wasn't grieving the right way so he doesn't care? Really? His parents explain why Asher is the way he is.
    - Frank and Bonnie (and to some extent Laurel) are something else. They stayed calm throughout everything and barely flinched even as Annalise herself was beginning to lose control.
    - I'm with Annalise here when she called out K4 (poor Asher, up until now, he always on the periphery). None of them, yes you too Connor, are completely innocent. Is she taking more than her pound of flesh from them? Absolutely but these people are old enough to know that once Sam was dead, they could've easily gone to the police and ended all of this mess right there and then. They didn't.
    - The only reason I still care about Wes/Christophe is because I want to know what exactly Annalise and Eve did way back when. The guy himself irritates me.
    - Annalise was definitely unraveling tonight but she still seemed to be thinking ahead as much as one can when every time their phone rings, it's another huge problem.
    - Lastly, February 11th is too far away but I guess I'll just deal.

    • Love 10
  9. Quick takes:


    - Wes is Annalise's son? It can't be that obvious right? Not on this show.

    - Bonnie killed the DA? Again, it seems too obvious for this show.

    - Welcome back Eve. I like you and you make Annalise smile.

    - Laurel was great in this. Her eyeroll at the doorman's attempted flirting was funny.

    - Frank is definitely that one dangerous friend you want in your corner. He's a fixer.

    - Please don't kill Oliver show.

    • Love 7
  10. Why did we spend so much time on Penny? Is Shonda pushing her down our collective throats so we'll just give up and accept her as part of the cast? Any of her added screen time could have gone to Jo, Arizona or especially Alex considering one of the patients tonight was a Peds case.

    • Love 3
  11. Kara is adorable!


    Some genuinely funny moments like the snake and Kara's face when Cat said she might be Superman's girlfriend went a long way in convincing us to stick with it. We (my sister and I) are in it for the long haul.

    • Love 5
  12. kdm07, I don't know how to feel about my Real Madrid this season. They're winning, but I can't say they've been enjoyable to watch.


    I just feel...frustrated. Take last weekend's game. They were cruising at 2-0 and then for some reason he made them fall back and defend. Why? I have no idea. They could've really killed the game off by pushing for more goals instead he made them drop back and it invited Celta back into the game. Something's got to give here.

  13. New poster (in this thread) and I'm delighted that we (being Liverpool) finally got our first win last night under Klopp. Now if he doesn't act with naivety against Chelsea this weekend, we could hand Mourinho another loss. I'd be okay with that :)


    Now I'd like for the injury bug to go visit another team please. We're only a quarter of the season in and we've already lost a lot of first team players for quite a few games.

    • Love 1
  14. Okay so I'm doing a re-watch of S17 and I'm on the episode where they go from Norway to Russia (episode 6). I'm hoping someone here can help me with this. What's the name of the classical song they keep playing when they arrive in Russia (as they exit the airport and head for the clue box; before they start the detour)? I want to say it's Tchaikovsky but I'm not sure and it's beginning to drive me nuts. Anyone know?

  15. The last show my sister and I watched together on a regular basis was The Legend of Korra. I think this one will be our next pick for weekly viewing. I'm also tired of broody heroes so this show is a welcome relief.

    • Love 4
  16. From what I read, the lions are used to being around humans . That is not to say that they are safe but that they are not likely to attack the people who feed them and care for them. Think about how infrequently Zoo Keepers are attacked by the animals they care for. It happens but it is pretty rare due to training, protections, and familiarity between the animals and keepers. I would have been nervous but that would have scared me less then flying over anything in one of those micro lights.


    It sounds like the animals that are used in this program have been raised by humans and might be released into a controlled preserve as a pride. Hopefully they give birth to cubs and raised those cubs. Those cubs are suppose to be taken into an unprotected preserve to live. The volunteers who have worked with these programs say that it is rare for the animals to be released and many of them are sold to preserves for paid hunts. The program we saw has actually stopped doing to paid walks with humans. Essentially, they have been abused and used to raise money for the owners of the programs but have had little to do with actual conservation.


    I know this is veering off-topic but I just want to say that Lion Encounter is actually still open. The Zambian side may have been shut down but the Zimbabwean side is still open to this day.

  17. How is walking with humans going to re-acclimate them to the wild?  Or learning to be afraid of human sticks?  I'm asking because I don't understand how that process makes them more adept in the wild.  I would have thought they would simply release the lions for a certain amount of time into the wild on their own to get them to re-learn certain skills


    Well, many people have answered you before I could so hopefully you got the info you were looking for.

  18. Arizona was hands down the best thing about this episode, she was cracking up.


    Her "Wait for it" line to Owen during the whole Penny reveal had me and the SO rolling. Can Shonda keep her light-hearted for the rest of the season? She's more fun like that.

    • Love 7
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